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From One of my Music Forums: Donald Trump Supporters
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: September 24, 2020 05:34AM

To supporters of Donald Trump:

(This is all from a LIFELONG successful composer, so someone SENSITIVE to VIBRATION and all that entails. Take that for what it's worth...)

"I could not have said this better nor more eloquently. As I said, I ONCE believed that a raw food diet was the KEY to SUPERIOR mental functioning. I don't believe in a SPIRITUAL world, merely higher VIBRATIONS like Xrays, and so on. EVERYTHING is PHYSICAL and PHYSICAL IS SPIRITUAL. The raw food advocates on this board have proven themselves in my eyes to be off, mentally deranged, and unable to discern. It's kind of ironic that there are CONSPIRACY theories floating on YouTube that VEGANISM is a diet of CONTROL to make people into SLAVES. Hmmmmmmm?"

I think you're incapable and/or unwilling to acknowledge the severe psychopathology of this wretched human being. He's the most dangerous person on the planet and no matter how screwed up the American political system is, Donald Trump is an anomaly--he's so clearly lacking in empathy, intelligence, remorse, humility and conscience--that I find it incredible that those who defend him in any way are still doing so.

Trump is a Hitlerian character (that goes over WELL HERE), a narcissist and highly destructive personality who's only real talents are to create chaos, scapegoat the innocent, inflame division and play on people's bigotry and fears. He does all this for one reason: To bolster his ego and manipulate his way to power. No sane and mentally healthy person fails to see what a soulless, dangerous criminal mind Trump has, and if you actually listen to all the horrendous things he has lied about, whether it be immigrants, people of color, African countries, women, China, peaceful protestors, the virus--you'd come to same conclusions. But then again, you probably won't.

I am not "free to believe" whatever I want to believe. I have an obligation, a duty as a citizen, to try and ascertain what is true and real, and adjust, modify, abandon or adopt my beliefs accordingly. When Trump first got elected I understood people's grievances and frustrations and understood why some people voted for him. I also knew he was a very sick individual. But now, in 2020? I equate Trump supporters with a cult; no matter the destructive nature of the man, no matter the constant lying, no matter the blatant and consistent hypocrisy and exaggerations, they will never abandon their Fuhrer (JEEZ, THIS GUYS SO SPOT ON!).

Carl Sagan said it eloquently:

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the TRUTH, like OUR racial underpinnings. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

(((DEEP THROAT THAT Jenniferyawning smileyyawning smileyyawning smiley)))

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2020 05:58AM by NuNativs.

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Re: From One of my Music Forums: Donald Trump Supporters
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: September 24, 2020 05:41AM


"You can be decent and intelligent, but then you cannot be a Nazi. You can be intelligent and a Nazi, but then you cannot be decent. You can be decent and a Nazi, but then you cannot be intelligent.

Substitute the word "Nazi" with "Republican" and you have the same equation in America today.

(((See what's wrong with the people on this board?)))

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Re: From One of my Music Forums: Donald Trump Supporters
Posted by: NuNativs ()
Date: September 24, 2020 05:45AM

This guys on FIRE:

I didn't bring up "Hitler". I said "Hitlerian". It means in the spirit of authoritarianism, I could also have said Machiavellian, or Stalinism or Mussolini-like. If you are really that ignorant of history that you cannot draw parallels between Trump's love of dictators, like Putin, Bolsonaro, the leader of North Korea, then do you really deserve to live in a democracy? Just today, Trump said he won't honor the election results, he's lying through his teeth about the validity of mail-in ballots, a type of voting he himself participates in. Doesn't the man's constant lying bother you, even a little? What values do you actually believe this dangerous, soulless criminal represents?

Trump studied the speeches of Hitler repeatedly, (ROSE?) did you know that? I won't try to convince you that the man is pure evil. Mental health professionals, psychiatrists and psychologists are warning us of the dangers of a sociopathic personality with political power, they've been warning us for years about Trump. History is warning us. Trump's behavior, his policies, the criminals he surrounds himself with--these are all serious and real warnings that all normal, conscious, intelligent people understand. Why don't you?

And every person I've read that has studied cults extensively views the Republican Party under Trump as a cult. No matter what Trump does or says, there will be those who believe him. (Jennifer gets the chills). They will believe the lies, the exaggerations, the stupid anti-science stances, the hubris, the mockery, the disdain for people--it makes no difference. That's certainly a cult-like devotion.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2020 05:52AM by NuNativs.

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