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Homemade dog food
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: October 10, 2015 05:22AM

Does anyone have any experience in making their dog homemade meals? If so, what do you use? I made a thread about a month ago in "Raw Foods for Pets and Animals" forum but never got any answers. For my 60-70 lb. purebred Siberian husky, I was thinking...

4 oz. of sprouted buckwheat groats
2 oz. organic chicken breasts
1/4 cup hemp seeds

This would be the base and I would add other ingredients such as extra-virgin coconut oil, turmeric extract, sweet potatoes, steamed veggies, microgreens, etc. Buckwheat and hemp are great sources of protein and calorie-wise this is a mostly vegan diet.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: October 10, 2015 02:17PM

<<<calorie-wise this is a mostly vegan diet.>>>

The Feeding "Mistake" That I Consider Unethical...
October 04, 2015 | 34,513 views
By Dr. Becker

Dr. Becker on Feeding Pets a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet (Part 2)
7:15 Minute Video

Story at-a-glance

• Dogs must eat animal protein because, of the 22 essential amino acids they need to meet their metabolic and energy requirements, they make only 12. The other 10 must be sourced from the diet as preformed amino acids
• Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they must eat meat to survive. Cats have virtually no capacity to turn plant proteins into the missing pieces needed for a complete amino acid profile
• The nutritional deficiencies and imbalances that result from a vegetarian or vegan pet diet inevitably lead to serious and sometimes irreversible medical conditions down the road
• The vast majority of both conventional and holistic veterinarians are against feeding carnivorous dogs and cats vegetarian or vegan diets, and recent research also shows many of these diets are nutritionally deficient
• Forcing one’s personal lifestyle of vegetarianism or veganism on a species designed to eat a meat-based diet is unethical


In conclusion, this is really just about using common sense and keeping the best interests of your pet as your number one priority. If your personal eating habits or philosophy are so strong that everyone in your family must abide by them, I encourage you to pick a species to care for whose God-given dietary needs are aligned with yours. If you're a committed vegetarian or vegan and can't stand the sight or even the thought of meat, choose a companion animal designed by nature as a vegetarian.

If your pet happens to be a rabbit and you're all about the Paleo lifestyle, please don't force your carnivorous habits onto your bunny. If your pet is a snake, don't be angry when he turns down salad. You get the idea…

Pushing your personal nutritional philosophy on another species that doesn't have the same biologic requirements as you do isn't ethical.

Hey jt,

I'm sure your version is going to be better than the average "vegan" version, but you might want to check out Dr. Becker's book on feeding dogs and cats Raw Food.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: October 10, 2015 03:06PM

John Rose Wrote:
> <<>>
> []
> rchive/2015/10/04/pet-vegan-vegetarian-diet-part-2
> .aspx?e_cid=20151004Z1_PetsNL_art_1&utm_source=pet
> snl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign
> =20151004Z1&et_cid=DM87113&et_rid=1151015130
> The Feeding "Mistake" That I Consider
> Unethical...
> October 04, 2015 | 34,513 views
> By Dr. Becker
> Dr. Becker on Feeding Pets a Vegan or Vegetarian
> Diet (Part 2)
> 7:15 Minute Video
> []
> Story at-a-glance
> • Dogs must eat animal protein because, of the
> 22 essential amino acids they need to meet their
> metabolic and energy requirements, they make only
> 12. The other 10 must be sourced from the diet as
> preformed amino acids
> • Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they
> must eat meat to survive. Cats have virtually no
> capacity to turn plant proteins into the missing
> pieces needed for a complete amino acid profile
> • The nutritional deficiencies and imbalances
> that result from a vegetarian or vegan pet diet
> inevitably lead to serious and sometimes
> irreversible medical conditions down the road
> • The vast majority of both conventional and
> holistic veterinarians are against feeding
> carnivorous dogs and cats vegetarian or vegan
> diets, and recent research also shows many of
> these diets are nutritionally deficient
> • Forcing one’s personal lifestyle of
> vegetarianism or veganism on a species designed to
> eat a meat-based diet is unethical
> ...
> In conclusion, this is really just about using
> common sense and keeping the best interests of
> your pet as your number one priority. If your
> personal eating habits or philosophy are so strong
> that everyone in your family must abide by them, I
> encourage you to pick a species to care for whose
> God-given dietary needs are aligned with yours. If
> you're a committed vegetarian or vegan and can't
> stand the sight or even the thought of meat,
> choose a companion animal designed by nature as a
> vegetarian.
> If your pet happens to be a rabbit and you're all
> about the Paleo lifestyle, please don't force your
> carnivorous habits onto your bunny. If your pet is
> a snake, don't be angry when he turns down salad.
> You get the idea…
> Pushing your personal nutritional philosophy on
> another species that doesn't have the same
> biologic requirements as you do isn't ethical.
> Hey jt,
> I'm sure your version is going to be better than
> the average "vegan" version, but you might want to
> check out Dr. Becker's book on feeding dogs and
> cats Raw Food.

I completely agree and it's for this reason why I would still include 2 ounces of organic chicken breast in each meal. I would also switch it up sometimes and replace sprouted buckwheat groats with sprouted quinoa. Buckwheat is just so much cheaper but has a very similar nutrient content.

Thanks for the info.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Date: October 11, 2015 03:28AM

jtprindl Wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience in making their
> dog homemade meals? If so, what do you use? I made
> a thread about a month ago in "Raw Foods for Pets
> and Animals" forum but never got any answers. For
> my 60-70 lb. purebred Siberian husky, I was
> thinking...
> 4 oz. of sprouted buckwheat groats
> 2 oz. organic chicken breasts
> 1/4 cup hemp seeds
> This would be the base and I would add other
> ingredients such as extra-virgin coconut oil,
> turmeric extract, sweet potatoes, steamed veggies,
> microgreens, etc. Buckwheat and hemp are great
> sources of protein and calorie-wise this is a
> mostly vegan diet.

Kulvinskas always said that feeding things like wheat/oat sprouts and seed sprouts like sunflower are good. However the issue is that like cats, if a meat eating animal was to go vegan it would need proper supplementation in order to keep it healthy.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: suvine ()
Date: October 11, 2015 09:38AM

This is a vegan board, but since you ask, I have fed my chihuahua raw chicken bones- thats what dogs eat raw bones.. and they love avocados. I got super hell for this. on GITMR, so I stopped. Now they eat canned dog food.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: October 11, 2015 03:41PM

Sorry to rain on the pet parade, but isn't it ironic that vegans are feeding their pets factory farmed meat? That seems a criss cross of ethics and support of a toxic cruel industry. I personally think that noone, and especially ethical vegans should "own" animals.

When I think about all the dogs people "own" and that are @#$%& toxic crap animal foods all over the landscape, it makes me cringe.

Dog @#$%& & Water Pollution

@#$%& Pollution

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: October 11, 2015 06:05PM

"When I think about all the dogs people "own" and that are @#$%& toxic crap animal foods all over the landscape, it makes me cringe."

Ok, well what's your solution? I always hear you talking about the changes you'd like to see but what are you doing to accomplish them? Be the change you want to see in the world. I find it hypocritical to do anything otherwise, because then you're not practicing what you preach. Personally, I think adopting and caring/loving for an animal is much better than the likely alternative - euthanasia and/or being locked in a cage for years being fed garbage.

I do agree on the whole "ownership" thing, I do NOT think I own my dogs, I view them as companions. I would be using organic poultry but you also have to understand why some "vegans" (I dislike labels which is why I use quotations) might be using factory farmed meat. Organic meat is quite expensive and many people have trouble feeding themselves and their families let alone their dogs. You always have to consider other people's perspectives.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: October 11, 2015 08:57PM

I don't own pets, I don't ride horses, and I don't eat animals or milk so I don't require any caging, raping, confining etc. Beyond that I bring up an alternative way to look at the problem.

I understand the satisfaction and companionship pets provide, but I understand the dark side that was illustrated in the links.

It's not an idle question. America's 83 million pet dogs produce some 10.6 million tons of @#$%& every year.

That's enough to fill a line of tractor-trailers from Seattle to Boston, one waste removal service has calculated. Add in litter from our more than 90 million cats, and you've got enough pet waste to fill more than 5,000 football fields ten feet deep, according to another @#$%&-scooping company.

Dogs can harbor lots of viruses, bacteria and parasites — including harmful pathogens like e coli, giardia and salmonella. (A single gram contains an estimated 23 million bacteria.) Studies have traced 20 to 30 percent of the bacteria in water samples from urban watersheds to dog waste. Just two to three days of waste from 100 dogs can contribute enough bacteria, nitrogen and phosphorous to close 20 miles of a bay-watershed to swimming and shellfishing, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It also can get into the air we breathe: a recent study of air samples in Cleveland, Ohio, and Detroit, Mich., found that 10 to 50 percent of the bacteria came from dog @#$%&.

My Solution, Say no to pets and animal husbandry: Let them all go FREE and let nature sort it out, and that includes horses, cows, chickens, cats, zoo animals, aquarium prisoners etc. etc.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: October 11, 2015 09:47PM

I wanted to add that I have a hunch that the brain eating Amoeba's we've been seeing probably have their origin in all that @#$%&.

Pitbulls should all be put down, we don't want them breeding in the WILD...

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: October 12, 2015 03:18AM

"Pitbulls should all be put down, we don't want them breeding in the WILD..."

Pitbulls are in no way, shape, or form, more dangerous than any other breed. That's just dogma. Did you have a traumatizing experience with dogs at some point in your life? Also, do you not see the irony and hypocrisy of this statement? You want humans to stop engaging in animal husbandry and let "nature sort it out", but you simultaneously want to kill off an entire breed of dogs?

"My Solution, Say no to pets and animal husbandry: Let them all go FREE and let nature sort it out, and that includes horses, cows, chickens, cats, zoo animals, aquarium prisoners etc. etc."

In my opinion, that wouldn't be a good idea, especially with the societal status quo. Let them go free where? Just saying "letting them go free" is very vague. You want hundreds of thousands of animals roaming through the likes of New York City, Los Angeles, Dallas, etc.? There would be a massacre and dead animals everywhere from accidents, starvation, dehydration, etc.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: October 12, 2015 04:02PM

Dog Attacks:
Research from shows that during the 10-year period from 2005 to 2014, these two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the total recorded fatal human attacks.1 By compiling U.S. and Canadian press accounts between 1982 and 2014, a report by Animals 24-7 shows that pit bulls (307) and rottweilers (89) and their mixes contributed to 67% of the attacks resulting in human death.

It is important to point out that fatal dog attacks committed by pit bulls and their mixes more than doubles the attacks inflicted by rottweilers. It is well documented by experts and humane groups that pit bulls pose a substantial danger due to their selective breeding for dogfighting. Unlike other dog breeds, pit bulls frequently fail to communicate intention prior to an attack (surprise attacks); possess a lethal bite style (hold and shake) and a ruinous manner of attack (gameness).

Yes it will be a massacre, but better than the massacre that is happening in factory farms to feed them in the long run. A pitbuill is like walking down the street waving a gun, you never know when it will go off. They are also known to attack their owners and family more than any other breed. WE've created a monster...

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: October 12, 2015 04:09PM

As far as a traumatic experience I've been bit once in the hand, and have been chased countless times. I am always out running and biking and take a wrong turn and yikes.

Dogs are territorial to a fault, and will violently protect their patch just like their "owners", they think they "own" the territory, of course that's just a reflection of OUR own faulty thinking.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: October 12, 2015 06:33PM

"Dogs are territorial to a fault, and will violently protect their patch just like their "owners", they think they "own" the territory, of course that's just a reflection of OUR own faulty thinking."

Nobody really owns anything but that doesn't mean the concept of purchasing land and having the primary rights to that land while you choose to live there shouldn't exist. You personally may want to live in an RV your entire life searching for fruit trees, not everyone else chooses to follow that path. I'd rather "own" some land and grow all of my own food while still traveling on my own time. Again, it's important to understand other people's perspectives and stop assuming that everyone else thinks like you do or that if they don't then it means they're wrong.

"Research from shows that during the 10-year period from 2005 to 2014, these two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the total recorded fatal human attacks.1 By compiling U.S. and Canadian press accounts between 1982 and 2014, a report by Animals 24-7 shows that pit bulls (307) and rottweilers (89) and their mixes contributed to 67% of the attacks resulting in human death."

I have a few comments on this. First off, this doesn't indicate that the dogs are dangerous because it doesn't consider the environments that these dogs came from. Also, pit bulls are routinely trained by humans to be guard dogs and attack dogs, thus why many of them act aggressive towards strangers. They were trained to do so. Nobody gets a chihuahua and trains it to attack people.

There are many people who like to manipulate, disrespect, and degrade others but when they come across a person who stands their ground and refuses to be taken advantage of, then they cower down or try to make it seem as if you're the bad guy or you're being mean. Well, I think this same concept applies to dogs as well, it's just that some breeds are less likely to put up with it (i.e. pitbulls) and when they attack back, people label them as "dangerous" and "aggressive" even though they are the one's who provoked them. You can only push someone so far before they snap.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: October 12, 2015 06:43PM

Animals are naturally territorial, that's just the way it is. If you're solution is to kill off any breed or species of animals that gets protective over territory, then you're basically promoting the extinction of a large percentage of wildlife.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: October 12, 2015 07:12PM

I live on a beautiful hill overlooking miles and miles of valley so I've learned to love the heavy duty neighborhood protection squad dogs that have become popular around here. They've cut WAY down on the obnoxious stranger bikers and runners who used to heedlessly grimace their way, like robotic zombies, through our beautiful neighborhood like a creepy dusky plague. Never once did I ever see any of those runners and bikers smile or wave like normal people do when they passed someone on our sidewalkless streets. Never once have I seen one of the bikers bother to even stop at a stop sign. The giant dogs and the pit bulls are way more courteous, and even human, than those self absorbed narcissistic costumed up faster-faster clowns that used to darken this neighborhood, at least, with their presence.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: October 12, 2015 08:24PM

Sue Schadenfreude wrote:

I’m a cranky old biddy and I don’t like anyone enjoying something that I paid for even I am incapable of enjoying it myself. So to keep those health minded people who like to exercise in my neighborhood OUT of MY neighborhood, I purchased 2 big loud obnoxious dogs and had them trained to bark at everyone who comes down my neighborhood hoping to discourage those strangers from ever using my streets again even though the streets actually belong to them. Some of my neighbors have complained about my dogs barking, but I don’t care because I don’t like them anymore than I like anyone else, including me.

Hey Sue Schadenfreude,

You remind me of something Lynn Sutton wrote in a November 1990 issue of the “Science of Mind”:

“Sight, hearing, touch, smell--gifts to delight these senses are everywhere. Only enjoyment, not possession, is needed to experience the delight.”

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: October 12, 2015 09:11PM

Well OK Suez that's a scary perspective, (not surprised) proving that diet isn't everything...

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: October 12, 2015 09:21PM

John Rose Wrote:
> Another totally erroneous self serving filthy lie filled made up fractured fairy tale from rose, the narcissistic reverse snob, who took, and posted, a video of himself half naked on his bike in front of rich people's houses as his backdrop for effect. No damage was done to their privacy, though, as no one much watches his boring puffed up blow hard videos anyway.

I have no dogs and when I did they were little fifi girly dogs like the one you have. I get along well with my neighbors and their dogs. Some of their dogs bark a lot at night but I have NEVER complained or mentioned it. It's a normal part of life to not always have things as one would prefer them. Anyway, those dogs keep out most of the fly-by-nights and the riff raff people which benefits the whole community. They also have been helping keep the coyowolfs and coyotes backed off.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: October 12, 2015 09:41PM

NuNativs Wrote:
> Well OK Suez that's a scary perspective, (not
> surprised) proving that diet isn't everything...

Hey, not everyone everywhere has the same things to watch out for as you do. Where I am tons of money have been spent on a huge latticework of biking trails where people can exercise to their heart's content safely without interrupting such things as rush hour traffic on roads with blind curves, soft shoulders, no side walks, and traffic signals that it seems everyone else but them can manage to properly observe.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: October 12, 2015 09:50PM

They also have been helping keep the coyowolfs and coyotes backed off.

Coyotes killed two or three dogs in my city this summer. They only weigh in between 15-45 lbs, however, so I was never worried about my Siberian husky. She's so strong, even for her size (and she's already big) and she's an alpha. I bet she'd walk right up to a coyote with zero fu cks given.

I know it's random but it had a little bit of relevance to my area.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2015 09:52PM by jtprindl.

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: October 13, 2015 03:05AM

I'll take the coyotes, much more noble and their sh*&^T don't stink, it's all bones and fur...

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Re: Homemade dog food
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: October 14, 2015 03:03AM

SueZ Wrote:
> NuNativs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well OK Suez that's a scary perspective, (not
> > surprised) proving that diet isn't
> everything...
> Hey, not everyone everywhere has the same things
> to watch out for as you do. Where I am tons of
> money have been spent on a huge latticework of
> biking trails where people can exercise to their
> heart's content safely without interrupting such
> things as rush hour traffic on roads with blind
> curves, soft shoulders, no side walks, and traffic
> signals that it seems everyone else but them can
> manage to properly observe.

Enjoy your prison...

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