Doctors Have the Lowest Intelligence of All the Professional Men & Women...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: January 09, 2016 06:41PM In another thread, I - JR wrote:
<<<Her husband was an engineer and engineers are one of the smartest professions out there, much smarter than lawyers and doctors who only have to have a good memory…>>> And Sue Schadenfreude wrote: <<<Maybe her husband was an engineer but the rest of the sentence is simply typical puffed up (scientist in his own mind) john rose hot air…>>> And JR wrote: <<<You must be mathematically challenged!!! In fact, you remind of Judge Judy, as she too has NO couth and is mathematically challenged!!!>>> So why are Engineers smarter than Doctors and Lawyers? The reason why Engineers are smarter than Doctors and Lawyers is because everyone who is Capable of being an Engineer is Capable of being a Doctor and a Lawyer, but everyone who is capable of being a Doctor and a Lawyer is NOT capable of being an Engineer, therefore, Engineers are smarter than Doctors and Lawyers. In other words, you have to be smart to figure out a Problem and all you have to do is memorize Information to be a Doctor and a Lawyer. Of course, the good Doctors and Lawyers would be those who are also Capable of being an Engineer, once again, illustrating that Engineers are smarter than Doctors and Lawyers. Thanks Sue Schadenfreude for, once again, showing me your Achilles’ Heel! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've recently been rereading some books I haven't read for over 20 years and just came upon this one today that backs up what I wrote above... … [www.soilandhealth.org] Toxemia Explained … TRUTH AS FAMOUS MEN SEE IT When a man's knowledge is not in order, the more of it he has, the greater will be his confusion.--(Herbert Spencer.) … A very striking picture of the medical herd was made by "Anonymous" in his essay on "Medicine" in "Civilization in the United States." It has been remarked above that one of the chief causes of the unscientific nature of medicine and the antiscientific character of doctors lies in their inflate credulity and inability to think independently. This contention is supported by the report on the intelligence of physicians recently published by the National Research Council. They are found by more or less trustworthy psychologic tests to be lowest in intelligence of all the professional men, excepting only dentists and horse-doctors. Dentists and horse-doctors are ten per cent less intelligent. But since the quantitative methods employed certainly carry an experimental error of ten per cent or even higher, it is not certain that the members of the two more humble professions have not equal or even greater intellectual ability. It is significant that engineers head the list in intelligence. In fact, they are rated sixty per cent higher than doctors. This wide disparity leads to a temptation to interesting psychological probings. Is not the lamentable lack of intelligence of the doctor due to lack of necessity for rigid intellectual discipline? Many conditions conspire to make him an intellectual cheat. Fortunately for us, most diseases are self-limiting. But it is natural for the physician to turn this dispensation of nature to his advantage and to intimate that he has cured John Smith, when actually nature has done the trick. On the contrary, should Smith die, the good doctor can assume a pious expression and suggest that, despite his own incredible skill and tremendous effort, it was God's (or nature's) will that John should pass beyond. Now, the engineer is open to no such temptation. He builds a bridge or erects a building, and disaster is sure to follow any misstep in calculation or fault in construction. Should such a calamity occur, he is presently discredited and disappears from view. Thus he is held up to a high mark of intellectual rigor and discipline that is utterly unknown in the world the doctor inhabits. The critic appears to think that "one of the chief causes of the anti-scientific character of doctors lies in their innate credulity and inability to think independently." I presume he means that the doctors cannot think independently; for if medicine, scientific or unscientific, could think at all, it might have thought itself out of its present-day muddle. The only thing that saves all physicians from the above indictment is that they are not examined on the cause and treatment of disease. If average physicians pass low on "trustworthy psychological tests," it does not speak very well for the higher education which put so many medical schools out of business a few years ago. But these psychological tests may be fitted to educational standards which are assembled with intelligence left out. Intelligence, like the cause of disease, is a force in nature that can be used under the proper environments; but it cannot be monopolized to the exclusion of all mankind. Gladstone in youth was passed upon by the psychological test of his teacher, and pronounced incorrigible; yet at eighty-six he was wielding an ax and translating Virgil. … ![]() Re: Doctors Have the Lowest Intelligence of All the Professional Men & Women...
Posted by:
Date: January 14, 2016 02:42AM They can't think independently because they would loose their license if they acted on their own. Sheldon was jailed all the time because he bucked the system.
I was at a dentists office and they were trying to push fluoride on me and I mentioned that it was carcinogenic and the dentist I was talking to said "No, it's OK I've seen all the research and I use it myself". Then a receptionist who could hear the conversation looked up, and I'll never forget the expression on her face but it seemed to me that she didn't agree with the dentist at all. I don't think every medical professional likes being a salesman for the drug industry and eventually there's going to be a revolution in the medical profession. For example: [fluoridealert.org] 50) Proponents use very dubious tactics to promote fluoridation. Many scientists, doctors and dentists who have spoken out publicly on this issue have been subjected to censorship and intimidation (Martin 1991). Dr. Phyllis Mullenix was fired from her position as Chair of Toxicology at Forsythe Dental Center for publishing her findings on fluoride and the brain (Mullenix 1995); and Dr. William Marcus was fired from the EPA for questioning the government’s handling of the NTP’s fluoride-cancer study (Bryson 2004). Many dentists and even doctors tell opponents in private that they are opposed to this practice but dare not speak out in public because of peer pressure and the fear of recriminations. Tactics like this would not be necessary if those promoting fluoridation were on secure scientific and ethical grounds. Re: Doctors Have the Lowest Intelligence of All the Professional Men & Women...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: January 22, 2016 07:55PM PooZ-like Behavior Caught on Video...
[www.youtube.com] Miami doctor suspended after video of her attacking Uber driver goes viral [www.miamiherald.com] ![]() Re: Doctors Have the Lowest Intelligence of All the Professional Men & Women...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: November 09, 2024 04:22PM Here's a snippet from my Journal on 9-14-24, which is when I transcribed Dr. Suneel Dhand's video below.
... Changing gears... This doctor is saying exactly what I said on RawFoodSupport.com with SueZ. Search Post and Update! [www.rawfoodsupport.com] Doctors Have the Lowest Intelligence of All the Professional Men & Women... Posted by: John Rose () Date: January 09, 2016 06:41PM ...See above... [www.youtube.com] Why Your DOCTOR is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED 8:04 Minute Video Dr. Suneel Dhand 485K subscribers 276,325 views Sep 12, 2024 Many of you have seen this. Let's get real why ... JR’s Notes: 1:28 MM SLIDE NUMBER 1 DEBT [youtu.be] 3:10 MM SLIDE NUMBER 2 DOCTORS ARE NOT CRITICAL THINKERS Number 2) Doctors are simply Not well-versed in Critical Thinking - they've never really learned that throughout Medical Education. The culture is to memorize everything, then when you become a doctor, you do what you're attending physician or consultant, if you're in the UK, you do what you are told and if you're a consultant or in attending, you do what your Physician Society tells you to do, the Physician Society that is loaded with conflicts of interest and that is the way things are. Critical Thinking Skills, the ability to take a step back and say, hold on, I've looked at data myself, I've critically appraised everything, this makes no sense, I'm simply not going to do it, I'm not going to jump on board with that recommendation. That type of thinking is not prevalent, shall we say, in the Medical World. It's a totally foreign concept to most doctors, so if they've never been taught it, how, when the urgency comes to take a step up and be brave, are they ever going to do that? And number three following on from that, the professional agencies that keep the doctors in line. I won't get started on my three-hour lecture on what I think about Physician Societies and I absolutely refuse to join any of them. I think they are absolutely terrible for the good practice of medicine. Look at where their money comes from. Go to any Physician Conference anywhere in the country, maybe there's one or two exceptions, but go into them, look at the hundreds thousands of doctors walking around going to their lectures and then, most of the Conference space is dominated by the Exhibitor Hall, which is where Big Business gets to display their products. The companies, often Big Pharmer, that have paid the Physician Society thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars, many have been paid Millions of dollars over time, you tell me who is the Physician Society going to be loyal to? This could be a Medical Society, a Surgical Society, a Pediatric Society, are they going to be loyal to the doctors who pay them a few hundred a year or to the Big Business Interests, which are paying them thousands? Use your common sense. And these Physician Societies keep the ranks of practicing doctors in line with their recommendations. Doctors join these Societies and they think that they're doing a good thing, they think it's a good thing to be a member of Physician Societies. I've said this before, but if I was in charge, I would really clamp down on the Physician Societies. I think they do a lot of damage to the good practice of medicine. 5:45 MM And with the Physician Societies, you also have the Licensing Athorities and the Medical Boards, which keep on making more and more expensive tests for doctors to do - more and more requirements. These Organizations are very Rich, indeed. And I remember at the height of the Pandemic, I've shared this experience with you before, I remember looking at emails from Medical Boards warning Physicians that if they dared to Spread any Misinformation, there would be serious consequences. The Medical Boards were all in on this. They seem to be losing a lot of sleep over this issue and I thought to myself I've been following your emails for years and I've never seen you be all in on anything, you've never said you're all in on Reducing Healthcare Costs, you've never been all in on raising the quality of care, improving access to doctors, you've never been all in on addressing the True Root Causes of Illness, those things don't concern you, but you seem very concerned about stopping Misinformation and doctors speaking up sending out these threatening emails - you absolute Scoundrels - look at the things that you care about while ignoring everything else going Wrong in Healthcare. So those are some reasons then why your doctor is very Fearful, why they are Terrified for stepping out of line. And I want to share that famous quote with you, I believe it's from the 1800s, “All it takes for bad things to happen for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.” And I really believe that there are a lot of good well-intentioned doctors out there who are Terrified and they simply won't step out of line. But really this is a reflection of humanity in general. How many people, when the time is called upon for them to be brave, are brave enough to do so? It's usually very few, but I hope some of those few are you listening because that's the only thing that ever changes the world. 7:43 MM Thanks everyone for watching. Feel free to leave a comment down below. I enjoy hearing from all of you. Check out my health programs and my free downloads - those links are down below. Hit the like button if you like this video and the bell button for more similar videos in the future - that really helps with the algorithm and getting these videos shared as widely as possible. We will speak again very soon. 8:03 MM Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.