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VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: RaysofLight ()
Date: June 04, 2010 07:12PM

I have known since I was very young that food heals. I've watched it happened, I have experienced it.
Some of you have too and good for you!

I want to share some information with you in the links provided below. Wonderful information-a must read and share!
Please, know this information comes to you with love and light.
I encourage you to forward this email on to others.

So many people "know" that "something" is missing. However, we have become a society of people conditioned to ignore most of our "jiminy cricket", "higher self", "gut instincts" moments. Can you recall a time when you overrode your messages from that little voice inside of you? I call it my connection to my higher source and everyone has it. People continue to look outside of themselves and outside of nature for the answers. They go to the best of the best of medical doctors, and treatment facilities seeking out a cure for their condition. The truth is we were bred to be confused and accept/depend on research (funded by whom?) and our government. Have you looked at who makes up Big Brother (our government) regulatory agencies? Try this, “google” the names-look at their resumes, histories and you will find “former” big pharma and big industry executives (the same that profit from us) being in charge of regulations. Sorry, this is a conflict of interest, people, Wake Up, please! If you feel something is not right, chances are you are getting that “hit” for a reason! This is not to say that all medicine is negative, everything has it’s place…We have all heard the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

The non-profitable truth is that the answers are before us. They are provided to us, simply look at nature. All the answers and all the cures are there. The problem is-it's difficult to "unlearn" so much of what we have been inculcated to think we "know" (not know really). We must unlearn the things that are not resonating with solutions. We need to learn new ways of dealing with our health. It is possible. How long have they been "so close" to finding a cure for cancer? (over 25 years!) How many women with breast cancer have double mastectomies and fungus is discovered? How many of you believe that billions of dollars in research means it must be a cutting edge solution? No, ridiculous spending on “research” doesn’t mean we have any better solutions. It's just a more desperate reason to lie and cheat you of your health.

Unfortunately, being sick is the biggest industry in our nation, from the beef industry to lies about protein, to the milk industry, to the processed food industry, to medicine and big Pharma to the GMOs (think Monsanto)-everything they create for big profits is KILLING US!

We have become a society of sheep looking for our herder to guide us. The herder is our government and big business (Pharmaceutical Companies and Processed Food Companies, etc...) combined - we are allowing them to infest us with disease and sickness.

Our bodies are divinely created and recognize plant DNA, not GMOs or chemically altered, research laboratory produced, foreign material. Living and raw food is the truth, it’s the medicine nature intended for us. This is what heals us, nourishes us and nurtures us. When you give your body the abundance of life force energy, miracles happen with your mind, body and spirit.

Hippocrates (the Greek father of medicine) said “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”. In other words, allow food to nourish and heal you.
...and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.
~Ezekiel 47:12 grinning smiley
I'm here to support you, please, feel free to contact me to schedule a time, should you need assistance.
As a member you may go to our Community tab and participate in discussions and post your experiences and ideas. Thank you for being a Living Food Village member. ENJOY! grinning smiley



In Love, Light and Health,

"Let Food Be Your Medicine and Medicine Be Your Food"~Hippocrates
Kelly Vaccarelli ~Living and Raw Foods Coach & Theta Healer
Balancing Mind, Body and Spirit


Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 04, 2010 10:29PM

<<We have become a society of sheep looking for our herder to guide us>>

not the people on THIS forum LOLsmiling smiley

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 04, 2010 11:13PM

No kidding, right?

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 05, 2010 02:25AM

right - O!!

this is the non sheeple united forum LOLsmiling smiley

raysoflight is a newbie

so he/she doesn't know that he/she is preaching to the choir

its all good though grinning smiley

i like the message
so that's all that matters

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: morgenjune ()
Date: June 05, 2010 02:31AM

YAY! Down with the FDA! The whole system makes me so angry, but right now im quite pleased smiling smiley


Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: RaysofLight ()
Date: June 05, 2010 06:56PM

la_veronique and Coco~
Congratulations to you both on knowing so much about living and raw healing and health and living 100% Living and Raw! grinning smiley I do realize there are folks here (forum) that may be older than me and have been doing this a lot longer too!
You'd be surprised at how many people I counsel who've been living and raw foodist or for over 5-10 years+--but still have problems with being over weight, health challenges, etc... Mostly, people don't understand proper balance with living and raw foods-that's why they started it to begin with and that's why they stop doing it. Pieces and parts of the lifestyle give just that piece and parts...almost, but not enough. It take commitment, practice, support and knowledge and help- from others who can show the way to make it livable and easier to do.

Never ASSUME (you know the ol' saying-and a thanks to "juicek" for the heads up message about you guys here)- I'm glad you found my site informative and YES, I will continue to post, might even inspire others to do something more, ya never know! ;D

FYI~Not a 'newbie' at all-born into this lifestyle and have been a member here a while now. grinning smiley Keep it in the light and KNOW that NOTHING I wrote was to YOU, personally. It's for the majority of "people" that may need help or not with SAD.

This is a link to an article about the the recent Victory over the FDA...pretty spectacular-good reason to celebrate!
Not everyone is at your level.~Read the questions from folks asking for guidance looking for a new way. Many people are new to the lifestyle. Those are the people I am here for.

Above all know this lifestyle works miracles and cured my father of liver cancer when he was given 6 months to live (by Drs)-that was 16 years ago!
He's my inspiration, as well as anyone else who is a fellow torchbearer, a reflection of the light, shining the light or looking for the light.
Peace Out and Here's to Your Health

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Curator ()
Date: June 06, 2010 08:51AM

My mom was given 3 months to live cause her breast cancer was supposedly an extremely aggressive variety, and it metastasized, she underwent a series of radiation and chemo treatments, and survived, and is as healthy as she ever was be4 the cancer, which still isnt saying much, cause she ate SAD be4, during, and still does now, after the cancer...

I believe raw food is a wonderful thing, I believe it can help with allot of things, but I truly hope that your not saying one should just go 100% raw, and forget about conventional cancer treatments, or that one should forgo conventional treatment for almost anything in favor of the raw diet... See I do believe that allot of medicines out there now are easily as bad as the problem, or worse in some cases, such as statins, and I do believe there are some herbal remedies that help considerably, and some that can have their symptoms reduced, or even cured by a change in diet, but what id like to ask you if it is ok, was your father still undergoing conventional treatment while on the raw diet, or did he only use the raw diet?

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Utopian Life ()
Date: June 06, 2010 03:23PM

It's your body that heals, not food.

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: June 06, 2010 04:39PM

Agree with Utopian Life. I believe[based on my own experiences] that conventional treatment is generally ineffective long-term. But I am always glad to hear when someone recovers using conventional treatments, like Curator's mother.

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Curator ()
Date: June 07, 2010 10:44AM

I tried and tried and tried to convince her to change her diet too, cause there is proof that some diets increase your chances of surviving cancer...but she refused to even stop smoking, let alone change her diet... but she survived in-spite of herself,lol... unfortunately making it even harder now for me to convince her to start eating a little healthier... although last time she visited me she didn't have a choice, as she doesn't drive, and she refuses to walk anyway, she had to eat what I made or nothing...luckily she really liked everything I made, once I got her to try it...

Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: June 07, 2010 01:00PM


There is more than a little proof that diet can not only increase an individual's survival chances, but can reverse active cancer and, of course, prevent it. Hopefully, your mom has been cancer free for many years post treatment, which automatically improves her prognosis. It's tough to convince people to change habits which may be causing/abetting illness. Not enough is done at the Federal level to promote the idea that good nutrition is essential to preventing and treating disease(which is the point of RaysofLight's links in the op). Further, what little information is publicized is misinterpreted or misreported, like that "fruits and vegetables don't prevent cancer" report of a few months ago. That's NOT what the researchers said, but that's how it was reported, which further encourages the public to discount the importance to health of food, and makes it consequently harder to convince someone ill that it is within their power to heal using diet. It's all such a mess . . .

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: RaysofLight ()
Date: June 07, 2010 01:11PM

There is a time and place for everything, which includes medicine. If I break my bones, I'm going to the Dr. Ultimately, you must do what you are comfortable with so you are in a position to say "no regrets". There is NOTHING worse than having regrets and we cannot force "our will" onto others. Some people will resonate with what we know to be true and others won't-free will and choice. There are more than one answer for people. If your body is alkaline, you have a much better chance of NOT getting any DIS-ease, Candida, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc...the problem is on SAD- we are conditioned to breed disease- because SAD = 80% acidic and 20% alkaline foods.
My father refused to do any conventional medicine with his stage 4 liver cancer. He saw too many of his friends die horrible deaths and the last few months of their lives were horrible from Chemo and Radiation. That was enough for him to say even if he had 6 months to live-he'd rather live as he had been than go thru what they did and die a slow death-bed ridden and sick from cancer treatments. My father went on all raw living juices so his body's energy could go towards healing and NOT going towards digestion. He juiced for 2 months solid-he was 100% committed. In 2 months his cancer shrunk to 1/2 the size! Finally, it was totally gone! I have my own experiences, as well, to draw from as others have theirs. I am convinced living and raw food cures, I have seen it, I have lived it, I have experienced it. I rid myself of a thyroid condition after being on medication that I was allergic to for 10 years-being told by Drs, I would die if I didn't take the medication everyday-Slowly, over 10 years-I was having more and more side effects and feeling horrible. I actually said I'd rather die than live like this and feel as I did. This was the ONLY medication I took. I asked myself, "do I really think I will die if I stop taking this?" The answer was "NO" (FOR ME-NOT YOU, personally or anyone else here for that matter). That was over 2 years ago. I realized I was a human guinea pig -I went in every 6 months to have my blood taken-they checked it- and they always changed my medication. I already paid for the older prescription medication and had to get rid of it and replace it with another new prescription! I asked my Dr. why that was and was told-sometimes being on the medicine allows your thyroid gland to function better-when it does, it produces it's own hormones and that throws the medicine off. I thought-wait a minute, I was told I didn't produce enough hormones to live and function-I got "Thyroiditist" and was sooo sick for 12 weeks-went to 2 Drs. One wanted to remove my gland, (why? because I could get it again-and 12 yrs later NEVER got it again)-the other said- it's not necessary. I was in my 30s and not ready to be giving up body parts! I have been treating myself naturally for the last 2 years and cannot tell you how much better I feel, think, am! I tried the medical DRs and they did not work for my health challenges. If they work for you-WONDERFUL! Eating living foods-I have health and heal my entire body. I'm not here to argue or defend-everyone must live as they see fit-I believe in options-as I'm sure many of you do. I WANT THEM ALL-NOT ONLY MEDICAL OPTIONS!!! It's also important to realize stress and other conditions can also have effects on a body. The bottom line is-do what makes you feel best! These articles may shed some light (the word "weight" can be substituted with "Health Challenges"winking smiley:

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Curator ()
Date: June 07, 2010 02:19PM

woohhh, calm down buddy, coming off a bit intense there... I think you may have misunderstood my statements, I wasn't saying raw diet couldn't work for different illnesses, just that conventional treatment, especially in the case of cancer, works more often than not if you look at the statistics, and that I believe a combination of healthier living, and better diet and even some herbal supplements is the better path to take in most cases rather than just ignoring modern medical science for severe things like cancer, I do not doubt you or your fathers experience, im just saying both should be used in most cases, there have even been quite a few places of people following different "diets" both raw and others while they had cancer, not getting conventional treatment, and some getting cured, and some dying months sooner than they would have... as far as the thyroid go, ive heard of many people using both the raw diet, and some just a mostly vegetarian diet (they call it flexitarian) to cure thyroid from what ive seen, just healthier living in general can help to cure allot of things...

So far they only thing proven to have a curative effect the most often, is a combination of conventional treatments, and a supposed "cancer fighting" diet, which does incorporate allot of raw foods, but isn't entirely raw...who knows, maybe being 100% raw would increase the chances even further, but to make claims now that its a cure all, well, sounds more like a religious statement than a scientific one, Like when my dad claims God healed my mom...

to be sure I'm completely clear, I am saying that I believe what your saying is most likely true for the most part, but just that you may be taking things a little far...

As far as a strictly raw diet goes for fighting cancer, I came to this website because my friend angels family let me know the raw diet existed, I have been eating mostly raw for most of my life just out of preference, and they told me there was kind of a movement so to speak, so I searched, and found this site so as to learn more, Angels grandma is in the hospital right now, dying almost a year sooner than they said she would with conventional treatments, although those estimates are always off... and she has been doing the 100% raw diet for 8 months now under the supervision of a nutritionist...without conventional treatments, her health improved considerably for awhile there, but unfortunately that hasn't lasted, so you can say all you want about how its a cure all for everything, but I seriously doubt it will work for everyone, and now she is dying because she chose to believe people like you and completely forgo conventional treatment. Oh, and dont think cause of me that the people of this website have issues with you or anything, believe me, im in the minority on here,lol. sorry if I come off a little bitter in that last part, but I kinda am...she is a wonderful old lady, and I cant stand things that make Angel sad...

Tamukha, I never said there was "little proof" I said there was "proof" er, it sounds like you where arguing something I thought I had already stated... but there is even MORE proof, including dozens of reputable scientific studies, that a combination of Diet and conventional medicine drastically increases ones chances over cancer vs either of the two alone, a good cancer fighting diet can even lower the intensity of treatments needed as well, making it easier on the person... believe me, I know, I researched all of this in depth when my mom was diagnosed, and I literally read through thousands of studies in the past, most of them turned out to be crap with no supporting data, but the general gist I got, was that most fresh fruit and veggies = good, meats and pretty much all processed foods = bad, and that a combination of a healthy diet and conventional treatment, has had the highest success rate in all demographics...

Oh, and for future reference, this will be my last post on this subject, as my first post was so obviously misunderstood in ways I cant understand, I see no reason to continue the discussion after this point.

Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: RaysofLight ()
Date: June 07, 2010 04:07PM

PEACE FRIEND...To CALRIFY: CAPITALIZED LETTTERS/WORDS are emphasized words-where I cannot show voice inflection...
(in·flect·ed, in·flect·ing, in·flects. 1. To alter (the voice) in tone or pitch; modulate)
I'm not intending to "be intense"/"yell" thru the computer -but to STRESS it's VERY individual and YOU ALL have choice.

This lifestyle is about balance. Many eat raw, but aren't understanding (comprehensively) the nutrition and proper combinations of living and raw foods for optimal results. It's the same with someone NOT taking medicine as prescribed and not getting the results for which the medicine was intended- that would be a parallel. If one believes in the mind, body, spirit connection, Living, Raw and Healing Foods will really resonate. One probably understands thoughts as energy too, as well as food. Living and raw food for health and healing works very well and when done properly has amazing results... One may eat waaaay too much fruit and that is sugar and the metabolic waste from sugar is acidic. That alone, can counteract the process of becoming alkaline EVEN if it's all raw.
I'll say it again...
You must do what you are comfortable with so you are in a position to say "no regrets". There is NOTHING worse than having regrets and we cannot force "our will" onto others. Some people will resonate with what we know to be true and others won't-free will and choice. There is MORE THAN ONE ANSWER for people.

I wish you ALL well and have no ill will towards anyone, nor do my views represent anything other than my views.


Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Curator ()
Date: June 07, 2010 05:28PM

That I can agree with,lol... also, She was/is under the direct care of a nutritionist that specializes in the raw food diet... so I kinda doubt anything was done improperly...just saying...

My only regret, is that apparently most of my diet is saturated with pesticides,lol...

Re: VICTORY over the FDA!!!! We ARE what we eat!!!
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 07, 2010 06:54PM

You can use italics to show inflection if you wish. There is formatting advice in a sticky at the top of the forum.

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