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Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: nik ()
Date: June 30, 2008 02:05AM

I remember a long time ago when I did a short 3-5 day juice fast that after a couple of days I started to feel Euphoric. I felt so light and full of energy but most of all just super positive and happy/excited. I haven't felt that in a long time. Eating raw food doesn't make me feel like that. I honestly don't feel any different when I go high raw or all raw compared to when I go back down to med. raw. I've cycled back and forth and I just don't feel any different except for feeling more "raw" and emotional and crying more and feeling more stressed. Compared to just feeling more down and depressed on med. raw. But anyways, I like to eat so I don't want to go on a long 2-3 month juice feast. I just want to experience that euphoric state again and know that it is possible for me. Would a short juice fast be good as opposed to such a long one? When you go on juice fasts, do you feel euphoric?

I feel like I feel so negative all the time now. I always have little energy, am tired, depressed, irritated, negative, and constantly have problems with my blood sugar and always feeling hungry and unbalanced no matter how much I eat. Thanks.

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: June 30, 2008 05:04AM

Opinion: Many short fasts....are far better than one or two long ones. Carried over a lifetime....the net effect is very powerful. I don't seek euphoria through fasting...but I hear your desire.

-David Z. Mason

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: Lillianswan ()
Date: June 30, 2008 01:49PM

I've felt euphoric after just one day of master cleansing, I created something then that was just soo pretty and reflective of my mental state!

The white blood cells carry serotonin to the brain, so if your immune system isn't tied down fighting toxins, and I've heard the the immune system is mostly in the gut, you'll get that feeling.

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Date: June 30, 2008 02:48PM

That "euphoria" You mention is probably you simply experiencing increased vitality/energy due to an easier way of getting your food/hydration/nutrients.....than you have been getting it before!

In my opinion it's not foods job to "stimulate" you or make you feel "high" or "euphoric" so as David said, avoid "seeking" that feeling....

I have this same feeling you speak of everyday but it's not because of food infact it's the opposite and I wouldn't call it "euphoria" but that's just me!!!

Just my 2 cents!


Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 30, 2008 03:55PM

I sure would like to feel this euphoria.
I feel very balanced on raw foods,but nothing euphoric.
There always seems to be the "dark side" of the coin everyday so to speak also.
One "juice" fasting, is everyone talking about fruit juices?
Or juicing veggies?
And if its just fruit...what kinds?

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: rawangel ()
Date: June 30, 2008 05:04PM

Nik, I too experience feeling very light in my body and euphoric when juice or water fasting. I believe I also get into a more spiritual state and I generally also experience tremendous mental clarity. If I stay high raw after fasting, yes I do continue to feel quite clear and focused, but it's never on the same level as when I was fasting. As was mentioned above I believe the "euphoric" feeling also has to do with your state of mind, your thoughts etc. I do believe fasting does help clear your mind...after all the brain is an organ and it's benefiting as well in the clearing of toxins. Not to mention every cell of the body. Perhaps it's really the body which becomes euphoric as it's cells regenerate and heal -- and we are merely repeaing the benefits as it's spiritual inhabitant.:-) Food for thought. I think we still have a lot to learn about fasting and how it impacts each of us individually.

I think small or long fasts work well...just tune into your body. I used to love the long juice fasts. I had different goals then to shed extra fat stores and regenerate cells. Now 2-3 day juice or water fasts are more than enough for me. I'm enjoying eating food even more.

Best wishes.

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Date: June 30, 2008 05:08PM

Personaly I think it all comes down to the choice of wording and the individuals personal interpretation of how they feel.....some people say they feel "high","euphoria" personaly I've never felt this way when eating raw food.


Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: rawangel ()
Date: June 30, 2008 05:12PM

Raw1228 Wrote:
> One "juice" fasting, is everyone
> talking about fruit juices?
> Or juicing veggies?
> And if its just fruit...what kinds?
> Thanks.
> Brian

Hi Brian, you can use any number of combinations of (fruit or green) juices or mono juices.

I pulled the following information from Jeremy Safron's The Fasting Handbook:

Citrus - helpful in digesting old material

Apple, Cucumber, Kale - great combo for people cleansing on a cellular level

Apple, Celery, Ginger combo - too much info to list but has much to do with vascular and respiratory health

Coconut, Wheatgrass, Beet combo - great for the blood

There are probably hundreds of possible combinations.

Oh and keep in mind there is a big difference between juice fasting and juice feasting. the former is easier on the digestive system and is generally used to clear toxins, although I'm sure other things are taking place. The latter has to do with rebuilding the body and cells (vegetable juices do this too).

Fruits -> cleansing
Greens/Vegetables -> rebuilding

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2008 05:25PM by rawangel.

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 30, 2008 06:19PM

nik, u said:

<< I remember a long time ago when I did a short 3-5 day juice fast that after a couple of days I started to feel Euphoric. I felt so light and full of energy but most of all just super positive and happy/excited. I haven't felt that in a long time>>

<<But anyways, I like to eat so I don't want to go on a long 2-3 month juice feast. I just want to experience that euphoric state again and know that it is possible for me>>

i think u answered your own question in paragraph one... u said u don't want to do a 2 - 3 month juice fast.. but u felt euphoric during a short 3 - 5 juice fast

so... an obvious solution is to go on a short 3 - 5 juice fast

what do u think?

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 30, 2008 06:28PM

Thanks for those juice combinationssmiling smiley

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: dewey ()
Date: June 30, 2008 09:46PM

last summer when i switched to this way of eating i felt more energy and i felt grounded and serene. this summer i feel "normal". i`m thinking that what i felt last summer was foreign and new so i felt "euphoric" but now has become my norm since i`m used to feeling this way?

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: juicingforhealth ()
Date: April 04, 2015 01:55PM

Juicing for health adds in a bit of variety to your diet while helping you acquire essential nutrients from fruits and vegetables and help you lose weight naturally. You can create your own juice at home by means of a juicer, giving a juice bar a try, or opt for freshly squeezed juices from the market.

Re: Euphoria from Juice Fasting or Juice Feasting?
Posted by: juicingforhealth ()
Date: April 04, 2015 01:57PM

Lose weight juicing? Yes! You most certainly can and will lose weight by juicing. The weight you lose will depend on how long you juice and what you juice.

juicing for health
| juicing diet for weight loss

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