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Acid foods
Posted by: bracken ()
Date: October 17, 2007 09:37AM

Could anyone tell me what foods, veg fruit etc are acid, as I took my ph level and it is very acidic. Are Almonds acidic, as I make up my own almond milk? if so what other raw milk would be a good replacement?

Cheers Ju x

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Re: Acid foods
Posted by: khale ()
Date: October 17, 2007 10:54AM

hi bracken

It's my understanding that almonds are quite alkalinizing - especially if soaked before eating. Most raw fruits and veggies are alkaline. Those which are considered more acid, such as citrus, tend to be alkaline in their effects on the body.

Acid-forming foods include grains (millet, amaranth, and quinoa less so) and legumes (unless sprouted), sugar and sugar products, wheat and wheat products, coffee, and all animal proteins.

Keep in mind that other things beside food (though food is key) can cause an over-acidic condition in the body: stress, medications, low-grade infections that may not be giving symptoms as well as full-blown infections, fatigue, over-exercising and so on.

If you are new to raw-foods or are still transitioning and are coming from a predominately cooked food diet it may take some time before your bodys' pH is balanced. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of alkaline food to neutralize a small amount of acid food.

hope this helps,


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Re: Acid foods
Posted by: bracken ()
Date: October 17, 2007 02:10PM

Cheers for that Khale, funny you should mention infection, I just found out I have cystitis, do you have any ideas how to rid this naturally? doc want me to go on antibiotis, have been quite stressed lately, & I am still new to raw foods I would say.

Thanks again Ju

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Re: Acid foods
Posted by: karennd ()
Date: October 17, 2007 03:20PM

I was taught that the alkaline properties of foods come from their minerals. So as long as the food as intact minerals, it will be alkaline. That's why raw veggies and fruit are alkaline and pasteurized dairy is acid, for example.

I don't know how to naturally get rid of cystitis, but I read that it can be very dangerous if it spreads to the kidneys. So, if you do take antibiotics, just be sure to take some probiotics also at a different time of the day to replenish your good bacteria. Then a predominantly raw diet should help to prevent cystitis from recurring.

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Re: Acid foods
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: October 18, 2007 04:18AM

Fresh fruits and salad vegetables tend to be alkaline.

Nuts, seeds, fats, and high protein foods tend to be acid forming.

Almonds are the most alkaline of the nuts, or the least acid forming. However, almonds are more acidic than eating an apple or watermelon or most any fruit or salad vegetable.

If you want to alkalize your body, reduce your fat intake to 10% or less of your calories. Eat lots of fruits and salads such that your desire for heavy foods goes away because you are getting enough calories from the alkaline stuff.

Your cystitis can be healed if you provide the requirements for health. If you would just get more rest and sleep, you could heal it without any dietary change. This means though remove elements in your lifestyle that cause you stress or distress or worry or anxiety. Being calm on centered and emotionally poised is part of being healthy.

If you want to accelerate the healing, then remove elements of your diet that toxify you. If you could share what your daily menu looks like in terms of quantities, and when you eat the foods, perhaps this would shed some light on why your body is toxic.

Anything you do to suppress this symptom will backfire on you, and only result in worse symptoms arising in the future. This inflammation you are experiencing is your body removing toxins out of the body. Outside of improving your lifestyle habits and reducing toxins in your life, all other symptom suppression is harmful to your health. If you take an herb or a medicinal food to make the symptom go away, you are in reality only making yourself sicker, because you didn't remove the cause of your sickness, but instead medicated yourself so your body quit trying to heal that part of your body.

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Re: Acid foods
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: October 18, 2007 04:22AM

If the cystitis is painful and you want to really accelerate the healing, go on a water fast. By fasting I mean don't eat food, drink only water, and go to bed until you decide to eat again. Don't do any work, don't do anything stressful, and as much as possible, keep your eyes closed.

If you want to learn about fasting, read "Fasting Can Save Your Life" by Herbert Shelton.

If a longer fast is necessary (say more than 3 days), it is recommended that you get professional fasting supervision, as problems can arise that can be quite unsettling if you are not used to fasting, and this fear alone can cause problems, as well as any panic that may follow.

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Re: Acid foods
Posted by: bracken ()
Date: October 18, 2007 06:22AM

What I usually eat in a day is. Strong nettle tea 12ml aloe vera

7.15am Breakfast Organic puff buckwheat, coconut, Gojis, 1tsp flax seeds, 1tsp flax oil, 1tsp lecithin, maca, raw almond milk.

2 carrots juice, 2 celery, fresh ginger, spiralina.

Green tea & ginko.

!0.00am Rye or rice cracker & nut butter.

11.30am Raw lara bar or a wallaby Allergy free bar

12.30pm Apple, or blueberries, or cherries cinnamon, sometimes little live soya.

1.30pm Salad, watercress, nori, tomatos, beetroot, sprouted alfalfa. soaked seeds, grated ginger.

3.00pm Apple.

Tea. homemade millet burger, raw peas, steamed brussels, changes from day to day. 12ml aloe vera

6.00pm wallaby pure fruit bar

7.00pm 160ml prune juice or strawberry & banana smoothie

8.10pm small pot of rice bran & live soy & cinnamon.

2 litres of water a day.

I am quite obsessed with fibre, got lazy bowel, had lots of problems in the past, trouble with piles etc, feel more comfortable with a looser motion, if more formed I tend to suffer with piles. I have been very stressed lately, I dont have any time to relax, I get up at 5.55am every morning, go to bed about 10pm. Any help bryan is so well appreciated!

Cheers Ju

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