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Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: January 27, 2014 06:55PM

This is really an interesting Video, especially where Michael talks about having Abundance for ALL and it’s based on Ancient Knowledge where every one Contributes their natural talents or acquired skills for the greater benefit of all in the Community. Interestingly, it has African Roots and is called UBUNTU. All ancient cultures shared this African System and they had different names for it, but it always comes down to the same thing. These ancient cultures survived for thousands of years NOT using Money and they all had a similar Philosophy - if it’s Not good for everyone - it’s NO good at all.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did and it would be great if others could contribute and add to my notes!

Michael Tellinger's presentation of the Annunaki and more! MUST WATCH!
2:02:36 Minute Video

1:20:46 MM
We are all born FREE on Our Planet (and yet)

We cannot move around freely
We cannot live where we choose to
We have to follow rules and laws that we did not agree to
We have to work to pay taxes
The restrictions are endless

Current Situation

Every socio-political system has failed us
Humans everywhere live in MISERY
There seems to be no happy outcome to the political and economic mess on this planet.
Every year, every month - it gets worse.
More poverty, hunger, hopelessness,
Global economic collapse is imminent.

One-third of the world’s food goes to waste.

We don’t need jobs - busy-ness - to keep you busy running around forgetting what you should be doing - what kind of life you should be living.

How did it get so BAD?

A small group of Royal-political families and banking elite families took control of the world
Started with the Sumerians - 6,000 years ago in the Middle East - Sumeria
When “Kingdom was lowered to Earth from Heaven”
Priest Kings - Suddenly appeared and took control of the world as we know it
What happened next… ?

These Priest Kings created Money

Money was maliciously introduced as a tool of enslavement

Money did NOT evolve out of Barter and Trade

Today there are THREE main banking families


They own all of the banks in the world

World Bank
IMF - International Monetary Fund
BIS - Back of International Settlement - Basel, Switzerland

Remember, Money doesn’t exist.

These banking families own the world ***
They Control our Governments
We are all their SLAVES

***If you don’t believe that, than you also haven’t done your homework.

Remember, Money doesn’t exist. Money is just empty promises. There is no thing as Money. 1:27:03 MM

1:28:27 MM
But what I found in the Bank Act of South Africa and I’m sure the same goes for the rest of the world, there is no definition for the word - Money. There is, however, a definition for Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Negotiable Instruments and I realized the banks don’t work with Money - the banks work with Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange and Negotiable Instruments and those are called liquid because they have value. They’re liquid valuable Instruments, Negotiable Instruments that banks work with behind the scenes. And this becomes really exciting and interesting, so we started realizing we could create Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange and Liquid Negotiable Instruments as soon as they have our signature on it and we started doing some of this causing trouble. Anyway, it didn’t get us very far because the judges didn’t understand this at all - they just thought we were causing trouble in courts. But nevertheless, what we managed to do in the 3 Supreme Court Cases that I defended myself against these banksters, we managed to get very important things out of the lawyers of the banksters - they admitted to everything we accused them of. We accused them of breaking the Contract Law because they don’t have what they pretend to loan - they don’t have the Money.

Remember, in Contract Law, you can’t lend something that you do not process, so that was one of our arguments. So we said, well, the banks aren’t actually banks because they don’t own any Money and they admitted, yes, no we don’t own any Money.

Judge, did you get that?

And then, we said, well, that means you’re an agent and you’re not a banker so you can’t charge interest and you can’t come after me because the Contract is Null and Void. And then, we realized that they Securitized your signature. They sell every document you have, every document you sign with your signature on it that has a value on it is sold in a process called Securitization. And this is a Global Industry, Global Banking Industry works with Securitization. And they’re very proud of it - they publish Securitization Information on their websites. But then, when you argue Securitization in court, they Deny it - they say, no, we don’t know what you’re talking about. And the judges don’t go do their homework - the judges are so blinded by the banks so the lawyers, (they just follow) they just can’t imagine that the banks could be lying.

So they agree they practice Securitization or first of all, they Deny that there is anything called Securitization, they accuse us of being fanciful and making things up and that they didn’t have Money to Lend. We accuse them of not having local standing or any rights to start the action against you because they sell your Documents and your Contract to a third party called a Special Purpose Vehicle and that Special Purpose Vehicle Company is a third party that takes complete ownership of your Property, your car, your Credit Card Debt, to an overdraft, everything is Securitized by the banks because they don’t have Money. That’s how they make Money for themselves - it’s all shuffling paper and bookkeeping entries and selling empty promises. And this is how Junk Bonds are created because once you haven’t paid on your bond, 3 months after you haven’t paid on your home loan, your bond, that goes stale. What the SPV does - they then claim Insurance on it and they file it, so SPV gets paid - the bank gets paid the moment they sell your signature to them. Everyone is being paid, but you keep paying for your home loan for the next 30 years. The moment you stop paying the bank comes after you - says you owe us Money - there’s a Contract my lord - see, he signed a Contract - he owes us Money. The judge doesn’t for one second say, well, let’s look at the Validity of the Contract. Do you have rights to this Contract? Who owns the property?

So this is now being exposed. We’re this close in South Africa (holding up his finger and thumb) - myself and Scott Candle from the New Economics Reliance are this close from bringing down the banks - this close - because they are lying thieves. What we’re talking about - the Global Banking Industry is nothing more than the Largest Legalized Organized Crime Syndicate - that’s what it is. So they’re a bunch of criminals - we’ve got to do something about it to stop it. 1:32:43 MM

1:34:38 MM
And this is linked to our Education System because most people are Indoctrinated into this way of thinking since childhood. 1:34:45 MM

1:34:45 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 00:00 MM
Our Education System has nothing to do with LEARNING

Developed and Funded by the banking families to condition humanity into following orders.

They Control the Content of all of the text books and transfer of Information

Our Schools are Indoctrination Camps to Brainwash our children to follow orders and bow to authority. It has nothing to do with learning people.

The Money Controls the LEGAL SYSTEM and the Courts

Economic Collapse is Here

Federal Reserve Spent $26 Trillion - to bail out top US banks

What do we do when it all COLLAPSES?

We have to find a NEW SYSTEM NOW

Our System Is Broken

It Cannot Be Fixed

We cannot continue doing what we have been doing for the past 6,000 years – that is Insanity.

So hopefully after 6,000 years we have now learned - don’t try and Fix the Current System - Change it completely.

UBUNTU Liberation Movement

UBUNTU Contributionism
A new social structure for a new world

Abundance for ALL - Based on Ancient Knowledge

Where every one Contributes their natural talents or acquired skills for the greater benefit of all in the Community. It’s a simple System. It comes with a lot of Questions because we’ve been so poisoned by Capitalism and Consumerism - raises many Questions instantly. But I’ve been through this thousands of thousands of times. I can already think or tell you what you’re thinking and I’m going to tell you what you’re thinking right now.

It goes back to African Roots called UBUNTU. All ancient cultures in their way shared this African System called UBUNTU. They have different names for it, but it always comes down to the same thing. It’s amazing that the ancient cultures survived for thousands of years not using Money and they Thrived as Foster Gamble would say. And they have a similar Philosophy - if it’s Not good for everyone, it’s NO good at all. And that is a beautiful Philosophy I’d like to share with everybody because I don’t want to do anybody harm. 1:37:38 MM

1:38:34 MM
Our Inalienable Rights

The country belongs to the people
The Land …
The Water …
The Minerals …
The Air & Airwaves …
The Forests …
It does NOT belong to the Government or large Corporations that have laid claim to it.

We have appointed our leaders to be our SERVANTS

To do the best for us - the people
To SERVE the people

The Government is NOT serving the people.

They are serving themselves and the Corporations that fund the Government.

They have turned the people into their Slaves.

The Government & Large Corporations Have Stolen The Country From Its People

We have become their Slaves and unless we do something about it, it stops. 1:40:02 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 3:03 MM

1:40:03 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 3:04 MM
How do we now this?

The Government of the Republic of South Africa & the Republic of South Africa are registered as Corporations on the US Stock Exchange, so they’re Corporations that trade us as Commodities.

Every week new Laws are made by the Government that we the people do Not want or understand

They use the Government Gazette as the vehicle to force it upon us

Our Laws protect the Corporations

They do not serve the people

Corporations have more rights than Living Breathing Human Beings

We need a whole New Legal System written by the people that serves the people

Everything in South Africa belongs to the people


The Government & Large Corporations Have Stolen The Country From Us - the People.


LOVE & friendship
Homes, tables, chairs, knives, forks
Technology & Healthcare
Arts & Culture …Everything we can imagine

We do NOT need Money!!!

Did you see Money anywhere in that list?

No, we don’t need Money.

Money gets in the way.

Money is an Obstacle.

Money does NOTHING

People do everything

People create the Art and the Culture

Money does NOTHING

Origins of Money?

Sumerian Tablets

The first forms of Money were really little clay tablets they were Tokens of Exchange and then eventually started minting them as you know.

For millennia great minds have stood up against the abuse of Humanity by Money

Julius Caesar – 48 BC
Took back from the Money Changers the Power to Coin Money and minting coins for the benefit of all.
With this new plentiful supply of Money he established many massive construction projects and built great public works (and we all know what happened to Julius Caesar).

St. Thomas Aquinas – 1225 AD
Charging of Interest is Wrong because it applies to “double charging,”
Charging for both the Money and the use of the Money
Church Law in Middle Ages Europe forbade the Charging of Interest on Loans and even made it a crime called “Usury.”

Jesus / Jeshua / Issa
In the last year of his life, Jesus used physical force to throw the Money Changers out of the temple. This was possibly the only time during the life of his ministry in which he used physical force against anyone.

Thomas Jefferson
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” 1:46:53 MM

1:46:58 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 10:38 MM
Money is the Obstacle to all progress.

The absolute tool of Control.

Prevents the Natural flow of Free Energy.

JR: The absolute tool of Control. Money is a Subsequent Need and is used to Control the Masses. All of our Needs are used to Control the Masses, Conquer Nations and Solve most of our Problems. Create another Need that’s Not needed, like a Subsequent Need, and then, you can Control the Subsequent Need. It’s one thing to Control Food and Water, but Money is Not an Essential Need - it is a Subsequent Need.

Money - it’s the absolute tool of Control.

Money prevents the Natural flow of Free Energy.

Money is a Subsequent Need that is used to Control the Masses.

How do you Control the Masses?

You don’t let them Satisfy their Needs.

1:46:58 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 11:54 MM
MT: Money is the Obstacle to all progress. It does nothing for Society. It is the absolute tool of Control by those who Control the Issue and Printing of Money. That’s why when I say they own the world, they do! They literally, physically own the world and each and every one of our asses. It prevents the Natural flow of Free Energy and that is very important to this weekend’s activities here. Money prevents the Natural flow of Free Energy, so I beg you - every one present here. Remember, it’s about Free Energy - not I’m going to make a billion dollars out of this Energy. Give it away for Free. It will come back to you in ways you cannot imagine. Do that one thing for Humanity. If you find any source of Free Energy, don’t try to make zillions of dollars out of it. It will Kill you or they will Kill you before you can get it out there.

Money is the Primary Cause for the 7 Deadly Sins. 1:47:50 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 12:46 MM


JR: Remember, Greed has nothing to do with Money - it has to do with the Dark Side of our Behavior.

1:48:17 MM
MT: It’s Not the Love of Money - it’s the mere presence of Money that Causes all of these problems. If you take Money out of the System, all of this stuff suddenly and miraculously vanishes.

So what is the Solution?

If it’s the mere presence of Money or the Love of Money or all of the above, what are we going to do to Solve the Problems?

The Answer is so blatantly obvious - remove Money - just get rid of it - get rid of it!

What do we need it for?

It’s Causing all of the strife in our lives. It’s destroying our planet. 1:48:47 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 14:00 MM

1:48:58 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 14:11 MM
The obvious Questions…

If you remove Money, …

…who’s going to shovel the crap?
…how are we going to pay for things?
…I’ll just sit on my ass and do nothing!
…I want 50 Ferraris!
…are we going back to the Dark Ages living in caves?
…is this a Lawless Society - who makes the rules?
…why should I do something I don’t want?

These are the first things now, these are the most commonly asked Questions and I’m sure that you’re asking some of thing to yourselves. But I can tell you that as you work through this process, an Abundant Society, a UBUNTU Society where everybody contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greatest benefit of all, there are certain minor rules, not rules, it’s really just an agreement that this is how we’re going to work together. The moment you start working in that kind of Community the Abundance is so spectacular that we right now cannot imagine it. It is not possible for us to imagine until you start immersing yourself in this kind of thinking. And I call these the UBUNTU Communities, as I said, where every one contributes their natural talents or acquired skills for the greater benefit of all in the Community. A new Social Structure for a new world and a new Age. Abundance for all beyond our wildest belief.

There are 5 Mantras - 5 Key Points to the UBUNTU Society and it’s not Barter or Trade. A lot of people jump to the conclusion thinking, oh, let’s go back to Barter. No, he has more to Barter or Trade will eventually Rule the Roost. So you can’t go to that System. If you have nothing to Trade, what are you going to say? Well, I’ve got nothing to Trade so I’ll have to kiss your butt. No!

So the UBUNTU Contribution Mantra is the 5 Points…

UBUNTU Contributionism

1. No Money
2. No Barter
3. No Trade
4. No Value attached
5. Every one Contributes for the greater benefit of all in the Community
Not Utopia
Natural Order of things

No Money
No Barter
No Trade
No Value attached to anything greater or lesser than anything else because why? Each one of our Contributions should be and is equally Valuable. If you start telling well, I’m a doctor - my time is more valuable than yours, you’re barking up the wrong tree brother.
And the final one where every one Contributes for the greater benefit of all in the Community because that is how you get rewarded - you get rewarded by the recognition of the people in your Community. Isn’t that the highest reward everybody wants? 1:51:14 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 16:28 MM

1:51:47 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 16:53 MM
United UBUNTU Communities
In Unity we Thrive
Anything is possible

A World Without Money

No crime
No envy
No gluttony
No greed
No hoarding
No hierarchy

No Obstacles to any kind of progress 1:52:10 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 17:22 MM

JR: Here are just the Slides without the Comments…

The Solutions Are Simple
Farmers – Scientists – Engineers

Transition will have to occur in simple steps that flow from one to the other

Firstly - Transforming our small towns and villages into self sustained Communities:

Energy, Water, Food, Housing, Arts & Recreation
Many Community Projects - rapid results

Absolute Abundance on all levels

Food Science Culture Community

[1000 people - 3 hours a week - 3000 hours]

(There’s a Principle where you create 3 times as much as you need for your own Community and I structure everything in the UBUNTU Philosophy on the Sacred Geometry Principles - 33 - 66 so you produce 3 times as much as you need for your Community.)

Children Follow Their Passions

Master Teachers
Practical Knowledge
To benefit the Community

Out of UNITY
Comes Infinite DIVERSITY

2:00:19 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 25:30 MM
So I’m going to end here because this is the end.

Join the UBUNTU Liberation Movement

2:00:40 MM or JR’s Audio Tape 25:52 MM [EOT 26:15 MM]
Thank you for listening. I hope I gave you some food for thought.

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: January 27, 2014 07:46PM

I like the Ubuntu operating system - but I don't understand all about the money/banking/Federal Reserve situation. What if we just go back to the Gold Standard like Ron Paul wanted to do?

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Re: Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: HH ()
Date: January 27, 2014 08:10PM

Boers, Apartheid, Mandela, etc...All of these "goods" and "evils" are nothing more than a web of distraction used to keep South African people at large from identifying the real crme that's been perpetrated against them...the theft of their natural resources by massive mining interests like Anglo-American [].

Anyway, sounds very interesting. I'll watch the video.

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Re: Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: HH ()
Date: January 28, 2014 04:56PM

From what I've seen of it, just over an hour, the Tellinger presentation is one of the more solid conspiracy oriented things I've seen. He actually has evidence and a lot of it. I love those rocks that resonate like bells. Interesting that he's working in South Africa and talking about gold while while Iserbyt is descended from Skull and Bones people who "started" mining operations in South Africa. When Tellinger was talking about the Annunaki wanting gold and being mistaken for God, it finally dawned on me how similar the words "gold" and "god" are. Can't believe I never noticed that before.

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Re: Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: April 21, 2014 06:53AM

John, this Ancient Knowledge ... Does it come from the Annunaki, the alien overlords who genetically engineered humans to mine gold for them in South Africa? This is a theory that Michael Tellinger espouses, the Annunaki.

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Re: Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: April 21, 2014 03:22PM

Bryan, that’s a great question and you maybe on to something. Another interesting question would be whether the Annunaki taught us to cook our food so we would be easier to control. If the Annunaki theory is true, it wouldn’t surprise me if the answer to these and many more questions were yes, but I have done very little research into this other than what Michael goes over in this video.

Here are a couple of videos followed by an article that you might be interested in…

Our Rulers the Archons and Gnostic Teachings
18-05-2012, 11:32 AM
Senior Member

Have any of you heard of the Archons? According to the Gnostic teachings, which were suppressed and destroyed by the Christians, our world is ruled by entities known as the Archons. The Gnostics also taught that the Earth is a conscious entity known as Sophia, that Jesus came to expose the God of the Old Testament and help liberate people from him, which is why he was crucified, and that knowledge is the key to enlightenment, not fear, guilt or ignorance as Christianity preaches. Check out these interviews about the Archons, and how they tie in with the Annunaki and Sumerian creation myths. This is very mind blowing new stuff. Jay Weidner's rule is "Whatever is suppressed the most, is usually what is closest to the truth."

John Lash - The Archons
58:28 Minute Video

10/02/11 John Lash: The Archons Alien Agenda, Predator Species - Red Ice Creations
1:05:09 Minute Video

6/10/11 Jay Weidner: Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey, Moon Landing, The Arcons, Humanities Split
1:49:00 Minute Video

The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion

Since the explosion of the ET/UFO phenomena in 1947, speculation about alien intrusion on planet Earth has been rampant. Half a dozen theories dominate the debate, but there is one theory that has yet to be examined. It did not emerge after 1947, but approximately 1600 years earlier. To be precise, the evidence of this theory came to light through a discovery in Egypt in December, 1945, although the significance of the find was not realized until — guess when? 1947.

In that year, French scholar Jean Doresse identified the Egyptian find at Nag Hammadi as a cache of rare Gnostic texts. "Gnosticism" is the label scholars use for a body of teachings derived from the Mystery Schools of pre-Christian antiquity. Gnostics who protested against Christian doctrines such as divine retribution and Christ’s resurrection found themselves targeted as heretics and were brutally suppressed by early converts to the One True Faith. This is the untold story of how the Mysteries ended. Since that signal year, 1947, some of the lost Mystery School knowledge has been recovered.

Gnosis (“inner knowing”) was a path of experimental mysticism in which the initiates of the Mystery Schools explored the psyche and the cosmos at large. Using psychoactive plants, yoga, and sex magic, these ancient seers experienced altered states and developed siddhis, occult skills such as clairaudience and remote viewing. Gnosis was a kind of yogic noetic science melded with parapsychology. In heightened perception, Gnostics developed a vast cosmological vision centered in a female deity, the Divine Sophia. The Gnostic creation myth is unique in that it includes a full-blown explanation of how inorganic alien beings came to be present in our solar system.

The Nag Hammadi material contains reports of visionary experiences of the initiates, including first-hand encounters with inorganic beings called Archons. Gnostic teaching explains that these entities arose in the early stage of formation of the solar system, before the Earth was formed. Archons inhabit the solar system, the extraterrestrial realm as such, but they can intrude on Earth. Interestingly, this Gnostic insight accords closely with the view of Jacques Vallee, who maintains that ET/cyborgs probably belong to the local planetary realm. Vallee also proposes that the ET/UFO enigma is a “spiritual control system,” a phenomenon that “behaves like a conditioning process.” (Messengers of Deception). This is exactly what Gnostics said about the Archons: they can affect our minds by subliminal conditioning techniques. Their main tactics are mental error (intellectual virus, or false ideology, especially religious doctrines) and simulation. Archons are predatory, unlike a wide range of non-human and other-dimensional beings also know to the Gnostics, beings who are benevolent or neutral toward humanity.

Physical descriptions of Archons occur in several Gnostic codices. Two types are clearly identified: a neonate or embryonic type, and a draconic or reptilian type. Obviously, these descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports to a T. Or I should say, to an ET.

Delving into the Gnostic materials, it is quite a shock to discover that ancient seers detected and investigated the problem of alien intrusion during the first century CE, and certainly well before. (The Mysteries date from many centuries before the Christian Era.) What is amazing about the Gnostic theory of the Archons is not only the cosmological background (explaining the origin of these entities and the reason for their enmeshment with humanity), but the specificity of information on the alien m.o., describing how they operate and what they want from us. For one thing, Gnostics taught that these entities envy us and feed on our fear. Above all, they attempt to keep us from claiming and evolving our “inner light,” the gift of divine intelligence within. While I would not claim that Gnostic teachings on the Archons, or what remains of such teachings, have all the answers to the ET/UFO enigma, one thing is clear: they present a coherent and comprehensive analysis of alien intrusion, as well as specific practices for resisting it. They are far more complete and sophisticated than any theory in discussion today.

In short, the ancient seers of the Mysteries in Europe and the Levant seem to have accomplished 2000 years ago what many of us have been attempting to do since 1947: figure out who the ETs are, where they originate, how they relate to us, and most important of all, how we ought to relate to them.

As far as I know, apart from myself only one writer on the ET/UFO issue has directly identified the Gnostic Archons with contemporary ETs. This is Nigel Kerner, whose book, The Song of the Greys, is a strange, singular and little-known contribution to the debate. Kerner cites the Nag Hammadi texts just in passing, and does not elaborate on Gnostic teachings about the Archons. He makes a strong case for alien interference with the human genome, but this claim does not stand up against Gnostic analysis. Gnostic texts use mythological language to describe actual events in prehistory as well as long-term developments in the human psyche. According to the ancient seers, Archons cannot access our genetic makeup but they can fake an intervention. Considering the confusion of humanity in modern times, a faked intervention would be as good as real. This typifies the Archon tactic of getting us to imagine and believe things that are not true, and to accept simulation for reality. In this way, Gnostics taught, these alien cousins can deviate the human species from its true and proper course of evolution.

The unique emphasis on the Goddess Sophia is the high inspirational message of Gnosis. The ancient seers taught that, through a special link to the Goddess, our species can overcome the Archons and secure a human, and humane, future for the Earth.

Use ET/Archon Navigator to explore further material on this subject in

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Re: Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: April 22, 2014 01:53AM

John, with the SwissIndo K681 release of enough gold to pay off all national debts, it the debt-based currency still a problem?

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Re: Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: HH ()
Date: April 22, 2014 02:49PM

Note that I, one of the shills on the payroll of the "rulers of the world," praise Tellinger in this thread.

What's this SwissIndo K681 stuff? I can't find anything on it.

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Re: Michael Tellinger - Energy Regeneration & UBUNTU Contributionism…
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: April 22, 2014 06:13PM

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