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Out of it...
Posted by: dafodil ()
Date: December 05, 2007 08:04AM

I have not been here in a very long time and during that time I have not been raw, not been vegan... I am now feeling really sick. I threw up and had some weird diarrea last night. Sorry for grossing anyone out. I do not know why I got so sick...I was nauseated for most of the evening.

I have been eating and drinking alot of rich, "holiday" type of foods since Thanksgiving, but I have been eating "whatever" for a while before that. Last weekend my husband got promoted and I prepared a feast for the party, and we ate and drank like the court of Henry the 8th...gluttonous and decadant to put it mildly.

Anyway, I really need to get back on track. I spent yesterday in tears, and I do not know why...I have such an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and over-weightinesss...I have gained weight (DUH, right?)...I am also extremely tired and sleepy...Its not even the way I look at this point, which I know is bad. Its how I feel.

I was considering a colonic in order to just "clean out" quickly, but I hear they are not healthy...but at this point, does it matter? I feel like someone filled my body with concrete and I want to QUICKLY feel better, so I can get back to feeling like exercising and eating healthfuly again....I cannot do a water fast, and even though I LOVE green juice, it makes me very gassy....any suggestions?? I am really depressed about this issue. I took some psyllium seed capsules with alot of water tonight, but prior to that, dinner was not healthy...I feel like I am eating mindlessly...why?????



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Re: Out of it...
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: December 05, 2007 12:03PM


-Find an over-riding life goal....that you are terribly passionate and motivated about....that REQUIRES healthy eating....and a good weight. Set goals with time-tables....and keep them. Without a goal and passion....and conscious will 'give in' to 'cravings' and do things mindlessly. One cannot back one's way into heaven. In my experience....simply having a goal to be 'healthy' is not enough. One must have a fundamental goal that requires much so that health is incorporated into the fundamental fiber of being...rather than as a result to be pursued. Do you see what I mean?

-David Z. Mason

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Re: Out of it...
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: December 06, 2007 11:43AM

Well dear dafodil, your body is certainly telling you it will not tolerate all the decadent indulgings, eh? Now don't let hoplessness and other negative thoughts find a home in your mind. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start walking literally outside in the sunshine, whether you feel like it or not. I agree with David, and while you are walking each day set some goals and go after them. As you move forward, step by steip you will feel better about yourself.

I just finished a book called "Become A Better You" by Joel Osteen that is a gem and has lifted me to higher ground for greater accomplishments.

Blessings are waiting for you...just get your mind and body moving towards the Light!


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Re: Out of it...
Posted by: ferg ()
Date: December 06, 2007 02:11PM

Dafodil... I am so sorry that you are going through a rough time!!! Ahh yes, the holidays and all the temptations that are out there. It is hard to say no and I don't know how I have managed myself these past couple of years.

Why not start to get back on track by just eating raw morning, afternoon and then have some steamed veggies or baked potato for dinner. When I'm having a hard time of it, this is what I do and I consider these things a treat. That way, you won't feel totally deprived.

I think fasting is good (although I've never had the courage to do one yet) but I think there is a bigger problem that needs to be addressed and that is staying on your path and resisting temptation of all the goodies this time of year.

There is a lot of support on this board.... just do what you can do and take one day at a time. The most important thing to do, IMO, is avoid anything w/ wheat, dairy and alcohol... start from there and don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. You are aware of what your body is telling u and that is the first step to getting back on track. Feel better soon!

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Re: Out of it...
Posted by: pampam ()
Date: December 06, 2007 02:18PM

I feel the same way, dafodil, I was going strong since june and feeling real good then thanks giving came around. I cook for my family and I did not prepare anything special for myself for that day. I started eating the cooked foods and have been bouncing back and forth ever since. I don't know how to regaine my footing in the raw eating. I miss it so much. It seems that while I was raw I quickly forgot just how bad I felt while eating the cooked foods. I am reminded now and am beginning to feel real bogged down and a lack of motivation and energy. My thoughts are becomming foggey now and I even feel a lack of strength. Each day I want to start back on eating raw foods but I end up eating something cooked and am not useing much judgment in what I eat. I am finding the foods void in flavor and obviously nutrients. I still eat them. I feel like a food junkey. My desire is still there to start eating raw but I am lacking a will power. I know I have the ability to control my eating but I am not useing it. I feel so week in this resolve. I am afraid that I will never get back to eating raw foods and becomming free from my desire to eat the cooked foods. Some people have encouraged me to start a cleanse and perhaps I was detoxing and that is why I relapsed. I did notice that before thanksgiving I was eating some non raw foods and I was allowing that more and more. I don't know how to get myself back on track with my eating.

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Re: Out of it...
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: December 06, 2007 07:30PM

Pam, you might try to find the book called 12 Steps to Raw Foods at the library or book store. It's all about being addicted to cooked foods, and steps on how to recover from it, and it's a very interesting little book to read about this particular whole families transition to raw foods.


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Re: Out of it...
Posted by: angie1 ()
Date: December 07, 2007 04:05PM

I totally agree with David's statement. Find something you are passionate about and DO it. For me the catalyst was diabetes and wanting to feel better in my next pregnancy. Being totally incapacitated to the point where I needed others to help me in my daily life functioning was NOT acceptable to me! I watch my relatives take their meds (for diabetes) and the symptoms get visibly worse every year. It used to be hard to eat healthy, but now it's a no-brainer. You just have to get to that point where you realize w/o your health you have very little. Then remember that every time someone wants you to go do something with them instead of your daily exercise. "Nothing tastes as good as health feels!"

You can do this! Just start with what you KNOW you CAN do, and gradually add more things when you are ready. Ooh... and get the book Prism said too.


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Re: Out of it...
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: December 07, 2007 05:35PM

Sure. Wanting health is not enough. What do you want health FOR? Health is just a tool. Some people don't NEED it......and they do their own thing....and should be supported in that. Just my thoughts/opinions.

-David Z. Mason

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Re: Out of it...
Posted by: cocoa_nibs ()
Date: December 09, 2007 02:52AM

Hi Dafodil,

so sorry you felt so crummy! I feel a little odd giving advice, as I am so very much in a similar boat, and I am new to raw foods. But here is one thing that I have learned: whenever I act out of desperation in the food arena (or elsewhere, too!) it usually backfires. Acting out of desperation makes me make radical changes that are focused on immediate (usually short term) results. They require willpower and suppressing/negating of parts of myself. I would spend hours trying to 'figure it out for once and all', but the 'once and all' is only the choice you can make in the here and now, over and over again! Too often this hastened, impatient and desperate stance has backfired - it's like a loop that I have fallen into again and again and again in the past! (not saying that this is whats happening for you, just relating my own)

Now, what to do, as I DO know how real and overwhelming that desperation can be? They say to make changes 'do one thing different'. So, I have experimented lately with how I can feel a connection with my body, It's hard, because on days like that being in my skin seems like the most restrictive, ugly and painful experience. It's an emotional pain and its a physical pain, as we ARE body. But there is no aliveness there, no joy of being at all. And yet to feel into myself with the tiniest bit of patience and benevolence has been helpful. To maybe do a little yoga, not try to figure it all out right now forever, just for right now - what does your body need?

Eating raw has helped me to have more of a connection to feelings of satiety - that alone has been tremendously helpful!!

For the first time in my life I am achieving an energetic connection to the food, feeling something like satiety (I used to NEVER feel satisfied, even after a binge that would leave me in pain!). I am aware that this requires discipline, awareness and patience. But its somethign that feels real and new and as if I am following an instinct.

Not sure if this is helpful, Daf. First and foremost I want to say dont beat yourself up and do return to yourself without judging. And dont forget to enjoy your food. Fruit is great that way, its just so beautiful!!

Best to you!

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