raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
Date: January 07, 2012 06:41AM I have been feeding my cat raw for a long time including raw eggs. Someone told me that this inhibits vit B absorption. I would like to hear your comments on this. I tried to cook an egg and he wouldn't eat it. I went back to raw. He goes outside so I am not sure how the egg is affecting his digestive system. The few times he has used the litter box his stools seemed to be loose and smelly. I don't know if there is a connection. Thanks. Re: raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
Date: April 17, 2012 10:37PM It's the raw egg white that inhibits biotin absorbtion. If you make sure your cat gets sufficient B vits - especially food high in biotin, it's not an issue. Re: raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
Date: March 20, 2014 06:19AM Are you sure about the eggs? I read it is poisonous. (such as avocado & chocolate is too) Re: raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: December 29, 2015 01:28PM [www.mercola.com]#
Raw Eggs for Your Health -- Major Update By J. Mercola, D.O. ... Revised Recommendations For Raw Egg Whites Earlier this summer, I posted an article that suggested that one should not eat raw egg whites. This is the traditional nutritional dogma as raw egg whites contain a glycoprotein called avidin that is very effective at binding biotin, one of the B vitamins. The concern is that this can lead to a biotin deficiency. The simple solution is to cook the egg whites as this completely deactivates the avidin. The problem is that it also completely deactivates nearly every other protein in the egg white. While you will still obtain nutritional benefits from consuming cooked egg whites, from a nutritional perspective it would seem far better to consume them uncooked. Since making the recommendation in July, I have more carefully studied this issue. Two groups brought me to back this: pet owners who feed their pets raw foods and Aajonus Vonderplanitz, who wrote the raw food book. Both feel quite strongly that raw eggs are just fine to eat. After my recent studies it became clear that the egg’s design carefully compensated for this issue. It put tons of biotin in the egg yolk. Egg yolks have one of the highest concentrations of biotin found in nature. So it is likely that you will not have a biotin deficiency if you consume the whole raw egg, yolk and white. It is also clear, however, that if you only consume raw egg whites, you are nearly guaranteed to develop a biotin deficiency unless you take a biotin supplement. ... ![]() Re: raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2016 03:33AM Hi, I'm Bob. I have been practicing and studying raw food for 44 years. I won't go into all the background stories, there are many. But I will attest to using my pets and sick strays during that whole time as guinee pigs (at age 13 I got a direct lesson from 75 actual Guinea Pigs, 150 hamsters, 10 gerbils, and 20 mice, breeding animals for pets). Let me start with the generalities. Felines, canids and most fully carnivorous animals have been evolving towards that in the harsh natural environment for at least 40 million years. Humans have been cooking food for anywhere from 500 to about 10,000 to 100,000 years. The insane complexity of the evolution of digestion, not to mention the current systems in complex organisms, is not something you change over periods of less than 500,000 years give or take 100-200 thousand years.
Wild predators can adjust to a moderate range of food moisture levels, and a wide range of climatic and moisture situations. And there faesces in normal moisture environments usually have much more moisture than those of pets fed commercial pet foods, or cooked animal products. And there bowel movements are quite odiferous. That's from higher enzyme activity, and the makeup of the food itself. Modern media and commercial enterprises have continued the ludicrous concept that nature is to be bent to consumer convienience, and economy, mostly to increase their profits, not to promote healthy pets. Go buy a new pet more often, spend spend spend on vet bills etc. Also, remember, an animal that is getting unaltered raw nutrients needs so much less energy for digestion, and receives immeasurably more real nutrition. And remember, fluid transport is the only means of transport in living organisms. Felines are egg stealers by nature. Long before they developed the abilty to catch mobil prey. My cats steal them right out of the chicken coops. After decades ofgiving raw eggs, meat, and other high protean animal products (except for cows milk or cheese, though cream is a totally different....animal!) to numerous half dead strays, and injured critters, many of whom vets said had zero chance of survival, I have invariably seen the same miraculous transformations to immaculate health I experienced when I gave up cooked food in April 1973. As Norman Walker pointed out repeatedly, the mechanical and biochemical effects of cooked (which means dehydrated, as well as killed, and transformed nutrients) foods destroys the intestines and other digestive organs progressively, greatly shortening life, and degrading the quality of life and health all along the way. Your cat is smarter than most people I know. But habituation can swerve some natural instincts given enough time and repetition. Thank goodness you had enough faith in raw food to not create that twisted state of affairs. Raw eggs have never caused any health problems for any of my carnivorous animals. And finally, remember dogs have 100 times the concentration of hydrochloric acid in their stomachs as humans do. That is for fats and proteins, and anti septic purposes. Cats are even more sole carnivores. Re: raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2016 03:44AM "The raw food book"? I get your emails, for over 6 months, and I just joined this site. Norman Walker is the original raw food promulgator in the western world. He invented the electric vegetable juicer. The Norwalk triturator and hydraulic press. He began his raw food crusade by 1910. I doubt your "he wrote the raw food book" guy was born before or by 1910. And I lived at the Hippocrates Health institute in 1992. I was the only one there who ate exclusively raw food for the 4 month stay I enjoyed. Walker promoted carrot juice, he is the reason it is so closely associated with natural health advocacy, as Ann Wigmore did for wheat grass in the later 20th century. Please clarify. Re: raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2016 03:47AM Eggs contain a tiny amount of strychnine, in amounts that are actually a dietary necessity. Re: raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2016 03:52AM Like I say, I have been getting your emails for over 6 months, and the great quality of your post here exemplifies the reason I didn't opt out early on, nor do I have any plans to opt out, ever. Thanx for more great info. Re: raw eggs for cats
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2016 04:04AM Rereading my "raw food book" original message to Dr Mercola again, I realize that there have been other raw food enthusiasts, all the way back before recorded history, almost certainly. But after 44 years of seeing Walkers foresight confirmed over and over again, even in some of the most difficult to believe aspects, I was a bit defensive, and I hope I didn't seem like I was trying to start some "my health food guru can beat up your health food guru" minutia. Any and all raw food promoters and enthusiasts are the future of hope for humanity, as it was for a very sick child years ago that was me. Bless you all, and God bless Tiny Tim! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.