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General Albert Pike...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 12, 2014 04:27PM

Here is my File Preview from another one of the files I created from "The Curse of Canaan" by Eustace Mullins. I had already read about Albert Pike from my file on the Illuminati, which is the first part of my File Preview, but I had not created a separate file for him until I read about him in "The Curse of Canaan" by Eustace Mullins.

…File Preview…
• The History of the House of Rothschild
• 1871: An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the Illuminati by Guissepe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage.
• The first world war is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.
• The second world war is to be used to foment the controversy between facism and political zionism with the slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.
• The third world war is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.
• On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following,
• "We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
• Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.
• A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
• Pike, who having been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry's Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for 32 years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry," in which he candidly states the following,
• "LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"
• Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan
• Ham's descendant by the Negro Cush, Nimrod, son of Cush, became the world's most demonic ruler, and the first ruler of the world. He used his power to indulge in sex orgies and child sacrifices, until Shem beheaded him for his offenses against God. Shem cut his body into pieces and sent these gory relics to the priests as a warning to cease and desist their vile practices of demonic worship. Instead, the priests hid the pieces, revering them as objects of worship, concealing them in their "groves" and "Shrines" as the first "Mysteries." The secret of the relics, or Mystery, was made known to initiates only after a long period of indoctrination, when they could be trusted not to betray the worshippers of Baal. This was the true origin of the "Mysteries," from which, as Albert Pike notes in "Morals and Dogma," all Masonic rites originate.
• Because of its origin in the temples of Baal, which were dedicated to both male and female prostitution, Freemasonry has been the unseen force behind the drive to make the United States into a bisexual nation. Its philosophical director, Albert Pike, makes this plain in his authoritative book, "Morals and Dogma," p. 849: "Reversing the letters of the ineffable name, and dividing it, it becomes bisexual" This is pure Kabbalism, and it refers us directly to the cult of Baal and Ashtoreth. Pike makes the point clearer on page 741, "Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabbala. All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbala and return to it; everything grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehm, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabbala; all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and symbols."
• This is the most definitive revelation of the true origins and purposes of Freemasonry. Originating in the Kabbala, it accomplishes its devious purposes through the even more secret organization of the Illuminati, the inner circle which controls the six million Freemasons of the world.
• In the Masonic world, Jerusalem has always been heralded as the birthplace of Freemasonry. Another tradition has it that the earliest Masonic lodges built the Temple of Solomon. King Solomon completed the Temple in 1005 B.C. Solomon died at the age of sixty, after a reign of some forty years, and was succeeded by his son Rehoboam. Mackey's "Encyclopaedia of Masonry" says under the entry, "Oriental Chair of Solomon," "The seat of the Master in a Symbolic Lodge, and so called because the Master is supposed symbolically to fill the place over the Craft once occupied by King Salomon. For the same reason, the seat of the Grand Master in the Grand Lodge receives the same appellation. In England it is called the Throne." In Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, and it indicates his Brightness. On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, "And God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light." In fact, the use of God's name here is a typical subterfuge whose true meaning in known only to the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the occult degrees, and is an example of the internal deception by which the occult degrees rule the fellow crafts. Lucifer in the true name of the being whom they worship as a god, is their mentor, Albert Pike, made plain in his communications to Mazzini and other Masonic leaders.
• One of the most revolting personalities in the history of the United States was the chief organizer of Freemasonry, Albert Pike. Born in Boston, he went to Harvard University and later moved to Arkansas. He served as a general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, after which he devoted the rest of his life to promoting Freemasonry. He is credited with having brought the Scottish Rite into prominence in the United States. Significantly, the Scottish Rite dates all of its official communications with the year of the Hebrew calendar. Pike maintained worldwide ties with such noted Masonic revolutionaries as Garibaldi and Mazzini. They cooperated in establishing four Grand Central Directories for Freemasonry; the North American branch was headquartered at Washington, D.C.; the South American branch was headquartered at Montevideo; the European branch at Naples; and the Asia and Oceania branch at Calcutta. He and Mazzini were succeeded as heads of world Freemasonry by Adriano Lemmi. Pike and Lemmi had an extended disagreement over the name of the God of Masons which they were to use in their rites; Pike was determined to call him Lucifer, while Lemmi held out for Satan; they finally settled on Lucifer. Pike subsequently used the term, Sublime Pontiff of Lucifer, to describe himself.
• Although he came from modest origins, Pike, during his years in Arkansas, seemed to possess unlimited funds, for which no source has ever been established. A gross, obese creature of the most perverted tastes, he frequently organized expeditions of as many as three wagonloads of friends and prostitutes. They rolled out into the countryside, laden with casks of brandy, every available delicacy, and other refreshments. They then would gorge themselves for days on end, indulging in wild orgies, and blind to the world.
• After rising to control of American Freemasonry, Pike forbade the mention of the name of Jesus Christ in a prayer in a Masonic Lodge. He organized the Adonaicide Mass for the top officials of the New Palladian Rite. It was based on the initiation rite of the 25th degree, in which the serpent is portrayed as the true friend of man, and Christ, or Adonais as the real enemy of mankind. Actually, it was a somewhat conventional Black Mass, to which Pike added some original touches of his own; the highlight of the initiation of a nude prostitute, called Eve, into the rites of intercourse. A fowl or animal was then immolated as a bloody sacrifice to Lucifer, to celebrate the victory of the Synagogue of Satan over Christ; followed by the ritual defiling of the Host. The blood was passed around to the celebrants to be drunk, after which the flesh was ritually eaten. All those present then abandoned themselves to a drunken orgy.
• Despite his frequent dissipations, Pike was a tireless organizer. He managed to produce the massive textbook, "Morals and Dogma," which is the Bible of American Freemasonry to this day. First published in Charleston (the Mother Lodge) in 1871, the book indicates from its very first page the tyrannical intent of Freemasonry. "The blind Force of the People is Force that must be economized, and also managed-- It must be regulated by Intellect. ... The Force of the People .... cannot maintain and continue in action and existence a Free Government once created."
• This is the bald resolve that Freemasonry cannot tolerate the existence of a free government. Therefore, the American Republic and the Constitution of the United States, written by and for the people of Shem, must be eliminated. Pike's book, by and large, is simply a formulation of the program which the Canaanites had already been pursuing for three thousand years. It gave a precise set of instructions by which the American people could be brought under control and bent to the ends of Freemasonry.
• Pike positively identifies the demonic origins of Freemasonry on page 22: "Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, still follows the ancient manner of teaching. Masonry is identical with the ancient Mysteries." This also explains Freemasonry's close cooperation with the leaders of secular humanism, which also stems directly from the Mystery cults.
• Another meaningful statement is found on page 152: "Masonry is activism." These three words explain the furious involvement of Freemasons in every type of activist movement in the United States, whether it is feminism, humanism, racial integrations, or Communism. Pike had laid down the law --Masons must be activists, and they have obeyed his dictum. As a result, much of the drive, as well as the financing, for all types of activist agitation in the United States comes directly from the Hidden Hand of the Masonic Order. Wherever you see a group marching in this country, you will probably find that Masons are the instigators.
• Pike explains Freemasonry's commitment to One World Government, on page 220. He writes, "The whole world is but one republic, of which each nation is a family and every individual a child." This explains the Socialistic paternalism of the present American Government, which seeks a Fabian, cradle to grave control over the daily life of every citizen. The well-oiled machinery of the national Masonic movement is able to implement such a humanistic program, which is devoid of religious inspiration or values. "Children" cannot be trusted to handle their own money; only a wise central government in Washington can decide to send our earnings to other nations, who deserve our help, but as individuals, we might not be generous enough to rob our children for the sake of tyrants in other lands. Consequently, the agents of the IRS take our earnings from us, and the federal government in Washington then puts it to "better" use.
• Pike, the final arbiter of all of American Freemasonry, defines the occult origins of Freemasonry, as well as its determination to set up a one-world tyranny. Such an anti-Christian doctrine could only come from the smoking altars of Baal and his demon-worshipping disciples.
• To stress the importance of his dogma, Pike writes that ('Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachers are instructors in religion." Because of his previous statements, he is actually saying that every Masonic teacher is an instructor in the Kabbalah. This is reflected in the Master Mason's oath: "I will acknowledge and obey all due signs and summons sent to me from a master mason's lodge or given to me by a brother of that degree .... I will fly to his relief. ... " Failure to do", so meant "no lesser penalty than having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from hence and burned to ashes." This oath, for greater impact, is taken while kneeling blindfolded. This is the true revelation of a "fraternal lodge" which is supposedly dedicated to charity and good works. Has anyone ever been solicited for charity work with the admonition that if they refuse, they will be severed in two and their bowels taken out and burned?
• Albert Pike, who was born in 1809, died in 1891 in Washington, D.C. His funeral was held in the Masonic Temple at midnight, with the Rite of the Kadosch funeral. The room was draped entirely in black, lit only by a few candles burning eerily, a true Witches Ceremony for a man who had devoted his life to the cause of Lucifer.
• From 1859 to 1871, Pike had worked on his master plan for the World Order of Freemasonry. He formulated the program which included three world wars; the first to overthrow the Czar and set up a Communist state; the second world war which would build up the Communist empire; and the third world war which would destroy Christian civilization for all time throughout the world. On August 15, 1871, he wrote a letter to Mazzini, which is now on exhibit at the British Museum, of his program for the Luciferian world conquest, planned to unleash "the Nihilists and the Atheists ... everywhere the citizens will receive the one pure Light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer ... which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." It was Pike who formulated the secret technique whereby initiates of the Blue Lodge would only pass through "the outward doors of their philosophy"; the initiates must be deceived by false interpretations; true interpretations were reserved for those of high degree, the Princes of Masonry, who were forbidden to reveal the true interpretations to the lower initiates.
• Because of the numerous Papal Bulls which had been issued against Freemasonry, Pike and Nemmi resolved that the papacy must be destroyed. The Bulletin of the Grand Orient of France, September 18, 1885, called for the destruction of the Catholic Church.
• Mazzini appointed General Albert Pike head of American Freemasonry in 1860; Pike had only joined the Masons ten cars earlier. On January 22, 1870, Mazzini wrote to Pike of his plan to establish a supreme governing council of secret Masons of high degree, who would govern all of Freemasonry; however, no federation of Masons would ever be allowed to know about the Supreme Council, a precept which remains in force today. Most Masons will emphatically deny that such a council exists anywhere in their organizational structure. Known as the New and Reformed Palladian Rite, it consisted of three Supreme Councils, with headquarters in Charleston, Rome, and Berlin. The chiefs of these three councils communicated daily by their Arcula Mystica Magic Box, which was actually an early development of radio. At that time, there were only seven such boxes in existence throughout the world.
• Because of its well-advertised revolutionary program, Freemasonry has been repeatedly banned by European government-but never in the United States, where it has exercised political power since 1776. It has been repeatedly denounced by the papacy. Holland banned Freemasonry in 1735; Germany in 1738; Zurich in 1740; Berne in 1745. Russia first banned Freemasonry in 1792, again in 1822, and by the Soviet Government in 1922. On Apri128, 1738, Pope Clement VII issued "In eminenti," which condemned Masonry for its naturalism and its demand for oaths. Benedict XIV condemned Masonry in his "Providas" edict, May 18, 1751; Pius VII in "Ecc1esiam," September 13, 1821; Leo XIII, "Quo graviora," March 13, 1825; Gregory XVI, "Mirari," August 15, 1832; Pius IX in six separate edicts dating from 1846-1873; Leo XIII, five edicts condemning Freemasonry from 1882-1902. Gen. Pike responded by terming the papacy "a deadly, treacherous enemy" in his letter to the Italian Grand Master Timoteo Riboli. "The Papacy has been for a thousand years the torturer and curse of Humanity, the most shameless imposture, in its pretence to spiritual power of all ages."
• Thomas Wentworth Higginson, of the leading New England banking family, was from Newburyport, Massachusetts, the birthplace of Albert Pike, who became the national leader of American Masonry. Higginson actively assisted Rev. Parker in the attack on the courthouse and engaged in many other illegal and nefarious activities. His cousin married Theodore Roosevelt. Samuel Gridley Howe and his wife, Julia, founded and edited a fiery anti-slavery newspaper, "The Commonwealth." Like so many of the Canaanite agitators in the United States, Gridley was descended from Calvinist revolutionaries; his ancestor was an officer in Cromwell's army, John Ward of Gloucester, who later fled to the United States to avoid punishment for the atrocities he committed under the banner of Cromwell. Franklin Benjamin Sanborn was a leading disciple of Rev. Parker and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
• Between 1827 and 1843, the plans of the conspirators received a temporary setback with the emergence of the AntiMasonic Party as a national force. This political movement threatened to expose the entire conspiracy as a Masonic operation. From its outset, the Anti-Masonic Party was handicapped by its inability to penetrate the shroud of secrecy which veiled every act of the conspirators. Without direct evidence of this conspiracy which could be presented in court or laid before the people, they soon lost their popular support. In fact, they were soon infiltrated by the very conspirators whom they sought to expose, and they were rendered impotent! Albert Pike later boasted that "The Anti-Masonic Party actually was of great assistance to us." After its dissolution, Freemasonry never again faced any organized opposition in the entire United States. Those who mention this subject are quickly discredited as "poor overwrought fools" and paranoid "Know-Nothings" who see Masons behind every tree. In most cases, they are quickly consigned to the nearest lunatic asylum, a la Soviet Communism's handling of its "dissidents."
• Albert Pike had promised his Masonic allies in Europe that they would have three world wars to consolidate the world power of the Canaanites. We have now seen two of those world wars, and, as promised, the first world war was to set up a Communist regime, the second world war was to raise it to the status of a world power, and the third world war is planned to destroy both Communism and Christianity in a great orgy of annihilation. This coming war is intended to be the final death knell of the people of Shem; after its conclusion the Canaanites will reign unchallenged throughout the world.
• These revelations bear out the insistence of Albert Pike to Mazzini some forty years earlier to involve the nations of the world in three world wars. Grant Richards, in "The Cause of World Unrest," 1920, p. 144, comments on the Committee for Union and Progress: "Indeed, I can go so far as to say that the Union for Progress was practically born in the Masonic Lodge called 'Macedonia Risorta' established by the Salonikan Jew, Emannuele Carass .... though Freemasonry was forbidden in Turkey, there were two lodges in Salonika under the Grand Orient of Italy." Mathias Erzberger, in "Experience in the Great War," stresses that the Grand Orient of Italy was completely under the control of the Grand Orient of France; he refers to the transfer of 700,000 francs from Paris to Rome between the Grand Orients on behalf of the Jewish charitable trust, Alliance Israelite Universelle; this is the funding which was provided for the assassination at Sarajevo.
• The authority on symbolism in modern art is Margaret Stucki. She points out that Josef Albers, who came to the United States as a penniless refugee, achieved remarkable success due to nationwide promotion of his painting, a series called "Homage to the Square," the square being the flat side of the cube, which, as General Albert Pike pointed out, was the basic symbol of Freemasonry. Albers was set up as chairman of an art school at Black Mountain, North Carolina; this college was named after Mt. Blocken in Europe, where the Witches Sabbath was reputed to take place; it is a flat topped mountain which is represented in the Great Seal as a pyramid with the top chopped off. The present writer studied art at the Institute of Contemporary Arts; a fellow student, Noland, whose works now command huge sums began to paint Masonic symbols, the chevron, the target, and other "abstract" symbols. So-called non-representational art is not non-representational at all; it is the secret reproduction of occult symbols. Salvador Dali spent years studying occult symbolism at the previously mentioned Papus Institute in Paris. He always carried a forked cane which he had reproduced from ancient drawings of a wizard's staff; he was touted in the United States by Caresse Crosby, of the Black Sun Press (the black sun is an occult symbol representing the far side of the sun).
…End of File Preview…

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Re: General Albert Pike...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 12, 2014 04:33PM

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Re: General Albert Pike...
Posted by: HH ()
Date: December 12, 2014 05:51PM

Satan appeared before a small town congregation. Everyone started screaming and running for the front church door, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away.

Soon everyone was gone except for an elderly gentleman who sat calmly.

Satan walked up to him and said, "Don't you know who I am?"

The man replied, "Yep, sure do."

Satan asked, "Aren't you going to run?"

"Nope, sure ain't," said the man.

Satan asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

The man replied, "Been married to your sister for over 48 years."

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