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Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 02, 2014 06:31PM

This is a very interesting 3 Part Video that is a MUST SEE for everyone who wants to understand what the 20th Century was all about and what might be in store for all of us in the 21st Century!

In this Post, I will only include the description that comes with all 3 Videos and since it’s a lot to take in with 1 Post, I will add each Part as a separate Post.

Once again these are MUST SEE Videos and for everyone’s convenience I transcribed over 90% of these Videos and put some of the most important points in bold, so be sure to read those parts!!!

Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network

Zionism is a tricky subject.

It is a Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network, and yet its key premises and actions cannot be openly debated. So powerful are they, that key words have been misappropriated and misused.

All genuine criticism of Zionism is automatically branded and disqualified as "Anti-Semitism", "Discrimination".

All public debate on the political abuse and misuse of "The Holocaust" is branded as "Revisionist Denial", "Anti-Semitism", "Hate Mongering", etc...

This is all tantamount to Intellectual Terrorism.

It needs to be stopped, otherwise the New World Order cannot be properly understood, assessed and its destructive force mitigated.

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 02, 2014 06:37PM

Here is Part 1 of 3 and once again, be sure to read what’s in bold

Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network - Part 1/3
10:04 Minute Video

JR’s Notes:

Hello, I’m speaking to you from Argentina a faraway country that has suffered far more than has benefited from the New World Order Leviathan and its Global Power Politics. 0:14 MM

0:42 MM
To understand what is going on in the New World Order, we need to understand how the Power Elites operates, what are its Objectives, Goals and Motivations, where are they taking us and very importantly, who they are. Only then can we begin to understand what all of this really means. We’ve said it before; things are NOT what they seem. The wool has been pulled over our eyes. We need to awaken; otherwise, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness will soon be gone from the United States, from Europe, from Argentina, from Latin America and from the world over.

The New World Order Elite steps very hard on all of us. They want to make you think that it’s the people who decide, that it’s Economic Law that governs Markets and its crisis. They want to make you think that it’s Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand that calls the shots on Markets, on Trends, on Styles, on Stock Markets, on Foreign Exchange, on the Rankings of Companies, even in Culture, they will let you know that, they will make you think that the Market says which are the best sellers, which are the hits, even in Culture. It’s always the Invisible Hand of the Market.

Now I ask you - have you ever seen an Invisible Hand? And if it were made Visible, have you ever seen a Hand floating in space? I haven’t - I can’t even image one. Because you see it’s Not the Hand that counts - it’s the Muscular Arm that wields it - it’s the Muscular Arm that moves the Hand and above that it’s the Powerful Brain that Controls the Arm.

Now that’s the question. Only when we understand these things can we begin to fathom what the 20th Century was all about. We have seen one hundred years of wonderful technological prowess and scientific leaps, but we have also seen tragic gigantic strides backwards through hideously bloody wars that have left 150 Million people dead, people’s minds deranged, people’s health and well-being demolished, the destinies of millions upon millions blown away like a ship smashing against a rock in a monster’s storm, the maps of countries have been redrawn, some countries have been made to disappear, others have been imposed by force, people have been displaced, hunger, illness, violence, death, perversions of all sorts, destruction of the Environment, mass robbery of people’s savings, pensions, livelihoods, jobs.

Yes indeed, the EVIL one seems to have been let loose for quite a while. In the 21st Century, we seem to continue on the same path to destruction and we now run the risk of derailing Western Civilization, at least, of being dragged to the edge and falling into a deep crevasse of which there will be no return.

So let’s open our eyes, let’s open our ears, our minds and our hearts. I say this because I want to address today with you a very sensitive and tricky subject that is, nonetheless, vital if we are to fully grasp what on Earth is going on. I know that many of you will be put off by what I’m about to say, nevertheless, this subject must be addressed in a balanced, honest and dispassionate way.

Yes, it’s the Z word - Zionism.


Because Zionism is a force that has to be reckoned with and yet, there is so much confusion over the subject and it is used and misused that I feel that it’s engineered confusion. Highly charged emotional words are being used that are misappropriated and are being misused for very specific political ends. You see, words are Power, words are Weapons, words can be missiles, words can be friendly fire against the other guy or they can be enemy fire to kill ideas, words are one of the axes of psychological operations and psychological warfare, words are Power.

Let me mention 4 words. Zionism is one of these words. Anti-Semitism is another one of these words. Discrimination is yet another. And yes, even Holocaust is so powerful that it has now taken up theological overtones. So let’s go one at a time.


Zionism yields huge power in the United States, in Europe, in Argentina, in the Global Power Structures. You see, Zionism is a Political Ideology, so why should it concern us? Because it is represented by very small groups of people wielding gigantic in parts of power. And too much power in too few hands is dangerous because it is anti-democratic and it can end up stifling Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

So first of all, before we even take this one step forward, we have to make a clear distinction amongst 4 key categories.

First of all, the Jewish people, an ethnic group with roots going back many millennia. Today, it is a very small; I would even say a tiny community. 16 Million people, 16 Million Jews out of a total global population of 6.7 Billion people - that’s 0.2% of the population - that is the Jewish Community spread throughout the world.

The second category - the Jewish Religion - more than 5,700 years old. Theologically, it’s not intrusive, it’s not evangelical, they never want to convert you, they don’t bother anybody and I believe in the 21st Century, to Discriminate somebody on the account of their Religion is unacceptable, is totally stupid and cannot even be considered. So Discrimination against any Religion is totally out of the question.

The third category - Zionism - a Nationalistic Political Ideology founded at the end of the 19th Century notably by Leon Pinscher by Theodore Herzl, a Venice Lawyer, Ginsberg and a few others financed by Rothschild’s, the Warburg’s, the Schiff’s, the Haier’s and many others. It is the territorial counterpart of Zionism today is the state of Israel. One very important thing that I will say several times - Not all of the Jews are Zionists - Not all Zionists are Jews.

The fourth category - the state of Israel - a foreign country, at least from my point of view, with specific interests and objectives that was created in 1948 and since then, has been permanently at war. We cannot speak of independence of the state of Israel - independence of whom? 7:28 MM

9:55 MM
I insist - Not all Jews are Zionists - Not all Zionists are Jews.

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 02, 2014 06:38PM

Here is Part 3 of 3 and once again, be sure to read what’s in bold

Salbuchi - Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network - Part 3/3
9:45 Minute Video

JR’s Notes:

This question was recently posed very discreetly by Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson, but he was branded immediately a Revisionist, a Denier, an Anti-Semite, abused, insults, discredit, all of the noise in the world, but this question is never been addressed because the question that is being asked - Why is there no serious, historical investigation? That is never addressed.

How powerful are the Zionists that even the Vatican trembles with unholy fear?

2nd Question: If European Jews were Persecuted in Europe by Europeans - the Germans, the (?) and others, why was the territorial reparation exacted from the Palestinians who had no role in that Persecution? Israel, in actual fact in 1948, did not win independence, they violently usurped Palestine driving millions from their homes using terrorist’s tactics. There were 4 major terrorist organizations at that time - the (?), the (?), the (?) and the (?) - they were terrorist organizations and in 1948, these 4 organizations merged into what is known now as the Israeli Defense Forces, in other words, the armed forces of the state of Israel.

3rd Question: If Europeans Persecuted the European Jews, shouldn’t they have to give up part of their territory to the Zionists, so that they can set up their homeland there? Why not give them a part of Bavaria or Schleswig-Holstein in Germany so they can set up their Zionists State? You know, there’s still time to right these wrongs. You can create and finance a Zionists State in Europe, resettle all of the Israelites there and give Palestine back to the Palestinians then you will see how quickly we will be on the road towards pacification of the Middle East.

4th Question: Why is Persecution of Jews put on a class of its own differentiating it from other Genocides and Persecutions of the 20th and 21st Centuries? As I said at the beginning, over 150 million people were killed in a dark and long list of War and Genocide. Russians, Ukrainians, Cambodians, [+32] …it’s a horribly long list of murdered people. But why only one of these mass murders is given a differentiating, almost a Religious Aura and even a specific name, a brand name, a trade mark, the Holocaust setting it aside and giving it a special superior category from all others? I ask you - are dead Jews worth more than other dead people? If so, the corollary is obvious - living Jews are also worth more than other peoples - living Jews are worth more than Palestinians than Lebanese than Iraqis. I hate to say it this way, but at least, let’s bring it out in the open - what is the rate of exchange that we have to apply here - 1 Jew worth 10 Syrians or a 1,000 Lebanese or 10,000 Palestinians or 1 Jew worth 100,000 Iraqis? The insinuation is very clear for all - are Jews somehow superior to the rest of mankind because they are Gods chosen people? But which God - a Cosmic God chose them - a Christian God chose them or is it the blood thirsty demiurge of the book of Deuteronomy or the book of Judges and the book of Esther in the Bible? Let’s let in an honest breathe of fresh air, let’s bring this out in the open, let’s voice it clearly, at least let Zionists have the honesty of saying it outright - all men are Not created equal.

5th Question: Why is open debate so much feared? Why are people that are asking these questions immediately reviled, attacked, disqualified, insulted, ridiculed, misquoted, mishandled, misjudged? I insist, it is 0.2% of the global population doing this to the other 99.8% of the rest of us.

6th Question: You see today, the Holocaust is touted as a historical fact, but in fact, it is a Credo and it must be accepted and believed exactly as the myth has been concocted. No investigation, No rationalization, No public debate, No discussion, it must be believed just like a Christian must believe Christ was the son of God, that he was resurrected after the Crucifixion and that he was raised to heaven and that he shall return to judge us all. If you do not accept this Dogma, it’s simple - you are Not a Christian. Come to think of it, the Holocaust Dogma is so powerful that today it’s almost on par with the Christian Dogma. The Holocaust is a guilt generation machine bent on making us all aware and feeling guilty even if you were not there, even if you were not a Nazi, even if you were not even born, as I was not born at that time. It’s generational guilt on the sons and the sons of sons.

7th Question: JR: He messed up and missed this query and went straight to the 8th Question.

8th Question: In the so-called West, are we seeing the suffering of one on the cross who died for the sins of mankind being replaced by suffering of 6 million [s/b 200,000] in the Holocaust who died because of the indifference of humanity? Is the Vatican Church even listening to this?

9th Question: How is it that the whole world press aligns behind the Zionists Creed, which I insist only represents 0.2% of the world population? Is there so much Power in the hands of Zionists leadership that that 0.2% can impose its will on the remaining 99.8% on mankind? Isn’t this a case of gross and blatant Discrimination by a tiny and yet, immensely Powerful minority against the vast majority of peoples in every corner of the world in almost every country?

The history of the Jews is one of suffering and Persecution. They have constantly be wailed the curse of Anti-Semitism. It’s true, Jews have been Persecuted and they have been expelled since time immortal. Jews were expelled from Babylonia. Jews were expelled from Egypt in ancient times. They were expelled from Palestine by the Romans in the year 70 AD. They were expelled from England in 1289. They were expelled from Spain and Portugal in 1493. They were expelled from France, Germany, Australia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, they have been Resisted and Discriminated over the past century in the United States, in the United Kingdom, in Europe, in Latin America, in India, in Argentina even.


Theodor Herzl, the father of Zionism, states in his book, The Jewish State, wherever Jews go, they carry Anti-Semitism with them. So it’s really an either or. Either all peoples of the world through Humanity through the millennia of time and geographical space, all suffer from a common mental illness or disorder called Anti-Semitism, of which the Jews are simply innocent victims or something in Jewish Social Behavior or at least on the part of their Elites elicits growing Resistance among host populations that leads to Discrimination, Resistance and Expulsion. Which will it be?

Therefore, we need to openly debate these key questions - Zionism, Anti-Semitism, Discrimination and the Holocaust. That is a key factor to understand the New World Order because it’s the rationale behind it. It’s a sort of missing link, without it, the whole rationale of the violent world can hardly be understood. And Jewish Communities the world over should be the first to help us by bringing themselves to understanding the terrible things that are being done in their names by their own Elites. We ask honest Jewry to consider all of this and to help stop Zionist Violence even as a way of putting themselves out of harm’s way because suffocating debate will only make the whole thing worse, it will make the Zionist problem grow worse and it will make future reactions even worse.

Now I know that this is a sensitive subject, but I owe it to myself, my people and to my fellow men the world over to say it as I have - you cannot understand the complex driving forces behind the New World Order over the past century till today if you ignore one of its most powerful and key factors - Zionism. It’s tuff, yes, indeed, the TRUTH hurts.

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 02, 2014 06:44PM

Out of everything this Argentinian said, I thought that this was one of his most interesting points:

The history of the Jews is one of suffering and Persecution. They have constantly be wailed the curse of Anti-Semitism. It’s true, Jews have been Persecuted and they have been expelled since time immortal. Jews were expelled from Babylonia. Jews were expelled from Egypt in ancient times. They were expelled from Palestine by the Romans in the year 70 AD. They were expelled from England in 1289. They were expelled from Spain and Portugal in 1493. They were expelled from France, Germany, Australia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, they have been Resisted and Discriminated over the past century in the United States, in the United Kingdom, in Europe, in Latin America, in India, in Argentina even.


Theodor Herzl, the father of Zionism, states in his book, The Jewish State, wherever Jews go, they carry Anti-Semitism with them. So it’s really an either or. Either all peoples of the world through Humanity through the millennia of time and geographical space, all suffer from a common mental illness or disorder called Anti-Semitism, of which the Jews are simply innocent victims or something in Jewish Social Behavior or at least on the part of their Elites elicits growing Resistance among host populations that leads to Discrimination, Resistance and Expulsion. Which will it be?

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 02, 2014 06:51PM

Here’s something else that this Argentinian said that I thought was very thought provoking:

4th Question: Why is Persecution of Jews put on a class of its own differentiating it from other Genocides and Persecutions of the 20th and 21st Centuries? As I said at the beginning, over 150 million people were killed in a dark and long list of War and Genocide. Russians, Ukrainians, Cambodians, [+32] …it’s a horribly long list of murdered people. But why only one of these mass murders is given a differentiating, almost a Religious Aura and even a specific name, a brand name, a trade mark, the Holocaust setting it aside and giving it a special superior category from all others? I ask you - are dead Jews worth more than other dead people? If so, the corollary is obvious - living Jews are also worth more than other peoples - living Jews are worth more than Palestinians than Lebanese than Iraqis. I hate to say it this way, but at least, let’s bring it out in the open - what is the rate of exchange that we have to apply here - 1 Jew worth 10 Syrians or a 1,000 Lebanese or 10,000 Palestinians or 1 Jew worth 100,000 Iraqis? The insinuation is very clear for all - are Jews somehow superior to the rest of mankind because they are Gods chosen people? But which God - a Cosmic God chose them - a Christian God chose them or is it the blood thirsty demiurge of the book of Deuteronomy or the book of Judges and the book of Esther in the Bible? Let’s let in an honest breathe of fresh air, let’s bring this out in the open, let’s voice it clearly, at least let Zionists have the honesty of saying it outright - all men are Not created equal.

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: February 02, 2014 06:59PM

I'll give that info to my husband because he's into the whole Israel situation. He has conversations with Jewish friends of ours and discusses the whole thing with them - it's so complicated and there's so much history, I can't handle it. I just don't get why the American Jews always vote overwhelmingly Liberal when it's the Conservatives who love and are very protective of Israel.

Re: Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 02, 2014 07:07PM

<<<...who love and are very protective of Israel.>>>

Love has NOTHING to do with protecting Israel!!!

Re: Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 02, 2014 07:37PM

<<<I'll give that info to my husband because he's into the whole Israel situation.>>>

These Videos go way beyond the "whole Israel situation" and as I mentioned in my OP, these Videos are MUST SEE Videos for everyone who wants to understand what the 20th Century was all about and what might be in store for all of us in the 21st Century!

KR, this is not very complicated and it behooves you and everyone else to listen to these Videos and/or read my notes!!!

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Intellectual Terrorism - The TRUTH Hurts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 03, 2014 04:59AM

Once again, one of his most interesting points out of everything this Argentinian said was:

The history of the Jews is one of suffering and Persecution. They have constantly be wailed the curse of Anti-Semitism. It’s true, Jews have been Persecuted and they have been expelled since time immortal. Jews were expelled from Babylonia. Jews were expelled from Egypt in ancient times. They were expelled from Palestine by the Romans in the year 70 AD. They were expelled from England in 1289. They were expelled from Spain and Portugal in 1493. They were expelled from France, Germany, Australia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, they have been Resisted and Discriminated over the past century in the United States, in the United Kingdom, in Europe, in Latin America, in India, in Argentina even.


Theodor Herzl, the father of Zionism, states in his book, The Jewish State, wherever Jews go, they carry Anti-Semitism with them. So it’s really an either or. Either all peoples of the world through Humanity through the millennia of time and geographical space, all suffer from a common mental illness or disorder called Anti-Semitism, of which the Jews are simply innocent victims or something in Jewish Social Behavior or at least on the part of their Elites elicits growing Resistance among host populations that leads to Discrimination, Resistance and Expulsion. Which will it be?

I just got this email today and it confirms what Salbuchi says above…

'Jews, Out of France!'
First Publish: 1/29/2014, 9:04 PM

Chants include "Jews, France is not yours!" "Jews out of France" and "The story of the gas chambers is bull***!"


Once again, “it’s really an either or. Either all peoples of the world through Humanity through the millennia of time and geographical space, all suffer from a common mental illness or disorder called Anti-Semitism, of which the Jews are simply innocent victims or something in Jewish Social Behavior or at least on the part of their Elites elicits growing Resistance among host populations that leads to Discrimination, Resistance and Expulsion. Which will it be?”

Peace and Love..........John

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