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HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: luvyuu ()
Date: January 30, 2009 04:21AM

Ok... so i was advised that i had acid reflux... i took baking soda, vinegar and water... then my period came and i usually fast... so on day 3 of my fast i stopped the baking soda vinegar as told to do only for 5 day... the next morning i had no muscle function and ended up in the hospital... trying to explain that i was not anorexic or bullimic and that i knew what i was doing with fasting... and that i had done this before... many times... the Dr and i agreed it was probably a mix of the the baking soda causing my body to produce too much acid and the fats that my body was probably digesting creating acid as well... my sugar was low and blood pressure was low... and haven't eaten anything...yet though i have been drinking juice and such... it was a water fast by the way....

ok so what i need to know is how to rebalance my acid alkaline base on raw... yes i know eating raw is alkalizing but why am i so acidic if i am eating mostly raw... my dad said the health food store guy said lettuce is hard to digest and could create too much acid... is this true??? can eating too much raw create too much Acid? I would really appreciate some serious feedback... thank you...

love laugh and dream

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 30, 2009 05:12AM

luvyuu Wrote:
> Ok... so i was advised that i had acid reflux... i
> took baking soda, vinegar and water...

do the same things when you're sick as when you're well.
would you do baking soda and vinegar when you're well?

> eating mostly raw... my dad said the health food
> store guy said lettuce is hard to digest and could
> create too much acid... is this true???

hard to digest compared to what?
too much acid? no.

> eating too much raw create too much Acid?

do the right things and you will get the right results
let your body worry about acid/alkalinity

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 30, 2009 11:44AM

Perhaps it's just a cleansing thing, and I'm with 'fresh', keep with the raw, and let your body do the math.

Cheers geo

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: January 30, 2009 12:33PM

If you are having trouble with acids or poor digestion, then you will have to eat simple meals of non-acidic fruit or juice......or mild greens with no additives. Keep up your exercise and other healthy habits until your condition remedies itself. Work in very short fasts of water to heal your condition. Just some tips that might work for you. Note: The body can often handle itself when not bombarded with foods.

-David Z. Mason

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: January 30, 2009 01:33PM

I am just curious: why are you taking baking soda? Your stomach is supposed to be acidic, but you're mixing acids with alkalis here. Did your doctor tell you to do this? You should not ingest alkaline substances directly in large amounts. Foods are OK, Borax isn't. I think the others are right--eat simple mono meals to allow your body to recalibrate its own acidity. Hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted.

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: January 30, 2009 01:36PM

baking soda and vinegar produces a chemical reaction that creates CO2.

kids make rockets that use the pressure/thrust from it.

it's not for human stomachs.

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: luvyuu ()
Date: January 30, 2009 04:39PM

yes it was my DR who said i should try taking something for the acid reflux to see if that is what is causing my hoarseness in my throat... and even some of the Asthma symptoms... i found the vinegar baking soda as a remmedy for and over acidic system... i wouldn't have done it had he not said try this... he wanted me to tak prilesek... which is a nasty drug...

everyone that i am around right now thinks it's because of my way of eating and it is very frustrating... i don't feel like i have much support... everyone keeps coming up with reasons why i shouldn't eat raw... even though everything i read about acidosis says to eat more raw fruits and veg... i can't really get organic around here is the hard part... the healthfood store here (where my dad got the advice about the lettuce) doesn't have produce... so i'm having to deal with what i can get at the local grocery... my thinking has always been that lettuce is one of the easier greens to digest...

i will fast again... but i think i will hold off on the water fast... right now... when my sugar starts to drop too much the tingling sensation comes back into my hands and i get really scared that i'm going to wake up again un able to move...... i wondered when this happened if it would be a detox... but i also think there is a fine line between waiting it and actually having a real problem... i think is was the baking soda... i won't be doing that any more... i let my doctor influence my own understanding of antacid... and how it's not so good...

could someone give me an example of a good acid alkaline balanced diet...

love laugh and dream

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: January 31, 2009 06:12PM


Here's a list of alkaline foods, which also alkalyze; it corresponds to most lists you'll see in raw and holistic nutrition books:


Bear in mind that alkaline foods, when cooked, frequently become acidic. This is why the raw foods regimen is considered so health giving by those that use it to treat acid reflux, an acid deficiency disorder. Almost no one has overacidity. Heartburn is the result of insufficient hydrochloric acid, in most instances. That's why the elderly commonly have it; the body decreases production of h a as it ages. Lettuce is good because it's watery and has chlorophyll. It's easy to digest. Does your grocery store not carry organic lettuce at all? Please try to find some. Good luck.

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: luvyuu ()
Date: February 02, 2009 01:29AM

Tamukha... thank you this is an interesting list... but what does it mean if one food is acidifying...but then is alkaline forming... it seems contradictory to me... am i not undertanding the termonology...

love laugh and dream

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Lee_123 ()
Date: February 02, 2009 04:38AM

I'm with "fresh" on this one. Why would you put that stuff into your body? I don't think it is a cleansing reaction. I think you are poisoning yourself. What you were putting into your body sounds like something you might use to remove rust or barnacles or lime deposits. Vinegar and baking soda may be good nontoxic cleansers but not for your body.

There are so many wonderful, fresh, alive, nutritious fruits and vegetables that are easy to digest. Please do your body a favor and eat some watermelon or papaya or plums or blueberries or apples or pears...

Be good to yourself and feed it some real, live food.

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Lillianswan ()
Date: February 02, 2009 06:18AM

What affects the ph of the body is the ash of the food and those lists of food are tabulating the ph value of the ash of the food. Ash is actually listed in nutritional databases but they don't tell you the ph value of the ash.

baking soda has a whopping 36 g of ash per 100g sample

apple cider vinegar has 170mg of ash per 100g sample

Lemons and watermellon are some of the most alkalizing foods, even though they are sour (lemons) and sweet (watermellon). So taste has nothing to do with the ph value of the food.

Hope you feel better :-)

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 02, 2009 11:26AM

Just steer clear of as many acid-forming foods as you can is my advice. Don't stress too much if you can't buy organic, raw supermarket produce is way better than the same cooked. Try a pure grape juice fast if you can get it, if not, just fresh grapes.

cheers geo

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 02, 2009 04:08PM


Generally, almost all fresh ripe fruits and vegetables raise the pH of the body's tissues; including blood, after digestion. So, a lemon tastes acidic, but has an alkalyzing effect when metabolized. There are some fresh foods that aren't believed to do this: blueberries, grapefruit, raw cranberries, but their acidity is close to alkalinity on the scale. It's not down at 1.5 or 2. They're not as acidifying as cooked dairy, for instance, and are so rich in micronutrients and beneficial phytochemicals that one should eat them anyway. That is, they're waaaaay better for you than meat or butter or bread or cane suger. There's no need to fuss about this overmuch. Just eat a good variety of raw stuff, inclusing plenty of greens, and don't combine too many things together while in crisis, and your stomach acids should stabilize. You might have done yourself a mischief with that baking soda/vinegar regimen[excellent for cleaning countertops & sinks, btw], so it may take a while. But you WILL get better, dear. As an aside: I don't listen to any doctor who doesn't think like a biochemist--biochemists actually KNOW how the body works. Please have a talk with your doc to determine his actual understanding of this subject. He seems to want to help you to help yourself, and that's a good sign.

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: luvyuu ()
Date: February 03, 2009 02:08AM

ok... so i have gathered from my experience is to learn to listen to my own instincts... though i had been mostly raw for about 6 i don't understand why i am still so acidic... but i am doing better and will keep on....

another question... i have this ph paper... is it better to test the saliva or the urine... and what's the difference... i've done both and my saliva very acidic... my urine very alkaline... which should i believe...

love laugh and dream

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 03, 2009 04:05PM


"another question... i have this ph paper... is it better to test the saliva or the urine... and what's the difference... i've done both and my saliva very acidic... my urine very alkaline... which should i believe...

Yeah, there's some debate about this. I don't waste my pH paper on pee--it's too expensive! Urine is waste matter, so it's not considered the most accurate gauge. Saliva recycles very frequently, so it's considered more accurate, but only if you're testing it well before or after a meal, on a dry tongue(no beverage) and several times daily. You would average these numbers out over a couple of weeks and should see increasing alkalinity as time goes on; that is, you should see an improvement.

I am wondering: how do you know you are "still so acidic"? Has your doctor tested your blood pH routinely, or is it just that you're stomach's on the fritz? As others have said I think, there could be a number of factors for this. When you say you are mostly raw, what cooked foods are you still eating? Animal products? These are extremely acidifying. Plant foods? Prepared how? Can you isolate what is causing feelings of acidity at mealtimes or after, like food groups or combinations of foods? Is it possible for you to go all raw, thereby seeing if it isn't whatever is still cooked in your diet hampering your health? I'm pullin' for ya smiling smiley

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: luvyuu ()
Date: February 03, 2009 05:06PM

no animal products... lately i have had a soup potato carrot cellery... very light... i had a baked potato and sweet potato last night... all taken with raw greens and veggies.... occasionally i have popcorn... and from time to time some bread... i'm probably 85% raw... my dr didn't do any more testing for acidity...and says the strips do no good... now he wants me to take asthma medicine... to see if it helps the breathing... along with prilesek... i'm frustrated... do i do all this cleansing of my body to put more poisons in...

love laugh and dream

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 03, 2009 06:41PM


I'd suggest going all raw, or at least cutting out starches, including the sweet potato, and see how you do for a couple of weeks. Try to eat raw things separately, or some time before cooked food, no matter how "light."

I would NOT use an inhaler nor take Prilosec. Do you have asthma or heartburn? Both? Neither? Your doctor wants to alleviate your discomfort, but he's just treating the symptoms[typical!]. He should be suggesting these things ONLY if he's done the full battery of tests and can't figure out what's wrong, and sent you to a specialist who also can't figure out what's wrong. For instance, have you had an upper GI endoscopy? I'm sorry if I seem strident but this is a major peeve of mine: it should not be that difficult for a clinician to discover the root cause and treat it; it's just easier to take the easy way out and medicate a patient, I guess. That is why I am recommending you do your own detective work and eliminate anything cooked remaining in your diet to see if that helps. And I'd suggest, if you're having breathing problems, that you start consuming large amounts of oranges and apples, as these have natural antihistamines. Eat them separately, though. And lots of leafy greens, blended if it's easier to consume large amounts. The chlorophyll will help to raise your tissue pH. Hope that helps.

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 03, 2009 06:53PM


I found this earlier post from a few months ago that may help:


Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: luvyuu ()
Date: February 05, 2009 03:09AM

the asthma... is a pretty sure thing...the inhaler is to test... if it makes the breathing better then i have asthma... my Doctor's wisdom... saving me a bit of $$$ and the expensive test also makes you take the inhaler they test before and after.... and the acid is a deffinate... as i was hospitalized with metabolic acidosis...So now i'm wondering... i've wondered this before... is it possible that raw foods is not good for certain body types... i've had chinese healers in the past tell me not to have raw foods...and as i stayed mostly raw... the problems have excalated...

love laugh and dream

Re: HELP PLEASE to acidic to move
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 05, 2009 06:00PM


Well, if you have done all raw with lots of quercetin-containing foods and not too much sweet fruit and few nuts, and your symptoms of acidosis escalated, I am baffled, but I am not a biochemist smiling smiley I suppose you could try what the Chinese healers recommended. I'm guessing they recommended eating lightly steamed veg and fruits, a lot of naturally cultured foods like miso and natto, and avoiding nightshades and every liquid but light broth, white tea, and spring water. Metabolic acidosis is rare and is usually a side effect of diabetes mellitus or a kidney disorder. If you've been cleared of having either of these two conditions, then an alkalizing raw diet should be therapeutic. If you don't feel well on it, try the same sort of diet lightly cooked, and see how you feel. Good luck.

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