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Am I the only one who..
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: November 03, 2008 12:37AM

I sometimes feel like im the only one who is very strict about eating healthy

First I just want to ask, How strict are you guys about getting only organic food? As I'm getting deeper into the raw food diet I feel hungry more often as I cut out meat. I am eating generous amounts of fruits and vegetables, and since I eat so many, I really want most if not all of them to be organic. Not just because of pesticide residues but conventional products are grown with Nitrogen fertilizers in nutrient empty soils. I want to give my body the best, what it was meant to have or close to it.

And actually, unorganic produce was not even available 100 years ago! So I don't really feel like I'm being unreasonable or too extreme.. but all the people I know sure make me feel like I'm too extreme or am weird and I do feel weird when I feel like I'm the only one who thinks about these things., getting high quality food consistently.

For me just cutting grains out was so hard.. But, I had some health problems and when I started to learn where food comes from, how its produced, what it does in our bodies, I linked enormous pain to ever eating some foods again, so I really have a difficult time going to a dinner with friends or eating fast food ever. I feel slightly isolated because of this.. I know of no one in person who is a raw vegan and the people around me can't really relate to me. I feel like I'm doing the right thing but often doubt myself because I know no one who believes some of the same things I do.

If I go somewhere where there isn't food and I'm hungry and I buy a muffin and eat it then I blame myself afterward and feel bad about it.. I believe in what I'm doing because of all the disease I see and hear about today it makes sense to me.. We have lost touch with nature. all of this motivates me to almost rarely eat the wrong foods and rarely eat unorganic foods (because lets face it - even organic today is not really what "conventional" was 100 years ago). So my second question to you is how strict are you with your diet? Do you allow yourself to eat out with friends/Family and if so how often? Do you live in an area with a lot of raw foodist, is it easy for you to be raw foodist? Any suggestions to what I should do?

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: November 03, 2008 01:33AM

I hear you. My experience:

#1-I'm NOT strict about organic food. I think 99.9% of the population will get 99.9% better on a conventional produce-chocked 99.9% raw diet. Heh..heh. And I personally rarely purchase conventional - as I am not a wealthy man.

#2- I go out with family and friends all the time. I either do not eat, or bring along an apple or two. I tell them that I am there to spend time with THEM.

-I live around plenty of raw foodists here in Florida....and get plenty of support. It is easy for me to be a raw foodist I suppose....environmentally.

Suggestion: don't expect people doing the 'wrong' thing to understand people that are doing the 'right' thing. It is up to YOU to support THEM.

-David Z. Mason

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: November 03, 2008 02:53AM

Clarify: I rarely purchase organic. Heh..heh.

-David Z. Mason

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: November 03, 2008 08:28AM


I actually never feel isolated or alone in my diet because most people are rather intrigued curious or excited about trying it out for themselves. The status quo is very stultifying stagnant suffocating and therefore even more isolating than going forward on a fresh vibrant radiant journey. You will actually attract more people to you and the right type of people by sticking to your guns and doing what you know will bring about the most abundant and empowering health for yourself. You cannot possibly feel "associated" with other people simply because they are treating their bodies ( and thus themselves) poorly and you are "in the same boat".
That is probably an even MORE ALONE feeling than standing on your own two feet and doing what you find the MOST VALUE in. The more you build your health and all other areas of your life, the more you will also attract like minded people. There will be nothing stopping you from mobilizing a raw vegan organic potluck, creating your own events and attending other vibrant events.

As far as the organic thing goes, I am mostly a greens person. I do eat fruit as well but greens are very cheap ( even when they are organic) and they take me a long way ( I love to drink them mostly ).

You can also get fruit that is organic that is not expensive. Red delicious apples, oranges... etc. I would say that the exotic fruits are indeed very expensive . At any rate, like DMZ says, even conventional fruits and veggies are better than cooked junk. Do what you can within your means and always find ways to improve that you see fit.

good luck

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: EZ rider ()
Date: November 03, 2008 09:01AM

I'm not concerned with what other people are eating and drinking. My focus is on listening to my body and providing what it needs to be healthy and well. Living a healthy and radiant life is not a matter of eating alone or in a crowd its about what your eating and why.

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: iLIVE ()
Date: November 03, 2008 11:31AM

You really shouldn't blame yourself for anything or feel bad about eating anything. If you do eat a muffin every once in a while, i doubt this will drag you back any years or put you at risk for anything bad, you know. There are plenty of people out there who eat whatever they want and live full lives; there's people out there who eat omnivore "healthy" and there's people who eat vegan/vegetarian "healthy". there are just too many diets out there. If you feel at all that you are missing out on it or that you would like to eat the food you "can't" have, then just eat it. Or find the healthiest way to eat the food you're missing. Maybe eventually you'll loose interest. For me, I enjoy cooking a lot and I stopped when I did 80/10/10 for like a month. That month was pretty isolating and I had to plan everything and my schedule just wasn't flexible at all. It wasn't a social diet, and I didn't feel great. So I started eating more at one time(i eat like twice a day now) and now I cook when I feel like it, just without fat and salt - and yep, always organic. That's one thing that is good. I mean if I ever do just get tired of cooking or it becomes inconvenient, i can just stop but for now, it's an interest and I have fun doing it. Just remember that you are the one in control of everything you eat, and there are no restrictions, ever. Just don't set up boundaries at all. You choose what you eat, and you have no certain diet. If you are offered a steak, you think about maybe how it got there, or what it does to you and you could say in your head "ah, no..i just couldn't now that I know that" it's a big difference between someone saying "oh no, i can't have that..damn" You know? haha

Anyway, it is strict and can be hard to deal with. If you want to go out and eat with friends, just try and pick the healthiest thing on the menu, but that still looks good to eat. A little unorganic thing won't hurt every now and then. We only have one life to live and it should be happy more then annoyed, stressed and angry, etc. So just eat what makes you happy inside out smiling smiley
it would be a lot easier if there was a large portion of people that ate more fruits and vegetables, but you know, it's not yet, so it's not incredibly insane to not stick with it - people have brains and emotions - not just stomachs and digestive organs.

I wish you the best

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: Sundancer ()
Date: November 03, 2008 02:04PM

Hey JDD--
I am not 100% raw at this point, but I am working toward that goal because I feel SO GOOD when I do eat 100% raw. I do eat virtually 100% organic at home and feel that organic is very important for the earth and farmers -- and their neighbors. My dog died a horrible death last year from sniffing around in conventional orchards that were next to the organic farm where I worked and met my husband. I worry about the farmer who owns the farm because he is surrounded by conventional orchards. Also, my family has an alarming rate of cancer (I have a daughter who has already had it). However, I also believe that we need to balance all areas of our lives to attain optimum health. I do eat out. We have a local vegan restaurant that has an AWESOME raw soup, and anywhere else I eat salad. I work in a restaurant and eat salad there instead of the SAD staff meal. Eating organic is expensive, but I feel it is worth it. My hubby and I grow much of our food and we work at our local co-op: he full time and me just four hours a month so we can get the maximum discount. The produce section there is 100% organic and as much local as possible, which helps. I do eat SAD veg food sometimes, but when I do, my body lets me know in no uncertain terms that I blew it and need to get back to what I know is right for me. The past two months have been rough for me in this area, but the last five or so days have been better. It is definitely a process for me. I have some trouble disciplining myself in general (a spacey, artsy type who LOVES food and has a husband who cooks magically!), but I feel that this is too important to not be mindful of. My mother in particular had the hardest time with me going raw at first, but my sister reminded me that of everyone in my family, I am the one person who doesn't have a major eating disorder (a lot of obesity in my family, tho one other non-obese person has bulimia and maybe a little anorexia). Also, when my mom was diagnosed with diabetes earlier this year, she started asking me (and LISTENING!) about nutrition because she was rightfully afraid to go on insulin. Everyone else on this thread has good advice as well. This site is great for support, so hang out with us!! winking smiley Good luck!

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: iLIVE ()
Date: November 03, 2008 05:28PM

yeah hearing about sundancer's dog; it's'd think if you spray something with pesticides so bugs and animals don't eat it -- why would we?

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: RawSun ()
Date: November 03, 2008 05:34PM

I am pretty strict on buying organic greens, and as for other things, I pick and choose based on price and affordability. If the price is similar I opt for organic, if it's 2-3 times more I stick with conventional.

When I go out to eat I order salad and bring my own dressing. Or if they have fruit salad I order that. I'd rather prepare a raw meal, so I always opt out for having dinner at home or other peoples homes, and bringing raw dishes with me.

My husband is raw, and my family is very raw tolerant, they like to try what I prepare them, but they all live 4 hours or more away. I have some raw friends as well, but none close by.

I used to be insecure about my special diet and what others would think about it. Now I love it, I love the food, the flavors, the feelings!! I don't care what others think - I won't make exceptions. I am raw, and I love it!

Raw Food Chef and Writer
Comfortably Raw

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: November 03, 2008 06:48PM

thanks a lot for the answers guys..

When there are foods that are "not on the diet", like fast food, I don't avoid it because "damn I can't eat that, its not on the diet", but I avoid it because I know in detail that so many of the ingredients have no place in the human body.

It is great to see that you guys have friends who eat raw or are vegans or at least people who understand what you are doing. In my case it's not like this. I really don't even know a vegetarian and highly doubt there are any in the proximity of where I live. I guess I should relocate. It's hard to not be able to connect with any people because no one thinks like you.

Can any of you tell me what some of the "healthiest" cities/states are. Cities where there are people of every race, different people of all kinds.. I want to be around people who think outside mainstream. Suggestions??

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: iLIVE ()
Date: November 03, 2008 10:09PM

CALIFORNIA grinning smiley that's where i'm going..hopefully haha

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: RawSun ()
Date: November 03, 2008 11:31PM

Matt Amsden the writer of Rawvolution, grew up in Ontario Canada. He discovered raw food and went 100% overnight. He didn't know a single vegetarian. He decided to move where the action was - California. Now he has a restaurant in California, and a raw delivery service operating out of California and New York - to the entire continental US!

If you are not happy where you are and feel the need to connect with people around you and not just on line, by all means, relocate if you can! Perhaps you can cause great change and spread the movement when surrounded by other like minded individuals!

Raw Food Chef and Writer
Comfortably Raw

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: November 04, 2008 03:29PM


<<I really don't even know a vegetarian and highly doubt there are any in the proximity of where I live>>

you may be surprised
maybe they are just hiding out and keeping their food status to themselves
cuz they think everyone else will think that they are odd

u don't really need to have everyone around you be raw foodist or vegan or vegetarian in order to do it yourself

i'm surrounded by people every day who eat whatever they want
and remember that people are very dynamic

and changing their lifestyle ALL the time
depending on what situation /condition/ information they receive

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: November 06, 2008 01:02PM

I know how you feel.
I feel isolated alot of times in my food preferences.
I dont eat fast food,dont drink anymore,dont smoke,and trying like heck to give up grains and meat.So it can be hard to blend in with the crowd.MOST people are into one of those things I just mentioned.
I just try to hang onto what I know is the truth!
And eat the things I know are right.
Thats all we can do.


Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: suvine ()
Date: November 07, 2008 02:48PM

Orthorexia is so easy to get sucked into

Re: Am I the only one who..
Posted by: Nywyn ()
Date: November 11, 2008 07:47PM

As for me, I buy organic whenever possible but living in South Texas it's not always abundant. The only things I am willing to go conventional on are avocados. Luckily, there's usually a decent selection of organic fruit available so I'm able to maintain being a high-frutarian raw vegan. Sometimes I go for a while eating only bananas, avocados, pears, and maybe grapes. If this is all that's available, I'll sprout some organic seeds and have those.

I know one other vegetarian who is slowly working her way to being vegan, but we don't really talk or interact that much. Totally different lives. Other than that, I don't know anyone else whose even a semi-vegetarian. It's fine for me, though. I went vegetarian at the age of 16 living in rural Texas before I even knew the term vegetarian. When one is called to this life, you just follow and learn as you go. I don't talk about my diet but people tend to spot me pretty quickly when I pull out a watermelon for lunch. ~.o It amazes people, but it also confuses them. It doesn't matter. I do this for me, not their approval.

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