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Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 12, 2011 04:30PM

Two south-selves making out, that's funny Sue, interesting visual there.

And thanks Bryan, neat little sync that the author is a member here.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 12, 2011 07:03PM

Neat thread on kundalini about someone blacking out during seizure states:


I have taken the kundalini energy pretty far (or rather, allowed it to progress within me), so far that I feel if I were to take it further I have no idea what would happen.

I don't feel ready to surrender to the kundalini energy, as it feels as if something might be trying to possess me and I don't want to be possessed.

If I totally surrender to the involuntary contractions, what will happen?

My fear is that something would inhabit me and start walking around the world and I'd be stuck in a body that I no longer control. But do I even have control now?

In a way I'm surrendering to my fear, or my concern of possession. I'm surrendering to my desire and will to not be taken over by whatever this kundalini stuff is.

Maybe I'm being overly careful. Maybe the kundalini energy is good and loving and will only flow through me to the degree that I consent it to.

I just don't want to go over a cliff. I don't want to go past a "point of no return", but maybe I've already passed this point.

Weird life.



Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 12, 2011 07:08PM


I don't know but that referring to a completely negative and damaging spritual event using the term "kundalini" mightn't be a mistake. The previous accounts describe to me what in religious circles is considered demonic possession, which IMO must occur when one isn't fully conscious and in authority over one's faculties.

I believe that it is possible a soul, unlike a body, isn't necessarily a fixed aspect of one's existence, but perhaps is a nondimensional place that one's innermost consciousness occupies for a time. This would explain ancedotes of temporary nonphysical excursions elsewhere and your own experience of wrestling with something that is not you. Regarding this, and your wish to not be occupied by some entity from another universe[paging Philip Pullman!], but mightn't you, jono, be the "squatter" and some poor noncorporeal being from elsewhere is trying to get their place back? . . .

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 12, 2011 07:29PM

maybe the kundalini is just a vital force that flows along my spine, and is nothing to fear, i dont know

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 12, 2011 07:36PM

haha, maybe i'm the squatter, hmm could be Tamukha

and what is an entity anyway, where are borders drawn, maybe we are all a flow of One

so much thought play

maybe too much thinking

curiosity killed the cat hmmm

cats have nine lives


Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 16, 2011 03:21PM

Nice article details how kundalini is well to be blended with the holy spirit (divine love and grace), and the article differentiates between the two:



Kundalini and the Holy Spirit

There is not much awareness of Kundalini from within the Western paradigm. This lack of awareness in Western religious and spiritual circles has sent many people searching the Eastern teachings on the subject. Many have speculated that Kundalini and the Holy Spirit are the same thing. In the earlier stages of my ascension process, I used to think this was so, but as a deeper understanding grew through my experiences, I realized Kundalini represents only half the process, the Holy Spirit is needed to bring completion.

In the following quote from the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Jesus speaks of this two-step process: “By involution and evolution shall the salvation of the world be accomplished; by the Descent of Spirit into matter, and the Ascent of matter into Spirit, through the ages.”

Kundalini is the energy of creation. It initiates in the etheric body and enters the physical body via the nervous and endocrine systems. The purpose of Kundalini is to balance the two physical polarities (male/female) within the physical plane of consciousness. When this happens, the person’s consciousness is expanded upward/outward into the spiritual plane of consciousness, thus merging the physical and the spiritual bodies. Kundalini is the 'Ascent of matter into Spirit' in the above quote.

The Holy Spirit is spiritual energy which enters at the heart chakra and is the 'Descent of Spirit into matter' in the above quote. The Holy Spirit is an aspect of Grace, the unseen force that emanates from The Christ and permeates all of creation with the purpose of unifying, purifying and balancing. Grace is the purity of God as love itself; the Holy Spirit is its vehicle.

Kundalini energy moves from the ‘bottom up’, taking our lower nature into the spiritual realms. The Holy Spirit moves from the ‘bottom down,’ bringing our Divine nature into our earthly existence. Kundalini is the first half of the puzzle as represented in the Eastern paradigm. Through transcendence we move beyond the physical/egoic level and into the spiritual realms where we connect to the entirety of our Earthly karmic energies (past lives). These energies are purged through the Kundalini process. This is the stage known as ‘enlightenment’. The mistake has been that mankind has regarded this as the ‘end of the line’, when it is not. As stated above, the Kundalini process is the ‘ascent of matter’ and represents only half the necessary experience.

To embody love we must merge our human consciousness into Christ Consciousness and that occurs through the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit enters the human mind-body complex, a new being is created. This is the ‘Christ Body’, an energetic presence that encases, fills and permeates the physical body. This is the ‘descent of spirit into matter’. Through the Holy Spirit, we receive wisdom, love and guidance.

The Eastern paradigm for spiritual growth focuses mainly on transcendence of the earthly life, thus taking into account only the Kundalini energy and neglecting the necessity of bringing the Divine self back down to the physical plane via the Holy Spirit. Only when this happens, does total purification take place. This is why there is so much abuse among Eastern gurus; the vital ingredient of love (the embodiment of the Holy Spirit) is missing. The Western paradigm (Christianity) focuses mainly on the Divine energy as the Holy Spirit, not recognizing the Kundalini energy as the force that purifies the lower nature, thus making it possible to be united with the Divine self while in a physical body.

The following excerpt from The Narrow Path: Revelations in Advanced Spirituality speaks of the differences between Kundalini and the Holy Spirit:

Another area of confusion is that of Kundalini. Kundalini and the Holy Spirit are not the same thing. As discussed in Chapter 1, Kundalini represents the ascent of matter into spirit by creating the means by which the human consciousness of an individual incarnation merges into that of the soul’s entire individual experiences, thus clearing individual Earthly karma by merging the current and past soul experiences. This process expands the person’s consciousness from the physical plane into the spiritual plane.

The Holy Spirit represents the descent of spirit into matter and is the means by which we enter into the Christ-stream of consciousness, thereby bringing the consciousness of The Christ into human physicality. Through this process, a Spirit or Christ Body is created, which merges the physical, etheric and astral bodies into one. The merging of these three bodies into one is the ‘ascent into heaven’.

Rather than being sequential (i.e. one must pass through the Kundalini process, then through the Holy Spirit process), the new spiritual paradigm created by The Christ makes this one process. (That is, if one enters into the Christ-stream through the willing acceptance of The Christ as previously discussed.)

The energy of the Holy Spirit enters at the heart. This is because the heart is the intersection point where the higher and lower aspects of man become balanced. When the Holy Spirit enters, it will simultaneously awaken the Kundalini if the person is ready. In my case, the Kundalini awakened twelve years after I received the Holy Spirit. If more growth is needed, the Holy Spirit will guide that person’s growth until the time it is possible to clear the lower bodies (the ascent of matter into spirit) and ascend upward.

In contrast, when the Kundalini awakens without the Holy Spirit, it will awaken in the root chakra. This type of Kundalini awakening (common in the Eastern paradigm) results in only the ascension of matter. That is, the ego level is brought upward into the spiritual realm, but one is left feeling blank and empty because the Spirit/Christ Body does not enter to replace one’s sense of self. This is the state referred to in the East as ‘no self’. These are the types of Kundalini awakenings that produce the ‘horror stories’ in which the Kundalini process seems to go awry. I refer to this as biological Kundalini: the activation of the Kundalini energy without the descent of the Holy Spirit. Biological Kundalini occurs mostly in those who are within the Eastern spiritual paradigm or those without a spiritual focus of any kind. Rather than experiencing the infilling of the Holy Spirit which brings an elated feeling of love, spiritual understanding and guidance, they experience only energetic phenomena in the body and blissful states of transcendence. Those who experience these types of Kundalini awakenings have the most difficulty, physically, energetically and emotionally. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit, the expanded states of consciousness which accompany biological Kundalini do not bring love, wisdom, spiritual guidance and inspiration. Instead, the person is left feeling blank and empty, teetering between the two extremes of spiritual transcendence and physical density, wondering if they have ‘reached enlightenment’.

I have noted, in my Kundalini research and in my years providing Kundalini support for people, the absence of any description of the Spirit/Christ Body among those with advanced Kundalini who were operating solely within the Eastern paradigm or outside of a spiritual belief system. While they did experience Kundalini, they did not simultaneously experience the integration of the Spirit/Christ Body into the lower bodies. This is not something one could overlook. This integration of spirit into matter was foremost in my experience nearly every waking moment. While the Kundalini feels like energy that is moving up and through the body, the Holy Spirit feels like ‘love energy’ that is moving in and down into the body. Kundalini feels as if it is lifting you up through transcendence. The Holy Spirit feels like it is expanding you through love and teaching you how to hold that expansion in the midst of a daily life.

As previously stated, the Holy Spirit provides the descent of spirit into matter. Without entering into the Christ-stream, one only experiences the first half of the process (the ascent of matter into spirit). Without the infilling of the Holy Spirit, one is left feeling blank and empty, like living in a shell. This blankness is sometimes referred to in the East as ‘no-self’, which is aptly named because one has left behind the old (egoic) self and does not yet embody the Spirit Self. Without the infilling of Spirit, one is still susceptible to corruption by the lower energies within the Earth’s consciousness. The individual (egoic) lower nature has been purified at this point, but the planetary lower nature has not. This is why so many ‘enlightened gurus’ do very unenlightened things. The accounts of this are legion as, unfortunately, are the cases in which these ‘enlightened’ beings mislead the masses and become pawns for the lower forces that try to suppress the planetary light of Christ through the populace.

The end result of a biological Kundalini activation (if it comes to completion at all) is hitting the ceiling of ‘enlightenment’ and coming under the control of the forces that control the spiritual ceiling over mankind (for more information about the spiritual ceiling, see The Narrow Path: Revelations in Advanced Spirituality.) Such has been the fate of many Eastern gurus, both knowingly and unknowingly. As previously discussed, one cannot receive the Holy Spirit without the willing acceptance of The Christ at the conscious level of the I. Therefore, someone who has completed the Kundalini process without the infilling of the Holy Spirit still has the opportunity to willingly enter into the Body of Christ and proceed to the next level.

Kundalini and the New Earth

On the new Earth, kundalini is unnecessary and won't be a part of the human experience. The purpose of the activated kundalini energy is to clear the soul's karmic energy which kept it attached to the Earth and it's lower nature. As a soul ascends to the new Earth, the karmic energies are cleared through Christ. Thus they are free of these attachments as well as Luciferic influence. In addition, the second chakra is the lowest level on the new Earth, therefore the kundalini mechanism which sprang from the root chakra has been bypassed and eliminated through the Earth's evolution.

Solomae has intuited that during the next 7 years there will be an increase in kundalini awakenings. These awakenings will lead many astray as they will feel divine, but will be directed by the lower energies through the root chakra level which has now been cut off from Christ.

For those with active kundalini who were also in the body of Christ at the time of the second coming, the Holy Spirit would have taken over the process, negating the need for the kundalini's completion.


Re: Kundalini
Posted by: juicin' john ()
Date: February 16, 2011 06:01PM

"the way back home" is simplistic in its basic description and instruction for accomplishment ....but it will require a sincere and ongoing lifelong commitment to sucess. (one day at a time.)

it is possible to get hung up in a myriad of words and ideas which can only distract and waste valuable time.

kundalini.... from what i have been able to uncover about it... it is certainly is NOT something integrally useful for our "getting back home".


"In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which takes the place of a real function. When a man dreams instead of acting, when his dreams take the place of reality, when a man imagines himself to be an eagle, a lion, or a magician, it is the force of Kundalini acting in him. Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. A sheep which considers itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini. "Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized.' In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man can awaken. "Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or is awakening. "There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep--and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state; in hypnotic sleep the case is otherwise; there are no objective characteristics, at any rate not at the beginning of awakening; a man cannot pinch himself in order to make sure that he is not asleep. And if, which God forbid, a man has heard anything about objective characteristics, Kundalini at once transforms it all into imagination and dreams.

Ouspensky quotes Gurdjieff
In Search of the Miraculous


Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 16, 2011 07:38PM

Home is where the Heart is.

Heart is where the Home is.

Home is Heart is Heart is Home.

Home is Here and Now.

Heart is Hear and Now.

Home is Heart is Here and Now.

Hear Here.

Home is Heart is Hearing Here and Now.


Keep it silly salamander

Kundalini, simply a puzzle piece,among many, a powerful piece tho it be.

Beyond kundalini?

Beyond holy spirit?

Beyond love and heart and grace?

The ultimate sentient mind is that which all is one with.

The ultimate sentient mind is eternal.

The ultimate sentient mind cannot die.

The ultimate sentient mind is has been around the block infinite times and is maybe a bit nuts.

A bit nuts? Understatement of the millenium. The ultimate mind is @#$%& crazy, but crazy like a fox.

The ultimate mind differentiates so to feel as tho it can have a breather sometimes through the various ways of suchness, death and relaxing and chilaxing and for many animals laziness is an adaptive feature.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 19, 2011 03:41PM

This girl seems to have a full body orgasm while sharing the presence with the holy spirit:


What is the holy spirit?

I've been having full body orgasms and it feels like another presence is within me, it's kinda unselttling.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 19, 2011 04:03PM

jono, dear, you misunderstand Evangelism and its effects. However, the meaning of this image is now explained:


Re: Kundalini
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: February 19, 2011 06:56PM

@Jono: Oh. My. God. LOL! That was...different. It's almost pornographic. I like when the man went up there and asked for an ambulance. What could he say to the dispacher? "We have an orgasmic victim here. Please send help."

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: February 19, 2011 08:57PM

A neopagan webpage called christianity an antilife philosophy. Having to call an ambulance after preying seems to be pretty immediate evidence of that. Michael Angelo did a sculpture of Saint theresa which depicts some erotic fits of St. Theresa. Some say its not by accident that the angels arrow is pointing rather low.

Its probably a result of repressing the natural sexual needs.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: February 19, 2011 09:36PM

Jono--what sect is this? How did you come upon this video (pardon the pun)? They should title it: The Joy of Sects...

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: February 19, 2011 09:44PM

LOL! Banana who, Thats just too funny. Where did this happen again?

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: February 19, 2011 09:46PM

I don't know. Did you watch Jono's video? Honestly, it looked like it was a Mormon thing for some reason but I am not sure. It's strange because it is a video that can only be linked and not searched for. It's in Jono's post a few boxes up...

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:02PM

Yes I watched the video. I just missed exactly what was the event. It looks and sounds like a graduation invocation. Pretty strange however. He asked someone to call for medical help and otherwise seemed pretty disinterested, the ceremony must go on. Who knows what happened, but she must be someone who gets stressed under high emotions, maybe she felt guilty for graduating with decent grades. Idoly worship of intellectualism or something? I would like to be guilty of that to a very high degree.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:11PM

Well, I was focused on the sexual element, which I found pretty strange. It almost seemed like this was par for the course, which is maybe why that man seemed unconcerned. LOL--just pretty bizarre altogether but interesting to witness!

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Curator ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:14PM

never seen that response in real life myself, but have seen this video be4,lol

Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:25PM

I have seen it in church meetings where women speak about how strong they feel the spirit, or how much they love jesus or whatever. I heard it a number of times where the women sound like they are menstrating or having an orgasm or whatever. Some displaced sexual element because they have an unmet need.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:33PM

Um...menstruating or having an orgasm? So NOT the same sensation, LOL! Pretty funny stuff...

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Curator ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:37PM

possibly! it sounds especially likely within the women who try to deny their sexuality instead of embracing it, ive noticed many people in my life that do that, many who believe in no sex be4 marriage, dont realize that they can embrace their sexuality without actually compromising their moral beliefs... although I admit it would be more difficult in that scenario,LOL...

Me, I dont go to most Big churches really often, I find the over concentration on religion and rules kind of, er, distracting at best from what i feel is important, so it could be why ive witnessed so little similar behavior, I stick mostly to small groups, with similar ideals and open ness about their beliefs, as I have found very little acceptance for my beliefs within main stream churches...

Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: February 19, 2011 10:43PM

LOL: @ 1:47 she goes: "Mmm...Have mercy on them Lord..." All the while she is spasming...

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 20, 2011 02:54AM

Tamukha, cool sculture.

BW, I think I was entering into the search engine something like "kundalini orgasm" and found some blog page with a link to the video. I'm not sure what sect or what is going on.

I've been having full body orgasms and its like the voices in my head are disintegrating into eachother and reforming and merging and flowing and trading position and dissolving and it's interesting. I have a voice of a feminine essence in my head, also a strong male essence,and also the "little me" that still wonders what is going on, and all the voices seem fluid as one but can separate out, and maybe they are all me and all my imagination.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: jono ()
Date: February 20, 2011 03:01AM

An interesting read about God having sex with his creation:


"God makes love to his creation all the time!

He, for example, impregnates all souls male and female with the Holy Spirit."

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: February 20, 2011 09:04PM

@Jono: I am still trying to figure out why Youtube separates these videos like this...It said on the page that you can't look for it but must get a link yet you managed to circumvent it. I wonder if it's because of the content...But thanks for sharing. It looked to me like a Catholic thing but I am not sure.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 20, 2011 10:00PM

banana who,

I don't think they're Catholics; Catholics aren't anti-intellectual--she mentions regretting using her mind. I'm guessing Oral Roberts or Liberty Uni.


I linked to that sculpture, too. It's by Bernini, a later Neopolitan artist. It's always puzzled me that it's depicting a non-spiritual agony, although we were always taught the opposite by teachers. Unconvincingly.

Re: Kundalini
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: February 21, 2011 01:38PM

I always confused which artist produced what. There are some commentaries about the origin of the art work and criticism.

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