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LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: January 07, 2011 06:02PM

Love is the opening and availability of electron flow for consciousness and metabolism…directed towards infinite complexity, and simplexity or Phi.

pH or “potential hydrogen” is really a measurement of voltage, or how many electrons are available for donation. The minus sign in front of voltage shows that it is an electron donor. An electron donor does “work” at pH 7.1 to 14…this is an alkaline, antioxidant, negative pole, constructive and right spinning substance. Whereas an electron stealer causes “damage” and has a pH range of 0 to 6.9, is acidic, free radical, positive pole, destructive and spins to the left.

Thus pH, potential hydrogen or the availability of electrons for “work” can be seen as a measurement of the health of an individual, a civilization or a planet. Nations collapse when cultural habits are such that the land and the people veer towards the acidic, electron robbing state, which no longer supports vital cells. This turns humanity towards disharmony, disease and war—people loose their sensitivity to nature’s cycles and feedback loops and the kosmosphere collapses.

Most of the activities, processes and foods of modern culture steal electrons, thereby undermining the conditions in which love can flourish. This represents the closing down of society towards fascism, war, disease and suffering. This is occurring at a time when collective consciousness is flourishing due largely to the internet. Thus there is the tension of awareness pushing up against our cultural diseased condition.

Few people have put the whole picture together to bring about significant lasting change, and so our progress is halting and the cancerous decay of the ignorant half of the collective is accelerating rapidly. If the word can get out about remineralization, reforestation and re-establishment of a high electron donor world—naturally present in intact thriving ecosystems—then we can regenerate conditions that support humanization and save ourselves from global cultural collapse. Sources of electrons in nature include grounding, tree hugging, alkaline ground water, naturally moving water, sunshine, fresh country and mountain air, forests etc…Raw food contains voltage (electron supply) while cooked food requires electrons (and enzymes) from the body to digest and assimilate it. Exercise creates electrons and the craniosacral pump circulates electrons through the spine and brain. Potassium and the other alkaline minerals donate electrons, while copper, fluoride and chlorine steal them.

Low voltage in the body or the ecosystem set up conditions in which pain, disease, cancer and the decomposers (fungi, bacteria, viruses) can flourish. The voltage of normal healthy cells is -25mV, and this voltage rises to -50mV when new cells are made during healing as more electrons are needed for mitosis and growth. This normal -25mV voltage represents a pH of 7.45, which is the ideal slightly alkaline, electron donating state that supports life and allows the body’s living-water to carry enough oxygen. This high oxygen produces more ATP in the Kreb’s Cycle, providing electrons for metabolic energy and detoxification. When acidic, low oxygen conditions arise pathogens increase—as life moves away from the “high electron love” frequency—and is being recycled back into the nutrient flow to support other life that is hopefully smarter at sustaining life-support conditions.

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: RocketShip ()
Date: January 07, 2011 06:25PM

Just a bunch of leaky living capacitors.

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: January 09, 2011 04:29AM

[] — Dr. Jerry Tennant - "An Understanding of How the Body Works" very long series. If you want to get rid of pain, cancer or bugs you gotta raise the body's voltage.

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: January 12, 2011 05:09PM


Love, or working-with the grain of the cosmos is SPIN. A higher spin changes our relationship to the Field (ZPE) which allows more of the universal mind to incarnate (arrive). Higher spin equals higher ordering of consciousness and more Presence and embodiment. Besides raw-remineralization and nature's energies, it is the monatomic metals and ORMUS that provide the elements that raise the "spin" in the body and light body. During kundalini awakening there is such extreme ionization in the body's fluids that it "feels" like the body weights lighter, is more flexible and you can literally see the extra biophotonic light (greater spin). Thus one can literally say that SPIN is GRACE, or unification with the divine. It is possible with the information and resources we have now to become as GODS and throw off the dense, broken, low-spin pupael body. Even saying that " Spin changes our relationship to Zeropoint" is incorrect...for spin is not in “relation” to the Field...the vortexing to singularity IS the Field. The Field is the ocean of energy and information in which the atoms are octaves of spinning vortical light. We need Nassim to explain this in his lingo, which I think he does, as does Ananda Bosman and Dan Winter; and Marko Rodin on the geometry of 9...I am trying to get Anthony Peake to do a movie on Psi Phi.

We have to raise our SPIN to a certain degree in order to WANT to move beyond the gravity of Thanatos and toward the lightness of Eros. The pain and separation of the low spin state is so great there is a tendency to want to just fall back into the dirt to be recycled. But this is largely due to the loneliness of living in a culture in the process of suicide...there is the sense of "why bother," lets do the lemming thing and let Nature continue on her course unaberrated by our pain and ignorance. High spin you could say is what allows us to access our prefrontal circuitry...but there is a lot of detoxification, restructuring, re-ionizing and transmuting that needs to occur to begin to tap into our highest faculties. If we stay at the industrial-culture level we are barely alive, and functioning at around 1% of our spiritual potential. Some say 10% efficiency is our current operating mode...but I think that is over estimating what we have achieved thus far, and underestimating who we really are when we achieve the high spin state.

Becoming fully human is self-possession, or becoming possessed of the integrated Self. This is the nexus of SPIN in which our soul-consciousness can be fully Present and communicating through our matter body. This is a grand synthesis or alignment. For in the final analysis our matter, mind and spirit is ONE thing…there is no separation, it’s just that in our FALLEN state we live in the terrible LIE of duality. There is no person, machine or substance that will put us permanently in the director’s seat of our own Daemon or soul. We do that through refusing to Self-abandon, committing to arrive and truly BE love. It is our dedication to all life that draws us forth from our cavern of suffering and callous disregard to respect the essence of our existence and the spirit of all living things.

Saying that there is no person, machine or substance that will reinstate our SPIN-Presence for us is correct, if we ourselves refuse the Gift of Grace. However we can begin to create human living structures in association with high spin natural environments that will allow the inhabitants to recover their spin over multiple generations. Thus the need for high conscious, high spin living communities. Remaining in the electron stealing culture, while trying to become whole is a colossal Sisyphian waste of effort. Instead we need to come alive within our Armarnia Pods and then disperse the artistic products of high-spin integrated consciousness out into the fallen world…in time to prevent global suicide. We have to create the high-spin ground for spirit to arrive and be substantiated in the world of form.

Love is the perfect spin of the Field in Phi (9 vortical geometry) down to singularity…the atomic particle never gets to the singularity, but it is always attempting to do so…and this tensor field (tension or torque) is what holds together and creates the manifest Universe. Knowing this we can work-with the cosmos to generate unlimited power, unlimited lifeforce and unlimited consciousness…ie: unlimited love. Love is the creatrix force of Universe unfolding…it is transtemporal, omniscient and omnipotent.

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: January 12, 2011 05:10PM

Paul Levy's lastest piece is perhaps the most succinct description of the presovereign Borg condition of modern man. His work just gets better and better.
“I introduce the idea that from the dawn of human history our species has fallen prey to a collective psychosis which I call malignant egophrenia…Wetiko or malignant egophrenia [Borg] is a "psychosis" in the true sense of the word as being a "sickness of the soul or spirit." This "psychic virus," a "bug" in "the system," in-forms and animates the madness of so-called civilization, which, in a self-perpetuating feedback loop feeds the madness within ourselves…We are currently in the midst of "the greatest epidemic sickness known to man" (please see my article "Diagnosis: Psychic Epidemic"winking smiley. Many of us don't even realize this, as our collective insanity is so pervasive that it has become normalized.” Paul Levy, excepts from

The collective psychosis or the illness of the psyche, soul and spirit, that is the causal root of man’s inhumanity to man, is the counter movement away from the perfect spin of love, and therefore away from the creatrix force of Universe unfolding. It is the basic insanity of an organism in resistance to the lifeforce itself. To be in rebellion against the energy that animates one is the ultimate in crazy…and yet the whole of humanity, to one degree or another, depending on their “rate of spin,” is caught up in this malignant egophrenia…while intrinsically, beyond the veil of psychosis…being quite another animal entirely. This disease, this psychotic wetiko epidemic (cannibal, parasite, preditor) is caused by amnesis…a forgetting of the true radiant source of our existence. When we forget our Source we are propelled on a fierce ravenous frenzy to try and achieve Spirit via subversion, power-over and/or material means. Instead of following one’s Daemon to create something that “adds” to the wonder of life, the Wetiko, ego or "predator" way is to undermine and uncreate the strength and perfection of Life’s cause. It is thus the devolutionary force, or the Demonic, ultimately grinding all Life back to dust. It is fallen angel doesn't need to occur...but is the consequence of a zillion wrong turns...wrong angles in the sacred geometry of life.

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: January 12, 2011 05:11PM

Low spin state = the Borg
Through forgetting our source and losing our way we lost our spin…the Borg is a low spin condition where there is not enough energy for prefrontal access or subtle-supersensoral communication between cells (and people). So, short of going to a Spin Doctor, how do we raise our spin to live in abeyance to Eros? You can’t get there from here—you have to “drop” here to get there. Dr. Jerry Tennant provides the answers to moving our equilibrium more towards the electron donor side of the equation. By taking Betaine for HCL stomach acid and the plant enzymes Papain and Bromelain with meals, as well as probiotics. Taking kelp and Lugol’s solution for iodine. Sungazing and Omega 3-krill oil and Vitamin K2 (Ratfish oil) to reinstate Pineal Gland function, cell membranes and brain fat. Eating a diet that comprises mostly of raw-remineralized plant protoplasm and periodic fasting in nature. !Kung-like shaking/stomping kundalini trance dancing in nature. These are some interim steps to provide the lift off speed on route to creating fully biogenic community, with biological architecture, right livelihood and fully operational visionary cocreativity…in support of global dharma.

We need ecstatic full moon music and dance festivals for deep immersion in high spin states in order to break through the contemporary collective psychosis and the accumulated PTSD from the culture of terror, shame and original sin. These 3 day events include juicing, light, sound, EMFs, ORMUS, music, dance, film, prophetic poetry, lasers, water, spinal showers (waterfall), and the full spectrum of electron donating, high spin phenomena.

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: flipperjan ()
Date: January 12, 2011 06:04PM

I can't read all your stuff but my eye fell on the final paragraph.

What is original sin?

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: January 12, 2011 06:37PM


I'll take a stab at this one: original sin is the sin we all carry for our descent from those primary sinners, ladies and gentlemen, Adam and Eve! Although I get the feeling from these essays that Jana isn't referring to the standard definition necessarily.

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: January 13, 2011 07:54AM

Original the shaming of the self, body and energy of life that patri-hierarchical society has used to subdue and intimidate populations from the inside out. It is guilty until proven innocent and pathological puritanism, fear of sex, fear of the psychic, fear of truth, fear of emotion, fear of life and fear of love. The subterranean power of the notion of original sin arises from the self-hatred of those who are not yet sovereign and autonomous. It is this vacuum that opens the door for tyrants of the wounded patriarchy to terrorize the world,

"The supremacy of genocidal power seems to be the message that carries the most clout for humankind. But why?"

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: January 15, 2011 01:53AM

Cell membranes (cell brains)
Consciousness...and therefore our level of spiritual attainment is heavily reliant on the quality of fats in our diet. This is apparent especially in middle-age when we start running out of energy to fulfill our immortality projects. The tale of this biochemical error goes back to the beginnings of cereal farming, when our Omega 6 gained precedence over our Omega 3 levels. Then with cooked fats, hydrogenated and trans fats the situation got steadily worse...due to inflammation, oxidation and glycation processes winning out; especially with the dietary decline in the colorful phytochemicals needed to contain the biochemical wildfire. As the good Doctor Jerry Tennant says...these damaged fats get incorporated into our cell membranes impairing structure and function, starving the cell of glucose and nutrients, causing insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

Cell membranes are the brains of the cell—that functions as a semi-conductor, diode, transistor, and microprocessor. The cell membrane is a capacitor, that stores voltage (electrons) for cell function, and liberates electrons to double the voltage during cell division and repair. The electrons are stored in the fat of the cell membrane, so the fat needs to be of high quality and correct shape for normal cell voltage, hydration, communication and metabolism. In our nervous system the bulk of the stored electrons is in the fatty fibrous perineural tissue...the Glial and Schwann cells. This is a sensitive analog system of variable signal strength, changing frequency and direction of flow that controls growth healing and biological cycles. The meme-brains of our cells and the fatty electron reserves of our nervous system require high quality building materials in order to maintain high quality consciousness. Cellular inflammation is felt as irritation, agitation, incoherence, jitter, confusion, lack of focus, helplessness and powerlessness. Cellular inflammation creates edema by which ion transfer through the membrane is reduced, thus lowering cell voltage. Low voltage lowers our consciousness, deadens and depresses our emotional state and reverts our world to that of the parasite, predator or undifferentiated Borg.

Blow me over with a feather for I am made of rancid fat and leather.

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Re: LOVE, pH and PHI
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: January 16, 2011 03:49AM

grinning smiley

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