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Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 10, 2007 08:47PM

I am, as of today 2 weeks into the raw thing. I've been 90-100 percent...mostly closer to 100. This is because I mistook certain food items for raw when they weren't. Luckily, I've been better educated by reading this forum.

I went into this without trasitioning, for health reasons. I've kept a journal about this on myspace, but will add it here as I kinda feel the need for some support, hehe.

For about 5 months last year I was cooked vegan, then went omni again and became quite ill...I also GAINED 15 LBS when I went from OMNI to vegan. I didn't weigh myself when I started the raw, but as of 2 days ago was 150 (and I am 5'4)--believe it or not I am a size 6 at this weight. I think I have lost anywhere from 5-10 lbs, but not sure. I can tell that clothes fit differently and my face is smaller. I will be keeping track weekly from here on out.

Weight loss is also a major consideration. Health and weight, I believe, are one and the same.

Here are my back diaries from the last 14 days:

Goin' Raw Tally for Day 1 (yesterday) plus other things...

what I ate yesterday (28 March):

small salad
almond butter/agave
melon pieces
arugula salad with
2 sprouted corn tortillas
5 kiwis

This morning I felt a variety of detox symptoms. I had runny nose and some coughing...also felt a bit ick early on.

Right now, however, I am feeling pretty good after having brunch...still tired as Hell from the mono.

I feel very light/clear headed/no hunger pangs nor cravings at all.

Brunch today consisted of:

3 kiwis
half an avocado
almond butter/agave

I plan to do a 30 day raw food detox/cleanse, btw.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

end of 2nd day RAW vegan tally-ho
Category: Food and Restaurants

I ate what looks like an enormous amount of food today...I feel vaguely like a primate.

3 kiwis
half an avocado
almond butter/agave

1 kiwi

huge herb salad with
grape tomatoes
dressed with oil/vinegar
raw halvah

4 kiwis

as the day wore on, I felt better and better.

I think I may actually be enjoying this. It is pretty painless.

I find I feel better when I eat one food at a time, in quantity. I should probably do the 'right thing' and remember all the Natural Hygiene/food combining rules. I followed the 'fit for life' food combining thing off and on for nearly a decade, but ditched it in the past several years for low-carbing. I actually felt better and struggled less with what I ingested when I did the proper combos. From the other raw foodie blogs I've read, most people come to this conclusion eventually. I ought to save myself some steps and do it too.

Basically proper food combining says fruit is eaten alone and not combined with proteins nor veggies...melons on an empty tum...veggies can be eaten with proteins.

It is just good for proper digestion.

I had waaay too many fats today and I am struggling to get my water consumption up. I used to drink liters of water a day and since October my water input has decreased alarmingly. I need to make sure I get at least 2-3 L of water in per day MINIMUM. This helps loads with elimination.

My arms, ass, neck are amazingly smaller than this morning.

I feel like stuff is melting off me. I am ready for it. Every toxin I expel is a metaphor for whatever negativity I've been carrying around inside.

I truly believe that and I am ready to be healthy again.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Busy busy busy and RAW day 3 commences

Been out of the house since 8 am and just arrived for a bit now.

I haven't even had a chance to eat yet, which I should. I am only starting to feel it now, so maybe the huge meals yesterday kinda tided me over somewhat.

I woke up with a MUCH slimmer face, my lips looked huge LOL. My clothes are looser and I needed a belt for my size 6 jeans. If it keeps up at this rate I will be a 2 in no time.

later...I had to leave and come back to writing

My first meal of the day wasn't til 2 pm...since I felt hungry and also was pressed for time, I made a smoothie consisting of:

2 bananas
4 strawberries
2 scoops Thor's raw power hemp protein powder
some almond butter
2 tbsp agave

(I used water and almond butter because I was out of coconut water)

I whirled it up in the vitamix and it turned out creammmmy nice. Filled me up as well.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), this diet will send you to the loo OFTEN.

I am off to nap now, zzzzzzzzzz.

@9 pm

I slept til nearly 8, waking up in total detox mode. I was feverish, sweaty, craving.

I ran to the market and picked up some supplies. I am having serious salty cravings and fat cravings.

Dinner tonight was-

Herb salad with marinated sun dried tomatoes, olives, avocado, onion
medjool dates
big water

I am better, albeit stuffed. My face is really thin and my jaw pretty defined, which makes me super happy. All this roughage makes being away from a bathroom a bit tough.

11:15 pm, because "Pursuit of Happyness" (the movie w/Will Smith and his cute kid) made me wanna slit my wrists AND because I was hungry:

a cup of watermelon

OH, and vitamin b12 and 2 fish oil only non-veg. thing right now.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Strange Detox Cravings
Current mood: happy

I have been actually craving ganga, which I don't even like much.

The little online handbook says that when you crave certain things, your body is releasing/detoxing those substances from your body.

I wonder if I had a pocket of rogue cannabis toxins leftover from ages ago somewhere inside.


I also remember waking up from my lengthy/sweaty nap wanting a flakey pastry filled with some meaty substance. Details are sketchy at the moment, but my tongue still recalls taste of the dream...which is also odd.

Other detox symptoms from today:

slight runny nose, irritability, headache over third eye, itchy skin, diarrhea, fever, sweats, some coughing.

Everything seems to be right on par with what they said to expect, which is awesome. I am going to try to drink loads of water to flush myself.

11:41 PM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

NOTE TO SELF: The Importance of Proper Food Combining
Current mood: discontent

I have no excuse. I've been an avid follower of Fit For Life/food combing/Natural Hygiene since I was in my late teens...of course, I've fallen off the wagon many times since (obviously).

I've been looking over the previous blawgs as my stomach rumbles like a minor earthquake and just know that if I'd combined the things properly and hadn't mixed everything up like a monkey with rabies, I'd not have these issues right now.

By issues I mean the constant running to the toilet and the rude noises coming from deep inside my kishkes.

Tomorrow, no huge shakes...stick to mono eating, less fat, less crap.

That's my note to myself.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


(will edit this same post throughout the day, to add what I've eaten, etc)

I dreamt I was being tempted by a lone meatball last night.

The meatball didn't win.


Strange how this way of eating really slims. My face, hands, ankles, feet, wrists are all changing. My undereyes are so much lighter and my skin is looking nicer than normal.

@11:00 a couple bites of banana and a date.

@ 12:30 had 3 kiwis and another date

@2:45 had 1/2 an avocado stuffed with sun-dried tomato, garlic, and pecan pate

@5:45 banana, a couple dates

@9:00 1 avocado, more tomato pate, olives

(I haven't felt like sitting and having a huge meal today, just want to relax and graze. My head has been hurting since last night and I am feeling really detox-y)

I noticed I craved heavier/higher calorie foods today, especially mushy things like banana and avocado. I think it is my body's way of trying to slow down the detox or something...I dunno. While I have been lounging all day, watching movies, I wouldn't say I was lethargic at all. I have just been taking it really easy since my head's been killing me.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

RAW Day 5 or Meatloaf Battles on a Row Boat

I will go back and update this all day and add to it, so if you happen to be following this, check every now and then

@10:15 3 kiwis, 1 banana, water

@3:00 an avocado stuffed with pecan tartare;

@7:00 pineapple

@8:15 red pear

@9:00 red cabbage slaw with 5 soaked pecans

@11:00 1/2 pear, 5 pecans, 1 kiwi

I woke up today fighting a meatloaf, on a rowboat. Don't ask. My dreams are getting pretty bizarre.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed my head was laying on someone's skinny arm.

Perplexed, it took me a few moments to realize it was MY arm. After examining both appendages, I decided to get up and see what other changes have happened to my body.

2. This diet makes you insanely regular
3. Body temp feels a bit cold; of course, I am not wearing much and the windows are open
4. Entire body, especially extrememties, much smaller. I don't weigh and I won't measure. I am using my eyes and clothing as a guide.
5. face is slimmer, more than before. I like this, I tend to have a round face.
6. Headache I had for last day and a half seems to be totally gone.

I actually, for the first time since I got sick, want to really get things done around this house. I am feeling almost totally recovered from the mono, cept for minor things.

I have no idea how people can NOT do this diet. It is soooo much easier than low carb, vegetarianism, veganism.

I have been eating the avocados because I need to get to them before they go bad. I bought a bit more than I needed. Though it will slow the weight loss a bit, I find they really provide a decent, clean energy that is rather soothing.

Stuffed avos remind me of baked potatoes (which I usually don't eat, as I hate potatoes). I invented this pecan thing today that tasted a ton like steak tartare (which I DO love). I will likely get a stomach ache from improper combining, but it was sooo satisfying and I am doing a ton of physical work today (spring cleaning).

As for the abundance of pecans in my diet--I know someone with a pecan farm in TX, so I am trying to use them up.

Monday, April 02, 2007


@12:45 nori rolls stuffed with pecan pate, avocados, cabbage slaw; water

@2:00 kiwi, water

@8:15 nori sushi rolls w/raw cauliflower 'rice'; kiwi; water

I did not have time to eat early in the morning, as I had appointments to go to.
The nori rolls were delicious. I found the recipe online and substituted the almonds for pecans. I remembered that someone sent a 'sushi magic' gizmo at Xmastime and used it to roll them. Works great!

The dinner sushi was soooo damned good. The cauliflower rice was delicious. I gorged, quite honestly. I am going to drink water the rest of night.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

DAY 7 RAW and morning's lack of electricity...

I woke up to an oddly silent house this morning. For some reason, the power was out and only came back on 2 minutes ago. God knows why...these things happen 'round here if the wind blows the wrong way or it rains.

Today is day 7. I've had a bit of dry mouth because I am not drinking as much water as I should.

Things I've noticed in the last day or so-

-body odor is almost nil. I haven't even been sweating.
-weight loss slowing due to heavily prepared food. I am going to try to keep it simple again for next few days.

@11 am watermelon; water

@2:00 nori rolls stuffed w/raw cauliflower 'rice'/carrots/garlic/avocado/wasabi; water

I am ADDICTED to the raw nori rolls. I've tried to experiment with non-nut pates and think I've come up with a good cauliflower 'rice' slaw.

@5:00 Super Banana Milk, made of sesame milk, dates, bananas...good for potassium and calcium

@7 pm Nori rolls with cauliflower rice, water, 1 date

@9:15 juicy, custardy pear, 4 dates...yummm

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

(Week 2) Day 8 raw-

It is the beginning of my second week raw. YAY.

I noticed, with some alarm, that I was poofy and retaining water yesterday. I realized that it must be from the nori seaweed and all the salt in the shoyu. I ALSO learned that the more salt you eat (OR NORI ROLLS), the more you (I) crave.

I drank more water yesterday to offset this and woke up MUCH thinner than I'd been previously.

I've been reading the Garden Diet ebook by Storm and Jinjee Talifero this morning, which is amazing. Google it, it has great recipes/ideas/and a combined 40 plus years of raw knowledge behind them.

I am trying to find my mini trampoline for rebounding and also digging out my chi machine today. I want to get the lymphatic system chugging along properly.

I've only had water thus far (10 am)...will update other stuff later.

@10:45 Super Banana Milk w/ thor's raw protein powder, water

@4:00 (coz had appts and was starving) 2 bowls of Apple Pie Pudding (made w/apples, pecans, almonds, flax, banana. etc)

@7:45 fresh grapefruit juice (yay! my juicer arrived--then I found out I already HAD a kitchenaid juicer--never used--in my upstairs kitchen pantry *I have 2 kitchens*)

@8:15 zucchini 'fetuccine' with fresh tomato pasta sauce

@10 pm fruit smoooothie

Fabulous raw site I found today, lots of excellent info/tips:


Thursday, April 05, 2007

DAY 9 RAW- juicing and other things

I tend to eat breakie late because I wake quite late...even if I am up at 6, I will try to nap and always rise between 10-11 am. I am a night owl, so this type of schedule works out well for me.

I am still lying in bed, contemplating using the new juicer this morning. I want to try, at the very least (because I've been horribly combining all along), to keep it all fruit first thing.

@11:30 2 pears

@12:25 banana, water

@4:30 zucchini pasta leftovers, water, 4 dates

@7:30 blood orange

@8:30 2 collard rollups with pine nut 'cheese sauce'

@10:30 strawberry banana shake, half a blood orange

(I also pigged out on a handful of dates at midnight)

I've noticed over the last few days that my vision seems to have gotten clearer-more crisp/sharp. I am really quite surprised. I was told that I am actually looking younger and have noticed my skin's elasticity seems to have improved quite a bit. I am firmer in many places and I haven't (sadly) been exercising at all.

I DID do the chi machine early in the day. I think I will start back with body flex/yoga/or pilates soon. I have a ton of energy and spent a bit of it chasing the dogs around the room this evening. smiling smiley It just felt good to do it. I also notice a spring in my step, I walk faster.

If you notice, I like to eat. I actually enjoy eating immensely. LOL.

This is a great way to eat.

Friday, April 06, 2007

WOOHOO DAY 10 raw, baby...

Day 10. Raw. Uh huh.


I've only just woken up, but noticed a ton of things in last days (and this morning):

-vision seems MUCH more clear/sharp/crisp
-slimmer, of course
-skin is more elastic...though seems still dry, everything is firmer
-skin has a good 'glow'
-undereye circles/darkness gone
-marked improvement in energy levels
-body odor reduced/totally gone
-mind is clearer

-stomach aches
-detox symptoms. Today, my stuffy nose came back. I think I must have eaten something my body didn't like.

Feel a bit depressed today. I have not eaten yet.

@2:00 avo-banana nut pudding, water

@7:30 Portabella Mushroom Steaks w/mushroom gravy, dill cauliflower 'rice', baby butter lettuce

@9:30 3 kiwis

@11pm blood orange

Dinner was probably the best non-cooked meal I've eaten since going raw. The recipe is here:


It was also the closest thing to a 'cooked' meal I've had. I urge everyone to try it. Fabulous!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Day 11 raw-dehydrator day

Cracked out my excalibur dehydrator and been making stuff all day. It's the beginning of the end.

I've made:

-raw chocolate mousse

@1pm -
raw raisin date cookies
raw chocolate mouse
sprouted corn tortilla

@2:30 beet/carrot/apple juice

@3:30 Mushroom steak fajitas w/lettuce in sprouted corn tortilla, water

@6 banana, dates. water

@8 pm broccoli salad, meatballs w/fresh tomato sauce, pecan 'ham salad', water

I don't know if I like all these raw grainy things. I mean, they are delicious, but way too heavy.

I think I've grown used to the lighter whole food fare. I think I will wait awhile and juice a bit. My stomach needs a break.

I didn't like the meatballs, but the salads were great.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

DAY 12 RAW- painting, painting

The walls definitely need a second coat; so on this Easter morning, while the churchbells are ringing, I am putting my grubby clothes on again to paint the base coat. After THAT dries, it is off to putting the metallic glaze on them.

I think today should be primarily fruit/veg. All the heavy food doesn't agree with me at all.

@10:45 3 kiwis, water

@12:30 banana, water

@1 pm broccoli salad

@3:30 collard 'burrito' w/ avocado, 'ham salad', veggies; water

@4:10 red pear

@9 pm 2 tacos: sprouted corn raw tortillas, lettuce, sunflower seed pate, avocado, salsa; water

Monday, April 09, 2007

DAY 13 RAW- pms-y

I am pmsing and been eating way too many nuts. It is totally slowing down my progress. I think all the gourmet raw things may not be so good if you want to lose weight. I am sooo bloated. I think all the nut pates may have to do with it...also, hard to be regular eating that stuff.

@7:15 raw apple-cinnamon oatmeal, water

@1pm 2 plums, 1 banana

@4:30 green juice (2) of collards, pear, apple freshly juiced

@8:30 pear, radish

@9:30 huge salad; also mango, pineapple

I felt really weak this afternoon and detox-y. Dreamt I robbed a bank (which looked like the local public library) from Don Knotts and stole fruit and a live pig. We (the pig and I, which I had to lead back home by foot) saw some fruit growing in people's yards on the way home and ended up eating their fruit from their lawns.

I guess my body was hungry.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I've made it 2 weeks! My friends are starting to ask when I am going to reappear/come out to play...and I've vowed NOT to until I have gone a full month on this.

I tried to keep to a simple raw diet, but I had some leftover guinataan and I was working today--so I couldn't eat and was STARVING by 4 pm. I hope it doesn't kill me-at least it was still raw.

@7:15 half banana, pineapple; water

@4:15 raw filipino guinataan (made w/oats, coconut milk, banana, pineapple)

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: April 11, 2007 01:41AM

hey there welcome to the the site and congrats on your raw journey..sounds like you are doing pretty well...that is interesting how you went straight into the detox...from personal expereince and from others and all the books and info i have heard you don't expeirence detox sometimes right away it comes later when it hits you...but that is cool for you!!!!! hope you have a wonderful day...and we are all on here for support so just let us know if we can help and look forward to having a new person in the diary section! so keep it up...and take care looking forward to seeing your progress on the raw journey!
take care
love earth angel

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 11, 2007 02:25AM

Hi there!

I was REALLY TOXIC. I was hit with the super bug stomach flu in the beginning of February while working in NYC...then again at the end of March. I had my gall bladder out some years ago, so I tend to have stomach issues already. In mid-March, my entire family came down with monocleuosis...ugh.

I attribute a ton of the stuff before mono to my bad eating/drinking habits. When in NYC I was taxing my system beyond what it should have been taxed. It was horrible. I usually do not drink, but I was with people I work with who did this every day and I think this (and eating large amounts of rich, super disgusting meat dinners daily) started the downward spiral.

I've done the Master Cleanse 4 or 5 times for a minimum of 10 days I am pretty well versed in detox symptoms.

My body NEEDED a cleansing.



Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 11, 2007 02:30AM

I had 2 kiwis and a plum @7 pm...then 4 dates @ 10:15 pm. I am craving salt something FIERCE. I want some sushi rolls badly...but I know if I eat those I will crave salty the rest of the week. Yesterday I did not salt my salad, which was almost hell for me. I think I have a major salt addiction going on.

I am hungry and the fruits arent cutting it.

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 11, 2007 02:41AM

I murdered half an avocado and had a bite of leftover onion-y/lemon-y salad. My body CRAVES fats and salts, even when I was an omni. I found that I can eat a bit of avocado and feel sated...however, if I try to do nuts I get bound up internally, I also discovered that I feel a little wheezy and hard to breathe after sunflower seeds. I tried it three times and a bit after I'd eaten them, I would have a hard time breathing...must mean the old body doesn't like em. This is no surprise, as I NEVER want to eat them, even before.

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: April 11, 2007 06:12AM

hey there keep up the hard work...sorry you were so toxic but at least you are doing well and getting rid of that stuff!!!!
love earth angel

DAY 15
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 11, 2007 08:26PM

Had kid in hospital, so was very stressful. I ate poorly.

Had bananas, avocado, dulse, apple, tahini, and (oh so guilty) an ezekial sprouted flat breat...which is a huge no no and makes my stomach hurt now.

My youngest son had surgery and he is fine, though he vomited blood after...then I got a call from the school and my middle son and another boy decided to make ninja smoke bombs...well, police were called and they thought boys were anarchists til i sorted out the ninja reasoning (still DANgerous illegal and stuuuupid), but now I need a lawyer for my 13 yr old.

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: April 11, 2007 09:47PM

<<<<been looking over the previous blawgs as my stomach rumbles like a minor earthquake and just know that if I'd combined the things properly and hadn't mixed everything up like a monkey with rabies, I'd not have these issues right now>>>

LOL thats hilarious LOL

heee heee monkey with rabies heheheh

ive done that .... *urp* smiling smiley

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 12:06AM

today the monkey w/rabies had it's first KNOWING AND WILLFUL slip up w/ezekiel sprouted flatbread and tahina. My stomach, though soothed momentarily, rebelled with a vengeance.

I've been eating (stress eating, I admit) more today than ever. I had more tahina, more flatbreat (the sprouted corn), but actually craved small cukes and radishes to dip the stuff in more...I also ate a pear.

I think it is rather ironic. I cheat on purpose and then my body says 'no, we are craving veggies with this protein tahina dip'.

I have been drowning my sorrows in first pressed fruity olive oil. My fat cells are happy as Hell at the moment. I know I WONT be come tomorrow.

Please tell me "I told ya so" if I whine in the next day or two. I deserve it.

and so the consequences of my misdeeds begin...
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 01:59AM

I am laying here watching Babel and breathing through my mouth. My left nostril is closed up and the right one seems to want to follow. I am serious thinking about doing a nasal flush with the neilmeds neti squeeze thing and saline water. Breathing, needless to say, is difficult without closing my mouth,

I think I am going to try to mono eat the next two days (or die trying). This semi bad binge is horrible. I can only imagine what eating bonafide cooked foods would do.

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: noff ()
Date: April 12, 2007 04:21AM

hey! I love reading your blogs, very interesting and comical! I think you are doing an amazing job. Are you still going through detox more than 2 weeks into it? I'm just starting and wondering what to look forward to haha. you rock.

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: April 12, 2007 04:56AM

hey there...well glad to hear your son is doing well..and sorrya bout your other guy at school....haha your life sounds like my mom's she is always having brother didn't call his probabtion officer ( because he is on probation for fighting in the park)...and he talked to her and went to the one this you would think it would be fine or if not she would mention it haha...but no my other brother was on the phone the other night and the police surrounded our house (mind you they live ina small town and most of the police are our uncles and cousins haha) and said brother was like what do you want...they said my brother told him he wasn't home and they told him what was going on that hisprobation officer filed a complaint for him not calling her the week prior...haha but they left and nothing ever came of it...but my dad got out of the hot tub in his bathroom and was like what was that?? haha oh it never ceases to amaze me the things that people do and how it is reacted upon lol...good luck
take care and get raw!!!
love earth angel

day 16 sad
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 03:09PM

when it rains, it pours. We had a death in the family last night. Great Grandmother of my cousins, but I was very close to her.

Today I am going to mono eat as closely as possible and no fat, as much as possible.

11 am- 2 bananas, water

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 04:17PM

@ noon I broke and mixed some almond butter w/agave, dates, and a banana. I really want the tahini dip with olive oil in my fridge. I do not know if this is stress or pms or both. Is this normal??

All I want are fats!!

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 04:55PM

ok I did the leftover tahini with portabella slices, broccoli, and sliced radishes...I FINALLY (well, duh, look how heavily I've eaten) feel sated,

I think I have a problem. I don't want to be the world's fattest raw vegan!!!!

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 05:12PM

Hi Noff!

I noticed that if I slip up or eat something the body doesn't agree with, it is apparent right away.

things I feel when I eat badly-

if I eat bad my body starts to stink
weird bowel habits if I eat improperly
immediate SINUS issues/mucus/booger buildup
tummy trouble

I am cold a lot too. My energy levels go waaay down if I eat poorly as well.

I don't think the detox is the issue, per se...I think this way of eating kinda FORCES you into becoming MORE AWARE of what foods do to your body. It is kind of cool, actually.

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 05:14PM


I think boys naturally have more testosterone than sense. I have three and am the only girl in the house. They will be the death of me yet LOL

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: taylor ()
Date: April 12, 2007 05:42PM

agh-i am so glad my kids are all grown.lordy! hang in there gal.we went thru alot of this stuff. my one daughter was a ganster/hoochie/grunge/druggy and i tell u-it was rough.u do amazing.i read all of your food choices and very good eating. good for u!!!your journal is a riot!! well i am sorry about your childs surgery.and your family member passing. take care and hey! keep on-u are doing wonderful.hugs taylor


Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: fuzzysox ()
Date: April 12, 2007 05:42PM

hi mia :] im so glad i met u, you are a really kool lady :] i hav the same problems wen i eat badly, i get all bloated up on top of it and i cant go 2 the bathroom for days! i think we eat badly not only bc of cravings and emotions, but also bc of self hatred, or self dislike, like ive been struggling with staying raw bc on the days when i go over 2 the dark side haha[cooked world] right before i do im all negative on myself like i look in the mirror and i say why am i doing this, im never gunna get nebetter than this, and suddenly all the things i hate about myself swarm into mmy head and i eat,,, so i think everyday we HAVE 2 tell ourselves that we ARE worth it and that we werent made this way, that it is our self destruction that got us here and that we were meant for soo much better, we just dont allow ourselves to hav it,,, so dont feel to bad bc i think ur eating very good and if u keep thinking about all the bad stuff u eat it will only get worse,, think of yourself as already at your ideal weight, dont lie to yourself but treat yourself like you would as if you were thin,not perfect, but thin,, and it will change everything, youll start to want to treat yourself better :]

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 08:16PM


thanks for the encouragement! I was a 10k step program devotee til the omron broke down this year (2 yrs). Since October, I haven't been able to get my butt up to walk (hate snow). I have a new pedometer, which I need to program ASAP and start back on. I know that when I combine this eating with the stepping, I will have better's just doing it that seems the hardest.

I've gotten most of the kids on at least 50 percent raw and the man eats mostly 100 percent with me. I've noticed a great big improvement in their behavior since then!

Thank you for sharing the story about your gal with me. I am trying hard not to implode. The tahina was like an anti anxiety thing for me. If this keeps up, I will be excreting sesames from my scalp and sprouting seed. This boy and his ninja thing will be the death of me.

thank you so much for cheering me, guys!

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 08:20PM


EXACTLY!! Lemme tell ya, the bloated/stomach thing gets WORSE as you get older (think it is why so many women have IBS). I am sooo glad you are learnging about this now!

You know what really keeps me going? When I look at the photos on here of everyone and there isn't an ugly person in the bunch. The raw foodists don't have the drawn, pasty look of the cooked vegans--their skin and eyes are AMAZING. They are all built the way people USED to be built when I was a kid in the 70s. The thin NOW isn't the thin back then. Everyone looks SOOO DAMNED HEALTHY AND EVERYONE LOVES TO EAT.

You are sooo right. This is a love yourself program and I think the way we eat is a testimony of our self-love we give ourselves. I mean, really, the nut butter I eat is pretty much legal and good and all my cravings seem to be what they recommend for my anemia. Just talking to all of you has lessened my guilt over what I ate. Weight loss, while desirable, is not the END is just the eventual end RESULT of our bodies healing.


Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: fuzzysox ()
Date: April 12, 2007 08:32PM

yay! :] im glad we helped u feel better im glad im here now 2, i guess its never 2 late 4 anyone 2 do raw, bc no matter who ur, or how old ur it will benifit u grinning smiley yes i totally agree anyone i see on here who is raw is soo hot! but seriously they are, i think being and looking, and radiating healthiness is hot, idk it just is lol :p
ur doing soo good, just keep doing watever you gotta do to stay raw, and tell yourself it is ok, and just try and be positive, bc once u plant a negative seed in your mind it is soo hard 2 root it out, u really are doing good grinning smiley yay! haha, yah its not just the body but the mind and spirit 2, hehehe i give you a hig back :] be strong :]]]

food tally for day 16 thus far
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 12, 2007 11:13PM

@11 am 2 bananas, water

@noon BANANA w.almond butter, agave, dates; water

@12:30 TAHINI w/garlic, parsley, lemon, olive oil; ASSLOAD of broccoli, radishes, portabella mushroom slices; water

@6 pm mango

@6:30 tahina with mushrooms, carrots, broccoli and DULSE

I noticed I had body odor the last day or so. I wonder if it is from the sprouted tortilla things. Because of this (and the fact they aren't really raw), I will not be touching those darned things again. I actually didn't feel satisfied eating those, prefering to dip raw crudites into the dip instead.

I feel better about my tahina binge after talking to everyone. I think it is somehow my body trying to gear up for the blood loss/anemia...just like I'd crave meat before my periods before.

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: taylor ()
Date: April 13, 2007 03:53AM

dear mia-that is me too! i do the 10,000 steps a day.i love is wonderful. will u be getting back on that program?to walk is a great stress reliever.hugs and take care-taylor


Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 13, 2007 04:23AM

taylor, I was 10k steps for two years STRAIGHT. I even clipped the darned thing to my panties just so I wouldnt miss a step hehe...then it died in October and I took to my bed for a while in mourning!

I got a new one in the mail last week, with extra batteries. I will start back on next week (prod me PLEASE) and we can compare steps. I was up to 20k a day last summer and SOOOO PROUD. What is your step avg lately and also how has raw helped your walking regimen?

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: April 13, 2007 04:23AM

hey gal...well another well accomplished day for you i see!!! congrats and keep up the awesome work...oh well if you crave tahini have it...don't deprive yourself or you will go off of raw...that is the main thing when transition no matter how long you transistion you should always let your body crave and give it what it wants...raw of course...sometimes you will crave different that food till it doesn't taste yummy anymore...i have had all sorts of different raw cravings...i will go from ooh i love grapefruits for a week then cauliflower i went through for like 2 weeks...zucchini,tomatos,oranges,mangos,cucumbers,broccoli..hmmi have had all sorts of cravings huH?? haha oh well it is good your body might need something in what it craves and until you get enough of it it will continue.....i read that some people ate and ate like a box or two of certain food they were craving and it helped so that is some food for thought smiling smiley....good luck gal and don't worry those boys are boys and people deal with least they are eating raw i heard that helps with behavior so good for yoU!!!
keep up your tremendous work
love earth angel

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 13, 2007 04:24AM

I had a raw choco shake tonight.

That is my last confession.


Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: April 13, 2007 04:24AM

hey wow that is awesome all those steps....good luck on that again...we will all be here for ya and cheering you on...yay you and your new stepping again!!!
love earth angel

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: April 13, 2007 04:26AM

haha we are playing tag lol..every message i posted you posted another haha....hmm i think you got like 6 new posts between you and me in the past 5 minutes...hmm that shake sounds yummy enjoy!!!
good night
love earth angel

Re: Intro and Record Keeping newbie 2 weeks into raw diary.
Posted by: miaculpa ()
Date: April 13, 2007 04:33AM


dh and I were just discussing that! He had been craving peanut butter fiercely. I've been craving tahini and dulse (which I found BOTH have similar nutrient values). we gorged on the stuff til dinner tonight and after remarked on how it was now 'out of our systems'. We speculated that we must have needed something nutrient-wise and now our bodies both seem sated. Btw, I went thru a cauliflower phase too!

I cannot even imagine going cooked. I don't have the cravings strong enough and in the past Ive ALWAYS had some craving. This is the first time in my life my body has only craved raw foods. I am so happy.

The boys (yeah, they will be boys) are actually much better behaved and happier since going (at least partially) raw. My middle boy is the most resistant. I almost went through the roof, though, tonight. DH bought the child a gallon of REGULAR MILK (I dont buy milk and didn't expect this) and it wasn't even organic. I am sooo against this (we are lactose intolerent, all to different extents, to boot)...and some sugary cereal to appease the child. I am NOT happy,

I mean, why eat good and yet poison the child? He **my kid** will eat our salads, but opts to cook meat with his dinner, which I don't stop. I am big on kids being off gluten and casein, as ADHD and autism spectrum run in the family. DH knows it but had some sort of brain fart.

I am not looking forward to the kid's coming mood swings. I will point these out to DH when they happen.

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