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canker sores caused by milk
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: March 07, 2014 03:08AM


"Lichen planus not the same thing as apthous ulcers, also known as canker sores, which are much less serious, but much more common. Some people have a recurring problem with them, where they keep coming back over and over—and we didn’t know why in most cases, until, last year.
An immune reaction against cow’s milk proteins and wheat proteins—gliadin is a gluten protein—within the cause of recurrent aphthous ulcers? You tell me… Dairy, gluten, both, or neither?
Gluten, had nothing to do with it. It was the dairy. Two thirds of the recurrent canker sore sufferers had high levels of anti-cow’s milk protein antibodies in their bloodstream. The thought is that the milk proteins themselves penetrate deep into the lining of the mouth, inducing a major immune disorder where our body attacks the foreign cow proteins and in doing so ulcerates our mucosal lining. To test this a few of the patients stopped eating all dairy, a cow’s milk protein free diet. And the ulcers disappeared, with no reappearance of clinical disease, until they tried adding back dairy.
Same thing with the next patient—went into complete remission, with a reappearance of ulcerations only after some ice cream had been consumed. This is really exciting news for sufferers of this painful condition."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2014 03:09AM by Panchito.

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Re: canker sores caused by milk
Posted by: airport5 ()
Date: March 12, 2014 07:55AM

Another reason not to dring cows milk.

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Re: canker sores caused by milk
Posted by: dvdai ()
Date: April 05, 2014 05:52PM

i get canker sores and in my experience it comes from acidic fruits


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Re: canker sores caused by milk
Posted by: thomasusa80 ()
Date: September 23, 2014 10:00AM

Furthermore in the event that you got any inquiries while perusing monstrous measures of new (denim)information... simply ask!


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Re: canker sores caused by milk
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: December 20, 2014 04:19AM

What an amazing find, Panchito! Thank you so much for sharing this.

Two thirds responded to the elimination of milk protein.

So amazing. I helped a person like this once that corroborates these findings, but the specific mechanism was unknown to me until now.

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