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Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 14, 2007 06:53PM

Okay, my blood sugar was a little high this morning - around 200. I am getting so sensitive to high bs's that my stomach starts to get upset when it is around 200. I remember when it used to go higher than that and I didn't notice anything. It would have to go above 300 before I would notice that my legs and arms felt heavy. I think this is good, because then I test my bs and take my insulin and get it back to where it should be real quick. All it takes is 1 unit of insulin to get it back to normal.

It may have been high because I ate too much too late at night. But I had to do all my grocery shopping and errands after work yesterday, since we didn't get back in town until Sunday and I am trying to clean up the kids' diet so I made them pizza last night instead of warming up a Tombstone pizza. Dad made them a nice salad, as per usual. But my latest kick is to at least get them off of high fructose corn syrup, additives, preservatives, and hormones as much as possible. So I got 99 cent pizza crust dough at Trader Joes and used their organic pizza sauce, cheese, and pepperoni. It takes a little more time than Tombstone, but it is worth it and they seem to like it okay.

I thought of a good analogy for Matt Monarch's point that a raw food diet can make us very sensitive. He used the arsenic analogy - which is good. But I like this one that I made up also.

You know how when you go to Mexico you shouldn't drink the water? If you do drink the water, you get very sick and get bad diarrhea. But the locals drink it just fine without any problems (at least not any short term immediate problems like diarrhea). Their water is contaminated because their water and sewer lines leak and some sewage gets into the drinking water.

The reason the natives can drink the water okay is because they have been drinking it every since they were born - in fact, since before they were born through their mother's womb. They have developed a tolerance to it. If you were a native of Mexico, it might not be a good idea to drink pure water for a few months or a year and then try to go back to drinking tap water. Because then you might get sick because you have lost your tolerance and therefore have become more sensitive to the impurities in the water.

Of course, even though the natives have this tolerance it still might be causing other chronic instead of acute health problems and shortening their life span. So, if you were a native and able to switch to pure water for the rest of your life -- then that would be the best option. But most do not have that choice and cannot afford to do that.

The same thing happens with cooked versus raw food. We grow up eating cooked food (even get it while in the womb through our mother) and develop some level of tolerance to it. So then if we switch to 100% raw food for a few months or a year and switch back to cooked food - our tolerance might be gone and we might now be extra sensitive to the cooked food. Then we might experience even more health problems than we did previously with cooked food - maybe some new acute symptoms like headaches and digestive problems.

Dr. Fred Bisci (the 40 year raw foodist) found that when he excluded nuts (a very concentrated food he calls it) from his diet he got too sensitive to environmental pollutants and could not occasionally eat at a raw food restaurant for social enjoyment without getting sick. Since he wanted to continue working at his clinic in a highly populated area with pollutants and wanted to go out to eat at a raw food restaurant on occasion - he slowly added nuts back to his diet. Now he doesn't have to move his clinic and he can eat out without getting sick -- although he doesn't feel great afterwards and sometimes he fasts to overcome it.

So, I am including some nuts and even raw chocolate in my diet. One, because I enjoy them and it helps me stay raw. And two, because I don't want to get too sensitive to the real world that I am living in. Also, I plan on sticking with 100% raw long term - because going back and forth was just making me sicker. The 100% raw food diet isn't for everyone, some will want to eat a little of the healthier of the cooked foods in their diet everyday so they can eat out socially with their friends at regular restaurants. The holistic doctor I first learned from recommended an 85% raw food diet for that reason. The Hallelujah Diet also includes a little cooked food in the evening meal.

Matt was very open about that at his talk, just any increase in raw food that you can add to your diet is a great step. Jim Carey, a man who promotes raw food, says he isn't 100% raw either. Matt said he wasn't sure if he would raise kids on a 100% raw diet, because it makes them so sensitive. He said they would have to be homeschooled, or else he has heard of them trading food at school and developing problems.

Anyway, I wanted to post my thoughts on this. Hope some people find it interesting.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 15, 2007 02:21PM

My blood sugar was 94 this morning. Fantastic!

I made a salad last night of mixed mesclun, sea fern, tomatoes, and sunflower seeds and then rolled it up in raw nori rolls (like they use for sushi) and ate it and it was a nice change! It felt like I was actually eating sushi. Simple yet tasty. :-)

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 15, 2007 07:00PM

oh, nice! i am going to try this "sushi" recipe.

glad you are still with it and seeing all the great benefits. sounds like your family is benefiting as well. you are setting a great example.

and, you are more in tune with your body now. your body is speaking to you, telling you when your bs is too high, before it gets WAY too high. and now, you are listening!


Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 16, 2007 03:43PM

Thanks, pihourova. I think any veggie combo would work in the nori roll, but I tore off a double thickness of nori so it would hold more veggies and that worked great.
I went over 300 blood sugar yesterday. I ate too much fruit and didn't estimate the insulin correctly. My stomach did not get upset. So, I guess it is only if I wake up with a high bs that it upsets my stomach. But then when I get to moving around it feels better, even without the insulin. Of course, I still take the insulin.

My bs was over 200 this morning again and my stomach was a little upset. My ratio of insulin to bs used to be 1 for every 80 over 100 - but now it seems to be more of 1 to 100, which is good. I like taking less insulin. Anyway, the kids and hubby had Taco Bell last night which I picked up for them so I overdid it with a few raw olives, a raw bar, and then a huge fruit/raw power (raw chocolate, hemp) shake. I didn't estimate enough insulin for the shake I guess. It is hard to get it perfect - because I would rather take too little and have a high bs than take one unit too much and crash and have to eat something in the wee hours of the morning when I wake up sweating.

But the true test will be my A1c blood test results after 3 months which indicates my average bs for the last 3 months. I hope for once I get it under 7 - that would be so cool.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pampam ()
Date: August 16, 2007 04:18PM

Hi karen, I think the nori wraps sound yummey. You seem to be able to aquire some interesting foods. what is mesclun? I have discovered arugula and have been eating that this week yum it has a nutty and spicey flavor. I will have to start feeding my kids more greens and uncooked foods that is a thought ful post you had thanks. You have some real insightful things.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 16, 2007 05:28PM

Hi pampam, mesclun mix is just mixed baby salad greens. I found this website that shows what is usually included [].

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed that lo-o-ong post. :-)

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 16, 2007 08:20PM

karen, it must be very difficult to balance out your foods. i mean, with your bs and all. just curious, is this difficult for you, or is it just routine for you now since you have been obviously dealing with t1d for a long time?

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 16, 2007 08:33PM

pihourova, I've had t1d for about 5 years now. I am getting more used to it but I still find it difficult. One minute your blood sugar is too low, so you eat something and then it is too high so you take insulin. I've talked to other people who have gotten it as an adult and they find it frustrating too. And it's not just food, stress and exercise can affect your blood sugars too.

I really feel sorry for kids that have it though. I can't imagine how difficult it would have been to grow up with this. I hope they come up with a cure someday soon. There are several possibilities on the horizon that might be available within 2 to 5 years if they pass the animal trials and then work on humans. Some look very hopeful and I am ready to sign up when they become available!
There is something going on behind my right ear - some swelling and sores. That is where I had swelling, I believe, when I had the Epstein Barr virus so maybe I am healing something. I also have a little mucus flowing down the back of my throat - detox maybe.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 16, 2007 09:10PM

ooooo, sounds like detox to me. again, congratulations! baby steps, karen, baby steps.

yes, it sounds very difficult. i hope that once you regain balance in your body this will become easier for you. i can not imagine this. good luck, my friend!

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 17, 2007 02:08PM

Thanks for the encouragement, pihourova!
There was some dried up mucus in my nose when I woke up this morning. More signs of detox. Yeah! Will I still be saying yeah when I am experiencing tough detox symptoms that make me sick? ;-) We will see.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: August 17, 2007 02:48PM

I thought Type 1 diabetis was a juvenille disease, but you can get it as an adult too? I didn't know that.

I wonder if the raw foods and healthier life-style will eventually cure you of it?

I like to do a yoga nasal cleanse technique when my sinuses get plugged or are full of mucous. You just take some warm water with added salt and use it like nose drops..but you do it a number of times in each nostril. It works really well.

You might be ready to try a short parasiste cleanse. Or if you get some free time, do some research on the cleanses. I'm still loving the acv I take daily (thought it would never lastsmiling smiley and I really am getting great results with the parasite cleanse.


Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: islandgirl ()
Date: August 17, 2007 03:38PM

Karen...have you seen the documentary about the people who were able to get over the diabetes in 30 days by eating raw foods? There's was type II though. There are several blurbs about it on youtube, but apparently the full version "movie" is coming out soon.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 17, 2007 03:43PM

Thanks, prism, for the good advice.

Yep, you can get Type 1 as an adult and Type 2 as a kid. That's why they call them Type 1 and 2 nowadays, and not adult-onset and juvenile like they used to.

The conventional wisdom is that you can cure Type 2 through lifestyle changes but you can't cure Type 1, but hey who knows?

It was just some dried up mucus that I got out with a tissue and now my nose is open and clear.

I should do a parasite cleanse, but I am going to zap our dog this weekend and we are getting ready for school, etc. I know if I take on too much I get stressed so I will wait awhile. I will do a colonic this weekend though.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 17, 2007 03:53PM

Yes, islandgirl, I have seen that and it is very inspiring - but like you say they were type 2. Now if someone cures some Type 1s, I want to hear about that! :-)

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pampam ()
Date: August 17, 2007 04:38PM

karen, I am so impressed in you. It is hard when you are diebetic because you tend to crave foods a lot. I hope you find that majic ring to get it all in balance. Did'nt bouchenko's son have type 1 diebetes? I am going to have to check on that. I will keep my eyes out for some stories on type 1 diebetes for you.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 17, 2007 04:50PM

Yes, Sergei Boutenko had Type 1 diabetes. One thing that probably helped him to recover naturally is that he never started to take insulin. Also, his mom - Victoria - admits that raw food alone did not cure him. She attributes sunshine and aerobic exercise to also helping. I know I don't get out in the sun enough. I did find out that I am very low in Vitamin D and am supplementing with that so I hope that will help. I used to do and teach aerobics, but not so much lately. I find that now when I do aerobics (like run or go very fast on an exercycle) that my blood sugar shoots way up from the stress. So I am working back into exercise slowly. It probably helps that he was young too. But I have hopes and, at the very least, I figure lifestyle changes will make it easier to manage my blood sugars.

When my blood sugars get high I start craving sugar. So, if I keep them in control it is much better. One doctor explained that is because when I have high bs the sugar is sitting in the blood but not getting into the cells, so my cells are crying out for sugar because they aren't getting it.

Thanks, pampam.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 18, 2007 11:56AM

karen, i just read your analogy. i have been working alot and did not have time to read it before.

its a good analogy. i totally agree that switching back and forth from cooked to raw made me feel worse. and yes, it is difficult to be "pure" in this world full of impurities.

however, i have heard of some people who claim to actually become more immune to the impurities of this world through being raw or fruitarian. any thoughts/experience with this?

i myself have found that so far, being raw has made me stronger in this polluted world.

for example, all the other girls at my work have sore throats and have lost their voices by the end of our work week. due to the fact that we speak in front of groups of 50 people at a time, for over an hour at a time, at least 6 times a day. but me, i am fine. my mouth and throat dont even feel dry.

also, i spent 2 weeks with my husbands family in bulgaria. they all got very very ill from a flu, including my husband. however, i was unscathed. i did not get sick at all. and they were all lecturing me the entire time about my diet! can you imagine?

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 18, 2007 12:00PM

would you ever consider going to a tanning salon, maybe just 1 time a week for 5-10 minutes at a time? i know its not ideal, but its better than no sun at all. and you would get a healthy dose of uva/uvb.

because i live in ireland, i go about once a week. otherwise i would not get any sun. and i think we need sunlight in any form we can get it. not just for vitamin D, but for our spirits as well winking smiley

i do not like supplements, mainly because i just dont believe in their effectiveness.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 20, 2007 04:31PM

Yes, pihourova, it does seem that when you eat raw and clean your body of toxins that you don't get sick from viruses and bacteria as much as others. So, I didn't mean to be discouraging with my analogy - just one I thought of that was similar to the arsenic analogy. (You know, how if you ate 1 Tablespoon of arsenic today you would drop dead but if you ate a few drops today and gradually increased it then 1 Tablespoon would not kill you in a couple of years.)

Yes, it does make us resistant to lots of things - including cancer, I believe - if we eat a living foods diet. That is funny that they were lecturing you about your diet and you were the only one not sick.

But I think sometimes about how some native populations have succumbed quickly (not all, but a large percentage) to outside viruses when invaded by new non-native people (like missionaries). I was told that it's because it was a new type of virus that the native population's bodies had not had experience in fighting.

The flu and other bugs we fight, our bodies have had experience fighting since the day we were born and before. Hence, the hygiene hypothesis, saying that many kids get sick too much because they live in a too clean environment. People with pets get sick less often also because they are exposed to some germs through them. They say we are also fighting cancer cells all the times and we just don't know it. We fight them off long before they are big enough to detect, most of the time.

Good idea on the tanning salon, but I would have to find one that is considered healthy by Dr. Mercola's standards and I haven't looked into it. Also, there are studies that show even people who have been out in the sun for over an hour a day for years are still very deficient in Vitamin D. I would probably take cod liver oil for my Vitamin D, if I didn't have to take insulin for any oils I take. So, I will stick with my supplement for now. Thanks.
Seven weeks raw today! Stayed raw all weekend. My daughter and I went to the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo this weekend. We always have a good time there. We tried to go Saturday, but my van broke down on the way so we took it in, went shopping a little while they checked it out, and then they took us home because it couldn't be fixed until Monday. So we borrowed the hubby's car on Sunday and went to the Expo then.

I paid for my daughter to have a tarot card reading that she enjoyed and provided her with some insights. I finally decided to have a Craniosacral Acupuncturist work on me that I have seen there for years. It felt great! I have had both done separately on me but never together. He found important spots to work on that no one had ever found before and balanced my chakras. Then I had my Aura picture taken and they were amazed that it was all white - spiritual. They asked how long I had been on a spiritual path and I said I didn't know I was. My daughter said that was an honest answer. Then we decided it was because of the treatment. So, I need to keep going to this guy. He has an office not too far away. They told me I don't want to stay white too long, as we can't live on earth at that level for long (another case of how one can be too pure for this world). I am sure my white aura was very temporary, as it has been very colorful before. They said I should, hopefully, be gold next time.

Oh, did a colonic last night and that helped eliminate a lot of toxins.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 20, 2007 05:00PM

oh man. that sounds so cool.

i would love to do something like that! and you were white? wow! perhaps this is why your diary is the only one i have ever felt an urge to write in on this forum. maybe we are connected spiritually some way? i love the fact that you discovered a new potential within yourself that you did not realize was there.

keep me updated on this as well as the craniosacral acupuncturist. i know nothing of these things and i am very keen to hear more about your experiences.

did you do the tarot card reading as well? i have done them for myself before but it seemed all i ever got was bad news. so i tossed out my cards after about a month. perhaps i was just going through a difficult time, i was.

and also, did you do the colonic yourself? or did you go to one of those places? if you did it yourself, can you give me some advice. i have used disposable ones before but i kind of felt like it interferred with my normal bowel movements which were always very regular.

your new raw diet it seems is leading to even greater more spiritual things for you. not just physical ones! i can not wait to see what happens next!

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 20, 2007 05:36PM

The man who analyzed my aura also said I had a woman, a man, and some angels watching over me. It was definitely a cool experience. Maybe we are connected spiritually, I can definitely believe that.

No, I didn't do a tarot card reading although I have done it before. You can end up spending a fortune at those expos so you have to pick and choose what to do each time. My tarot card reader though told me I will be in my own business someday, helping people. Maybe so, if I can help myself first. ;-)

Yes, I did the colonic (this time) myself at home with my colema board. But professional colonics are great too and I am thinking about doing one of those monthly from now on. I have a wood vinyl covered board with insertable wood legs that I bought years ago online. It may have been through this website []. Do you mean you have done enemas before? Those are good too. You just want to take some probiotics afterwards to replenish the good bacteria. Let me know if you have more questions about colonics.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 21, 2007 09:44AM

i wonder who the man and woman are that are watching over you? perhaps 2 spirits that are connected with you somehow, perhaps from another life? i love that stuff. life is so magical!

well, i guess i am quiet ignorant, i actually had no idea you could do a colonic yourself. and yes, enema is what i was referring to. sorry so many questions, but could you tell me what is the difference? i thought the only difference was that you had to go to a clinic for a colonic and that it was just faster.

also, when do you find is the best time for you to do an enema or colonic? for example, after a juice/water fast? once a week? first thing in the morning, or at night?

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 21, 2007 04:17PM

Maybe my dad and a grandma. Although, with an aura picture a few years ago they and I saw only one person and I thought it looked like a Native American man. I am only 1/16th Native American, but that was what it looked like to me. Could be from another life.

I looked online and it looks like some people agree with you, that a colonic is done by a professional and an enema is done at home. But, I think of an enema as being done with an enema bag. You get on the floor and put water into your colon from the enema bag, hold it in for a little while, and then go sit on the toilet. With a colonic you lay on a colema board that is positioned with an opening over the toilet or a tube (if being done by a professional). The enema bag holds half a gallon and when you are on a colema board you use a lot more water (I use a 5 gallon tub - but I don't always empty it).

I really don't plan my eating or drinking around it. I just do it on the weekend when I have time - once a week if I can. I don't mind the questions. Ask me if you have anymore.
Well, I guess raw olives and raw bars were a transitional food for me because I am over them. I had a fight with my hubby yesterday (my aura probably turned black for awhile ;-) ) and went and bought some raw olives and ate them and 2 raw bars left over from vacation for supper. It wasn't all of a sudden, they had started tasting less and less good to me over the last couple of weeks. But last night I could barely eat them, they just didn't appeal to me at all.

So, I am thinking about carrying an apple with me at all times from now on for when my sugar crashes. I'm not saying I will never have a raw bar or raw olives again, but not for awhile. I might need to buy an occasional raw bar for vacation trips or outings, because it is easier to sneak a bite of a raw bar than an apple when in a museum or something.

I lost 2 more pounds - I lost the last one after my latest colonic but it seems to have stayed off. I now weigh exactly my high school graduation weight - 105. I am not emaciated and no one thinks I look too skinny at this weight, so I think it is a good weight for me. My goal has never been to lose weight though, just to control blood sugars. If more comes off, that is fine but I am not trying to do that.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 21, 2007 06:29PM

Very interesting about the aura pic. and thanks for the other info as well.

i was kind of the same when i first went raw. i really enjoyed sort of, "gourmet" raw stuff. i too find i am simplifying more and more with time.

congratulations on your wieght loss! i am sure that must make you feel great to be back to your high school wieght! even though wieght was never really your issue, i am sure the loss is part of your healing process.

also, good job on staying raw after your spat with your hubby. its difficult not to go for the "hard stuff" when you are upset. for me anyway. winking smiley

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 21, 2007 06:46PM

Thanks, pihourova! Yep, you're right - the gourmat raw treats are getting less and less appealing and fresh fruits and veggies are tasting better and better all the time. :-)

It does feel good to be back at the weight I was at for most of my adult life before I developed diabetes.

I thought about eating cooked food after the spat (which I am still angry with him over - let it go, let it go, hurts me and not him...) but nothing sounded good and I didn't want to admit defeat on this forum. My blood tests are coming up in October and I want them to be very good this time and impress my endocrinologis. Also, I am having an eye exam tomorrow and even just one day of cooked food makes my vision blurry and would ruin that test.

I ordered online and got some Artisana raw nut butters to eat as an occasional treat but then I couldn't think of anything I felt like putting them on. So I ordered some raw flax crackers online (can't find them at Whole Foods) and will try the nut butters on them when I get them. I am thinking they will last a long time, because I just want a tiny bit each day. I will see how the flax crackers affect my blood sugars and then decide if it would be worth it to by a dehydrator and make them myself.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 22, 2007 03:40PM

Yesterday, I ate half a banana & 5 peaches for lunch.

I found a recipe online for a tomato/cucumber/radish dressing that sounded good. So I put all the ingredients in the blender last night and it made so much! It was also very runny. I did put half of it on my salad and got full very quickly. I put the rest of the salad up in the frig and also saved the rest of the dressing. Maybe I will add some greens to it and make a soup. Maybe next time I should cut the recipe in half or fourth and add a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil or something so it won't be so runny.

I also found a recipe I want to try for sunflower seed cheese. I'm going to try an easy one that uses water instead of rejuvelac or kefir and see if I like it. First I need to soak the sunflower seeds tonight.

I ate some longans or lychees last night for dessert that I had frozen. They were starting to get frostbitten so I ate 6 of them. I went to bed with a bs of 90 and woke up thinking my bs felt a little low but then when I checked it was 130, so that was okay.

It is Wednesday, nut day at work, so I ate some nuts for a morning snack. Sometimes that makes my bs go up, but this time it only went up to 150 about an hour later. It is 11:30 and I will eat some muscadine grapes, 1 1/2 bananas, and possibly an apple for lunch.

I am really enjoying the lighter feeling, digestive wise, from eating raw foods only. My eye appointment is this afternoon. They have never found damage yet in previous checkups from the diabetes and with all the good foods I have been eating, I am confident they will not find any today.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: pihourova ()
Date: August 22, 2007 05:44PM

sounds like you are having fun experimenting with raw recipes! can you fly to ireland and make some food for me? winking smiley)))

let us know how your eye appointment goes. perhaps your vision will be improved even!

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 22, 2007 05:55PM

Sounds fun, send me a ticket! ;-)

Yes, I suddenly have the urge to experiment and try new recipes. I am now understanding other raw foodists who like to do that. I guess we just all get to that phase at different times. Who knows, I may grow out of that phase again sometime.

I had Lasik done many years ago and my vision is usually great - so hopefully it still will be. I'll let you know!

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: August 23, 2007 03:25PM

I had my eye checkup with the opthamologist yesterday afternoon. My eyes are 20/40 - same as last year. Still legal to drive without glasses. There was no damage from the diabetes. They recommended that I get glasses, but I think I will wait and see if my vision improves next year from the raw food diet. I can see just fine to drive and work and read. Considering I had 20/6000 and 20/10000 vision before the Lasik years ago, I think my vision is great!

Then I took our cat to our holistic vet. I like this vet but it's always so darn expensive. I'm a little broke, what with the car breaking down this month and payday is around the corner - so I only did the bare minimum and it cost about $100. She got her rabies shot, an exam, and they kinesiology tested her cat food, supplements, etc. I am supposed to quit feeding her one of the flavors of the cat food that tested as bad for her. They want me to spend another $200. As soon as payday hits, I will go back and spend about $100 for the supplements she needs to clear up her developing thyroid problem they found. Then I think I will wait until the following month to spend the other $100 to cold laser her teeth of their plaque and get a blood test done for her thyroid. The vet showed me a nice acupressure technique to boost my silver Maine Coon's immune system. Silver Maine Coon's have lowered immune systems, so they are high maintenance cats (I didn't know this before I got her).

The appointment took quite awhile and I had to buy some groceries and Taco Bell for the family afterwards. I also knew I needed to zap our dog when I got home (which takes over an hour), so I did stop at the Vitamin Shoppe and buy one Raw Food Organic Bar of the Chocolatey Chip flavor and it tasted okay. I was planning on eating some raw food that I had bought at the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo this weekend, but turns out I hadn't closed the ziplock bag as well as I thought and ants got into it so I had to throw it away. Very disappointing. But maybe the universe is telling me to quit eating so many nuts (it was nuts and fruit). A trail of ants bypassed the cheetos (which my daughter checked and said they weren't closed too tightly either) and went straight to my raw food. She said, see bugs do like raw food better. This is something they mentioned at the Expo. One booth had a few month old 'unhappy meal' sitting out to show that even bugs didn't like to eat it and it hadn't decayed.

I did buy a green/carrot juice at that Java Jives before going to the vet. It was very yummy.

Re: Trying again - to help with Type 1 Diabetes
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: August 23, 2007 05:24PM

Cute post! How come you don't just feed your cat a raw food diet..for carnivores? Much cheaper than buy packaged foods from the vets. Just wondering.

That's funny about the raw foods..and the ants! They are smarter than many humans!


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Eat more Raw Fruits and Vegetables