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Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: gogoberry ()
Date: October 15, 2008 04:09AM

hi everyone,

my 6 year old maltese x was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease about six weeks ago. it has been devastating because i love him so much but also because the vet said his kidneys were fine after he had an infection a year before. i took the results to another vet and they diplomatically said the results were not fine but showed kidney damage - and the results were obviously looked over.

feeling like i can't trust anyone and must thoroughly look into everything - i put my dog on liquid herbs and a new diet consisting of raw food. he has been doing so much better and some of his test results show nearly normal!

i want to transition him to more raw food but i have a couple of questions. i thought the people in these forums may be able to help.

1. the vet says kidney disease is irreversible - is this true? the herbs he is on get rid of toxins in the body but also help support the kidneys. they told me on the phone that dogs who take these herbs can go on to live normal lives.

2. i was told by a naturopath that disease cannot live in an alkaline state. if i make my dog's body alkaline - will this reverse or stop the disease?

3. has anyone had any experience with raw foods and kidney disease? i know raw foods have 'miraculously' healed many diseases/ illnesses that are thought to be irreversible.

4. is maca good for dogs? my dog needs to start making his own cortisone and i read maca balances the hormones and people who take it can stop taking their medication!

thanks everyone! i really appreciate any advice you may have!


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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: Lillianswan ()
Date: October 15, 2008 07:01AM


Maca was mentioned on this forum by several people as having been being given to dogs so at least it won't kill him. But I've also seen it mentioned as being high in phosphorus and several sites on dog kidney disease mentioned limiting protein to limit phosphorus. So, I don't know about that, I don't know exactly how much phosphorus is in maca as compared to protein sources.

That's cool that your dog is getting better.

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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: LikeItOrNot ()
Date: October 15, 2008 09:44AM

This isn't really the forum for this. Most people on here are vegans and against dogs and raw food.

- Diseases are only "irreversible" when you're dealing with a Conventional Quack.
- For more "raw food" info, just keep doing google searches for Raw Foods. Lots of Yahoo groups for this too.
- "Alkaline" is a people thing. Dogs bodies are completley different. For instance if you actually have any "PH Strips" your dog will show he is "alkaline" regardless of what he eats. Lots of "raw fed" dogs still get cancer and diseases, so feeding raw doesn't automatically make a dog's "state" perfect anymore than it does for people.

- Not really any experience with it but I'd assume just by "cleansing" the kidneys, they should heal..... Unhealthy diets cause kidney issues..I'd think by flushing the junk out of the kidney's they would heal...
A homeopathic vet would be able to "cure" it but that's a whole different logic than conventional or holistic and you'd need a vet who really knows what they're doing otherwise they can cause more problems.

dont know if this site will help -

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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: gogoberry ()
Date: October 15, 2008 10:11AM

thanks for he info!

sorry i didn't realise people would be offended me talking about my dog here. i thought if he was on a raw vegan diet it wouldn't matter.

thanks again.

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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: flash ()
Date: October 15, 2008 08:23PM

At the top of this page is states:

"This forum is for talking about living and raw foods for animals."

My dog eats raw meat, fruit, and greens.


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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: gina ()
Date: November 14, 2008 06:53PM

Hi 'Gogoberry',

Just read your post and was wondering exactly what type of kidney disease your dog has been diagnosed with? Most disease is irreversible, so don't worry. Herbs aren't necessary7, just a good raw food diet with plenty of veggies included.

Best wishes,

Gina Shaw Dsc MA AIYS Dip Irid Dip NH

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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: loeve ()
Date: November 23, 2008 03:09AM

gina Wrote:
> Hi 'Gogoberry',
> Just read your post and was wondering exactly what
> type of kidney disease your dog has been diagnosed
> with? Most disease is irreversible, so don't
> worry. Herbs aren't necessary7, just a good raw
> food diet with plenty of veggies included.
> Best wishes,
> Gina

I was out collecting herbs recently and the dog I was caring for, who recently had a severe kidney crisis, was along side me sampling the herbs, but mostly eating juicy green grass growing along the garden, with no prompting from me.. loved the sound of the juicer and would eat veggies at times.

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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: Ariel55 ()
Date: June 22, 2009 03:39PM

Gogobery, did you manage to find the right treatment to help your dog? I'd be interested if you post back

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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: gogoberry ()
Date: June 15, 2011 02:34AM

Hi Ariel55,

And thanks to those who gave their best wishes and good advice.

Thought I'd tell you what happened: while the herbs, raw foods and other natural therapies such as kinesiology gave him an improved quality of life, he didn't last more than 3 months.

But his death sent me back on a mission to be a healer and got me back into the natural therapies again. So in that sense it was a blessing. He is very much missed though - it was one of the worst times of my life.

I also just want to say to:

LikeitOrNot and flash

your words at the time appeared to be full of judgment. I was seeking help and advice or personal experience from vegan living raw foodists who had pets. I didn't need your technicalities and judgments thanks. Because of this I became very disillusioned with the raw food diet and saw a lot of holes in it. While I am mostly raw now and constantly researching the healing arts and nutrition, your comments seemed to come from a fascist point of you and I felt left in the dark during a very difficult period in my life when all I wanted assistance in healing from a culture I assumed was ahead of everyone else. I thought raw foodists and vegans (I was vegan for 5 years) were supposed to have compassion for all living things - your comments certainly didn't feel that way.

Anyway, it was so long ago and the only reason I bring it up now was because this is the first time I bothered to jump back onto this site after that incident. I then accidentally came across this old post.

I wish you all well and hope your diets are giving you the best of health, which you all deserve smiling smiley

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Re: Chronic Kidney Disease
Posted by: flash ()
Date: July 27, 2011 10:32PM

My apologies, gogoberry. The intention of my previous post was to point out that this is the appropriate forum for talking about your dog and raw food, even if it isn't vegan food.


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