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Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 10, 2014 08:11AM

to storm:
I am new to this forum but I have seen a lot of your posts mentioning suicide.
In the post about dr. Brian Clement you specifically asked anybody if they could help you. I started a new thread because this is the appropriate category to discuss non-food related matters. A lot of people seem to want to help you, so maybe they can share their insights in this thread.

before I address some of the points you make I want to raise some questions:
1) do you have any physiological basis for depression?
2) have you had any recent head injuries?
3) do you have any neurotransmitter imbalances?
4) do you have proper digestion and proper daily elimination?

sometimes if a person is already physiologically depressed, when they hear some depressing information they can hyper focus on that information. Sometimes to move past some of this depressing information you have learned about, you might need to raise your health level of your body to make it easier to have a lighter perspective on life.

You keep mentioning a lot of bleak information and you give too much power to the evil forces. would it help, "the storm", if people could debunk your negative views?

Before we talk about your views in details, let us figure out if something is wrong with you physically and how to help that first. I do not mean to belittle your views but since this is a Health Forum we should rule out the obvious first. I am new to the forum but I can't ignore these threats of suicide.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 10, 2014 04:22PM

Storm wrote:
"How could I get better if "god" isn't there to meet me halfway? if Nobody wants to meet me halfway. not even at all. I am not even able to meet myself all by myself at this point since, obviously there's no such thing as loneliness, just bad company right?"

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 10, 2014 04:30PM

About suicide:

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 10, 2014 06:28PM

Why can't I post links here?!?

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: December 10, 2014 06:35PM



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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: tezcal ()
Date: December 11, 2014 05:30AM

Anyone remember that episode of friends when joey is trying to play the part of an uncut male and decides to use meat on his penis?

Hilarious. I wonder if it was an Illuminati conspiracy

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 11, 2014 07:23AM

Dear Storm,
You said yes to all four questions. When did you have a head injury and what happened? Did you black out or experience a concussion? Blood stagnation in the head can greatly contribute to depression. Special plant medicines can heal the stagnation. Depression can be lifted so dramatically by thoroughly healing a head injury, if the injury was to blame. You said yes to imbalanced neurotransmitters. Well, there again, that can greatly contribute to depression: serotonin and dopamine deficiency. THere is a neurotransmitter assessment form that I can email to you and this can give you insight to see if this could be a contributing cause. Special raw foods could boost your levels, and there are supplements too. Having daily bowel movements is so important. Make sure you go 2-3 x day. IF not, increase your raw fruits and veggies/sprouts/green juices.

I can't write pages and pages here, so let me just share a few key points and over the next few days I will elaborate.
(I really didn't mean my involvement on this board to be spiritual, but it's hard not to be when someone is threatening suicide. I apologize in advance if my views expressed here offend anyone.)

1) Regarding circumcision. IT's not as bad as you are making it out to be. I have met grown men who made the decision to get circumcised in their adulthood because of recurring infections. It had nothing to do with religion or spiritual beliefs or atheism.
a) a quick look at the old testament shows that those people were interested in hygiene. The forbidden foods in the old testament aim to minimize toxic exposure to humans (pork, shellfish, carnivorous birds and mammals), as well as infectious pathogens. It leads me to think that circumcision is related to that. I am no expert. I am not even a layperson. I am truly an outsider looking in, but that is my speculation. So if I am even a little close to the truth, your conspiracy theory is way out in left field.
b) comparing circumcision to restrictions in life....hhmmm, it sounds like an unhealthy obsession to think like this. When someone who deeply loves you gives you advice to walk on a narrow path, thinking they are looking out for your best interest, for your ultimate happiness and then you twist that and say that this person wants to cut you off from life...this is a distortion of their compassionate intent. They see you suffering and want to minimize that.
c) count your blessings. Look at how many men have to undergo removing their whole prostate and experiencing horrible side effects. THese men often are those who had NO restrictions in life, in terms of eating and lifestyle. No one told them what to do. THey pay for it later. So, if you are circumcised and you regret that, don't focus on that. Focus on your blessings and realize that many others are worse off than you. You have it lucky by comparison.

2) Regarding Satan. Don't give him so much power. You keep bringing up satanism. Hey, there is more to the story than that. The western story goes that Lucifer was an angel who fell from grace and became Satan. But to me, it sounds like a recent occurrence, compared to the billions of kalpas that this cosmos has existed. We know that this cosmos contains many universes and it sounds like Lucifer was isolated to part of the cosmos. So, there are so many other and much greater influences at play, that even affect the earth. No matter how much evil you see, there is still even greater good!! I could write more, but if you want to learn some ideas about this, then just PM me. You are shortselling the astonishing good forces by getting depressed about satanism.
a) you keep mentioning satanism and language. Again, there is a good force that is superior to him. Just because he uses language, that doesn't mean language is bad. Just because he tried to be sneaky and create black magic with language, that doesnt' make language bad! When you see the benevolent superior beings use language, you will see that language is good. Yes, there is telepathy and there are hand signs and hand language, but there is also spoken and written language. IT is not inherently satanic. Your mistake is that you give evil way too much credit. The being speaking emanates power through their voice and words. The being him or herself emanates more than the symbols they use.

3) Suicide is murder of the self. Murder is a sin. Some people are now going for assisted suicide but don't we in the raw community know how to heal so called incurable conditions? A young woman moved to Oregon to have assisted suicide. She had brain cancer and killed herself. They deemed her incurable. I can see that was a sin because no one tried to cure her. THey just killed her. I met a man was deemed incurable just like her but he cured himself of brain cancer in two months with natural healing. HE became a blessing to thousands by showing the power of natural healing. He had a purpose in life. So did she. So do you Storm! YOU have a purpose, but you can't see the vast and staggering reasons for your existence in this human body in the year 2014. GIve it time and you will understand. Truth is breathtaking.

Well, Storm, I hope you are able to step aside from your negative ideas and empty your cup and let it be filled by something new and wonderful, beyond your wildest imagination. And be truly happy...


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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 11, 2014 09:38AM

Storm, whether you are circumcised, missing an organ or an appendage and you feel so mutilated, I am saying to count your blessings and dont focus on what u lack. Focus on what u have. Look at what thalimide babies were born with (some with no arms and legs). Yet these people still lived their lives. Their lives still had purpose and importance. Your problems are not as bad as some other people.

true love is real. It is in the realm of loving kindness, benevolence and compassion, not in selfish attachments.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 11, 2014 04:45PM

I have watched many testimonials of transsexuals (men changing into women) who had botched surgeries in asia. Urination was a mess after surgery. Suicidal feelings were common and suicide was sometimes opted for.
Please please please count your blessings. Some men have it so tough! Circumcision is nothing compared to these transsexuals' problems.
And then there are some women who have extremely painful endometriosis. There was no surgery, just their own tissue.
please focus on the good in your life, not the bad.
guess what? Very painful health conditions have been cured through natural means.
Those transsexuals that committed suicide didn't try natural healing. They could have done regular sitz baths in herbal teas like mullein, lobelia, comfrey, frankincense, myrrh, white oak bark, marshmallow root, horsetail, and slippery elm. They could have also used herbal poultices and fresh aloe.
The body responds to the mind's intent.
those transsexuals did not have to die. Relief was there if they searched.
Suicide is running away from your problems but there is still life after death and one realizes there is no running away from oneself.
The only solution is to face your problems rationally, soberly with compassion and forbearance.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 11, 2014 08:19PM

The Storm wrote:
"One day I will commit suicide. I dont know whats on the other side. But I'll know that I fought for the truth."

Storm, I got to experience the other side for a very brief while: both a wonderful, peaceful existence and a horrible hell-like existence.
There is a reason why so many people who have gone to hell and come back say that it is more real than this reality. In this dimension, you can go to sleep. YOu have a mortal body, and your body rests. But there, it's different. All I could do is fall on my knees and beg the Lord, "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do!" All I could do is beg for another chance. My heart opened to all sentient beings' suffering.

There is also another reason why so many people who have gone to hell and come back say, "I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to go there." I second that.

So many people sell God short. If you can imagine the holiest concept, THe lord of lords is even holier than that. So pure and so spotless. So crystal clear in purity and holiness. The lord of lords' compassion is unfathomable. THe lord of lords' generosity is so massive, it is a paradigm shift in itself, once you enlighten to it. THe lord of lords actually bears the sins of those he saves. He suffers himself instead of the sinner. Please stop sinning. His ability to forbear the sins of others is also unfathomable. You have written a lot about god and the creator. I am suggesting you have a lot to learn.

You cannot run away from yourself. If you kill your flesh body, you will still have consciousness. Your soul is invisible to our flesh eyes, but it is still composed of very fine matter. Your soul doesn't die when your flesh body dies. Your soul, being composed of fine matter, can still be acted upon. I am only telling you this, not to offend you or anyone, but to save you from making a huge mistake.

When we practice forbearance in our lives, when we endure the unpleasant situations in this physical world with compassion and tolerance, we transform our karma and sins into good energy. Then, we can experience the improved situation in this life in our flesh body or after death. Suicide is not practicing forbearance. Suicide is a rejection of forbearance, a turning away from the cosmic standard. Suicide devolves oneself, while forbearance helps one to evolve.

I wish I could write more Storm, but it will sound too metaphysical. I can PM you more, if you wish.

Storm wrote:
"See, circumcision in my experience has the tendency to reverse all the pleasure I have."

Sexual pleasure is overrated. Westerners idolize sex and don't seem to understand about the loss of essence that occurs with ejaculation. Some asians do understand and that is why they have so many tonic herbs for essence depletion. Yet! Can an herb actually heal the auric void that occurs with essence loss? Slightly but not completely. Why? Because mind and matter are one. When the mind drops, so does the associated matter. Only the elevation of the heart and mind can truly bring back some of the lost essence. Yet how to elevate the heart and mind?...this is not something to casually talk about.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 11, 2014 09:10PM

See, I wish not to continue this conversation any further. How can anyone believe that people shd go to hell after committing suicide?

It is not about "should". It is about picking your own path. It is not like God sends you to hell. You go there yourself.
Some westerners talk about hell as eternal and some talk about the lake of fire. Some asians/buddhists talk about hell as a time sentence until the next reincarnation; once the karma is repaid, a person can reincarnate. Can they both be correct?
It is like the blind men touching the elephant and describing it this way and that. Actually, the easterners and westerners are both correct, because they have seen different aspects and because each soul is unique and has their own unique soul journey, and their own degrees of sin.
Some people describe staying on earth between incarnations (neither being in hell or heaven), and actually still suffering as a soul in their fleshless state.
Some people do not get a second chance and some do. It depends on their history and what they have done.
I am not saying you will go to hell, if you commit suicide. I am only saying that I experienced a hell-like reality and I know that some people go there. For some, there is no second chance. That is all I can say. I don't know your future.
All I can say is err on the side of safety.

You keep talking about how you did not consent to being born, how you did not consent to circumcision.
These are spiritual issues. THe asians cultivate themselves, so they can repay their karma and transcend reincarnation to have control whether they are reborn or not.
The westerners cultivate to reach heaven to leave suffering behind.
There are tools to use to leave suffering behind. They are there to learn and use. It's your choice if you learn the ropes to transcend or if you abandon your fellow man and cut short your learning and kill yourself (which you should not do).
A truly selfless person would take this life and learn how to transcend this suffering for the sake of others, including the parents that chose to give birth to you.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 12, 2014 01:00AM

Storm wrote:
"Why would I want to be SELFLESS
That is "Luciferian"

We are living in a time when up is down and down is up and right is wrong and evil is good. People really get things backwards.

Being selfless is NOT luciferian. Lucifer, the story goes, became so enamored with himself, his beauty and position that he wanted to usurp more authority than was his. He broke away from God and took some angels with him. They dropped down in level. From good, they became evil. How sad. They became selfish and self-centered and stopped thinking of the whole and everyone. Please don't confuse terminology. Luciferians don't think of most others, so they are willing to commit evil against others.

Let's talk about compassion and the practice of benevolence. When one is compassionate, one thinks of the other person first. One considers if one's words, actions and even thoughts will hurt others. One will restrain oneself for the sake of others' happiness or non-suffering. When one restrains oneself for the sake of others, they are considered practicing selflessness...a virtue.

If you kill yourself, you will hurt others. If you embrace your life and find compassionate and benevolent solutions to your problems, you will bless others.

Being selfless doesn't mean being a doormat for others to wipe their feet on. It means great forbearance for the sake of truly benefitting others AND is a sign of putting the ego in a lesser position, so holistic wisdom for the WHOLE prevails.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 12, 2014 06:57AM

Storm wrote:
(TCM: heart opens to the tongue). Heart also relates with soul/spirit stuff does it not?

I might have mentioned this before but, even in TCM the "spirit" is actually the same as mind. Which is connected with brain. So it's not all that separate from the physical body... as most would seem to think or imply. Confused with "Afterlife" I guess. After life is not life because it's AFTER-life, even calling it after-life is confusing because it implies it is Life when it is not? Or atleast may surely not be. It's that which comes After life. So ambiguous.

In TCM, every yin organ has a spirit. These unique spirits are not at all your soul. Your soul, which is you, resides in your brain, but it can also move to your heart, and for some people, it can even leave their bodies. The asians have described this. Your soul is very distinct from your flesh body and your organs. The soul lives with or without the flesh body. That is why I say suicide is no option for a real remedy to life's problems. You can't escape your mind.

You have so many chances to cultivate while you are in your human form. When you lose your human flesh body, you lose the chance to improve your level. Obtaining a human body is so difficult and when you have one, you want to get rid of it! What will you do after you commit suicide? If you don't go to hell or if you get out of hell or if you don't go to heaven, all you can do is wait to get another human form, to get another chance to cultivate. So, you are just painfully postponing your evolution IF you get another chance. Let's do some math. Right now there are billions of people on the planet. But if a catastrophe happens and the population goes to 500 million or even 100 million, when will those souls have a chance to reincarncate as humans? Not for a very long time. IF you get another chance to evolve, why wait so long? This time around is the MOST special time to cultivate. Don't lose this chance.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 13, 2014 01:08AM

Storm wrote:
impotent that also means impotence in this life to even cultivate anything. One isnt able to cultivate jack in this life when its like this

Have you ever heard of the etheric template of the human body? What is removed in the physical world is not removed in another dimension, It gives another facet of meaning to phantom limb pain: some people still feel their amputated limb, even though it's missing. If your etheric body was not damaged, in my opinion, you are exaggerating by saying you are impotent to cultivate.

In Jainism, they talk about karma particles enveloping a person. They describe karma as a real physical substance that is generated around a person. THe karma particles depletes the essence of the body (through a transformative process) and from this perspective, there are cases of people who have depleted their essence to the point of not being able to cultivate, but that is not your case. SOmebody cutting some skin off of you without your consent doesn't deplete your essence.

on what basis will i be judged on whether i have developed enough or not?

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 13, 2014 01:51AM

Storm wrote:
impotent that also means impotence in this life to even cultivate anything. One isnt able to cultivate jack in this life when its like this

Have you ever heard of the etheric template of the human body? What is removed in the physical world is not removed in another dimension, It gives another facet of meaning to phantom limb pain: some people still feel their amputated limb, even though it's missing. If your etheric body was not damaged, in my opinion, you are exaggerating by saying you are impotent to cultivate.

In Jainism, they talk about karma particles enveloping a person. They describe karma as a real physical substance that is generated around a person. THe karma particles depletes the essence of the body (through a transformative process) and from this perspective, there are cases of people who have depleted their essence to the point of not being able to cultivate, but that is not your case. SOmebody cutting some skin off of you without your consent doesn't deplete your essence.

on what basis will i be judged on whether i have developed enough or not?

When you sin, these karma particles envelope you. the more sinning, the more karma particles. These attract certain situations and also limit your movement (the asians explain this accumulating over many's not just one life), cosmically speaking. It's not like some higher power is a sado masochist trying to hurt you. There are natural laws to the universe. Many people who go to hell, describe falling to the center of the earth in another dimension. THey sink downward. Is some entity sending people there or are they simply falling there by the weight of these karma particles, like a ball and chain around their feet, figuratively speaking?

Who is to judge

The cosmic characteristic sets the standard. I don't think it's appropriate to name names, because of differing spiritual beliefs on this forum. Lord of Lords means different things to different people. People will use the name they are aware of.

"non benevolent deity which requires i slave and toil away for absolutely no reason that no progress is ever made in the first place?"

I have explained you are ignorant to the existence of the most generous, most forgiving, most amazing, most intelligent, most wise, most efficient Lord of lords. There is no such thing as "no reason". Whether you make progress is based on your previous actions. You will spin your wheels by ignorantly claiming that a non-benevolent deity is ultimately in charge.

To merely set the contrast for others who are/would be more powerful than me solely on the basis of my PedoRape? (Circumcision)

First of all, you shouldn't exaggerate. Calling circumcision rape is like calling a man eating male animal meat (like steer or fish), "necrophilic homosexuality." It is a gross and dishonest exaggeration and a total distortion of the truth. IT is offensive to anyone trying to understand the truth. I went through my own phase of exaggeration. As a vegan, I used to have very severe views of meat eaters. Calmly describing things as they are, especially taking into consideration what your parents' intentions were and what the doctor's intentions were is the bottom line. Sometimes people make mistakes and you have to forgive them and move past it!

If you really are pursuing the truth, as you claim, then don't exaggerate even a little bit and then more truth will be presented to you, because rational people will not avoid you for your exaggerated zealotry.

How many parents make mistakes with their pregnancies and babies? So many! If all the kids would never forgive them, what kind of world would we have? Forgive and move on. Educate others about the importance of your views, but please don't make such claims, unless your caretakers truly had the intent of those words you used.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 14, 2014 06:53AM

THeSt0rm wrote:

"There's absolutely no way for me to know if there's any need to actually develop the "soul". We could just incarnate randomly and have no development of the soul at all. Besides what "need" is there for such development?"

Storm, mind and matter are one. When your mind and heart change for the better..when they become purified, your future will be better. Sometimes people can't understand this truth, when they see bad things happening to good people, but life doesn't end when the flesh body dies, so the skeptical people cannot see the true picture.

THe "need" for this development is to escape suffering and return to a divine, enlightened state.

Let's take a Christian or a Catholic. Just because a person accepts Jesus as their lord and savior doesn't mean they will enter heaven. If the person doesn't change their heart or if they do but then later become evil and drop down, they will not go to heaven, even if they still believe in Jesus. So, a CHristian must cultivate their heart.

Let's take a buddhist. Just because they meditate, study the sutras and make some changes in their hearts, if they remain in the realm of emotion, attachment and desire, they won't escape reincarnation. So, continually cultivating the heart and mind to reach a necessary purity is essential.

I can make a similar comparison for a Daoist. The list goes on. Cultivation and development of the soul is paramount. It affects your future. Good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil.

You can cultivate your heart and mind here and now. Someone once said, "a change in your world view, changes your world viewed."

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 16, 2014 05:18AM

Anon103 wrote:
"I know you have mentioned addiction in the past also, if you are still smoking marijuana many times a day then lower also..."

Is that true, Storm? If that is true, that explains a lot. Some people can experience what is called marijuana syndrome from the imbalance of the hot and dry nature of marijuana, and it is related to why some people get so paranoid from marijuana. By the way, the most legitimate healing I have seen from marijuana is from Dr. William COurtney, who uses low THC cannabis in the form of heirloom, high CBD plants and has his patients make a shotglass full of fresh raw juice daily. HE claims the CBD acid can regenerate neurons. Note that when cooked/heated, CBD acid turns to CBD. Cooking/heating increases the hot and dry nature even more and can truly imbalance one's yin and essence levels.

ANon 103 wrote:
a piece of red meat daily to boost your zinc, what have you got to lose ?

THis is rather insensitive to write, when Storm is depressed about the ritual blood sacrifice all around him, that he keeps complaining about.

Well, it was kind of you to share your own experience about non-circumcision because this is the kind of information he needs from a lot of men right now.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 16, 2014 06:34AM

THeSt0rm wrote:
I had a vision of a Grim Reaper right after birth, in blue bili light setting, or purple? Darkish anyway.
What do you think that means? Grim Reaper is the "angel" of death Himself!

I think that no matter what darkness is around you right now or when you were born, your higher destiny prevails. Your grand purpose in life still supersedes anything or any malevolent entity that would do you harm. I personally think that you were able to see a negative entity that could have hurt you, but you were unable to see an even higher benevolent entity that was protecting you. Perhaps you were allowed to see that reaper to spur your spiritual queries further.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 27, 2014 05:07AM

Hi Storm,
You may have read somewhere else that I am a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist and I cannot ethically hang around this board without trying to help you. I have helped many people overcome depression, and I tried explaining on the first page how there can be many causes for it. I myself once felt almost suicidal (but not quite) after a severe head concussion. My life was very good, but I was so depressed and my life seemed to have no meaning. The little things made me so sad and depressed. When I finally got some strong herbal medicine to clear out the blood stagnation in my head and I drank my first cup, the depression went away in the first half hour! The tea was not for was for my terrible concussion. Anyway, I experienced first hand how a physical ailment can cause real depression, and how it can be healed, even if you are not aware of the connection.

I have also experienced having very negative thoughts on my own because of a limited paradigm and I attracted extreme danger to my body because of very negative thinking. After a couple of brushes with near death, I learned to stop having that kind of thinking and focus on my blessing and my purpose in life. So, I experienced clinical depression for a short while, and I also just had depressed thinking in a state of health. I know both states can occur, which is why I have been trying to expand your awareness, because I know both situations are dangerous.

I have read all of your posts on this thread and I have looked into the casualties of circumcision and I want to thank you for bringing it to my awareness. My awareness is expanded because of you. Thank you so much. I did not know that some babies died from it. Now I know and I will spread the awareness.

I am going to cut and paste a letter from a concerned man and I hope you explore what he says. As I said above, I truly believe that circumcision is a great horror to you, and I acknowledge all the points you made about it. I don't mean to disrespect the signifance of it to you. At the same time, consider that your negative thinking might have caused a chemical imbalance in you, or consider that a chemical imbalance might be causing you to fixate on this issue or not be able to move past it. Just please consider it.

1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Suicide Prevention Lines

You may call these suicide prevention numbers from anywhere in the United States, 24 hours a day. People are waiting to help you. Call a suicide prevention number right now if you need to. And always remember that it is never okay to act on your thoughts of suicide. Never. Again, call a suicide prevention number now if you need to.
Never act on your thoughts of suicide.

Getting help is the answer.

If you do not need to call any of the suicide prevention numbers above, then please read on. . .

Welcome, my friend, you are not alone. I am very pleased that you are here. And let me remind you that there is nothing more important than your life. Nothing.

My name is Kevin Caruso. I am the Executive Director of and I would like to share some important information with you. The first thing that I want you to know is that virtually every person that I have talked with who attempted suicide, and survived, was glad that they lived. So the emotions that were causing the suicidal feelings did pass. Things got better; the sun did come out. So, let me extend that hope to you.

If you are in intense emotional and/or physical pain, remember that your judgment is being clouded by that pain. If you are considering suicide, you are trying to end that pain. Please do not confuse ending your pain with ending your life. The two are very different.

Let me also tell you that if you are suicidal, you probably are suffering from clinical depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, postpartum depression, PTSD, or something similar. And if you have something along these lines, you actually have a chemical imbalance in your brain -- and you cannot possibly think straight because of it. That is beyond your control. You are not weak. You just need some treatment. This imbalance can occur for several reasons, from genetics to a traumatic life experience, and it is extremely common for people to have this imbalance, so do not feel like you are alone. You are not.

This imbalance may be rectified in several ways, but first you need to be assessed so that the cause may be understood. I would request that you please go to a medical doctor.

The doctor can determine if there is a secondary problem (such as a thyroid problem) that is causing the imbalance. If so, an appropriate medication may be prescribed to you. Next, you should visit a therapist. This will allow another assessment to occur and will also allow you to begin talking about your feelings. If the therapist determines that you need a prescription, he or she may refer you to someone who may assist you in that area.

Please leave the option open for taking medication. Some people erroneously believe that they can simply use will power to control their suicidal feelings. The problem with this thinking is that, again, there is probably a chemical imbalance in the brain. And that needs to be treated with medicine. So let me ask you this, my friend. If you had a broken leg, would you get treatment or would you just keep walking on it, writhing in pain, and trying to convince yourself that you just needed will power to overcome the pain? You would get treatment, and you would do so immediately. You would not even think twice about it. And I would most respectfully submit to you that your situation is similar. If you are diagnosed with clinical depression, or something similar, then there is a physical cause for your condition. And you need to seek treatment immediately. It is not just emotion. Please understand this, my friend. The brain, after all, is an organ. And sometimes needs treatment.

If you cannot afford to see a doctor or therapist, please seek out some clinics that have reduced rates. There are many affordable places to go. You can call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) to get listings for clinics in your area. Do not hesitate to call. You can also check in your phone book.

After your initial assessment, you will need to see a therapist long enough to work through all of the issues that are bothering you. Do not be in a hurry -- things will get better. You may feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster ride, but those ups and downs will level out.

My friend, thank you so very much for being here. It means a lot to me because the mere fact you are here indicates that you are reaching out, and that you really do want to live. So, I want you to do something else that is very important. Please make a commitment to stay alive. To not die by suicide, no matter what. Make this commitment for all of the people who care for you, and for yourself. Remember that if you try to end your pain by ending your life, you will start a world of pain for the loved ones that you leave behind. And you will deprive yourself of many wonderful things that you have yet to experience.

Thank you for making that commitment.

Now, my friend, I have told you the things that you should do. So, please get started. Please make an appointment right now to see a doctor and a therapist. If you can't do it now, do it as soon as possible. I care about you very much, and I love you very much, so I want you to get better as soon as possible.

One final thing. Relax. That's right. Relax. Take some deep breaths and do something that you enjoy that relaxes you. Take a bath. Go for a walk. Listen to some nice music. Just take it easy. And engage in these activities that relax you on a regular basis. And let me tell you, my friend, you are on your way. On your way to a better life.

Always remember that there are phone numbers that you can call
24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
from any location in the United States:



Take care of yourself, and take action now. Your life is extremely important.

And do not forget the commitment that we made together, that you will not end your life -- that you will never, ever, under any circumstances end your life.

You are awesome!

You are a great person!

And I love you!

Take care,

Kevin Caruso

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Anon 102 ()
Date: December 28, 2014 10:55AM

Just in case Storm doesn't call I contacted a few suicide help organizations by email and pointed them here. I hope something good comes of that.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 28, 2014 06:55PM

Hi Storm,
Let's straighten some things out, because it is unfair to say everyone is against you. The rules of the forum are to place topics in the correct categories. If you want to honestly express your feelings about circumcision, then create a thread just for that under the health category. If you keep engaging in a stream of consciousness in many of the popular raw threads, then people will think you are being irrational or an attention hog, both of which point to cloudy thinking, so people will doubt your rationality.

I keep reading about this satanic language concept. Did you learn that from Arthur Christian? Clearly it is having a destructive effect in you. Please understand that the most important aspect of communication is the heart, which emanates a mind intent. THe words, whether in broken English, erudite English or Spanglish, or sign language just expresses what is in the mind. Stop fixating on Arthur Cristian's satanic language concept. It is totally flawed because it lacks the total history of language and just focuses on what some freemasons came up with. I have to admit that learning some Chinese has really helped me, because they have some words and concepts that just don't exist in English. The solution is not to fixate on English but to learn from other cultures and languages.

Going back to meeting girls...
Some women are promiscuous, and some want to wait until they get married, and some are monogamous, but don't care about life-long marriage/commitment (short-term relationships are ok for them). The women who want to wait until they get married are the kind that don't place ultimate importance on sex and that is the kind of woman who would accept a deficit in a man's private parts. You need to be meeting women like that, and if you don't know any, then you need to look in places where they hang out: churches, temples, spiritual circles.

Storm wrote:
For poeple interested in health you it's ironic that you should trust TORTURE TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL TECHNIQUES which destroy the body and mind (and soul).

I offered to email you a neurotransmitter assessment form, which is a harmless way to detect if you have a neurotransmitter problem and you ignored this offer. I offered gentle help, but failing that, you would need allopathic help. Tezcal outed your drug history, which clearly suggests you DO have a chemical imbalance, as I already explained that there is such a thing as marijuana syndrome. I had to take a class in it to understand what herbs to use to balance the syndrome. Why do some people feel so paranoid on marijuana? You ARE paranoid. I am not saying this to hurt your feelings but to tell you so truthfully that your writing clearly shows that you have baseless, groundless paranoia, which suggests that you have a medical problem. Everyone here is trying to help you in their own way and you can't see that. You have a serious problem. You need serious help.

IF you got diagnosed by a professional, you could still seek help from alternative therapists. The Gerson institute cured some schizophrenics, and so did HHI. I am not suggesting you have schizophrenia, but I am saying that if they can cure such a dreaded problem, a smaller problem like yours can surely be helped. WHat problem do you have? Paranoia and the totally untrue idea that everyone is out to get you. And you accuse everyone of being snakes. Totally untrue, do you understand that?

Stop thinking everyone is out to get you. And you don't know what's going to happen until you call the hotline. You have nothing to lose by calling the numbers.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: December 28, 2014 07:17PM

St0rm, please, if you can, consider taking the following:

AFA blue-green algae
Marine phytoplankton
Algae-based omega-3 supplements
High doses of high-quality probiotics
Vitamin D3 and B12 (LifeGive)

What is your typical daily diet? If you are going through some type of drug withdrawal, mucuna is great for boosting dopamine levels. Also, your mind seems to be wandering all over the place non-stop, valerian root should help a lot with this as well as reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality. No one is out to get you, lots of people are here trying to help you get through whatever it is that you are going through.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2014 07:18PM by jtprindl.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 29, 2014 01:11AM

If you are low in neurotransmitters, then you can research what foods/sprouts can increase them. For example, sprouting brown rice can increase GABA. Sometimes solutions don't have to be expensive. If you are not working, you can spend more time growing your own sprouts. But you need to figure out what the problem is to figure out the solution.
I don't know where you live, but in my area, there is an acupuncture school that offers the first visit free and $15 a visit after that. Didn't you say that you had a recent head injury? Is that true? Chinese herbs can be inexpensive, if you buy the Chinese labels (title in Chinese). If you buy from an American company, they can cost 4-8 times the Chinese price, due to strict testing standards and also marketing.
My gardener is dirt poor and even he can afford $3-$5 a bottle. Sometimes, you simply cannot afford NOT to take medicine, as physical ailments delay your whole life.

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Re: Gathering help and insights for "The Storm"
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: January 05, 2015 07:25PM

Hey storm, out of consideration to keeping threads focused, i am going back to this one.

THeSt0rm wrote:

"a bodhisattva is a being who has won the right to enter heaven, he/she has realized the underlying unity of life and works on self evolvement for the sake of all beings."

That is an exquisite quote Storm. Where did you get it?

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