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Dr. Lorraine Day - Overview Of The Zionist Conspiracy
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 10, 2017 05:36PM

I just started to watch another one of Dr. Lorraine Day's Videos and I'll include what little of it that I've transcribed below.

Beware - TRAITORbill will soon show up so he can once again take a CRAP on the Truth, as he has done every time I try to share valuable Knowledge that can put an end to all of the Needless Suffering on this PLanet!

Dr. Lorraine Day - Overview Of The Zionist Conspiracy
1:48:45 Minute Video

JR’s Notes:

8:38 MM
DS: Do you want to talk a little about how Powerful some of their Infiltrations have been? I mean, these people don’t lay asleep during these things - they go out aggressively trying to Destroy people, do they not?

8:51 MM
LD: Oh yes, they do. But here’s the Good News and the Good News is Truth will eventually win out because you cannot Destroy Truth no matter how much these forces and I will say outright - these are the Elitist Jews - the International Bankers - the International Jews who have no allegiance to anyone but themselves. They’re the ones who are trying to Destroy Truth, but if I said to you, Daryl, that your mother who gave birth to you is Not your mother or even if you said that, no matter how many times you said it or I said it, it would still be a Lie. You see, the Truth is still going to come out - the Truth is Truth and your mother is your mother no matter whether you rejected her or I said she wasn’t - your mother is still your mother. And so Truth will eventually win out because it is Truth. And so all of these people are trying to Destroy Truth, but when you try to Destroy Truth and you tell Lies, you will eventually Destroy yourself. These people will eventually Destroy themselves.

Now let me tell you, the International Jews - the Elitists - the Rothschilds - the Warburgs - the Kissingers - the Netanyahus [DS: the Rahm Emanuels] - Rahm Emanuel - all of these Neocons in America, including William Kristol and Douglas Spice and all of these people who are the Government behind the Government. We have an Invisible Government Running the United States - an Invisible Government which is Controlled completely by the Jews. The Visible Government is the Congress and the Administration and the Senate, House of Representatives - that’s the Visible Government, but they don’t really make the Laws. The Invisible Government, which are the International Jews, they Control the Government of American completely and I know that for a fact because my husband, who I married just 4 years ago, used to be a US Congressman and he now realizes, he was in Congress for 12 years, and now realizes he was part of the Visible Government, but they were Not really making the Laws, they thought they were, but they were Not and they are Not now. The whole World is Controlled by International Jewry because they Control the Money Supplies of all the Countries of the World. 11:28 MM

Since TRAITORbill ALWAYS ATTACKS these Messages, is there any doubt that he is a TRAITOR to Mankind and an INFILTRATOR on this Message Board?

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