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chronic fatigue
Posted by: dancerinthenight ()
Date: October 25, 2008 01:02AM

anyone have this? if so, what have you found helpful (besides rest)?

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: life101 ()
Date: October 25, 2008 01:25AM

Hi dancer,

Have you looked into thyroid problems? I have extreme fatigue and I know part of it is caused by an underactive thryoid. Also, candid is a contributing factor in addition to stress.

I've been using a thyroid booster for my thyroid. I am investigating a book to cure Candida as eating mostly raw hasn't cured it. I try to take a break when I'm too stressed even if it's to go the the restroom. I also like Yoga but am sometimes too busy to even do that.

Good luck. Therese

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Ariel55 ()
Date: October 26, 2008 07:15AM

I've had and still suffer at times chronic fatigue.

I have found a lower fat diet to help considerably but in my case not handling stress well is a big part to play. Diet does not resolve the full problem for some people

Stress constantly releases adrenaline, corisol and other hormones and can exhaust the adrenals.

There is something called the lightning process which seems to be pretty miraculous in curing chronic fatigue even people who have been in wheel chairs claim to have got out of wheel chairs after treatment.

It uses NLP and hypnotherapy and retrains the brain to react differently to stress and therefore stops the cycle of stress hormone release and adrenal fatigue.

It is used for all sorts of other things too such as OCD anxiety ADHD etc. I haven't tried it as it is fairly costly but would like too in the future.

If you google search you should find lots of info on it


Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 26, 2008 12:12PM

dancer, ariel

have you perfected your diet?
anything other than fresh fruits and veggies will result in fatigue, as much as we would like to entertain ourselves with other foods, and not blame those foods. actually the cleaner we get, the more we may be negatively impacted by poor choices that we wouldn't have noticed prior to going raw, which is another reason we refuse to blame those choices.


as far as candida not healing - a proper all raw diet for a sufficient length of time should heal candida. why look elsewhere before attaining that goal.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Ariel55 ()
Date: October 26, 2008 02:03PM

Hi Fresh

I'm not sure my diet is perfected exactly, although I've been doing raw foods since 1985 and read viktoras kulvinskas books, and Herbert shelton and arnold ehret etc.

I've tried all different approaches from strict fruitarian (my teeth dissolved but did remineralise) in early eighties, then sproutarian greens etc and then superfoodist.

I've not got any other physical problems other than fatigue nothing has been found on tests ie thyroid etc, apart from blood sugar probs which came back normal on another test but i resolved anyway when I lowered fat that had crept up particularly with introduction of cacao and cacao butter.

I currently eat as much fruit as I desire, green smoothies sprouts and ocasional algaes or seaweeds and a few fats such as avocado or nuts and seeds not both. Only as much as one avo a day.

Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

I've researched and studied raw nutrition inside out, stress is the issue I believe in my case if I were to go into details as to level of stress I've been under, however I'm open minded that something is missing.

This is my profile at giveittomeraw []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2008 02:06PM by Ariel55.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: October 26, 2008 07:52PM

What was helpful for me in healing my chronic fatigue was cutting out everything that might have been stimulating me in my diet. This means eliminating everything that wasn't a fresh ripe organic fruit or a vegetable, and then of the vegetables, cutting out the strong herb and spice like foods, say like garlic, onions, strong herbs, medicinal roots, medicinal seeds, etc. This does not have to be a permanent dietary change, but doing this for a few months allows the body to get into a state where it is not stimulated, and it can allow itself to rest.

Once I did this, and I was eating only fruits and vegetables, and I lowered my fat intake (again, just until the body gets the rests it needed), I experienced a massive acute fatigue, and I took it as a sign to take a break from life. At that point I took off 4 months from work to allow my body to get all the rest and sleep it needed, and at the time it needed 16 to 18 hours a day.

So in addition to eating only fruits and vegetables, and no spices or condiments, there is eliminating all the other stimulants - cacao/chocolate, tobacco, coffee, soft drinks, legal and recreational drugs, etc.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 26, 2008 08:18PM

Ariel55 Wrote:

> I currently eat as much fruit as I desire, green
> smoothies sprouts and ocasional algaes or seaweeds
> and a few fats such as avocado or nuts and seeds
> not both. Only as much as one avo a day.
> Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

what bryan shared was well said...

thanks for sharing ariel...

i too have about 25 years experience on this path, so that plus reading is what i draw from.

yes stress will cause problems as well as not enough sleep but i would simply suggest that diet is more likely the problem, so perhaps go without the algaes and seaweeds and no nuts/seeds/avo at all. yes i know some people say they're doing well with avos but i would recommend trying to go without nevertheless.

just see how that feels for whatever period of time you choose.

avo/nuts/seeds will cause dehydration which causes fatigue also

not sure if you're eating cacao - definitely avoid !

if you can take it to another level, don't do smoothies, just eat fruits and veggies till satiated.

you may have challenges with respect to getting quality food of which i'm unaware, so that will impact your ability to thrive - i can only assume until shown otherwise that this is not the problem.

not satiated without certain things you're currently eating? be sure you're tapping into something near true hunger

maybe some more exercise too if not getting enough.


Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: life101 ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:16PM

fresh, I am glad for you that you have attained optimal health through soley raw. I have not. I have been raw 4 years which includes parasite zapping, 10 day distilled water only fasts twice a year, doing heavy metal cleanses, liver flush, eliminating wheat, sugar, cacao, caffeine, peanuts, cashews, and mushrooms/fungi, drinking purified water, eliminating SLS and aluminum from my environment, etc. I even tried the 80/10/10 method. They weren't enough to eliminate the Candida.

I'm not leaving raw, I am looking to add to raw in a way that hopefully will cure me once and for all. If you know of a way on soley raw that I have missed, let me know. Therese

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:27PM


Are you saying that in addition to eating fruits and vegetables, you did all those various therapies, and you were still unable to heal your candida?

Certainly there is more to health than diet. What that means to me is that in addition to a healthful diet based on whole fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, that if one practices healthful lifestyle habits, like getting enough rest and sleep, physical exercise, time in sunshine, fresh air, being in loving relationships, reducing stress, worry, anxiety, etc, that health will ensue, without therapies like cleanses, flushes, zapping, colonics, etc.

Outside of diet, the biggest zapper of health for most people in our society is the mind. Our entire society has been raised to view the mind as the master of the self, and in doing so, has created a cruel master. Our mind ought to be a useful tool, that helps us solve problems, not create them. For myself, before I started looking at my mind and how it was in the driver seat in my life, and how it was free to create pain for me at will, I was in quite a bit of pain. But over the years, as I have observed my mind and no longer having it be my cruel master, my life has shifted.

One place to start is with attachments. See if preferences, desires, judgments and criticism, generated by the mind and directed to yourself, are creating pain in your life. If this is so, see about letting these attachment go.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2008 11:28PM by Bryan.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 27, 2008 12:16AM

life101 Wrote:

> I'm not leaving raw, I am looking to add to raw in
> a way that hopefully will cure me once and for
> all. If you know of a way on soley raw that I have
> missed, let me know. Therese


there's no way to say unless you honestly assess what you are eating, as i believe it has a huge impact.
many people say they tried 811 but, no offense, they have not.
some people even say they're doing it without reading the book.
i can certainly give you my opinion if you wish, but it's simply eating solely raw fresh fruits and veggies without nuts/seeds and low in fat for a reasonable length of time, getting sufficient rest, etc, and not over or under eating.
the vast majority of people eat things that will cause fatigue and then resort to therapies, when they could just fix the diet. problem is, we have trouble letting go of entertaining or stimulating foods. it can be done though. when that good feeling is achieved, the motivation to continue appears.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: iLIVE ()
Date: October 27, 2008 12:27AM

a lot of people have tried 80/10/10 the "right" way; dr. g just makes it seem like it's unbeatable and the true diet, and so people always assume everyone else is wrong

well, maybe it isn't the best diet
only the madman is aabbsolutely sure, of course

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: October 27, 2008 01:05AM


80/10/10 doesn't work for everyone. It works for me, but what I am doing is not exactly what is in Doug's book. And there are tons of people who tried it for a week, or others never read the book, or others never read the book nor saw Doug speak. So who knows what these people did who said they tried 80/10/10 and it didn't work for them.

And there are those that followed the book exactly, but couldn't maintain it (mostly because their bodies/minds weren't ready yet for it).

And I am not saying you are one of these people. Perhaps your body does better with more fat. For most of my life before raw, I liked fat, and the first few years of my raw life I indulged in higher than 10% fat.

There is an amazing healing that happens if one can live on only fruits and vegetables (and very little nuts & seeds) for a period of time. However, for myself, it took me being 100% raw for 2 years before I could get my fat intake down to under 10% without feeling controlled (by myself).

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: life101 ()
Date: October 27, 2008 02:13AM

Bryan, I did read the book and I did follow his advice via what someone stated he recommended for them to cure Candida. I didn't do it for years b/c my body was too depleted of minerals to continue and I had other health issues such as low thyroid that the diet could not cure. I believe that one does have to do cleanses in addition to the raw diet to purify the body. Yes, I have done what I stated. I didn't do any colonics which I didn't include in my list. A good source book is Hulda Clark's "The Cure for All Diseases" on parasites and environmental poisons.

All that I have done has helped tremendously to improve my health. I am a 43 yr old female from South Korea but have lived the majority of my life in the US eating European food. Since raw, I have released at least 8 tumors naturally, a growth that was under my tongue barely has a bump now whereas before it was getting scalely and protruding like a wart (it was likely cancerous), my brown eyes continue to turn blue, I grew at least 1/4 inch (I say at least b/c I know that I've grown even more since the last year when I was measured since my pants/skirts are shorter), my feet are smaller and narrower, my chest has expanded thrice. I don't note the above to brag or argue. I state the above to prove evidence that I have been on the raw path for the time I stated and these are the results thus far. When my body has purified to a certain point, my eyes will be completely blue. Right now, when light hits the edges of my eyes, they are sometimes an aqua color.

fresh, I agree with the need for sufficient sleep and relaxation.

iLive, Thanks for your support. I agree that 80/10/10 is not a cure-all and it doesn't work for everyone. I knew a lady that gained unwanted pounds on it and consulted with Dr. Graham and still didn't get cured of her adrenal fatigue.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: October 27, 2008 04:16AM

life101 Wrote:

> fresh, I agree with the need for sufficient sleep
> and relaxation.
> iLive, Thanks for your support. I agree that
> 80/10/10 is not a cure-all and it doesn't work for
> everyone. I knew a lady that gained unwanted
> pounds on it and consulted with Dr. Graham and
> still didn't get cured of her adrenal fatigue.

the diet is the best thing imo to do to allow the body to heal itself. if there is organ damage, it will either heal or be too far gone, or need more time.

my point again was only that the diet needs to be right and enough time given, instead of not eating right and then trying therapies.

your diet has no fatigue inducing factors, is that what you're saying? what kind of thyroid booster?

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: iLIVE ()
Date: October 27, 2008 11:32PM

"And there are those that followed the book exactly, but couldn't maintain it (mostly because their bodies/minds weren't ready yet for it). "

ah but it is unknown if their minds weren't ready or the diet was incorrect, you see - this is the assumption in which I was disagreeing

I think cleanses look interesting - i've heard of people curing their acne with liver cleanses/other cleanses (and diet change of course with that); i believe acne is a sign that hormones are off, anyone with smooth skin (cured from acne that is) must be doing something right b/c the body will leech out signs if it's not doing well inside, you know?

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Horsea ()
Date: October 28, 2008 05:32AM

Re thyroid tests. They can come back telling you your thyroid is okay, when it isn't. I have read plenty of information to the effect that our bodies need far more iodine than they get, even from iodized salt. There is a supplement called Iodoral which they say nourishes the thyroid, as well as other body parts, quite spectacularly.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Ariel55 ()
Date: October 29, 2008 07:21AM

Thanks for the great info guys

I do find lower fat definitely helpful,I've improved a lot since doing that still use spices or salt very occasionally. I notice though some minor stress will really zap me. weird, maybe it will get better later on.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: November 03, 2008 02:54AM

They use Iodoral iodine on the chronic fatigue discussion board. Also, at the Fibromyalgia Group []

I swear by Iodoral iodine. My thyroid tested normal in lab tests but when I took iodine I realized the lab tests are not reliable. A lot of good doctors know this and evaluate you on symptoms rather than the blood test. Chronic fatigue and pain can be thyroid related. Iodoral helps.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Ariel55 ()
Date: November 03, 2008 07:38AM

Seaweeds and kelp are high in iodine, which I have used a lot of in the past, they are high in iodine and I know lack of iodine can cause thyroid problems. My thyroid was normal on tests, although in the UK, we have a different bench mark of what is normal than in the US and rest of Europe so it is possible even if you were found to have thyroid probs in the US or europe unless they were very severe they would come back normal on tests on NHS in UK.

One doctor was even struck off for treating people for thyroid probs, as he used symptoms as his guide for thyroid issues rather than tests as he knew they were not accurate. Many people got better but this was considered professional misconduct

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: November 03, 2008 08:38AM

i don't feel chronically fatigued

quite the opposite, actually

but i think the advice given in the previous posts are pretty good

good luck with everything

seems like u've had a lot of challenges with your health for a while now

u should be proud of yourself for continuing to persevere and seeking answers

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: pakd4fun ()
Date: November 03, 2008 06:48PM

I have had chronic fatigue for years. It was one of my symptoms that was helped tremendously by switching to a high raw diet. I keep getting more and more energetic. I forgot what it felt like to not be tired, so I keep thinking I am at my peak and a month later I will notice how much more energy I have. My goals keep getting bigger and bigger. Listening to Bryan these last two years has been a great help to me, especially about the need to rest. I believe no diet will heal you if you don't accompany it with other healthful lifestyle choices as Bryan listed above. I believe if even one of these things is missing it will hinder healing, because it causes you to have a dis-ease somewhere within. Because of addictions and trying to transition as a family, my diet is not perfect or exactly where I want it to end up, but I know I am healing, maybe not as fast as it would if my diet were perfect but that is continually getting better also. If I want my changes to be permanent I have to make them slowly.


I am interested in your amazing story. I have been healing for over two years and it has been an interesting journey. I am learning almost completely on my own, mostly listening to my body and educating on the net, about what I need to do to heal. I haven't focused much on putting a name, other than Candida, to my health issues. I am curious how you know you know you released tumors. Would you mind telling me more about this? If you would prefer, you can PM me.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: iLIVE ()
Date: November 03, 2008 10:12PM

released tumors? huh?

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: pakd4fun ()
Date: November 03, 2008 11:58PM

Oh sorry. i was intending to address life 101.

Sorry iLIVE.

Re: chronic fatigue
Posted by: Ariel55 ()
Date: November 04, 2008 07:52AM

Life 101, yes I have often wondered about the parasite thing and am aware of Hulda Clark. I think I was put off zappers though when I realised they don't always kill tape worm but just cut in half and it can spread. Ihaven't got tape worm but was interested in how effective they are.

Some one I knew had a child with severe illnesses and heavy metal poisoning and he had a tape worm, they eventually built a really strong zapper and did manage to kill it and he recovered, they did healthy diet as well.

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