Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2011 07:32PM If you are ready for a change of life or you are just looking for an already fully
grown fruit forest, in the wonderfull climate of Tenerife, all treated ecological for generations, in the most outstanding natural surroundings... we love to make it available. WHO ARE WE? We are a married couple, Yasmín and Michael, taking care of this beautiful land (rented but it would be also possible to buy it), in which we found a old house that we have spent 1,5years renovating in a creative and ecological way (see pictures). We also have done our best to help the fruit trees to be more healthy and prepare a nice space for growing vegetables. We came here with the aspiration to bring into reality the base for an Eco-village project, for which we have created and nourish a Non Profit Organization called “The School of Creative Conciousness”. THE LAND Situated in a quiet area in the North-West of Tenerife, the land counts with 4 hectares on the side of a mountain, very fertile and with abondance of water. It is situated in a canyon that we call our little Machu Pichu. Half of a hectare is cultivated in terraces with 30 different varieties of fruit trees (avocados, mangos, oranges, lemons, limes, kakis, chirimoyas, macadamias, almonds, figs, starfruits, litchies, guaves, strawberry guaves, pitangas, apples, rose-apples, pears, plums, pomegranates, papayas, nísperos, treetomatos, one madroño, etc) and fruit bearing bushes like physalis, blackberrys... Everything treated organically and with love. The rest of the land is a hipericum forest and other autoctonus species. It has also a big water reservoir (shared with two neighbouring lands) which with a bit of cleaning can be also be used for swimming. COMMUNICATIONS Communications are good -it is only 5 minutes by car from the village and 10 minutes to the sea- and it has easy access to materials, events, shops... The village is really charming and people in general are very friendly. All around there are already quite a few ecological farms (some also for sale), and lovely alternative people from around the world living in the area. THE HOUSE The house is very artistic. It has two rooms (already there when we arrived), and a nice artistic bathroom with bath, a kitchen and dinning area plus studio space and a covered terrace that we made ourselves. There is also a big old room that needs renovation and that we use as storage room for tools and materials. The whole place is provided with free electricity in exchange of a water-pipe crossing the land. THE POTENCIAL The place has enormous potential, also in ways to make a living: the area is specially suitable for eco-turism (many beautiful walks depart from near the land), or as a healing and retreat centre, as way as selling the fruits and vegetables either on local markets or for exportation (already the production of avocados can be a good income and as they are so many varieties, we have avocados nearly all year around!) As the farm is in protected area, for the possibility of building other structures is needed to prepare an educational, scientific or social project and present it to the local authorities (which are very open and friendly). WHY WE LEAVE Although we feel tremendous Love and Gratitude for this place, in which we have learned so much and that we have come to call “The Sanctuary of Health”, we have decided to let our work and the land in other loving and caring hands who can give continuity to the vision creatively and in their own unique way, to help blossom and maintain this place as well as fully enjoy it. The reason we love to leave, is because we are also ready for a change and we love to explore already existing Ecovillages in our mind-frame and spirit. CONDITIONS OF THE LAND The land is rented to a nice elder couple who live in an ashram in India with their children and grandchildren. We have good relationship with them and we are happy to support them in their lives. They would be ready to sell but they are also happy renting it indefinitely. We would like to find people who “rise” in love with the land like we did, want to take care of it, and are happy to find an arrangement either for a period (or we would prefer long term), in which our work will be also valued so we can continue to do our work and service also elsewhere. We could let the whole place with all kinds of tools and equipement: like wash-machine, water-heater, gardening tools, wood working tools, furniture, tents, and a lovely conservatory, kitchen equipement, wooden stove, electric deshumidifier and even inclusively our lovely car (a Renault Kangoo in very good condition). CONTACT US For anybody interested we can send more pictures and videos and you can contact us by phone on 0034 634 50 28 72 or 0034 654 579 155 We speak English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese. Hoping beautiful people can join the vision and can continue to take care of this truly special and magical land! Blessing to all, Michael & Yasmín Re: DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN PARADISE?
Posted by:
Date: March 25, 2011 06:31PM Hi!
I am very interested in your post. I am a raw foodist and always try to keep a small garden wherever I have lived. I've worked on a medicinal herb farm when I was twenty and am always learning about plants. I've worked as a seamstress in varying degrees for the past 10 years. I am a 29 year old female and yearn to live closer to the Earth. I have a 4 year old daughter and I think it would be great for her (and me) to live and grow in such an environment. How much is the rent? How were you able to generate income to sustain yourselves? I would love to see pictures. Thank you for sharing how much you love this place in your post. Peace and Love, Jennifer Duvall jenniferduvall2002@yahoo.com Re: DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN PARADISE?
Posted by:
Date: March 31, 2011 01:22AM Namaste Yasmin and Michael, please send me an email when you see my message, I'd like to communicate with you regarding this opportunity. It is Z. Jai Ma! Also for anyone else reading this, my desire is to be living as a member of an Intentional Community, or small Community business, where my daily contribution is to help in gardening, growing sprouts and wheat grass, and also with the earth, growing vegetables, fruit and nut trees. Additionally, I'd like to help in preparing living and raw food dishes with the harvest. Please contact me if you have an interest in what I have to offer. Thanks. Re: DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN PARADISE?
Posted by:
Date: April 09, 2011 06:27PM I would love to learn more about this and possibly talk to others about a share situation. How much is the rent??
Posted by:
Date: September 02, 2011 05:46AM Yes I want to live in paradise but so far Im still here in the us nothwest in the rain and cold with very little sunsine except in the summer and I do have the same quastions like livacious and jennefer could you please let me know how I can get in touch with you through emai coz I tried calling the nr you provided but no answer my email is rosu929@comcast.net I would appreciate if you could email me some more info and then I can let you know about myself and my situation thank you m Re: DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN PARADISE?
Posted by:
Date: September 19, 2011 07:08PM I hate to say this..but this sounds like a scam. Anyone know if it is legitimate or not.
Posted by:
Date: December 14, 2011 04:21PM UNFORTUNATELY you are right this is a scam and there are a lot of them on here you just have to weed through the bad to find the legitimate. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.