My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 27, 2007 12:05AM Day 1:
Green salad/mushroom/onions/sesame seeds with a bit ranch Cauliflower/mushroom/sesame seeds/Nori/Aonori/avocado with soy sauce and mayonnaise Green salad/mushroom/sesame seeds with a bit ranch Jess said I could eat like a pig as long as it's raw so I'm eating like a pig. Day 2: Cauliflower/mushroom/sesame seeds/Nori/Aonori/avocado with soy sauce and mayonnaise Apple Cucumber/mushroom/sesame seeds/Nori/aonori/avocado/green onions/cilantro with mayonnaise and soy sauce Green salad/sesame seeds/nori/avocado with mayonnaise I'm eating a lot. Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 27, 2007 12:11AM HEHEHE OMG U MADE IT! YAY!
Go to the discussion and look through. The people here are so nice. However, you will find variations of the diet...some say high fat, some say no fat/low, blah blah...ya gotta do what your body says to do. You are like me in a lot of ways, u will do awesome. yay!!! Mia Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 27, 2007 12:33AM Day 3April 26)
Banana Sashimi Salad (Restaurant) Probably 7 pieces of fish (raw of course), lettuce, Daikon, red cabbage, carrot and I saw a bit of herb with sesame/Miso dressing A huge salad w/ Cauliflower, avocado, Nori, aonori, green onions.sesame seeds with mayo and soy sauce. I should drink water the rest of the day. I am constipating which is opposite from how I am. I never constipate usually. Every since this diet, I am, which Jess has told me to drink more water. Also, I have severe headache. I knew this already because Jess told me. I have break-outs on my chin which IS normal also. Having these symptoms makes me happy because my body is detoxing already. A sign that it's working. Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 27, 2007 01:28AM I had the headache within 3 days of this diet. It lasted 1.5 days. Husband had same thing.
Rest is so important when you are transitioning. I slept a lot the first couple weeks. Mia Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 27, 2007 03:38AM hello and welcome! it looks like you are doing great so far- that's wonderful!
what made you want to become raw? i'm still transitioning, too. i had the headaches- mine lasted about 2-3 days. i also got a few "detox zits" and felt like taking things easy. today was my first day of mainly fruits and very little fat, and i feel so much better! i hope your raw journey is everthing you hoped it would be! Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 27, 2007 04:57AM hey there...yay you...for transitioning to are doing great...and already feeling good...wait till you transition to 100% raw you will feel amazing too like floating on cloud 9!! keep up the good work you are doing great!!! welcome to the foruM!!
take care love eartha ngel xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo Much peace and love!!! EarthAngel Xoxo Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2007 01:55PM Yes, my headache started the 2nd day and disappeared yesterday (4th day)
Ohhh it's working!! Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2007 01:58PM Hi Meow, thank you!
I decided to join the club because I'd been reading Miaculpa's diet diary and got so curious. When she mentioned the physical changes...not just the weight but skin glowing and even eye color...And eating raw food only makes sense to me. I hope I NEVER QUIT. Hope your journey will take you where you are happy also! Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2007 02:00PM Thank you for the encouragement!
Your skin looks great! I "deleted" mayo from my salad last night and I can eat it like that! How long have you been on this diet? earthangel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > hey there...yay you...for transitioning to > are doing great...and already feeling > good...wait till you transition to 100% raw you > will feel amazing too like floating on cloud 9!! > keep up the good work you are doing great!!! > welcome to the foruM!! > take care > love eartha ngel > xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2007 02:06PM I still don't know how to use this thing...Am I doing right or wrong?
I fell asleep early last night and didn't post what I ate yesterday.. Day 4 (April 27) Lots of water Mixed salad (American and spring)/cucumber/avocado/sesame seeds/Nori/Aonori/green onions with olive oil, a bit of soy sauce and lime juice. Banana Only non-raw was soy sauce but I didn't put too much. I ate mayo until yesterday but removed it. I can do with olive oil and lime juice. I can probably remove soy sauce today. I had balm movement in the morning and it wasn't little, but it wasn't a lot, either. So I drank lots of water. But all day, I didn't seem to go anytime soon. I usually am I mean I do #2 a lot, and I get diarrhea often just for eating regular green salad with lots of other food. But now I seem not going more often as I thought. Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2007 02:17PM I used to have diarrhea a lot before this changed. You will see. Try senna tea before bed to get out the big clogs if u r uncomfortable. Mia Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2007 11:41PM Hey ther hun....yes you are doing great..keep up the good are transitioning marvelously!!! keep it up!!!!! i have been raw since January 24th of this year..i went 100% overnight and it was really tough.....hmmm you can read my diary and see what all it says about everything haha but it is alot!!!!
well hun good job getting rid of the mayo...keep up the good work hun!! oh and the bm's you will get in the groove of will start to have them regulary and they will be better...just takes some time...if you are uncomfortable enema kit is recommended!!! take care love earth angel xoxoxoxoxoxox Much peace and love!!! EarthAngel Xoxo Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 04:12AM Thank you Mia and Earth angel!!
I finally did some walking today! Yay for me! And also, I got rid of soy sauce, even with sashimi!!! I'm Japanese and sashimi is my favorite dish, of course it's the best with soy sauce! But I used olive oil ground sesame and lime juice instead. Also, yamaimo helped a lot. I think I took too much fat tonight but, it's ok. It was 100% raw day! DAY 5: (April 28) Woke up really early. Grape tomatoes Grapes Banana Water Apple, orange Iceberg/Spring mix combo with raw salmon, cucumber, avocado, mushroom, yamaimo, with olive oil/ground sesame/lime juice I took my kids to the zoo today and walked around for about 2 hours. Then dropped by asian market and got some groceries that I wanted for my diet. My salad is HUGE with my favorite salmon sashimi. No soy sauce. Good for me. Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 04:55AM oh your food sounds SOOO GOOD.
I was so busy today fixing my son for Prom...ended up eating tahina (a little bit), also too many avocados, but was STARVING. Mia Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 06:41AM Hey there..yay you are doing the raw meat thing huh?? let me know how that works out for ya...oh and word of advice DON"T whatever ya do mention the raw fish on the main forum haha they will give you lots of messages that you aren't allowed to mention it on here cuz this is a VEGAN FORUM...and they get serious..i had a friend kicked off for it and she was just asking about some raw be careful i don't want you to be hurt and discouraged!! but that is cool...let me know how that goes....i dont' think there is any other person who is eating anything besides a raw vegan so it will be interesting to compare!! keep up the good work....
hope you had tons of fun at the zoo!! take care love earth angel xoxoxoxox Much peace and love!!! EarthAngel Xoxo Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 07:49AM i sit here struggling to know what to write, i love the japanese culture andyou have so many food choices without including animal products and im sure you will see that sooner or later
this is a support thread and i support you 101% so im giving you this link so you can be informed and in no way am i judging you [] i used to have a farm where i had all sorts of animals, ive killed , ive butchered and ive consumed. thats not my choice anymore. years before i had my farm i was an on again off again vegan or sad eater .. a friend told me if you have the guts to raise it , kill it an eat it .. all the power to you.. been there done that .. Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 08:59AM Hey there....check out the site it is interesting...i looked through it too....good luck though i know it is tough for you though since you are used to eating it...but that is all part of transition!!!
good luck love earth angel xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo Much peace and love!!! EarthAngel Xoxo Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 05:19PM Mia : Hahaha Tahina again! I'm glad I'm addicted to cucumber and nori. I forgot to put Nori last night. It sucks.
EarthAngel: Thank you for the info! I see how it is. But last night's salmon was occasion because I celebrated myself for starting raw. I can't always get fresh fish like that and not always able to afford it. ******************************************************************* I feel accepting fish to eat because fish is in the different Phyla from us. That takes us far apart even though we are in the same Kingdom. Eating is basically taking lives from others. When we eat vegetables, we do take lives from Kingdom plantae, protrista and fungi. I think we feel relieved by doing this because we are not even in the same kingdom. But what is the difference between our lives and their lives? I want no negativities. Only once a year I eat a fish and I don't want anybody to bash me or discourage me. Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 06:20PM nobody will bash you or discourage you here Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 08:14PM and of course you are right plants have feelings too
[] Are plants more than just vegetables? Do plants have feelings? They respond to touch; stroke them and they feel it! All plants are able to move; it may be the simple (?) movement as the plant grows, or it can be a rapid snapping shut of leaves on plants such as the Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea muscipula)! Another 'mover' is the Sundew (Drosera). In this case, the leaves have 'tentacles' which close in on the prey once the prey becomes trapped in the dewy substance on the leaves. Yet another - and perhaps the most spectacular - is the Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica). In this case, the foliage simply collapses when disturbed. Like the Possum (An animal) it plays dead! When the danger is over, the plant's leaves become normal again. There are others - many others! Plants do not have muscle tissue - as we know it - so how do they do it? With the Venus Fly Trap, it is a matter of hydraulics. Water is pumped into various portions of the leaves, just like the bucket on a JCB digger closing up when oil is pumped along pipes by a motor. Something in the plant, instructs it to do this! It is a very clever 'something'; because the instruction is activated when a trigger hair on the plant's leaves is touched. It is even more thought provoking, when you realise that the action does not take place with a single touch. It needs to be touched twice - or two hairs need to be touched. This prevents the plant from wasting energy each time a bit of 'dead' debris falls into its leaf trap. It needs something that moves, like a tasty fly, or insect. The hapless insect cannot help but to touch two of the hairs as it tries to escape. Too late! The interlocking leaves fold over, the insect is digested, and after a day or so, the leaves open up again to allow the remains of the insect to be discarded. Darwin was fascinated by carnivorous plants, in particular the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) and its response touch. He believed that the way the plant snapped its trap shut indicated the presence of a central nervous system - such as that of an animal. Between 1960 and 1970, Burdon-Sanderson conducted many experiments on the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula). The first experiment, and possibly the most remarkably revealing of all, was to attach electrodes to the surface of the trap lobes in the hope of recording electrical activity. He found that each time a trigger hair was touched it fired off a wave of electrical activity almost identical to the nerve impulses, or action potentials, produced by animal neurons. This experiment was carried out on the Sundew and Sensitive plant - with similar conclusions! Now with modern day equipment, plant physiologists are beginning to understand much more about plant movement. It has been confirmed that the impulses Burdon-Sanderson detected are indeed action potentials similar to those in animals, they are also now beginning to unravel the molecular and cellular reasons of the ability of plants to respond to touch. Touch sensitive movement is known to occur in over 1,000 different species of plants. Other common ones are the tendrils of peas, which curl towards a 'touch', and of course the twining stems of beans. What tells them to? Plants also use their sense of touch for sex: As the growing pollen tube penetrates the female's style en route to her eggs, it "feels" its way along the ridges on the inside of the style. Using pollen tubes grown in dishes, Tokufumi Hirouchi and Shozo Suda, of Kobe University in Japan, showed that pollen grows along tiny ridges etched into the glass dishes. Similar sized ridges exist in the female style." [] Can plants feel? THE DEBATE over whether plants have feelings is about to be reopened with the publication of research by scientists in Italy and Germany. Their findings suggest that plants under threat can marshal a positively devilish measure of cunning. They communicate the danger to plants nearby; and also call in help from other creatures. Biologists at the University of Turin and the Max Planck Institute in Jena were yesterday reported to have found evidence that plants sensed — and reacted to — the presence of hungry, leaf-chomping grubs. Their response was to emit an odour similar to lavender. This alerted other plants to the presence of a predator. But it also served to call in what modern military planners would term air support. Wasps, the natural enemies of grubs, were drawn by the odour to the plant where they either devoured the grub or injected it with eggs that later killed it. The bulk of the 3-year project was devoted to studying Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus), native of central and south America. But according to a report by the Italian daily La Republica researchers elicited similar reactions from maize, from the plant that yields cranberry or borlotti beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and from other species. The findings of their joint project are to be published in Plant Physiology, a review of the American Society of Plant Biologists. Not the least intriguing question raised by the study is whether, at the start of the process they describe, there is something that can be termed fear. The debate began in 1966 when a lie detector expert, Cleve Backster, connected a plant to a polygraph. He said the machine registered changes as soon as he began to contemplate burning the plant's leaves. Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004 Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 09:46PM hey Mikkochan! you are doing so well. how are you feeling?
those are some really interesting articles about plants and whether or not they have feelings. still, i find it hard to feel bad about eating plants. with animals, you can see their pain. they show expressions in their faces. they form attachments and have complex lives. maybe plants do, too, but it's harder to tell! at any rate, we'd better not give up eating plants any time soon b/c we would die of starvation anyway, keep up the good work, Mikkochan! and if you want to eat fish once a year, go for it. as a vegan, i always tell people who are curious about my lifestyle but think it would be too difficult that they don't have to be all or nothing to make a difference. so you have one day a year that isn't vegetarian- that doesn't erase the 364 days you have that are helping end animal suffering, helping the environment, and giving you better health, right? it's all about doing the best you can with the situations you are in. Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 10:24PM I find my own thread very discouraging. I probably should post anymore. Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 29, 2007 10:31PM Oh dont worry about them. I think that activism is fine, but it should be kept out of your private diary. Don't be discouraged. I know a ton of people on here who ate eating non cooked things. Don't worry.
A note to others: Mikkochan is Japanese and VERY SENSITIVE to this kind of stuff. Please lay off her a bit so she can find her own path. Big hugs, u are doing great. Don't let a few nosy people get to you. It is not appropriate for them to cause you to stess. Mia Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2007 02:11AM Hi there...well i just want to say that i am offended because in no way shape or form was i attakcing your or judging you or causing negativities on your diary...I was encouraging you and thought you were doing really good....i said i wanted to know how the journey with eating the raw fish went because i was interested in it...i didn't dis it or say anyhting wrong i did say the site that Jgunn offered was interesting because to me it was...but that doesn't mean i am saying something towards you...yes you eat raw fish so waht...that is your way of life and that is what you believe...everyone has their own opinions....and like you raw foodies do get harrassed for eating raw plants...from fruitarians..they say you shoul donly eat the fruit of the plants not the plants themselves cuz you are killing i know what you mean where does it end right...but anyways....i just wanted to let you know that i will stop posting in your diary if that is what you wish ....but i was only offering support and encouragment and in no way meant anything harsh or mean about it...but obviosly you thought so when you commented back so i do apologize!!
good luck with your journey love earthangel xoxoxoxxoxoxo Much peace and love!!! EarthAngel Xoxo Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2007 02:50AM i didnt mean to offend you either and if you read my posts you can see that good luck with your journey
the links are meant for education only not to discourage you. again you have nothing but support here and thats all i can say Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2007 02:55AM aww see how no one is trying to upset you are hurt you....we love you and are here to support you...!!! take care
love earthangel xoxoxooxox Much peace and love!!! EarthAngel Xoxo Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2007 03:19AM I hope no one is too mad. I dont mean to reprimand nor judge, but I am worried about her getting depressed and discouraged. I in no way want Earthangel to feel offended, as it wasn't directed at anyone really. Mikkochan is having a hard time right now. Mia Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2007 03:38AM its my fault mia ..i should have been more direct in my linking .. what i was intending to link to was not that its cruel .. but rather that the health hazards of eating fish themselves due to the polution etc .. i should have sought out a more direct link to what i was trying to express.
its all good like i said im just an old farm girl born an raised animal quite sure i have more blood on my hands then anyone on this board. i respect the japanese culture and Mikko ... immenseley and didnt intend to harm or upset her we are all one big family here and the last thing anyone needs to do is deter anyone from not being one of the family Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2007 04:10AM hm i understand your concern for is something that is a rough patch....this is a very touchy subject...and i think no one was trying to hurt anyone and i think we all are apologizing......and hopefully forgive one another..because we are here for support for one another and to help...and i know that each of you are wonderful and very beautiful and always supporting!!! just a few words of miscommunication!! hopefully we have this that we can all continue our journeys and supporting one another!! have a very peaceful day to all!!
love earthangel xoxoxoxxo Much peace and love!!! EarthAngel Xoxo Re: My Raw Diary (Newbie)
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2007 04:18AM Im a farm girl too, I know how it is (I quit eating meat for years because of it)...I am glad you guys posted. Mikko chan is such a wonderful person and she is doing sooo well on this. Guess nuff said. Mia Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.