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Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: May 22, 2007 12:40AM

I'm back on the road again! update since it has been quite some time! hehehe! sorry about that guys!

Okay...went to see my beautiful little sister get married last weekend. spare everyone the grief...I fell off the bandwagon...hard. I did eat a few meals raw but not enough in the 6 days we were down with my family. I really have a hard time feeling like the "oddball" and then smelling all the good food. I guess I haven't been raw enough to dislike the smells and sensations. :| definetely took a toll on all of us. I'm glad atleast i'm keeping mental tabs. Shian, my daughter got her diarhea back and boy was she cranky! My joints, especially knees, were killing me. And my husband and son were a little off as well. Shawn, the hubby thinks its due to allergies...HELLO! winking smiley hehehe. He's a slow learner! I love him though. It's so hard because he doesn't believe in it. He knows what you eat will affect you but he thinks I'm imagining alot of it. I just think i'm paying more attention...which is what I should've been doing a long time ago. Anyway...shouldn't get started...

Okay...over the weekend we went to the zoo and done lots of fun fun! I went to a raw food meetup group and I help make these wonderful raw cookies...they had almonds, raisens, oil, honey, and cinnamon. very good....topped with banana icecream, chocolate pudding, goji berries and sided with pineapple.

made a new salad...kale, carrots, raisens, apple slices, raw soy sauce ( i don't remember what it was called) apple cider vinegar, and flax seed...very goood! hehehe! Had some kind of zuccini pasta...different. another salad with advocado, celery, and grape tomatoes...that was okay. BUT...the highlight of the night....oh my was so good...jicama fries with raw ketchup! I have searched far and wide for this silly I need to drive like an hour away to get it...which really is SO good! Total hit!


pineapple slices, banana, water.

sweet potatoe slices, coffee with honey and soymilk

gyro: lamb, cucumber sauce, tomatoe, onion, french fries, mini cupcake x2

water, mgd

we're back to 2 meals semi raw and then whatever. Shian is finally good and I am feeling better! I hope to get strength from all of you.

Thank you guys for all your support. Oh...I forgot to tell you...we got our dates...we ate them all before we threw them in a recipe! candy! hehehe! Definetely need to order more! Thank you earthangel for the recipes...I do intend to use them! And are such a sweet lady...thank you so much for your encouragement. You give me strength through your words. Thank you. I wish there were more people out there like both of you.

Sincerely yours,


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: May 22, 2007 05:29AM

Hey there..welcome back and good luck continuing your journey!!! you will do wonderful!!! have a fantastic day!!
love earthangel

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: Inaia ()
Date: May 22, 2007 08:00AM

Jes, no sweat and thanks so much. Keep it up. You are doing wonderfully on your journey- really!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: May 22, 2007 07:50PM

hey hun just wanted to say hello!!!!! and see how your day was going!!!hope all is well with you and things are going well!!! take care and have a good day
love earthangel

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world....I done it!!!!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: May 28, 2007 12:43AM

Yesterday was the closest to raw I've ever been... YIPPIE!

fresh squeezed oj...which by the way tasted sooooo good!

kale subs: kale was "bread" filled with advocado, cilantro, tomatoes, celtic sea salt and 1st time cold pressed olive oil and a splash of fresh lemon! yummy! jicama fries with raw ketchup! I even made it myself! yummy! Everyone was impressed. First time having jicama. Oh my...that was lovely! I used a little too much paprika on it but that's alright!

raw cookies: raw almonds, raw honey, oil, org. raisens, simple and quick...a hit with everyone!

raw tahini shake with salt, oil, medjool dates (mother earths gift of candy) raw honey, and raw carob powder.

I was so proud of myself. Boy let me tell ya...I felt good. My stomach did feel a nausau after the tahini shake, but I think that might be due to me chugging it.

today we met friends for lunch...a bit harder! It could've been much more worse though!

breakfast: fruit salad: banana, mango, advocado


lunch: banana, romaine salad with ranch, pineapple, green grapes, slice of beef roll, and pizza, drank 1/2 can of mt. dew

supper: another raw tahini carob shake.

I noticed something today at lunch. The meat and pop didn't taste nearly as good as I thought they used to. I could see if one item tasted different, I'd say just cooked different. Everything but the dressing. I like ranch. That will be the hardest thing to give up. I don't do veggies very well. We tried hummus and that isn't too bad, but it isn't raw. I need to find a recipe that is more like ranch. any suggestions anyone?

well, got to sign off for now!

loves and hugs!


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: Inaia ()
Date: May 28, 2007 01:31AM

Awesome! You are doing so fabulously well! Wow! I'm really happy for you. smiling smiley

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: May 28, 2007 09:32AM

hey there awesome job keep it up!! here is a ranch receipe from easy raw fast....but i have never tried it..i know a lot of books use cashews in their receipe and this one doesn't but hey it's worth a try...
good luck

1/2 cup of tomatoes
juice from 1 lime
2 tbs. apple cider vinegar (or juice of one or more small lime)
1/2 big red bell pepper or 1 small one
1/3 cup of fresh dill
1-2 stalks of celery
4 tbs. almond buttter
blend all in blender till smoothie
(says if you want more intense flavor you can add him sea salt..and garlic..but try it without first smiling smiley
love earthangel

Much peace and love!!!

I am raw!!!! I'm so happy!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: May 31, 2007 04:50PM

This is quite an accomplishment that I just wanted to share with you guys. I'm sorry I haven't written anything but off and on but I have been really working on my diet with my family. My husband is actually doing this with us, our two children are on it, and I have gone from 221 lbs to 206.5 lbs! My joints don't hurt the way they used to.

I don't drink pop any more...which 2-4 liters was normal/day! Now it is a lot of water and sometimes fruit juice!

I haven't had bread for a several weeks now. yippie!

I haven't used sugar......only raw honey or dates... smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smiley

If we have meat it is usually twice a week or less! Very excited.

I have been eating steamed and cooked veggies as well as cheese I guess on the verge of vegetarian/raw vegan...but I'm happy. The kids eat the greens easier if they are steamed/cooked and the rest is raw. I'm so happy. I am finally getting a grip on the cravings. Instead of craving meat and chocolate last night I was craving an avocado. My cravings are finally turning more healthy! This is just a milestone I'm sure, but it makes me feel like I'm finally going somewhere without a fight! smiling smiley And the best part is that this is a healthy direction for my family.

The downfall...the only one I have encountered and will encounter again this weekend...going to see my family. This has to be the hardest time for us all. The kids, well us all really, are exposed to candy and highly processed foods 24x7. I love my family and I know they want to be supportive, but their idea is some canned veggies and with everything else. I'm going to buy groceries when we get down there and hopefully stick with this. I love the way Im feeling and I don't want to go backwards. I take this day by day. menu of what we've been eating!

28 may 07

went out to eat with in-laws
got skillet minus meat: fried potatoes, onion, cheese, water, coffee

my father in law...cooks for 30 when there is only 6! Got to love him!
fruit salad: banana, mango, avo; black olives; twice baked potatoe (cheese only); pineapple; canteloupe; pasta salad with veggies; chips with homemade salsa

was so stuffed...didn't want ANYTHING for supper.
I couldn't sleep the night before, full of energy, but in a remarkable mood considering lack of rest ( normally I'm quite the bear )

camped out with the kids at fun fun!

29 may 07
209 lbs

Juiced 1 grapefruit
coffee with honey; canteloupe, pineapple, twice baked potatoe
romaine with org. caesar dressing, jicama fries, pineapple, pasta salad, twice baked potatoe, water ( up leftovers!!! I wasn't exagerating...30 people)

we had a memorial day campout at our house with some friends...

sorry...couldn't resist a few roasted marshmallows! 1 bacardi raz and jicama fries...passed out the fries because no one had even heard of jicama. It was a hit with about half of the people! smiling smiley

I feel so good...I'm able to last a lot longer through the day, usually around 9 p.m. I would be draggin and sleep until around 6, but now I feel good.

30 may 07

skillet: potatoes, onions, green bell pepper, mushrooms, cheese, 1/2 scrambled egg, coffee
lots of water
strawberries, banana, grapes
lemon tart thingy! lemon juice, coconut, honey, and mashed bananas...not bad!

I'm a little tired and when I went to bed I was hungry but that's alright.

31 may 07
206.5 lbs...I haven't seen this in a long time!

mango, banana, avo, water

we're going to have a stir-unfry for lunch.
tomatoes, lettuce, avo, bok choy (never had before) cucumber, celery, with sauce of lemon, brazil nuts, coconut milk,and dried coconut looks great!

This is just an observation, but my husband and I have noticed that we are now eating foods that we normally wouldn't have eaten before without gagging! Now granted, they are in smaller portions, but we are tolerating it. Amazing!

I am so happy to finally be me...this is so much more than a diet, and this certainly has affected us in more ways than just food. Thank you. I feel so free.

Inaia, thank you for your support, earthangel..thank you for your support and recipes. I haven't tried the ranch yet...but when we get back it is on my list of things to do! Thank you girls.

Much love,


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: May 31, 2007 06:29PM

hey there hun...good to hear from yoU!!! keep up the good work you are doing great!! making great strides and really cleaning up your diet and your familys!! that is awesome happy to hear that..keep up the awesome work and take care of you and that family smiling smiley
love earthangel

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 06, 2007 02:55AM

Well, we're back from the my family's house. Oh my. I just read what I wrote before we left and am really disappointed in myself.

We ate a lot of meat, pasta/bread, and I drank a couple cans of pop as well. I don't even want to write this. This is a realization that needs to happen though. Life is what you make of it and you will always have to make a choice (good or bad). I made bad choices and am dreading weighing myself. I was down to 206.5 lbs before we left and haven't yet weighed myself upon getting home. Tomorrow morning when I first wake up will be the wakeup call.

Sorry guys, I'm calling it a night. I just need to calm and clear my thoughts so I can refocus................



Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 06, 2007 06:53AM

Hey sweetie..well don't stress...the wonderful thing is tomorow is ALWAYS a new day smiling smiley once that clock hits midnight your slate is wiped clean and you get a fresh new right now while you are sleeping your slate is being wiped clean and tomorrow when you wake up and weigh yourself it is going to be starting out on your journey...and doing good and keeping healthy.don't stress about the things that are in the past..they are just the look to the future and think of all the wonderful things you have done so far for your body..and all the things to come
take care and have a great day i am cheering for you
love earthangel

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 06, 2007 12:45PM

Let me begin with TODAY is a new day. Thank you earthangel for the words of encouragement....I needed a good swift kick in the but to get my head out of my ass! You're right. If ya fall off you get right back on and continue with the journey. It's all about making better choices, if I make a bad one I move on and do better next time. No one is perfect and beating myself up over it isn't doing anything either.

Thank God for another truly beautiful day! Can't really hear the birds outside due to my fish tank getting a little low on water since we were gone! smiling smiley hehehe!

Update for the weekend, instead of talking about what we ate, I am going to talk about what we enjoyed. My husband and I have purchased ten acres of rolling woods that hasn't been touched in over 18 years. It is extremely overgrown and the wildlife is very RAW! We have these beautiful birds: finches, hummingbirds, indago buntings, and oh so many more. Squirrels naturally! Deer, turkey, coons, coyotes, fox... We have been blessed with the chance to go back to nature which has been calling the two of us for quite some time now. The only bad thing about all of Serenity (thats the name of our land) is we have these incredibly dangerous thorn trees...thorns that go all the way up the tree trunk and all over the branches, thorns that get to be around 8 inches long...and sharp oh my goodness sharp. It's amazing how mother nature can be so beautiful and yet so dangerous. It helps keep us grounded. Respect mother nature and all of her blessings and she will return the favor.

Okay...enough about Serenity! Sorry...I almost get into a zone when down at the land...even when just thinking about it. It takes me to a very blissful place in my mind...almost like meditation but different... all well!

Take care all...not only do I need to start on a clean slate...I need to take the trash out...trash day! smiling smiley


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 07, 2007 07:42AM

hey dearie...yay for you taking control and doing things that make you happy!!! and knowing tomorrow is a new day smiling smiley
haha you call it "the land" brings me back to my childhood..we were always buying land building homes and selling them...and we would always be at "the land" doing something smiling smiley....sounds so familiar!!! i love it smiling smiley
well take care and have a great day
love earthangel

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: Miss Joan ()
Date: June 07, 2007 09:03PM

Jes: I hope your day went well. It sounded as though you had re-grouping and focusing on the way you want to live under control. It's hard when we go "home" with Mom's comfort foods etc. I will be facing that very soon.

Serenity sounds like a wonderful challenge to get what makes you and your husband happy. The other night there was a show on the Discovery channel (or one like it) and there was this machine that took really tall trees, picked them up after they were cut and stripped them in a wink of all branches etc. It was amazing to watch! I don't know if there's anyone in your area that you could hire to do that. It would solve your problem but probably be costly. Just a thought.

Have a great evening!


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 08, 2007 06:07AM

hey there..just stopping by to say hello and see how life is going for you!! hope all is well with you...
take care
love earthangel

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 08, 2007 11:34PM

Hello Miss Joan. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of talking before! Howdy! Thank you for the advice, but the town I am from only has a population of 5,300 (and that is including all the little critters running around! hehehe!)

I don't believe they would have equipment like that anywhere close. Boy that sure would be nice though. And quite a sight to see as well! smiling smiley The kids would love it!

Thank you again for the tip. I'm all ears since I've got a lot to learn! But I'll always be like that!

Take care and have a nice day!


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 08, 2007 11:54PM

Okay. I'm back!

The past two days I have been fighting a headache. I'm guessing its lack of caffeine but non the less...unpleasant. smiling smiley

7 June

Steel cut oat groats mixed with fresh squeezed orange juice, org. raisens, dates, and coconut

mac n cheese with peas, steamed broccoli and carrots, brownie for desert and lots of water!

salad: lettuce, tomatoes, onion, refried beans,salsa, sour cream, lemonade

8 june

pineapple, apple, green grapes, water

lamb slices, cucumber sauce, tomatoes, onions, fries, lemonade

medjool dates, water

My husband and I had a talk last night about our lives. We were laughing about how sometimes you hit a Y in the road and it is your choice as to which way to go. Us trying to eat healthier for each other and our family has been difficult, unfamiliar, and exciting. We have been noticing differences when we switch our diets from home to when visiting family. When we came back from my moms house...lots of pop, meat, pasta/bread, packaged foods...boy we were dragging our feet. We are very hard workers but we were just not motivated to do anything the first 3 days of coming back. When we eat more of the fruits and vegetables (fresh or steamed) we feel better. We have more energy and our outlook is better. We've tried some of the "transitional recipes" but we like the simpler ones. Shawn was getting burned out on trying all these different concoctions and not liking them. He has been 100% supportive of me and all my decisions, so we sat down to discuss where to go from here. He likes to eat simple salads, simple veggies and simple fruits. I like SIMPLE! Talk about taking a load off of my shoulders. smiling smiley

So from here on out...our goal is to do tasty yet simple! He said he likes the mixed fruit bowls and raw veggies with dip. Our little girl Shian has been going through the terrible, PICKY 2's! I am steaming her veggies for her so she will eat them. The smoothies used to go down smooth with her...but not anymore! I don't want eating to be an ordeal. She would take raw food and just chew on it for hours before she would swallow. no good....I want her to have the best don't get me wrong, but I want her to enjoy it.

We are doing well. It's funny how it takes so little to get off track, but takes so long to get back on. We went grocery shopping last night and got more fruits and veggies. So...I guess I'm gonna get off the computer and start cleaning and cutting!

Thank you again everyone. It helps knowing the support is there when it is desperately needed!

Take care everyone and have a wonderful night...


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: Inaia ()
Date: June 09, 2007 01:17AM

Hi Jes. So nice to hear about how you're doing. Remember your beautiful little girl was eating addictive foods. It's going to be an adjustment but one she will thank you for the rest of her life if she can break the addiction this early. You do what you feel is best & you can't go wrong.

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 09, 2007 10:26AM

Hey there darlin'.....ooh i come from a small town too of about 2,000 haha...i love it though smiling smiley
yeah i agree with Inaia of course you want her to enjoy her food..but she is coming off the addicting foods like you and your hubby and she will have the same natural responses as you do...and similar to that of when you stopped breastfeeding or bottle feeding..when the packaged stuff and they spit it out and don't like it or make faces smiling smiley babies are so smart they are telling us NO that is not good for my body it doesn't want that cooked processed baby junk smiling smiley try it for a while if she is getting nutritional things and all her vits and min requirements she is healthy..and she will thank you..she won't necessarily have to go through this later in life and will be smarter...healthier and happier in life!!!
good luck
and yes i am always here for you when you need support!!

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 10, 2007 02:12PM

Goodmorning All!!! smiling smiley The sun is shining, the kids are smiling...what a beautiful day!

I love the way I feel the next day after eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies! It's funny how the food we put in our bodies makes such a drastic difference.


9 june 07

I woke up with so much energy! We bought a turning composter at a garage sale so I put all the fruit/veggie scraps into it and started mixing in some sticks and grass! This is so exciting! I hope the kids enjoy watching the transition from yucky to sweet smelling dirt!

for breakfast I cut up and mixed together:
banana, mango, avocado, coconut flakes, and goji berries..the kids like the coconut and the little "red ants!" hehehehe...whatever works (neither of them really like the avo but this helps blend the flavors!)

salad: lettuce, tomatoes, onions, carrots, org ranch, vanilla icecream with caramel (i know...not good...but I was really wanting a a little better! winking smiley

supper: I just opened up containers and we just ate whatever sounded good: I had...
pineapple, strawberries, celery and broccoli with hummus (with red peppers...not raw) cheesy french fries with ranch, water

i had a 2 dates later at night.

10 June 07

water, 1 banana....not really hungry this morning...more thirsty. I have lots to work on today so it's a good thing I woke up in a wonderful mood!

We bought a trampoline yesterday for all of us to get some fun exercise! This could be interesting! I put the frame together last night by about taking an act of congress to get that last leg in. I stopped there...I have had a headache for 3 days. Last night I almost felt like throwing up from it...I feel good...but I guess my body is still not happy with last weekend maybe...I don't know. Today I woke up without the headache...I hope it stays that way. smiling smiley signed off with you last letter as Sach? Is that your name? Obviously earthangel isn't your real name, but maybe it should be! heheh! winking smiley

Well, I'm off...the clock isn't waiting for me to catch up!

Have a wonderful day you guys!

in joy..


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: Inaia ()
Date: June 10, 2007 09:51PM

Jes, you are doing so wonderfully! Congratulations. Wow! How inspiring to me on my journey. smiling smiley

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 11, 2007 02:41AM

I am a little slow I know...but I have been reading on here today. I know I'm from a small town and have been sheltered just a bit!!!!... but I have such a hard time realizing that people from all over the world can read this. Earthangel...california...inaia...japan...oh my. I have lived a sheltered life because it is just now hitting me that I'm not just jotting down my thoughts....this little computer that I am working at connects me to the WORLD! technology is amazing, but that is kind of scarey too...ya know?

okay enough with my slow revolations! hehehe! smiling smiley

today wasn't terrible...I've noticed that I have been craving meat...i gave in for supper tonight...sorry guys...i don't want to discourage anyone...but I'm trying to listen to my body...My mother taught me from a little girl that it would guide me....

today 10 june 07

banana, water, 2 dates

I'm really thirsty...more water
wanting to munch on anything in sight...but resisting since I'm not hungry...just thirsty.....

lunch: huge salad: romaine, bell pepper, broccoli, carrots, org. ranch
rice, water....

made this gingerade! Very yummy...lemon juice, ginger, mint, and time i'm putting strawberries in it...just didn't have any at home...but it was good! good recipe...everyone liked it...just the ginger was a bit much for I need to remember to use less! smiling smiley

lamb with cucumber sauce (I have been eating mostly lamb when I crave meat...I can't put it together..we used to eat alot of hamburgers and chicken...not lamb....anyway...

more water....

i made chocolate pudding tonight for snack...avo, carob, raw honey...

i hate to say it but I could've done without the pudding...i really just wanted to eat the avo raw....which is very odd...i used to hate avocado! amazing isn't taste buds are even going through a change.

I woke up without a headache this morning but before was back...

I have been really stressed lately with the kids. Shawn and I both have been. We love our kids so much and we want the best for them but boy they can be stubborn. We finally got to the point since we both have really bad tempers (it takes alot for us to get there but look out once we're in that mindset) that we aren't going to get so worked up over doesn't get us anywhere except possibly worst off!

My goal is to relax...breathe...and enjoy the outdoors...maybe work in the garden a bit Shawn has the next two days off so maybe a bike ride and just goofing off. I miss lately Jonathan and Shian have been in trouble so much that we haven't been able to enjoy them. I miss my kids and I am tired of being stressed....and I'm really tired of having a headache!

To end on a good note though! I am really glad that I have found this website and to all that read this. Kinda scary thinking that other people I don't know are learning more and more about me in the hardest parts of my life....but I love knowing I have the support anytime it is is truly appreciated from the bottom of our hearts.

I am looking forward to tomorrow morning...listening to the birds sing to wake me up...or by Cole, our little minpin, whining because he needs to go potty! winking smiley
It's all good! smiling smiley hehehe!

Have a wonderful night everyone...

sweet dreams


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: Inaia ()
Date: June 11, 2007 03:08AM

Hi Jes. I think you are doing phenomenally well. I went through the same thing. I write about lots of very personal things and people all over the world are reading it- and there are people that that read and don't post so more people see EVERYTHING that is going on with me than I'm even aware of. But I get so much out of it that I continue posting.

BTW, I am originally from Puerto Rico. I have lived in the US for most of my adult life though and I am in Japan working. I come to Japan and different parts of Asia and Europe to sing- but I'm not Japanese (just in case). smiling smiley

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 11, 2007 09:58AM

hey darlin...well yes i know what you is strange when you think of all these people reading about your daily life and not knowing who it is!!!!
yes i am in california and yes my real name is sachelle- it is pronounced SA shell kinda like michelle but more of a long a after the s smiling smiley sorry if i confused you...but earthangel is just my sign on..i use that for all posts...but in the diary section i have noticed that when i feel comfortable with someone and feel like we connected i tend to sign off with my real name..i didn't notice it really it is a subconscious thing...until you brought it to my attention smiling smiley...

you are doing so well keep it up!!!
take care and have a wonderful glad you are keeping with it...that composter sounds awesome!!
love ya

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 12, 2007 03:49AM

I'm going to keep this short and sweet tonight beautiful doberman got hit by a dually truck today and I think I need to have her put down...we'll know tonight is very rough since I just lost my other dog about 6 months sad.... sad smiley I know none of you really know me, but I am a huge animal lover...I've always had my doggy by my side and lots of wild critters (squirrels, coons, hawks, owls, skunks, snakes, moles, turtles, fish, crows ...) that had to naturally be nursed back to health before release! :| Our poor mom! She always supported us being animal/nature loving. anyway...I love this doggy and I really hope she can atleast stand up by tomorrow...send lot of thoughts this way please...we certainly need all the help we can get. menu:

banana, avocado, mango
juice of 6 carrots and 1 apple
2 slices of pizza
2 brownies
iced tea for supper...

I hope everyone is doing well tonight. Thank you again for always listening to me vent on a good or bad day... I promise I'm trying to stay composed...



Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 12, 2007 08:03AM

Hi there...i am soo sorry to hear that your dog got hit by a truck..that is really tough..when i was younger we had a min pin and she got hit by a semi and passed away and we saw it was sooo sad so i know your pain...i am sending lots of good energy your way....i hope it helps!! take it easy and try to stay calm and keep relaxed...I truly hope things look up for you tomorrow...i wil keep your baby and family in my prayers...
lots of love

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: June 13, 2007 08:53AM

Hey dearie..i just wanted to check in with you and see how the puppy was doing and how life was going...i really hope all is well and things are working out...please let me know..i have your family in my thoughts and prayers!!!! take care and take it easy..deep breaths and relax smiling smiley
love ya

Much peace and love!!!

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 13, 2007 03:09PM

Hello everyone.

It's another beautiful day...

Thank you sachelle for all your thoughts and prayers. That was so nice of you. I really appreciate it. Unfortunately she had to be put to sleep yesterday afternoon. Her back was broke in two spots and we weren't going to be able to afford the multiple surgeries. My heart was broken...I gave the go ahead on my best friend.... :.(

I am definetely a crazy animal lover! I grew up on a farm and always had a dog by my side. Every dog that I owned was always black and brown. I loved dobermans, but was never going to own a registered dog...all mine were muts and strays that no one wanted for good reason. But they were great for me. They provided me security and friendship in return for lots of love. I am 27 years old and I just bought my dream dog 7 months ago. She was 3 going on 4. She was everything I could have dreamed of, after a lot of work. She nipped at both the kids after the first month of getting here (I finally calmed my husband and told him that it was a huge transition for an adult dog), she hated cats, birds, squirrels...all of which we had inside our house (yes, we let the squirrel go in spring when it was big enough...since we raised the orphan baby after my brother-in-law logged the tree the family were staying in), anyway, she also grew up in the country as an outside dog and we brought her to the city to be an inside dog...WOW!!! The first couple of months were day in day out...quite long...but she had a wonderful spirit. She would stand her ground and look to be the meanest dog around....and if you came over her and pet her she would just melt in your arms. She even started giving me hugs and kisses....impressive after only one month! smiling smiley I loved her like nothing else! She was amazing. She would check out everything and then come back and stand at my side. If there was anything wrong..she would quickly go to protect us. She was my best guardian angel...I will carry her heart in mine forever....

Sorry guys...I just needed to remember all the good....


yesterday 12 june
208 lbs

a couple of sips of tea before we left for the vet

water with lemon, salad: lettuce, onion, tomatoe, cheese, ranch
cheese fries with spicy ranch

a bite of strawberry and pineapple as I was chopping it up. A handful of sugar snap peas. One bite of chicken....
my dad is a semi driver and he was in the area and was able to stop and give me a hug...we sat and drank 2 cups of coffee with cream and sugar.

water with lemon...

uh..that's it stomach was in knotts earlier so I didn't really eat too much...

I jumped on the trampoline last night with my sweet hubby...had to keep busy so my mind wouldn't wander around too much...took shower and got some much needed rest...

this morning...13 june
208 lbs

pineapple, strawberries, org. banana! hahah! finally found an organic was only .79/lbs as opposed to .69/lbs for regular ones...

I am numb...I have been since Katie was hit by the's odd really. My mind is clear, my heart is still broke, but I'm not as crazy as I was with my last baby that died (only 9 months ago....) I think it is because I lost two babies in such a short time. I am fine though....finer than I would've guessed....I just am breathing in and breathing out...enjoying every moment I can.

For all who read this...don't take a moment for granted...enjoy all that you have, or even what all you have is all a blessing...and helps make you who you are. I won't get another dog any time soon...which is hard since I have always had one at my side, but when I will be another doberman...she was everything I ever wanted and more...

Good luck all....I'm signing's too pretty outside to cry at the computer! heheh! I will try to eat better today than I have been...promise.


Re: Hello world!
Posted by: Inaia ()
Date: June 13, 2007 03:27PM

I can't tell you how sorry I am about your doggie. I am the biggest animal lover I know so I can relate and I 'm really sorry for your loss.

Re: Hello world!
Posted by: jes8098 ()
Date: June 13, 2007 11:48PM

Thank you Inaia...

We're fine's one of those things that happens whether we like it or not, you just have to make the most of it. I've got a lot to learn when it comes to dealing with pain and death. I have always ran away from anything that hurts and never really learned how to cope with it...I've got a lot of growing as an individual to do. Thank you though for your kind thoughts. I hope all is well with you! promise was to eat a little better today...hehehe!!! Well, I got two good meals in....breakfast and supper were the fruit we cut up yesterday! hehehe!

lunch not soo good...well...astleast the sandwich had lettuce and onion on it! winking smiley Getting that third RAW meal in a day is so hard for me...I know it sounds crazy but when I started this I knew I could do 2 meals a day, but adding a third seems so far off...anyone else have that problem in the beginning or did you do it cold turkey? Maybe I'm just afraid to commit to something I don't know if I can actually stick with....if so...I'd rather atleast get 2 good meals in...

not sure what to think...I know that atleast where I'm at now is alot better than where I was a few months ago. I'm atleast more away of my choices. I'm comfortable with 2 raw meals a day and then whatever on the third for now, and I think my body will tell me when I'm ready to commit to more. I guess so anyway! hehehe! I've just been listening to my body....

Shawn and the kids are great! I'm so happy...Shawn is taking fruits and vegetables with him to work...and Shian has been picky with cooked foods it isn't just raw! heheh! (needed that for the hubby to see!) hehehe!
Jonathan is doing great....he loves jumping on the trampoline...that was a great investment for $62.00!!! It brings the kid out of us when we jump on it too! love it!

Well, here we go...

pineapple, strawberries, org. banana, water, and 4 brazil nuts

lunch: lemonade, big mac and fries

unsweetened tea (I got this new cold brew tea...not bad...I prefer sun tea though...)
pineapple, strawberries, water

we LOVE our pineapple...I love summer!!!

I hope this finds you all well! Have a good evening...


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