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Zeitgeist Addendum Recaps...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 14, 2014 03:59AM

Here are my Recaps from my file on Zeitgeist Addendum:

Zeitgeist Addendum
2:03:07 Minute Video

…File Contents…
• …JR’s 1st Overall Recap…
• …JR’s Recap for Big Fonts…
• …JR’s Condensed Recap for Big Fonts…
• …JR’s Recap for Slavery…
• …JR’s Recap for Scarcity & Abundance…
• …JR’s Recap for Money…
…End of File Contents…

I'll start a separate post for each section.

…JR’s Recap for Big Fonts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 14, 2014 04:20AM

…JR’s Recap for Big Fonts…

And in that way we've really created an empire, but we've done it very, very subtly. It's clandestine. All empires of the past were built on the military, and everybody knew they were building them. The British knew they were building them, the French, the Germans, the Romans, the Greeks... and they were proud of it. They always had some excuse like spreading civilization, spreading some religion, something like that, but they knew they were doing it. We don't. The majority of the people in the United States have no idea that we're living off the benefits of the clandestine empire. That today there is more slavery in the world than ever before.

The World is being taken over by a hand-full of business powers who dominate the natural resources we need to live, while controlling the money we need to obtain these resources. The end result will be world monopoly based not on human life but financial and corporate power. And, as the inequality grows, naturally, more and more people are becoming desperate. So the establishment was forced to come up with a new way to deal with anyone who challenges the system. So they gave birth to the 'Terrorist'.

In order to find the answer, we must first find the true underlying cause. For the fact is, the selfish corrupt power and profit based groups are not the true source of the problem, they are symptoms.
[/Peter Joseph]

[JR: PJ concludes (below) that it’s institutional self-preservation and the monetary system. - (“At the heart of this institutional self-preservation lies monetary system. For it is money that provides the means for power and survival.”) All of PJ’s “True Underling Causes” are Not the Primary Cause, they are all Subsequent Causes.]

"Greed and Competition are not the result of immutable human temperament... greed and fear of scarcity are in fact being created and amplified... the direct consequence is that we have to fight with each other in order to survive." - Bernard Lietaer

First of all the word 'corruption' is a monetary invention, that aberrant behavior, behavior that's disruptive to the well-being of people. Well you're dealing with human behavior. And human behavior appears to be environmentally determined. Meaning if you were raised by the Seminole indians as a baby, never saw anything else, you'd hold that value system.

Governments try to perpetuate that which keeps them in power. People are not elected to political office to change things. They're put there to keep things the way they are. So you see the basis of corruption is in our society. Let me make it clear. All nations then are basically corrupt because they tend to uphold existing institutions. I don't mean to uphold or downgrade all nations, but communism, socialist, fascism, the free enterprise system, and all others sub-cultures are the same. They are all basically corrupt."

The most fundamental characteristic of our social institutions is the necessity for self-preservation. Whether dealing with a corporation, a religion, or a government, the foremost interest is to preserve the institution itself. For instance the last thing an oil company would ever want is the utilization of an energy that was outside of its control. For it makes that company less relevant to society. Likewise the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union was in reality a way to preserve and perpetuate the established economic and global hegemony of the United States.

At the heart of this institutional self-preservation lies monetary system for it is money that provides the means for power and survival. Therefore, just as a poor person might be forced to steal in order to survive, it is a natural inclination to do whatever is needed to continue an institution’s profitability. This makes it inherently difficult for profit-based institutions to change, for it puts in jeopardy not only the survival of large groups of people, but also the coveted materialistic lifestyle associated with affluence and power. [JR: All of PJ’s “True Underling Causes” are Not the Primary Cause, they are all Subsequent Causes.]

Therefore, the paralyzing necessity to preserve an institution regardless of its social relevance is largely rooted in the need for money or profit." [JR: Our Need for Money is not the same thing as Greed, which comes from the Dark Side of our Behavior.]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2014 04:27AM by John Rose.

…JR’s Condensed Recap for Big Fonts…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 14, 2014 04:22AM

…JR’s Condensed Recap for Big Fonts…

That today there is more slavery in the world than ever before.

So the establishment was forced to come up with a new way to deal with anyone who challenges the system. So they gave birth to the 'Terrorist'.

In order to find the answer, we must first find the true underlying cause. For the fact is, the selfish corrupt power and profit based groups are not the true source of the problem, they are symptoms.

[JR: PJ concludes (below) that it’s institutional self-preservation and the monetary system. - (“At the heart of this institutional self-preservation lies monetary system. For it is money that provides the means for power and survival.”) All of PJ’s “True Underling Causes” are Not the Primary Cause, they are all Subsequent Causes.]

"Greed and Competition are not the result of immutable human temperament... greed and fear of scarcity are in fact being created and amplified... the direct consequence is that we have to fight with each other in order to survive."

First of all the word 'corruption' is a monetary invention, that aberrant behavior, behavior that's disruptive to the well-being of people. Well you're dealing with human behavior. And human behavior appears to be environmentally determined.

Governments try to perpetuate that which keeps them in power. People are not elected to political office to change things. They're put there to keep things the way they are. So you see the basis of corruption is in our society. Let me make it clear. All nations then are basically corrupt because they tend to uphold existing institutions. I don't mean to uphold or downgrade all nations, but communism, socialist, fascism, the free enterprise system, and all others sub-cultures are the same. They are all basically corrupt."

The most fundamental characteristic of our social institutions is the necessity for self-preservation. Whether dealing with a corporation, a religion, or a government, the foremost interest is to preserve the institution itself. For instance the last thing an oil company would ever want is the utilization of an energy that was outside of its control. For it makes that company less relevant to society. Likewise the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union was in reality a way to preserve and perpetuate the established economic and global hegemony of the United States.

At the heart of this institutional self-preservation lies monetary system for it is money that provides the means for power and survival. Therefore, just as a poor person might be forced to steal in order to survive, it is a natural inclination to do whatever is needed to continue an institution’s profitability. This makes it inherently difficult for profit-based institutions to change, for it puts in jeopardy not only the survival of large groups of people, but also the coveted materialistic lifestyle associated with affluence and power. [JR: All of PJ’s “True Underling Causes” are Not the Primary Cause, they are all Subsequent Causes.]

Therefore, the paralyzing necessity to preserve an institution regardless of its social relevance is largely rooted in the need for money or profit." [JR: Our Need for Money is not the same thing as Greed, which comes from the Dark Side of our Behavior.]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2014 04:27AM by John Rose.

…JR’s Recap for Scarcity & Abundance…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 14, 2014 04:28AM

…JR’s Recap for Scarcity & Abundance…

And it is the fear of losing assets coupled with the struggle to keep up with the perpetual debt and inflation inherit in the system, compounded by the inescapable scarcity within the money supply itself, created by the interest that can never be repaid that keeps the wage slave in line running on a hamster wheel, with millions of others. In effect, powering an empire, that truly benefits only the elite at the top of the pyramid.

"Greed and Competition are not the result of immutable human temperament... greed and fear of scarcity are in fact being created and amplified... the direct consequence is that we have to fight with each other in order to survive." - Bernard Lietaer

And what is the fundamental mechanism that drives the profit system besides self-interest? What is it exactly that maintains that competitive edge at its core?
Is it high efficiency and sustainability? No. That isn't part of their design. Nothing produced in our profit based society is even remotely sustainable or efficient. If it was, there wouldn't be a multi-million dollar a year service industry for automobiles. Nor would the average lifespan for electronics be less than three months before they're obsolete.
Is it abundance? Absolutely not. Abundance, as based on the laws of supply and demand, is actually a negative thing. If a diamond company finds ten times the usual amount of diamonds during their mining, it means the supply of diamonds has increased, which means the cost and profit per diamond drops.
The fact is; efficiency, sustainability, and abundance are the enemies of profit. To put it into a word, it is the mechanism of scarcity that increases profits.
[/Peter Joseph]
[Jacque Fresco]
"What is scarcity? It's based on keeping products valuable. Slowing up production on oil raises the price. Maintaining scarcity of diamonds keeps the price high. They burn diamonds at the Kimberly Diamond Mine. They're made of carbon. That keeps the price up."
[/Jacque Fresco]
[Peter Joseph]
So then, what does it mean for society when scarcity, either produced naturally or through manipulation is a beneficial condition for industry?
It means that sustainability and abundance will never ever occur in profit system. For it simply goes against the very nature of the structure. Therefore, it is impossible to have a world without war, or poverty. It is impossible to continually advance technology to its most efficient and productive states. And most dramatically, it is impossible to expect human beings to behave in truly ethical or decent ways.

"What we want to do is to eliminate the causes of the problems. Eliminate the processes that produce greed, and bigotry, and prejudice, and people taking advantage of one another, and elitism. Eliminating the need for prisons and welfare. We have always had these problems because we have always lived within scarcity, and barter, and monetary systems that produce scarcity."

And why do we need money to obtain these resources? Because of real or assumed scarcity.
We don't usually pay for air and tap water, because it is in such high abundance, selling it would be pointless. So then, logically speaking, if resources and technologies applicable to creating everything in our societies such as houses, cities and transportation were in high enough abundance, there would be no reason to sell anything. Likewise, if automation and machinery was so technologically advanced, as to relieve human beings of labor there would be no reason to have a job. And with these social aspects taking care of, there would be no reason to have money at all.
So the ultimate question remains:
Do we on earth have enough resources and technological understanding to create a society of such abundance, that everything we have now could be available without a price tag and without the need for submission through employment?
Yes, we do!

The resource based economy is really not close to anything that's been tried. And with all our technology today we can create abundance. It could be used to improve everyone's livestyle. Abundance all over the world if we use our technology wisely and maintain the environment.

And as long as we have an economic system which prefers and in fact creates scarcity and deprivation, crime will never go away.

"Patriotism, weapons, armies, navies, all that is a sign that we're not civilized yet. Kidswill ask their parents... 'Didn't you see the necessity of machines? Dad, couldn't you see that war was inevitable when you produce scarcity? Isn't it obvious?' Of course the kid will understand that you were pinheads raised merely to serve the established institutions.

The monetary system is a product of a period of time when scarcity was a reality. Now with the age of technology it is no longer relevant to society. Gone with the aberrant behavior it manifests.

In the 1940's the Manhattan Project produced the first true weapon of mass destruction. This program employed 130,000 people, at an extreme financial cost. Imagine what our life would be like today if that group of scientists, instead of working on a way of killing people, worked on a way to create a self-sustaining abundant world. Life today would be very very different if that was their goal.

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