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Sin Eater: Deep Vegan Heroics in a Malevolent Universe
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: August 02, 2007 08:20PM

Hey bloggies - welcome to my new blog. I am vegan since the age of 9, and have just gone 100% raw wild/veganic anti-mycotoxic etc. etc. the other day. This blog is for anyone who wants to push his or her veganism to the limits, to have the courage of his/her convictions even if it means "giving up" what the media, school system, death industries want us to think are such an all-fired turn-on we have to torture others and kill ourselves to get it, like "chocolate cake" or "ice cream" or whatever they think we'll think is sex. Wild/veganic means that all of a sudden I am realizing that just "organic" won't do. Of course, a real vegan and a real rawer never do commercially-grown - such "food" can be irradiated, heat-treated, genetically-engineered (and the genetic-engineering ain't vegan - they test on animals), and of course always is contaminated by sprays, which alone kill millions and millions of birds, fish, and other animals every year. I just no longer would consider myself vegan if I supported that. But "organic"? Well, of course of course there's the issue of air-borne sprays from the next field over. But even more important if you are against supporting the slaughterhouse industry and the suffering of other animals, "organic" produce means produce that has been grown with animal parts - blood and bone and their faeces, all from the slaughterhouses. There's a very small movement called "veganic" agriculture, because everything CAN be grown with non-animal fertilizers and compost and soil and so on, but I find it almost impossible to obtain any. I don't have a farm of my own.

Please anyone who cares about veganism, start asking questions. Start demanding Veganic and demand to be told whether something has been grown Certified Veganically (vegan AND organic). This will make it in the future easier to know what we are eating - someday it will be a selling-point with vendors to let us know, "This is REALLY cruelty-free!" I don't know about you, but I just can't condone in myself being associated with the death industry even to that extent. I can't eat a lettuce knowing that it grew from blood and bones and the @#$%& of a drugged-up, grain-fed, tortured-and-then-murdered cow who was miserable all her life.

Because of this, I'm getting more into wildcrafted foods. And I have started to sprout!

Anyway, a bit about me. I am male, 24, musician and record-collector, live in NY State for now but I have to always be circumambulatory and nomadic, because I need to live in low-rent places in nature. Currently live with two cats, neutered and rescue-cats of course. More about me will unfold. Will never germinate kids, though maybe someday I'll adopt an inner-city kid and teach him about modal jazz, Farm Sanctuary, and peace to all beings. And of course give him raw vegan food to his or her heart's content. Six foot, 135-162 when fat pounds, dark hair, Anglo-Irish ancestry and looking to move back overseas someday. I hate genealogy, though! People who worry about "who they are" GENEALOGICALLY? Please.

So it's almost four here - nothing much has happened today except I've had a ton of barley grass juice, sundried salt-free olives from NaturalZing (am I allowed to say that?), and baby greens from Glaser Organic Farms (am I allowed to say THAT?). That broke a grass juice fast of a couple of days - not long, I know, butI wasn't meaning to fast. I'd just run out of food! Oh, I also had some of my own first sprouts - I didn't play guitar and sing to them as they grew, but I did take them into bed with me. They thrived.

Oh, one cool thing I discovered is this Netflix-for-books rental club. You borrow books, and shipping both ways is free. Keep them as long as you like. Do you know what I totally love incredibly about them? If you request books they don't have, they order them right away and put them in their catalog. Yesterday I requestedabout a dozen items of world literature and they are already in my "queue" - stuff like Saltykov, Musil, Conrad whom they didn't have! Today, this morning, I remembered I wanted to read a book by Will Tuttle called THE WORLD PEACE DIET. I feel we should use this sort of business to build a better world and for once here's a business where we actually have some say (do you know that when I tried to protest that is featuring a huge picture of a slaughtered and tortured cow right on the same page, as an advertisement, as the vegan ahimsa book called PEACE TO ALL BEINGS: SOUP FOR THE CHICKEN'S SOUL, they just send you a smarmy form letter? How evil can you be? And they refuse to change it. I am boycotting evil and have stopped buying from them for some time since. We HAVE to start doing these things.), so I requested that Bookswim(that is the online book-by-mail rental club - they are at add some books by John Robbins, and Peter Singer - also ETERNAL TREBLINKA, DOMINION, THE PIG WHO SANG TO THE MOON by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, and the two books I've already mentioned. THE WAY WE EAT, by Peter Singer was one of them - THE FOOD REVOLUTION by Robbins another subtitled, how to eat to revolutionize the world or something. But Standard American Veganism leads to health problems, and then people get desperate and do these anti-candida, low-starches-and-carbohydrate diets that act as if you cannot be a vegan and healthy - I hate them!! It's not a choice between grains and killing, duh - get with the century, dude. You guys, let's request a great RAW library from You know that you can barely get a used copy of a new (or older!) raw book for less than 12 dollars, right? And if it's by Cousens or Wolfe or Graham or one of those, you can bet it's more. All we have to do is ask, and we can build a library through bookswim where we can read all the stuff for free (well, as part of a membership) and then even better, pass it on to others. I am so stoked and chuffed about this - it's exciting. A lot of us can't plunk down 10 or 20 dollars for these things, and it's not environmentalist or tree-hugging to get a new copy anyway. Besides, a lot of the time we SORT of want to see what a book says but sort of very much don't want to really buy it, is this true? It is for me. They'll just add whatever in-print book we want to read or peruse - cool. Sometimes I wish I had done that with some stuff by Boutenko, Wolfe, Cousens, Shazzie, Zavasta (yes, I bought both her books for my mom), and so forth. Anyway, that is my big news at the moment - now I have to wait for the books I ordered to arrive in the mail.

Peace on, everybody,


Re: Sin Eater: Deep Vegan Heroics in a Malevolent Universe
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: August 02, 2007 08:35PM

lots of good info smiling smiley thank you and welcome to the forums smiling smiley

and yes you are allowed to name retailers tongue sticking out smiley

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

Re: Sin Eater: Deep Vegan Heroics in a Malevolent Universe
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: August 02, 2007 09:00PM

Hi, Jodi - thanks a lot!! I like using NaturalZing for stuff that all those vendors sell. I think they really believe in veganism. I ordered some of their sprouted almonds, which I hope will arrive before the weekend (I checked with the grower, Anerson almonds in Calif., and, yes, they are grown veganically).

Jodi, I was worried I'd come across as a moaning party-@#$%& wet blanket with fire and brimstone. The truth is that it is impossible to be entirely ethical in one's food choices. Even if we had a fruit farm and grew and ate all our own food (which would be fruit because we would not want to kill any plants), and most of us either can't or don't want to do that, or both, there would still be ethical problems that I feel would be major. I guess we do the best we possibly can. Most of our conundrum is because we're dependent on others for our food, so we can try to change things so that ethical demands are answered, but some of it has to do with the cosmos. We sort of do, because we are not autotropic (is that the word?) like plants and need food sources other than the sun (some may disagree, and I have tried inedia, but show me a real-life successful breatharian who is healthy and never eats or drinks), have to choose between our own health and the life of somebody else living in the world, even if he/she is a root vegetable with no legal representation or protection or civil rights. I hate a universe where it's him or me. But most of all I think it's important to be healthy and nice vegans (the health comes necessarily, but not solely, from being raw), so that we can be a real force for inspiration and change, world leaders, yay!

I've spent far too much time today thinking about how I should be an entrepreneur and start my own "Netflix-for-music" rental club. Anyone want to help? Or join? As exciting as the mp3 revolution is for people with high-speed connections on their computers, I bet there are a lot of people who still would rent. Downloading is a pain at the best of times. I don't know - do you think there's any sort of demand?

Well, I am going to have more juice and get outside. Rawk on, everyone,

Re: Sin Eater: Deep Vegan Heroics in a Malevolent Universe
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: August 02, 2007 09:10PM

all you can do is try the best that you can smiling smiley you dont come off whiney at all smiling smiley

i mean i have vege friends who still wear leather heels or shoes or jackets ..and i go hmmm .. but hey smiling smiley im working on me at the moment

as far as netflix goes i dont know .. your the 3rd persona lately that has mentioned it and i have to check it out .. im in canada so im not sure if its avvailable up here (nothing seems to be lol)

smiling smiley now shooo !! outdoors with ya !

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

Re: Sin Eater: Deep Vegan Heroics in a Malevolent Universe
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: August 04, 2007 08:30AM


idig yer post

am i allowed to say THATTT??

tongue sticking out smiley

keep posting
and i'll keep reading

there's nothing else left to read
no books in my desk at the moment
so your posts will just have to do for nowtongue sticking out smiley

Re: Sin Eater: Deep Vegan Heroics in a Malevolent Universe
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: August 05, 2007 09:54PM

I'm going to check out the book clubs you mentioned, thanks for the info. That's sweet you bought your mom a couple books.

I'm wondering about the idea of not using animal based anything when growing veggies, fruits, etc. I am thinking that the world at large, in nature the rotted matierial is made up of many things, including animals, insects, among the rotting plant materals. Am I missing something about the growing method?

I look forward to reading your posts here, they are informative that's for sure!


Re: Sin Eater: Deep Vegan Heroics in a Malevolent Universe
Posted by: earthangel ()
Date: August 27, 2007 06:37AM

hey there where did you go?? i hope all is well!! i enjoyed reading your is sooo awesome to find someone young and like minded on here you knwo?? so many of the young adults our age (i'm 22) are not concerned with the world or the way we live...they are worried about partying,drinking,drugs,and more is so refreshing to see something different..which is why i love this forum..there is a handful of our generation set out to make a difference in the world!! yay you!!
take care
lots of love

Much peace and love!!!

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