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Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 21, 2006 01:38PM

Although colonic hydrotherapy is as much a symptomatic approach to disease as drugs, herbs and surgery, many people who acknowledge the harm of suppressing symptoms with these other methods nevertheless accept the idea that flooding our colons with water can aid or hasten healing. The popularity of this potentially harmful procedure even among health-savvy raw fooders is due in part to the fine job the colonics industry has done of conjecturing and misusing the facts in order to sell its services. This is illustrated on one popular colonics website, where the question, "Why have this procedure done?" is addressed. Following is the answer, in its entirety:

"Colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States, second only to lung cancer in men, and breast cancer in women. And at least two million Americans suffer colon related diseases including... colitis, ileitis, diverticulitis and approximately 100,000 colostomy surgeries are performed each year!"

The statistics are interesting, and most likely true, but they don't answer the question. We are drawn to speculate that the writer hoped readers would leap to the unrelated conclusion that colonics prevent or can be used effectively in the treatment of diseases of the colon. That is not the case, and if it were, you can bet that it would have been spelled out in less vague terms. This is typical of the obfuscation that proliferates the alternative medicine community in general, and the colonics field in particular.

Many mistaken ideas regarding the lower intestinal region of our bodies are promulgated by advocates of colonics and purveyors of other "colon health" products. There is much to be gained by perpetuating the notion that our colons are impacted, filthy cesspools. The idea that our bodies are filthy inside unless they've been artificially flooded with water is purely an invention of someone's mind, and reflects a hostile attitude toward the body. The truth is, if you could see the inside of your colon it would look like a smooth, pinkish, soft muscular membrane somewhat similar to the lining of your throat or mouth. If you are afflicted with a digestive disorder like colitis or IBS, you can visualize your colon as you would imagine the inside of your throat if it was sore and tender.

The human body is actually like a donut, with the hole running from our mouths to our backends. In this way, undigested food or fecal matter that is contained "in" the colon is actually outside the body. Unless, of course, you force it back in with colonics. Colonics can force water and fecal material back into the small intestine via the normally one-way ileo-cecal valve that separates it from the colon. The small intestine is where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream through its semi-permeable membrane. Once waste moves out of the small intestine and into the large intestine, it is supposed to leave the body. If it is forced back into the small intestine, it will be reabsorbed into the bloodstream. This is, in fact, what is happening when people claim to immediately "feel better" after a colonic. The stimulative substances that the body was attempting to eliminate have been re-introduced into the bloodstream and produce the same stimulating effects that they did when the person first ingested them. It should be remembered that anything which causes us to feel better immediately is not healing.

Sufferers of IBS and other digestive disorders are particularly susceptible to colonics propaganda because they are predisposed to the idea that all their suffering is the fault of their errant colons and the loathsome contents therein. This is unfortunate because colonics are especially harmful and are usually painful for these individuals. When disease of the lower intestinal tract is present, the tissues of the colon are irritated and possibly even lacerated and inflamed. The last thing they want to do is move. The colon is a muscle and like any other muscle in the body, when there is injury our natural inclination is to rest the affected area. When we don't rest it, it hurts. Normally, the colon responds to increased pressure by contracting. This is how it produces a bowel movement. When water is injected into the colon, the muscles try to contract in response to the increased pressure, but they can't -- they are forced to expand instead, and beyond their normal range. In addition, they are forced to move in the opposite direction they were designed to. These muscles are designed for moving water and fecal material down and out of the body. It's like trying to rotate one of your joints beyond its natural range. The resulting discomfort tells you that you're in danger of harming your body if you don't stop. When you feel discomfort during a colonic treatment, it's the same kind of warning.

Over time, in people who make a habit of consuming cooked or inappropriate foods, the body acquires certain protections for itself against the harmful substances that pass through the colon. Dead tissues, accumulated mucus, and even impacted fecal matter (which typically exists to a much lesser extent than is hypothesized by colonics practitioners) are all part of that protection. Mucus is secreted in the colon to protect and lubricate the intestinal wall and to bind fecal material together. It also serves to protect the colon from acids formed by the enormous amount of bacterial activity that takes place in the fecal matter itself. Artificial removal of this natural layer of mucus obviously has negative consequences, not only because the colon wall is vulnerable without it but because the glands of the colon must work harder to replace the lost mucus. Without considering this very important fact, removal of these body-instituted protective barriers is declared by colon hydrotherapists to be an appropriate goal and a positive outcome of colonics. The question you need to ask yourself before you submit to a colonic is, "Once my body's protection is mechanically removed by surging water, will I thereafter be prepared to give my body only the types and amounts of food it needs, and nothing else?" Are you far enough along in your health re-education to even know which foods are appropriate and which ones are not? Have you conquered whatever habits caused you to abuse your body in the first place? If the answer to any of these questions is "no", you should pass on colonics. When you eliminate the body's need to protect itself from toxic substances by ceasing to ingest those things, the body rids itself of the protection in its own good time. It's best to let your body decide how long this process should take. To force it to hurry up will hinder healing, not assist it.

Colonics purport to remove "bad" bacteria, parasites and worms. Attempts to label certain microscopic inhabitants of our colons "bad" and others "good" are arbitrary at best, and are not based on a full understanding of the role that they play in the body. Bacteria and other microorganisms perform many beneficial, symbiotic functions in the body. Beyond the mischaracterizing of bacteria as either beneficial or harmful, we are asked to believe that a stream of water can discriminate between bad and good, and remove only the "bad". In reality, colonics can actually encourage the growth of bacteria in our colons. One of the primary functions of the colon is to reabsorb into the body much of the water that has been used in the digestive process. Removing water decreases the opportunity for bacterial growth, as bacteria need water to grow (like all living things). Colonics reintroduce water into an otherwise perfect breeding ground for bacteria (dark, warm, waste-filled), which increases bacterial growth (including yeast), which causes fermentation and putrefaction, which is the cause of bloating. If bloating is a symptom you've been suffering with, colonics offer no help and can only exacerbate the situation. Additionally, anyone who is concerned about worms or parasites needn't worry about removing them. It is only necessary to remove their food supply by: 1) fasting when symptomatic; 2) adopting a diet of whole, raw, fresh, biologically appropriate foods; 3) allowing the body time to cleanse and heal and; 4) following all the other requisites for good health like getting adequate sleep, exercise, fresh air, etc. so that the body can keep up with its eliminative burden.

Testimonials from people who believe they have been "helped" by colonics can be a powerful persuader. Ask 100 people who have used colonics how they feel about it and you'll get 100 stories of how colonics helped them "heal". People want their actions to align with their beliefs, and vice versa. So, they allow themselves to be convinced that colonic irrigation is helpful to the body, in the same way that chemotherapy survivors believe they were "healed" by toxic chemicals. Those who subject their bodies to colonics don't realize that the pain they might feel during the procedure is the body's way of warning them that sensitive tissues are being disturbed and irritated. More importantly, they have no way of knowing how quickly they would have healed without the procedure, how much damage it may have done, and in fact how much longer their bodies took to heal because of the colonics. It also needs to be remembered that people who claim to have been helped by colonics also tend to concurrently change their lifestyles. It is these changes that deserve the credit when they experience subsequent improvements in health, not the colonics.

Constipation is the most commonly cited reason for people to undergo colonic irrigation. Constipation is the effect of a worn-out, tired, overstimulated colon. This is caused by eating too much, eating the wrong foods, taking laxatives, and sundry other dietary and lifestyle mistakes. Enemas and colonics stimulate and irritate the colon, and wear it out even more. Thus, these procedures actually contribute to constipation. Clearly, there are ways to deal with constipation that take into account what actually caused the symptom in the first place, and that focus on removing the cause.

Even though it may seem to new raw fooders that they are doing everything possible to be healthy, they can nevertheless experience constipation from time to time as they learn which foods are optimal and as their bodies slowly regain lost vitality. Sometimes it can start if you simply ignore your bowel's signal that it needs to move. The feces become dry and impacted and the bowel becomes tired and atrophied. In all but a few very extreme cases in which an enema is useful as a one-time emergency tool, the body can remedy the situation entirely on its own if the conditions that caused it are removed. Before anything like an emergency enema is employed, there are many other things that should be tried and considered first. For one, juicing is not helpful if you are constipated because your body needs the bulk. Further, much benefit can be derived from eating only whole juicy fruit for a few days, like apples, mangoes, pears, grapes, citrus, tomatoes, cherimoya, cucumbers, young coconuts, and also iceberg lettuce (it's watery and easily digestible) and celery. Until your constipation is relieved, it's best to stay away from foods that are dry or difficult to digest, like starches of all kinds, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and the denser greens like kale and chard.

To get a full understanding of the harm done by colonics, the negative psychological effects need to be considered as well. Primary among these is the fostering of a belief in the user that there are "cures" and that we can assist the body in healing. In reality, the body is perfectly able to heal itself without any of these unnatural and abnormal procedures. It is often conceded by colonics practitioners that the procedure is unnatural. But, they reason, our modern junk food diet is unnatural too, and the damage it inflicts on us makes it necessary to "assist" our bodies back to a healthy condition. This is basically the all-purpose argument that alternative medicine uses to encourage any number of other unhealthful procedures and substances. Enemas have been used for almost as long as civilization has existed. Humans have been making diet and lifestyle mistakes even longer than that, otherwise there would have been no motivation for the invention of enemas. Throughout the ages, therefore, those who sought to encourage these unhealthful practices have always been able to find rationalization for their use. Civilized humans have an unfortunate tendency to give validation to a misguided practice solely by virtue of the length of time it has been used. Unhealthful practices can sometimes become common and customary before the full detrimental effects of their use are known and acknowledged. Witness the modern practice of using drugs or herbs to stop symptoms. The truth remains that the cumulative harm done by unnatural lifestyle habits is only compounded when we attempt to remedy it with still more unnatural practices and substances. Since the body doesn't make mistakes and our puny intellects DO, we need to stop assuming we are smarter than our bodies. With specific regard to the contents of our colons, we need to assume that everything that is there belongs there, is working cooperatively with the body on perhaps a transitory basis and will be discarded by the body when it is no longer needed, or is on its way out.

It can't be overemphasized that the process of healing takes time. The body starts out in almost perfect health at birth. It takes decades for us to ruin it with our unhealthful practices. When we first transition to a raw food diet it can feel like all our monumental sacrifices are going unrewarded, and there is a great temptation to try and hasten the process. Having the patience to allow our body the time it needs is the best assistance we can give it. There is much more to healing than physiological recovery, as well. As we're healing, we need time to discard old beliefs in favor of all the new, truthful information we come upon. And, most importantly, we must learn how to respond appropriately to the emotional stimuli that previously motivated us to eat, and to change those destructive patterns. None of this happens overnight. It is extremely important for anyone wanting to heal to lose the idea that they can assist the body or speed up healing, which is really just a by-product of the false "cure" mentality that forms the foundation of the medical establishment.

I am not sure if this is true. I hope there is someone that has an opinion on this..
Thanks for your time.

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: rawmark ()
Date: June 21, 2006 02:16PM

Sorry but I don't agree. Everything has a correct time and place and this is true about colon hydrotherapy, enema's etc. The guck, called mucquoid placque, is built up over time from bad eating habits. It is this mucquoid placque that parasites live on for it is tough, thick, and mostly acidic. Our bodies are alkaline and cannot return to an almost pure alkaline state without removing this plaque. Also, our bodies do not work properly with a dirty colon. In the beginning it is necessary to have a regular series of colonics or enemas. Dr. N.W. Walker, who lived into his 100's, was a big advocate of colonics and he was my first reference. He states that the body cannot heal, or purify itself with a dirty colon. Remember, disease begins in the colon and then spreads throughout. Clean the colon and one can begin to clean the body with pure foods. However, with a dirty system the body cannot completely absorb all of the nutrition that exists in that organism.

Anyway, this is my take. I do regular hydrotherapy at home with my enema can and/or colema board. I do one, or the other, once a week. I go to a professional about four times a year because I know that they can get out some of what I can't. The body "cannot" naturally remove mucquoid placque unless one has done a succession of fasting for 30 days or more several times a year. By utilizing colon hydrotherapy, we are speeding up the healing process.



Go Vegan for your life, your health, the planet and, most importantly, the animals that we share this wonderful world with!

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: June 21, 2006 05:48PM

-I think that if one is on an upward trend - then hydrotherapy is a useful adjunct. I think it is NOT for 'curing' or supressing symptomology.

-David Mason

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: teloking57 ()
Date: June 21, 2006 09:34PM

No I do not agree with you gonnabe.

Colonics are a good part of a healthy lifestyle.
Just as Wheatgrass juice is!!!@@@!@@!@! hahahhahahhahahahahhahhaha

Wheatgrass, it does a body good!!!

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: singinraw ()
Date: June 21, 2006 09:41PM

I agree with you Terri smiling smiley

btw I'm out of wheatgrass and gotta wait while mine grows. Think you could spare some.............. please smiling smiley

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: teloking57 ()
Date: June 21, 2006 09:43PM

I only have 9 trays growing.

But I can always spare a tray for a friend!

I'll just start soaking more berries now.

hhhmmm, I think I feel like haveing some juice right about now!!! thanks for bringing it up.

Wheatgrass, it does a body good!!!

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 21, 2006 11:07PM

I like my raw oats, juice and if I had the money to burn I'd probably get an ass cleansing once a season or so. It's all good though Mark, I still loves ya'. winking smiley

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 22, 2006 01:16AM

i agree with gonnabe

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 22, 2006 01:48AM

you said, Colonics are a good part of a healthy lifestyle. ..Why dont you give some reasons to back your comment up. I know you can do better than that.
also.. when you drink wheatgrass. why dont you eat the grass and not just the juice? Would you consider wheatrass a whole food.. I double anyone eats the fiber.. Last time I checked we dont have the type of stomach that cows do and other animals that eat grass.
back to the colonics comment.. I guess it didnt go to far.. I guess no one has anything to say to back up their comments.. except just not agreeing.

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 22, 2006 01:58AM

Wheatgrass makes me feel good, I don't need seven scientists to back me up. People can cure cancer with it. Look at the Hippocrates Health Institute as an example. Of course you could say it's all placebo but until you try it you don't really know.

So, what's new Mark? Hey, I'm thinking of selling solar powered radio/flashlights. What do you think of that idea?

the mucoid plaque myth
Posted by: greenie ()
Date: June 22, 2006 02:01AM

I have friends who work in ORs and also who give colonoscopies. I've asked them what the inside of the colon and intestines look like, if they've ever seen any buildup. They told me that almost all of the colons they've seen are pink inside. They've never seen anything like mucoid plaque or other buildup. These people practice in the rural Midwest which has one of the poorer SAD diets you could imagine. So, IMHO, the idea of mucoid plaque is just a myth.

I don't hink colonics are healthy.

Re: the mucoid plaque myth
Posted by: khale ()
Date: June 22, 2006 03:00AM

Right now, my gut instincts agree with fact, I was just discussing this very issue with a friend. I've personally known two women who were both ardent disciples of colonics for years...both are dead, one with stomach cancer the other with colon cancer. This is not to cancel out the possibility that intuition preceded symptoms and that these women were acting out of an instinct to heal and were subclinical before the series of colonics...but, it is also possible that the colonics made these women more vulnerable to disease instead of less...just things to consider.

I am very conservative regarding herbal laxatives, cleanse supplements and etc. Right now I am still transitioning and I want to allow my body to eliminate without a lot of push from me...this just seems right, right now, for me.

Interesting write up gonnabe. I've never seen this point (of the mucus and even fecal build up as serving a protective shield) discussed before, but it makes good sense to me. Where did you get this information?


Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: alive! ()
Date: June 22, 2006 03:53AM

I think the info came from Nora Lenz at

I've always wondered about this topic. I get confused about the issue of what's "natural" and just how much assisting we should try to do in the healing process. I reserve the right to change my mind, but from what I've read lately - I'd have to go with what Nora says. I feel better and better the longer that I'm raw. I like the idea that my body will do what it can in its' own time. I need to do my part by eating raw healthy food, getting clean water, fresh air, plenty of rest, sunshine and exercise. Having a positive and loving attitude toward life and others works wonders!

I prefer to take a more conservative approach when it comes to other interventions.

Life Is Good!


Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: teloking57 ()
Date: June 22, 2006 03:59AM

My mistake, I thought you were asking for our opinions. However, since you merely need us to quote other people and their findings, this is what I submit to you.

From the works of Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D.

"The intestines can store a vast amount of partially digested, putrefying matter (as well as drugs and other toxic chemicals)—for decades even. Some intestines, when autopsied, have weighed up to 40 pounds and were distended to a diameter of 12 inches with only a pencil-thin channel through which the feces could move.

That 40 pounds was due to caked layers of encrusted mucus mixed with fecal matter, bizarrely resembling hardened blackish-green truck tire rubber or an old piece of dried rawhide. I call this mucoid plaque. This mucoid plaque, when it is removed during an intensive colon cleanse, often shows ropelike twists, striations, overlaps, folds, creases—the shape and texture of the intestinal wall.

Mucoid plaque may vary considerably, depending on the chemical conditions in a person’s intestines. It may be hard and brittle; it may be firm and thick; tough, wet, and rubbery; soft, thick, and mucoid; or soft, transparent, and thin; it can range in color from light brown, black, or greenish-black to yellow or grey, and sometimes emits an intensely foul odor.

One client I know, in the course of a month-long colon cleanse, passed a single length of mucoid plaque 15 feet long; another client excreted a total of 11 pounds of mucoid plaque during a cleanse. It is not unusual to pass a total of 35 to 45 feet of plaque, often in the last week. In our clinical experience of monitoring thousands of intensive colon cleanse programs over the last 14 years, most people pass a staggering amount of this strange substance.

I coined the term mucoid plaque, meaning a film of mucus, to describe the unhealthy accumulation of abnormal mucous matter on the walls of the intestines. Conventional medicine knows this as a layering of mucin or glycoproteins (made up of 20 amino acids and 50% carbohydrates) which are naturally and appropriately secreted by intestines as protection from acids and toxins.

However, mucoid plaque is different from the mucosal lining (mucosa) of the gastrointestinal tract. The latter acts as a necessary buffer to the gastrointestinal wall and as a lubricant for peristalsis; it is also responsible for the secretion of mucins which comprise mucoid plaque. The cells of the outermost layer of the mucosa (the epithelium) stay fresh and vital, renewing themselves every four to seven days.

It sounds paradoxical, but medical research indicates that mucoid plaque is a normal self-defense measure—natural protection from unnatural toxins.

Evidence indicates that mucoid plaque, with the possible exception of that found in the stomach, is unnatural to the healthy body and is found only after the body has moved away from perfect health and into a diseased state. The theory goes that if you were completely healthy, your system would produce no mucoid plaque because it wouldn’t need to.

When the body has been chronically subjected to (or put under attack by) drugs (such as aspirin or alcohol), salt, heavy metals (including dental mercury), toxic chemicals, parasites, harmful microbes and their toxins, and circulating immune complexes (immune cells locked onto undigested particles or foreign substances in the bloodstream), it produces mucoid plaque to protect itself.

The trouble is once the mucoid plaque is created, for whatever biologically important reason, it is not routinely excreted from the intestines. Instead it lodges in the numerous folds and crevices of this large organ and can remain there for many years. Over time, the mucoid plaque grows thicker, firmer, and more widespread—colonizing, as it were, the tennis court–sized interior of the intestines. Old feces adhere to the plaque and are not removed during a normal bowel motion.

The plaque slows down intestinal action, both waste excretion and nutrient absorption. It can harbor pathogens, including bacteria and parasites, which actually hide underneath the plaque; it may block the normal outflow of lymph and mucin drainage. It binds toxins to itself and contributes to bowel toxicity, slowly emitting toxins into the bloodstream. Finally, plaque creates a friendly environment for disease, in some cases for colon cancer and gastric carcinomas.

Gradually your immune system is weakened as the chronically toxic bowel environment destroys useful bacteria. Your liver becomes overburdened by the unprocessed intestinal toxins, and nerve meridian points in the intestines related to hundreds of other parts of the body are compromised.

A toxic bowel results in toxic blood and lymph, toxic organs and cells, and toxic function. The bowel “feeds” every organ, tissue, and cell in our bodies, so when the quality of feeding from the digestive system is contaminated or of poor quality, the cells and organs elsewhere in the body will be compromised and grow sluggish and inefficient.

So while mucoid plaque is “natural” in that the intestines produce it, it is most unnatural in that the presence of a large amount of it indicates a high degree of intestinal ill health. When the intestines are ill, you will be ill. "

_________ _______________

Wheatgrass, it does a body good!!!

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: teloking57 ()
Date: June 22, 2006 04:08AM

What is colon cleansing?
Colon cleansing is a process normally associated with clearing out the colon so a procedure can be performed such as a colonoscopy. However, many people regard colon cleansing as any process by which the toxins that build up on the walls of the colon in the form of mucus and debris are removed.

What is the common belief behind getting a colon cleansing?
You can carry several pounds of fecal matter in your colon at a time in the form of built up material on the interior walls. As this toxic waste accumulates, your system transports the toxins throughout your body affecting your health. Problems may range from digestion to skin issues.

What are the different types of colon cleansing treatments?
The types of colon cleansers vary. Some can be bought over the counter and performed at home, while others require professional application.

Enemas: Generally, an enema involves water being inserted into the rectum which then cleans out the lower part of the colon. This is great for alleviating severe constipation.
Colon Hydrotherapy: Water is placed in the colon through a tube inserted in the anus. The full extent of the colon is cleansed, and over time, the built up material can be washed away.
Laxatives: Although great for clearing out temporary constipation, laxatives will not touch built up material in the colon. They also have a tendency to have adverse effects on the colon when used in excess.
Will getting a colon cleansing make me healthier?
According to most doctors, colon cleansing should only be used when an examination of the colon is to be performed. Otherwise, colon cleansing is not recommended for improving health. In fact, colon cleansing can disrupt the balance between your body's absorption of water and sodium and its elimination of waste.

Are there other ways to avoid toxin build-up in the body?
Eating plenty of fibrous foods like green, leafy vegetables and whole grains, and drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day can help your colon and minimize the amount of built-up debris. Mild laxatives can be taken on occasion to clear up bouts with constipation, however, lifestyle changes are the best way to maintain a healthy colon.


<<<<< According to most doctors, colon cleansing should only be used when an examination of the colon is to be performed. >>>>>

May I also remind you that according to most doctors, cancer patients need radiation and chemo therapy, diabetics need insulin, overweight people need to be put on diets such as Atkins, South Beach and the like, skin rashes are treated with ointments and pills, sick people are put on strick diets which have little to zero of fresh fruits and veggies.

May I ask if anyone here giving their opinions of colonics have ever experienced them?

Wheatgrass, it does a body good!!!

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Date: June 22, 2006 04:36AM

gonnabe- thank U for reminding me about the harmfulness of overeating...
maybe that will make me change my ways....
most of the time i eat till satisfied & I KNOW, MY SYSTEM/BODY WOULD BE HAPPIER/HEALTHIER IF I STOPPED SOME TIME AGO, at 3/4 of the meal or so.....
sooooooo, thank U again
re. to do or not to do colonics, now, after reading U'r text i don't know what to do i'll skipp the idea for now...
i do not suffer from constapation at all & move my bowels once, often twice a day, still....sometimes the quality of the movement not great...
i guess my expectations cause the discontent...what else is new...ha ha...
o.kay...patience, patience....sip the water....
LOVE, Basia

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: reuben ()
Date: June 22, 2006 04:42AM

it's good for cleaning out impaction caused by a very low fiber diet. not good for regular use, will cause peristaltic action to get lazy. So i'd say it's only good for someone sick with bad constipation. I'f they're not too bad off just a diet change will solve their problems.

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Date: June 22, 2006 04:48AM

gonnabe - got a comment for U, re.something else...
if i'm correct, U said/say somewhere on U'r website, that the avocado WITH IT'S PIT, is great for us...(if it wasn't U who said so, i apologize)...
sooo i cut through the avo pit, & licked it...&&&& !!! IT TASTES AAAAAAAWFUL! it is bitter & acrid!..that was the beginning & the end of that idea for me...
that's my experience...

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: rawgosia ()
Date: June 22, 2006 06:48AM

I did have colonic irrigation as a SAD eater, many years ago (I am that old). I am not interested in them now though. I know that my body will take care of itself anyway.


RawGosia channel
RawGosia streams

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: rawmark ()
Date: June 22, 2006 04:32PM

Colonics and Enemas should be part of a healthy diet regime for everyone. We are constantly accruing sludge that builds up on the walls of the colon. I have a friend that is a long term raw fooder (10 years) and he told me that mucoid plaque is still coming out of his system. He's had well beyond 100 colonic treatments too. So, what does that tell you? Hmm, that mucoid plaque can be very thick and encrusted. It may take years to get it out. However, ignoring the fact that we have it won't make it go away. Diet, exercise, and colon hydrotherapy, enemas, dr. natura, etc. are part of a healthy lifestyle. Just doing Dr. Natura has shown me how much more stuff is in my system than I realized. Now, each day, I'm searching for parasites in my stool. Yes, part of Dr. Natura's kit is a parasite killer. I think I saw a few egg sacs in my stool this morning. I definately have mucoid plaque coming out. I'm going to balance out Dr. Natura with a few enema treatments this week.



Go Vegan for your life, your health, the planet and, most importantly, the animals that we share this wonderful world with!

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: singinraw ()
Date: June 23, 2006 12:55AM

I agree with teloking57

and you did say it was opinions you wanted

you wrote
<<<<I am not sure if this is true. I hope there is someone that has an opinion on this..
Thanks for your time.>>>>

I've had colonics and they seem to be good for me.

I've also drank wheatgrass and it does me well too. So I think I'm gonna go and get some more speltberries soaking for wheatgrass and go get some colonics

have a nice day

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: June 23, 2006 03:06AM

I disagree that "Colonics and Enemas should be part of a healthy diet regime for everyone". If one has a healthy raw diet, colonics are totally unnecessary. If someone on the raw diet feels they are necessary, they ought to examine their diet and remove those elements that make colonics necessary for them.

Colonics remove the natural flora from the colon. This is not healthy. Some people add things like coffee and other unusual substances to their colonics. These additives I wouldn't want in my body.

There exists a raw diet that doesn't require colonics. This raw diet is one that is high in soluble fibers found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

The kinds of raw foods that make colonics necessary might be things like oils, nut butters, high fat meals, tons of spices and condiments, dehydrated foods, frozen foods, fermented foods, superfoods. Someone eating foods like you might find in the Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine book might not feel good unless they had colonics.

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 23, 2006 11:41AM

i agree

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: jackie ()
Date: June 23, 2006 01:35PM

I'm with Bryan: if eating raw, getting good water, enough sunshine, exercise and sleep daily isn't enough, well, that 62 grams of daily fiber should do the trick!

Colonics is just so - invasive! I'm not saying that if someone is totally screwed up healthwise that it should not be part of the arsenal of methods to help bring someone back to health, but other than something totally severe, I'd stay away from it.

Also, I've been known to add wheatgrass to my smoothies with no harm done. I look at it as just more fiber, beat to green smash in the Vitamix. I do enjoy wheatgrass juice once in a while, but since variety is my focus, it doesn't come up very often. Plus it's too humid and hot to grow it this time of year, anyway.

Oh well, to each his own. I'm sticking to maximum fiber in my raw diet! That works best for me!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: rawmark ()
Date: June 23, 2006 05:53PM


but colonics are a very important part of a raw fooders life. I do recommend that you do make sure you are getting a regular dosage of healthy bacteria so that when the bacteria is eliminated from cleansing of the colon you can help to balance it out. Without cleaning the colon properly the nasty, disgusting, disease-cause muqoid plaque will not naturally leave the body. Don't be fooled. I've consulted with several nutritionists and colonics experts.



Go Vegan for your life, your health, the planet and, most importantly, the animals that we share this wonderful world with!

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: June 24, 2006 02:08AM


My personal experience does not match the advice of your nutritionists & colonic experts. How long have these folks been 100% raw? I have been 100% raw vegan for over 4.5 years now. I am in excellent health and I feel great. What about these so called experts? Are they in excellent health and feel great?

If someone doesn't feel great on a 100% raw food diet, I would take a look at food choices first before employing colonics.

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 24, 2006 04:26AM

Always appreciate hearing your take on things, Bryan. winking smiley

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: gadjoemi ()
Date: June 24, 2006 08:58AM

Do you guys think a 80% raw foodie who has also a constipation problem (I put up a topic regarding it before) should do colonic?
I am trying to survice without it but reading some of your comments on colonic, it makes me wonder if I should give it a try.
Doesn't master cleansing do a enough job to cleanse a bowel just as nice as an enema?

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 24, 2006 11:53AM

You do not have to search long to find that colonics are good for you. There is a living proof. The person who popularised colonics Dr Norman Walker lived to be more that 108 year old.[]

Re: Colonics.. they are BAD FOR YOU. Anyone agree???????
Posted by: rawmark ()
Date: June 24, 2006 10:19PM


With all due respect, what is it that you know that Dr. Norman Walker didn't? Hmm, he lived to be well over 100 years old. I suspect you're 30 or less. Why would I listen or follow your advice when someone has already established a healthy road map for me that has lived close to the age I'd like to live? Good question for you to ask yourself don't you think? Just food for thought but I'm gonna listen to the guy that walked the walk and lived to prove it. Not someone who went raw a few years ago and figures that a raw diet will cleanse the body. It won't. Even some of the most hight and might natural hygienists consider colonics a critical part of their life because they know they have years of poor eating habits to undue so that health can truly be theirs. Remember, death begins in the colon. Don't do anything and I'll come to your funerals. Do something that's affordable and can only promise you better health and I'll dance and your grandchildrens weddings.



Go Vegan for your life, your health, the planet and, most importantly, the animals that we share this wonderful world with!

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