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Australia is US
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: April 13, 2013 09:33PM

This is what happens when the gun-grabbers get in power - must see viral video - less than 7 minutes -

Gun Control - Watch What Happens When Guns Are Banned.



Opinion from the Gun Grabbers -

(It looks like this guy is re-thinking gun control -)


"The public, liberals included, reflexively backs state violence. Only in America is a state headed by a Nobel Peace Prize winner who's bombed seven countries and asserts the right to globalized kidnapping, torture and secret kill lists not seen as the grotesque absurdity it is."

... but in the end, his ideology got the better of his common sense. So then he has to go through all kinds of convoluted logic, contortion, spinning and twisting to justify his position -

"Thus, the left should connect the dots by framing gun restrictions as part of the effort to limit police powers, abuses and surveillance. Central to the left project is demilitarizing society, and by using this as the umbrella, gun control can provide an opening to shackle the state instead of the people. But first, the left needs to rethink the role that violence plays in social change."

And finishes up showing his hypocrisy by declaring Christopher (he calls him "Chris"winking smiley Dorner a HERO for killing a bunch of people -

"I got a taste of this false sense of power during ex-cop Chris Dorner's war against the LAPD. The paranoia in Los Angeles was palpable, with the incessant thump of choppers, jumpy cops and locked-down schools. The police verified Dorner's bitter manifesto by shooting up innocents and neighborhoods, and engaging in what appears to have been his pre-meditated murder. Dorner was lionized as a folk hero - with tens of thousands of people liking dozens of Facebook pages - and one commentator comparing him to a real-life Django Unchained."

(Wait - so Christopher Dorner was a Hero for killing four people, but when someone who's not a leftist kills people, we have to take away everybody's guns ...I'm confused....Dorner the Leftist killer=good, regular killers=bad and so 'The State" gets to take everybody's guns from them....Oh, I get it now)


Here's another gem -

"Likewise, the left looks for silver bullets to its predicament of powerlessness. Refusing to engage with the state doesn't make it disappear; it just becomes a bigger threat. Trying to use the state apparatus to constrict the state is tricky, but many cherished freedoms - from habeas corpus to abortion rights to freedom of speech and assembly - involve precisely that. Otherwise, we sit back and watch as the state grows more powerful"

Memo to this guy: The left Loves "The State' and they don't want to 'constrict The State' they want "The State" to become even more powerful, as in bigger government, more taxing, more spending, more borrowing, more laws, more regulations, more government take-overs, more taking away the citizens' rights via Gun Control.

How are you going to have a revolution without guns or at least die trying to save yourself and your family?

But your 'leader' wants to take away your guns, so that's fine with you.

Bottom Line - We have a Right to protect ourselves against criminals and "The State".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2013 09:37PM by KidRaw.

Re: Australia is US
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: April 17, 2013 10:17PM


Re: Australia is US
Posted by: Trive ()
Date: April 17, 2013 11:44PM

When I lived in New Zealand there were very few gun-related crimes and I felt very safe. Even the police did not carry guns. When there was a serious crime, the Armed Offenders Squad was called out, but that was rare. Here are the TOTAL HOMOCIDES IN NEW ZEALAND each year from 2000 to 2009 from <> the first site that came up on google:

2009: 11
2008: 7
2007: 5
2006: 7
2005: 9
2004: 6
2003: 6
2002: 8
2001: 7
2000: 7

The rate of gun homocides per 100,000 people in

New Zealand vs. US:

2009: 0.26 2009: 3.75
2008: 0.17 2008: 4.01
2007: 0.12 2007: 4.19
2006: 0.20 2006: 4.29
2005: 0.20 2005: 4.18
2004: 0.10 2004: 3.97
2003: 0.10 2003: 4.11
2002: 0.20 2002: 4.11
2001: 0.20 2001: 3.98
2000: 0.20 2000: 3.84

Quite a difference!

My husband got a shot gun to have on our farm there for controlling rabbits (which are a non-native pest in NZ) and had no problem getting it. There was paperwork and an interview to show my husband was sane and responsible and that he had a place to keep it locked up and he was happy to comply.

Unfortuntely, it's way too late in the US to have a sane system of gun control.
Very sad.

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