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Raw Food & Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - PCOS...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 04, 2015 08:34PM

I just updated my file on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - PCOS with my notes from Dr. Edward Group’s Webinar on Iodine and here is my File Preview…

…File Preview…
My PCOS has almost disappeared with a 100% raw food diet (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

• My PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) has almost disappeared with a 100% raw diet. After 6 months of raw vegan, I now ovulate regularly, menstruate regularly, have no lethargy, no abdominal pain, my acne is almost gone, and body hair is lessened. I think in 6 more months this will be totally gone!!!!!!
Re: polycystic ovarian syndrome and RAW?

• I was diagnosed with PCOS. I have been raw for over two years and most of my symptoms went away within the first three months of being raw. In the first month I had my first period without birth control pills, by the third month the cysts on my ovaries were gone and I started to ovulate, also facial hair decreased and so did acne and I lost 150 pounds.
Conquering Chronic Health Problems Without Drugs or Surgery

• PCOS is another woman's problem caused by high levels of estrogens in the body.
• PCOS is a leading cause of female infertility due to excessive estrogens. Excessive estrogens are often the result of the liver's failure to eliminate them efficiently.
• The elevated estrogen level caused by a weak liver may not be detected in blood tests because blood estrogen levels do not necessarily reflect estrogen levels in tissues. Estrogen levels in the tissues cannot be measured.
• ...unlike liver inflammation or infections which show elevated liver enzyme levels in blood due to enzymes released from ruptured liver cells, liver congestion or weakness cannot be detected in blood tests. ...blood tests will not reveal liver congestion or weakness.
• Chinese medicine does not address hormone problems and conventional medicine does not address liver congestion problems.
• Pain is the result of blood stagnation.
Re: Women...another question

• I did not have a period before going raw that was not drug induced via synthetic hormones. I had polycystic ovarian syndrome and so it was not an indication of health that I was not having a period. Once raw, the first month I started having a regular period with no drugs. My period was quite heavy at first lasting up to four day with lots of blood and clots but not painful. Now after about 4 years it is hardly noticeable. Now it lasts about 2 days, one or two tiny clots or none at all, very light flow.
A New Epidemic that Causes Infertility, Excess Hair, Acne and More
The John R. Lee, M.D. Medical Letter July 1999

• …doctors tend to prescribe two treatments, both of which affect symptoms only, and neither of which is particularly successful. One treatment is temporary chemical castration, using birth control pills, androgens (male hormones), androgen blockers, synthetic estrogens, Lupron or similar drugs that block hormone production. The other is prescribing the new oral drugs for Type II diabetes, which reduce insulin resistance. I have a much safer, simpler, more effective and less expensive approach that treats the cause and not just the symptoms of PCOS.
• PCOS refers to multiple cysts on the ovaries and a host of other problems that go along with them, including anovulation (lack of ovulation) and menstrual abnormalities, hirsutism (facial hair), male pattern baldness, acne, and often obesity.
• PCOS occurs when a woman doesn't ovulate, which causes a disruption in the normal, cyclical interrelationship among her hormones, brain and ovaries.
• But what happens to this cycle if, for some reason, ovulation is unsuccessful? For example, if the follicle migrates to the outside of the ovary, but does not "pop" the egg and release it, the follicle becomes a cyst, and the normal progesterone surge does not occur. The lack of progesterone is detected by the hypothalamus, which continues to try to stimulate the ovary by increasing its production of GnRH, which increases the pituitary production of FSH and LH. This stimulates the ovary to make more estrogen and androgens, which stimulates more follicles toward ovulation. If these additional follicles are also unable to produce a matured ovum or make progesterone, the menstrual cycle is dominated by increased estrogen and androgen production without progesterone. This is the fundamental abnormality that creates PCOS.
• But what causes dysfunctional follicles that won't release eggs? I am convinced, from wildlife studies and from what I have observed in my practice, this is due to the exposure of female embryos to xenobiotics, environmental pollutants that chemically act like estrogen on the developing baby's tissues.
• When a female embryo develops in the womb, 500 to 800 thousand follicles are created, each enclosing an immature ovum. Studies show that the creation of ovarian follicles during this embryo stage is exquisitely sensitive to the toxicity of xenobiotics. When the mother is exposed to these chemicals, she experiences no apparent damage. But the baby she is carrying is far more susceptible, and these chemicals may damage a female embryo's ovarian follicles and make them dysfunctional; unable to complete ovulation or manufacture sufficient progesterone. This damage is not apparent until after puberty.
• There are other factors that contribute to dysfunctional follicles. These include stress (leading to the production of high cortisol levels by the adrenal glands), lack of exercise, and poor nutrition. Stress alone can cause anovulatory cycles. Birth control pills shut down normal ovary function, and sometimes it never recovers when the pills are stopped. Our diets are full of petrochemical contaminants -- also xenobiotics -- that derail normal metabolism. We take prescription drugs such as Prozac that impair the functioning of our limbic brain, including the hypothalamus, which may affect the menstrual cycle.
• By far the biggest lifestyle contributor to PCOS is poor diet. Young women with PCOS tend to eat far too much sugar and highly refined carbohydrates. These foods cause an unhealthy rise in insulin levels. According to Jerilyn Prior, M.D., insulin stimulates androgen receptors on the outside of the ovary, causing the typical PCOS symptoms of excess hair (on the face, arms, legs), thin hair (on the head), and acne. Eventually, this type of diet will cause obesity, which will cause insulin resistance (the inability of the cells to take in insulin), which will aggravate the PCOS even more. The androgens also play a role in blocking the release of the egg from the follicle.
• Women, who have a high number of dysfunctional follicles to begin with, due to xenobiotic exposure in the womb, will have worse problems if their diets are high in sugary foods and low in nutrition. Since this is exactly the type of diet favored by teens and young women, it's easy to understand why there is so much PCOS in that age group. Fifty years ago, the average person ate one pound of sugar a year. Today the average teenager today eats one pound a week! Potato chips, corn chips, pasta and white rice are all highly refined carbohydrates that also act on the body much the same as sugars do.
• When you look at the whole picture of PCOS, you can understand why the hormone-blocking and insulin-lowering drugs don't work for very long. These approaches don't address the underlying cause of the problem. They only suppress symptoms. Improvement is only temporary and both types of drugs have terribly unpleasant side effects.
• I recommend supplementation of normal physiologic doses of progesterone to treat PCOS. If progesterone levels rise each month during the luteal phase of the cycle, as they are supposed to do, this maintains the normal synchronal pattern each month, and PCOS rarely, if ever, occurs. Natural progesterone should be the basis of PCOS treatment, along with attention to stress, exercise, and nutrition.
• If you have PCOS, you can use 15 to 20 mg of progesterone cream daily from day 14 to day 28 of your cycle. If you have a longer or a shorter cycle, adjust accordingly. The disappearance of facial hair and acne are usually obvious signs that hormones are becoming balanced, but to see these results, you'll need to give the treatment at least six months, in conjunction with proper diet and exercise. If your symptoms fade, try gradually easing off the progesterone (take half the dose, for example) and see how it goes. If your symptoms return, stay on the full dose for six more months. Ideally, as a young woman, you would use the progesterone cream only during the months you need it, and encourage your body to return to its own normal hormonal rhythms as much as possible. Some women with many damaged follicles may always need to supplement with a little bit of progesterone cream.
• There are several reasons why doctors don't recognize the role of progesterone deficiency in PCOS. They may not be aware that the hypothalamus responds not only to the rise and fall of estrogen, but also to the rise and fall of progesterone. Since standard tests usually indicate that a woman with PCOS has plenty of estrogen, and she is still having periods, the doctor assumes she is still ovulating and producing plenty of progesterone.
• The odds of a woman having estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency rise to 50 percent in the female population by age 35, yet doctors rarely measure progesterone concentrations.
Metformin treatment of clomiphene resistant polycystic ovarian syndrome PCO and anovulation causing infertility

• Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common cause of anovulation and infertility in women. Women with this syndrome do not ovulate (release eggs) regularly and therefore have irregular menstrual cycles. Their ovaries contain multiple small cystic structures, usually about 4-9 mm in diameter. This gives the ovaries a characteristic "polycystic" (many cysts) appearance on ultrasound.
• There are several possible ways to attempt ovulation induction in women with polycystic ovaries. The easiest and least complicated method is the use of clomiphene citrate tablets (Clomid, Serophene).
• A relatively new method of inducing ovulation in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome is to use an oral medication called metformin with or without clomiphene citrate. Metformin has been used in the past as an oral agent to help control diabetes. Recently, it has been found to facilitate ovulation in some women with PCOS.
Bread may be the Culprit Behind Acne

• ...when women with polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition that causes an excess of insulin, were treated with the insulin-reducing drug metformin, acne was improved.
• In polycystic ovary syndrome, which is diagnosed in women who are obese and have acne, it is clear that elevated insulin levels are a major factor.
Diabetes, Glucose Resistance Article, and Metformin

• One potential side effect in long-term users of Metformin, is that it may cause mal-absorption of vitamin B12
Powder power: Woman with PCOS uses maca root powder to balance menstrual cycle

• When Tosha Nichole, who suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), had gone eight months without menstruating, she turned to maca powder to jump start her cycle. Her past experience and success with the powder led to this decision, and today, she recommends women suffering from PCOS to use maca powder.
• A root vegetable grown in the Peruvian mountains, maca is considered an adaptogenic, nutrient-packed food capable of honing in on and healing particular weaknesses in the body. Heralded for its energy-producing (including libido-boosting) and adrenal stress-reducing abilities, the raw powder contains over 50 different phytochemicals that contribute to restoring the hormonal balance necessary for those suffering from PCOS. A woman with PCOS is not able to properly absorb minerals needed for adequate menstrual function. Maca root has been shown to offset such imbalances.
• According to the Office on Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, upwards of 5 million women in the U.S. may have PCOS, which is the most common cause of female infertility. In addition to irregular menstrual cycles, women with PCOS may experience increased facial hair growth, acne, pelvic pain and depression.
Kidney Disease

• I teach qigong and go to China to study with the teachers from the hospitals there, but the cysts are filled with fluid, mold, and fungus. I take colostrum for the fungus, which helps, but the cysts are still quite large. I would like to try chelation, but with such low kidney functioning, that is rather scary unless I could find someone who has worked with this disease before.
• Cysts of all kinds generally respond to treatment with iodine. You can do a self test by painting a half dollar size spot with regular medicinal iodine where it won't get rubbed off and see how long it takes to disappear. Best is 24 hours but 12 is the minimum.
• One can use Lugol's solution orally or some people simply paint it on their body (different spot each time) and let it be absorbed. The first time I did the self test it was sucked up within 1/2 hour. My ND has me taking 8 drops of Lugol's daily in water. I'm up to 6 hours is slow...
• Here are some updates for my files on Polycystic Kidney Disease, Iodine and Glutathione. Interestingly, the Gerson protocol for cancer also included Lugol's solution (half strength) for Iodine - dosage (first 3-4 weeks ONLY): 3 drops in each of 6 orange- and carrot/apple-juices (6x3 daily). Thereafter, the physician will normally reduce the dosage to 6x1 for 8 weeks, and 3x1 for the duration of treatment. DO NOT add to liver- or green-juice.
Iodine On My Mind

• Since the thyroid gland is the most effective iodine-trapping organ in the body, the appearance of a goiter will be one of the very last signs of iodine deficiency. Before a goiter occurs there will likely be many other signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency such as fibrocystic breast disease, ovarian cysts, skin problems, atherosclerosis, decreased mental status, depression, and fatigue
Everything You Need to Know About Iodine

• Around 1860, there was a Swiss physician that found that iodine could be used to treat goiter. What was happening back in the 1800s, a goiter is nothing more than a cyst that grows on your thyroid gland. And that was a very big discovery back in the 1960s. Because later, I'm going to tell you about our own research in the United States with the goiter belt that was up around Ohio and Michigan and stuff like that. Where people were deficient in iodine and everybody was coming down with goiters.
• Then, kind of another discovery which happened in 1997 was when Dr. Ghent reported that he saw benefits of iodine with fibrocystic breast disease. Now, if you notice, it's fibrocystic breast disease because any iodine deficiency is going to cause a cystic disease somewhere. The iodine is up taken in the body in every cell, but usually, you see the reproductive organs. Polycystic ovarian disease, fibrocystic breast disease. The breasts take up a tremendous amount of iodine. The uterus, all the glandular systems. And not only that, iodine is needed by the immune system because the white blood cells need iodine to fight infection. So, it's not only associating iodine with the thyroid, but more or less, associating it with every single cell in the body. And we're all familiar with metabolism and how if your metabolism is slow, then you're going to have a really hard time losing weight and burning fat. Or if your metabolism is fast, you're going to burn fat a lot faster.
• Iodine, we touched on it for women's health, but it's extremely important because when I was seeing patients and we have people that call all the time. Mostly women, because women pay way more attention to their health most of the time than men do. And it's a humongous problem out there with the fact that women are suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, fibrocystic breast disease, fibromyalgia, uterine fibroids. Any type of these cysts in these fibroids. The ovaries actually have the second-highest concentration of iodine in a woman's body. When they're deficient, the cysts form. So, basically, if there's no iodine in the thyroid; if it's saturated with fluoride, you're not taking iodine in through the body. Then, the cysts form in the ovaries and especially around your menstrual cycles. For the ladies that are listening, if your breasts become tender, that's a sign that you have iodine deficiency.
• So, another thing iodine deficiency can affect is the structure and the function of the breast tissue. You know if you're breastfeeding or you're trying to get milk in there, it can also alter that. And the fact that the cystic breasts end up being very painful. And, actually, there has even been correlation that cystic breasts may even lead to breast cancer. There was a study in 1967 by the Journal of American Medical Association that found breast cancer in mice was linked to iodine deficiency. The National Health and Nutrition Survey from 1971 to 2000 showed iodine levels had dropped 50 percent from 1971 to the year 2000. Think about this: how many thyroid disorders, how much breast cancer, how much prostate cancer, ovarian cancer? All of that has increased since iodine has been taken out of everything and bromine has been replaced into it.
• But we do know this. I thought I was going to talk about some of the symptoms of iodine; here's some of the main symptoms of iodine deficiency.
• Fibrocystic breasts, ovary cysts.
...End of File Preview...

Here is a link to Dr. Edward Group’s Webinar on Iodine…

Everything You Need to Know About Iodine

Peace and Love.......John

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Re: Raw Food & Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - PCOS...
Posted by: Tai ()
Date: February 04, 2015 10:01PM

Dear John
Thank you so much.
A great file you have there.
WHat kind of raw diet were these women on to get rid of PCOS?

your file preview stated:
• Chinese medicine does not address hormone problems and conventional medicine does not address liver congestion problems.

Chinese medicine is great for hormones, FYI. I have helped a lot of women.

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Re: Raw Food & Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - PCOS...
Posted by: bluespixie ()
Date: February 04, 2015 10:26PM

Nice post, John. I've seen a few testimonials over the years where PCOS sufferers have been transformed by raw. Amazing stuff.

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