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"The Quickening"
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: August 15, 2011 03:05AM


I am watching this as I type this. It's very interesting and deals with the Mayan prophecies but claims that everything goes down on October 28th, 2011! Yowsah!

Re: "The Quickening"
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: August 15, 2011 03:27PM

I heard October 28th, 2012.

At the 42 minute mark, I felt my Spidey Senses tingling in anticipation of the mention of The New World Order, and lo, it came to pass! I am a seer!

On a serious note, I disagree with much of what the film makers posit, and suspect, though it has always been too recondite for me to grasp, that they are misrepresenting Buddhism and its teachings for their premise. Likewise the Hopi creations myths. The endless romanticization of the Maya, a brutal patriarchal culture that, yeah, had higher math, continues to baffle me. The astronomy stuff in the middle of the film was truly fascinating, though.

I personally reject the idea that the mounting abject objective evil enveloping the earth like a shroud is somehow part of a divine plan of light and peace; I think it's offensive to purport that the Taliban, say, have been sent from The Source to actualize our evolution. This is the worst kind of rationalization, because it leads to shrugging passivity. When I was first taught as a child in Lutheran school that all bad things cooperate with God's plan, I remember thinking, bull----! It struck me as being nonsensical and thus in conflict with what I believed is an inherently sensical creator force.

The underlying message of the film is that we should just let whatever happens, happen, because it's gonna all come out in the cosmic wash somehow. My brain literally cannot accept this as true. But the film was well made and the voiceover was well delivered.

P.S. Can someone please, please try to make a movie about global apocalypse without referencing "The Matrix"? Pleeeeeeeeeeeze?

Re: "The Quickening"
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: August 15, 2011 07:26PM

Tam, I shouldn't comment yet until I have seen the whole thing. I just started last night and did not detect passivity from the makers in the least.

You only really have two choices in life to believe: that this is a random, chaotic Universe or that there is Divine Order. Any negative experience we have (or any people/groups deemed negative) can most certainly be used as an example of what NOT to be and therefore can actually assist in raising consciousness in those who need it.

As for passivity, I think the illusion that we have control over what really matters is pretty delusional. As a famous guru notes: "You cannot hold your own stool, what to say of more important things." We can be Martha Stewart on steroids, totally organized, and a tornado can end the physical experience in a blink of an eye. I don't think it's fatalism to understand this. The movie (thus far) seems to be suggesting that we need to understand our True Nature in order to properly process these changes. And there ain't no certificate program for it!

Re: "The Quickening"
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: August 15, 2011 10:32PM

I have been listening to more of it today (I'm @ 1:00.48) and just heard the narrator mention to let go of attachment to the Material World. Now for some that may sound like gobbly gook or just plain obvious, but in the context of some major shift, it is sound advice. For most on here, that is probably unncessary; many seem to live simply or at least question the mainstream's way of living. But think of all the people you may know who live from consumption to consumption, fantasy football, golf, etc. I know many people who probably never think of why they are here. Even very ambitious people can totally assume that the goal of their lives is being "successful"(whatever that is), having X-amount of money and "stuff," and being married/having kids. Not downing any of those things but all are temporary.

Re: "The Quickening"
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: August 16, 2011 03:14PM

banana who,

Agree with the things the film maker says about materialism, however, disagree with the underlying premise that our letting go of attachments will somehow bring about a new evolutionary step--this presumes that all humans will ultimately achieve enlightenment in this plane of existence or, as they argue in the second half, those that don't will bring about a series of apocalyptic events that will result in pan-enlightenment. Suuuuper, in the meantime, the implication is, you that already grasp the inherent Truth sit tight while the world goes all to hell around you--it's all part of The Plan. This is an instance where the focus is too much on the outcome rather than the process. One could use this premise to justify all kinds of arbitrary evil, liker arguing that the people of Syria have no business trying to overthrow their despot because his existence and success are all part of The Plan or that we don't need to concern ourselves with anything that benefits our own local society because the bad as well as the good is all part of The Plan. I am not suggesting that the film makers are using a subtle form of psy-ops to convince us to lull ourselves into complacency because struggling against that which is patently evil is somehow against the will of the Creator or the Blue Star or whatever, but I can imagine someone cunning using the movie's ideas to argue just that.

Maybe I'm too cynical, or too Zoroastrian, but I truly believe that there is objective good and objective evil at work in this world, and that the Creator or Source or whatever, expects us to take sides, well, the right side. The film's employment of the fallacy of false equivalence--there is no need to assume that there is a right way and a wrong way, to discern good and bad, because it's all the same--raised a big red flag for me. To believe this, one must be capable of seeing the unknowable overarching cosmic picture in which actual evil done to others has a neutral impact because it is irrelevant. I do not believe in a cosmology in which this applies. And, as I dwell on this earth, and not in a Buddhist temple, I cannot apply that philosophy to everyday life!

Re: "The Quickening"
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: August 16, 2011 09:59PM

Tam, the problem is that we cannot really "do" anything in this world even when we try. Oh yeah, if people are ready to hear what we have to say but oftentimes the do-gooders get frustrated because the people are not ready to move on to the next level. We like to have life appear to us predigested and very neat into "good" and "bad" categories. I think that duality is what causes all the sorrow on this plane. Look at how we try and live simply, eco-friendly-like and the vast majority of people cast aspersions on such a "hippie" attitude. Most people cannot even fathom how raw fooders and vegans eat and live. We can preach but in most cases that will not accomplish anything good.

I shouldn't be commenting because I am still watching this thing but so far I don't get any encouragement to be passive. But this movie so far seems designed to calm our fears on an emotional level, not instruct us on any other actions we take. Look at how many people freak out when the economy tanks. It can manifest in a myriad of ways with tragic results. If we have intense earth changes, those who are living on the most superficial levels will be very bewildered. I might be scared to death but I will at least be forewarned.

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