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WIFI headache?
Posted by: The Fruit Faery ()
Date: September 12, 2010 12:25PM

Hi Everyone
I have been living on a high raw fruit based diet and keeping excellent health.

5 days ago I became very sick. I could not understand why.
The symptoms started with headaches around the temple area and behind the eyes. Nausea and then diarrhea followed. I felt a little dizzy and disorientated. I took some pain killers out of desperation, they made no difference.
The pain and the nausea became progressively worse. It was constant.
My energy level plummeted. I felt terrible.

I then started to experience mild vision problems. I found it hard to look at a TV, computer screen or be in bright light.
I don't normally suffer from headaches or visual disturbance, so I decided to book an eye test for next week.

I started to look at reasons why this might be happening. I have not changed my diet or lifestyle in any way.

2 days previous to my experiencing these problems, I installed a wireless router provided by my ISP.

After installation, we were experiencing interference on the phone lines. I asked my husband to contact the ISP to see if the problem could be resolved.
During our conversation about the installation of the router, I realised that my symptoms had appeared 2 days after the installation. I wondered if there could be any connection.
I did a little surfing and found that other people had experienced similar symptoms to me, after installing a wireless router.

I immediately disconnected the router and reinstalled the modem.
The nausea and headaches behind the eyes disappeared within 3 to four hours. I then experienced a throbbing headache at the back of my head for a couple of hours, then the vision problems disappeared.

12 hours on from disconnection of the router, my vision is fine. I have a clear head and no symptoms of nausea.
I still feel a little weak but my energy level is increasing and I'm feeling better by the hour.

I feel that there was a connection between the installation of the WIFI and the symptoms that I experienced. I know that this would probably be difficult to prove. That's not my concern at the moment. I'm just relieved that its no longer operating in my home!

Has anyone else here experienced anything like this?

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: September 12, 2010 12:42PM


i'd be interested if this thread was kept within this larger food forum because i believe it is an extremely important , overlooked issue

it is one thing to take care of our bodies with raw foods

but WIFI is also an area of "consumption" and the effects can be incredibly disruptive and powerfully so

i got rid of it in my home because i could feel its powerful discordance with my own natural field

won't tell you all about my hassles except to say i got rid of it

public places are a problem as well as people who have all these gadgets that exude powerful radiation

what do other people do that actually works for them

there are at least a billion websites with a zillion products (believe me, i've tried a few) but have yet to actually hear about something that a person experienced ( who is not trying to sell a product) that really works to significantly neutralize the effects

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: September 12, 2010 12:58PM

We are all circuiting electricity within ourselves, and anything that disturbs that flow is going to cause health problems; this is why one feels weary and aguey after a long day at the 'pooter. It's good you figured this out and dealt with it, Fruit Faery. Think of all the people that never do make the connection and slowly sink into physical decrepitude!

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: The Fruit Faery ()
Date: September 12, 2010 02:04PM

Hi la_veronique
I hope this stays on the larger food forum too. I wanted to share my experience, so that it may raise awareness of this issue. Hopefully my story will allow others to bypass the experience.
Im pleased to hear that you got rid of your WIFI.

I also forgot to mention in my initial post, that I also experienced regular palpitations during the time that the WIFI was connected. Its all scary stuff!

I'm actually dealing with the residue symptoms by juice feasting/ fasting. I know from experience that works for me.

Hi Tamukha
I'm so pleased that I experienced these symptoms and was in a position to make the connection.
Without my symptoms, I may not have realised the potential danger.
My family appeared fine, but who knows what harm could be caused to them and for that matter my pets if the WIFI was left installed.

I work as a healer/ energy worker, so I'm very sensitive. If I meet people experiencing these symptoms in the future, at least I will be able to advise, having experienced the symptoms first hand.

This has opened a whole can of worms for me.

I'm embarking on a 3 year degree course this month. This experience has raised concerns about the college network provision.(I wont be able to find out until tomorrow)

The hotel that I have booked to stay at during the course (2 nights a week) has WIFI in all rooms.
Its been difficult to secure a reasonably priced decent long term accommodation deal. I'm committed now to both the B&B and a years course fees whatever decision I make about attending at this stage.
Anyway, I will have to cross each bridge as it prevents itself.

I'm feeling less and less toxic as the hours pass by.

Thanks for your replies x

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: September 13, 2010 12:44AM

hi fruit faery

distance does make a difference

take notes at school

then go home and use the internet or use a non WIFI linked computer at school

some college campus computers are not WIFI and they are stationarily attached to some furniture

as far as the WIFI buzz being there

yeah, u will probably feel it

but its different from being DIRECTLY in front of the WIFI computer

figure out how to use your energy matrix to raise your own vibrations to neutralize those energies

and if you figure that out, please let me know ( you can PM me toosmiling smiley

or let everyone else know

heck... write a book about it

i'll buy it

being in top notch superior health does help

also avoiding those areas

but when you are in superior health and WITHIN those areas

that is another conundrum to figure out

kind of like a zen koan on steroids

very intense

be good to hear other opinions of the geniuses on board this forum

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: The Fruit Faery ()
Date: September 13, 2010 10:56AM

Hi la_veronique
Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it.
I'm still a little shaky after my recent experience, not quite rebalanced yet!
Im working from home for a couple of days, so i have a little time to rest and restore.

I have checked out some physical protective mechanisms, but so far I haven't come across anything that feels right for me.
I'm buzzing with all sorts of ideas, so a book may well be on the cards!

Thanks la V, as things progress, I'm sure I will be running some ideas past you.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: September 13, 2010 10:00PM

hey thanks fruit faery
i would be interested in all ideas

the future will be wired

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: September 13, 2010 11:13PM

My brother is forever telling me all the reasons why this can't be true but the instant I put a cell phone up to my head I get a headachey ringing sensation that is distinct and distinctly unpleasant.
I'm sure WIFI is dreadful to be around but... this sort of thing... it's everywhere. I don't have it here at home but people with a laptop can connect from my house to my neighbours WIFI signals. Unless one is living way out in the country far from any electrical lines, cell phone tower signals, etc, escaping this sort of thing is impossible.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: The Fruit Faery ()
Date: September 14, 2010 10:48PM

Hi coco.
You are right, impossible to avoid. I suppose that the only control that we have as individuals is not to install it in our own homes.

I had a computer engineer visit today to sort out connectivity issues. He demonstrated that there were at least 6 wifi units operating in the vicinity.
I cant avoid them. He did feel that distancing myself from the router would help a little if I wanted to try it out. I didn't want to go there again, just too scared!
My laptop is now set to work on dial up rather than wifi. It should all help.

This engineer installed the wifi for me last week. He told me that he had heard about people experiencing similar symptoms after installing wifi, but had never actually met anyone until today. He agreed that the best thing to do was to return to dial up. He was sympathetic and went out of his way to help me out.

I visited the osteopath today to have some cranial sacral work done, as I still felt a bit toxic. The osteopath found tension/ compression in all of the areas that I had felt pain and discomfort. I felt the tension and stuck areas release as she worked. After the treatment I felt really good. My eyesight is no longer disturbed and I feel fine.
She said she felt that from the description of symptoms, it sounded like blood vessel dilation.
Its interesting that everyone who feels that they have been affected by wifi appear to report the same set of symptoms.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: The Fruit Faery ()
Date: September 20, 2010 09:48PM

I was discussing the wifi issue at work today.
One of my colleagues has a daughter that suffers from epilepsy. She had been fit free for years. Within the last 6 weeks, she suddenly had 3 fits. Wifi was installed at home 7 weeks ago and her daughter also bought a wifi enabled phone.

Another college explained that she installed wifi at home about 9 months ago. Her daughter becomes sick and develops similar symptoms to those that I experienced when she visits.

Wi-Fi caused me serious health effects
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: October 05, 2010 08:13PM

Hello - I am a relationship counselor working at home - meditate daily, energy work, organic eating, living in country - suddenly developed headaches and migraines daily, constant dizziness, fuzzy thinking, heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat, couldn't sleep, became anxious. Went to the doctor - told it was hormones and stress and put on valium. Symptoms did not get better, became worse. I developed irritable bowel syndrome, constant nausea and unable to digest. My teeth and gums ached so that I couldn't tolerate even a mild teeth cleaning at the dentist. Suddenly experienced heart symptoms like a heart attack - heart beating up to 160 - 180 bpm, then pain down my left arm. Went to the hospital- no cause found. I knew I felt better outside, but was disabled and couldn't work. This continued for about 3 months after very sudden onset of symptoms. No-one else in the family particularly affected, although I was the one who worked at home and the rest out at school or office during day. Luckily found out from a visiting friend that we had wireless internet in our house that we didn't know about - in attempting to fix one of our hard wired ports, Telus had turned on the wi-fi capability in our router without telling us. We had it turned off, and many symptoms disappeared within minutes/hours, however, it took about 6 weeks for the irritable bowel situation to calm down. I am now totally fine as long as I don't use cell phones (headaches and heart irregulaties) and stay away from wi-fi (dizziness, heart irregularities, fuzzy thinking). My life has been drastically altered as I am sensitive to the wireless signals when I was not noticeably sensitive prior to my exposure to Wi-fi. There are many people like me now, and it is called microwave sickness. My life has been really destroyed in that I cannot travel, stay in hotels, attend meetings, shop - anywhere there is wi-fi and I will become ill again quite quickly. I know more and more people like this now, and Health Canada says it is impossible to become ill from these devices, which I find out have never been pre-market tested for safety.

On another note, my mother had wireless installed in her apartment and became so ill, she almost died. Her heart was racing, her lungs filled with fluid, she couldn't walk due to dizziness/vertigo, she was terribly fatigued and couldn't eat. She also lost her muscular strength and control of her bowels. We took out the wi-fi system and she completely recovered within days.

Everyone needs to speak to others on this topic - the Canadian people are not being protected. I live in LAngley, BC and my mother lives in White Rock, BC.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: October 05, 2010 10:22PM


This was horrifying to read. Thanks for posting, and I hope your health recovers fully and soon.

The Technological Revolution is such a mixed blessing, y'all.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: The Fruit Faery ()
Date: October 17, 2010 10:57AM

Hi Sarah
I was shocked to hear your story. I thought that I had a tough time, but what happened your mother was terrible.

I Find myself in a similar position to you. I didn't notice WIFI until I became sensitised. I now recognise the effect it has on me within minutes of being exposed. The problem is that I'm exposed to it most of the time. I have at least 6 households operating nearby. The signal runs through the house, however, as long as I'm not too close to the source I currently appear to be able to tolerate it.

If a person turns up on the train in a seat nearby and connects to wifi, I feel it and have to move.
Staying in hotels has become impossible as I don't sleep, the headaches start and the pulse begins to race.
2 days a week, I spend over 5 hours on a train rather than staying over in a hotel!
Its really had a huge impact on my life.
Unfortunately, Wifi is spreading, so It may well get worse.
Despite this, I'm trying to stay positive, remain raw and limit my exposure to Wifi, whilst I work on a solution to this problem,
Thanks for posting.
Take care x

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: rab ()
Date: October 17, 2010 03:48PM

I just hate the landscape here around Chicago - you drive along the expressway and new wireless towers are being built almost daily, it looks like Big Brother World now. Everything under control.
Of course, they will not allow any real studies to prove the harmful effects of the radiation (in essence, it is just another radiation), but it is not a natural human environment, that is for sure.

I have a wireless router at home but I am working on getting rid of it, or at least have it turned off and used only if I really need it. Nobody really walks around with the laptop, and the best way to use it is to have a dedicated place (desk) for it. As a matter of fact, desktop computers are mutch more efficient and cheaper.
My work laptop is now hooked up to cable, and the VPN works much better this way. I turned of the wireless on it. If I could turn of all the wireless in Chicagoland, I would.

I do not use the Wi Fi for my phone, but my family does - and I will have to talk them out of it.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: The Fruit Faery ()
Date: October 17, 2010 05:59PM

Hi rab
I think that its good to make people aware, then they can make an informed deision as to how they wish to proceed. Many are unaware of the possible health risks involved.
Wifi is logarithmic, so the closer, the more harmful.
Having wifi switched on the phone drains the battery very quickly, so its obviousy using a lot of power.

My friend's daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy in her mid teens. She hadnt had a fit for years, then had 3 fits in sucession after purchasing a wifi enabled phone. She has now turned wifi off and has been fine since.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: rab ()
Date: October 17, 2010 08:45PM

As is with food and other things, only a few will figure out, the majority will follow the "official" advice.
The trouble is - nowhere to hide.The horrible things are everywhere. We should actually only use wireless of any kind for emergency and very sparingly.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 08, 2011 10:09PM

I know a few people who react to Wi-Fi, including a child who was getting headaches until his parents tried disconnecting it. The headaches stopped and he began sleeping through the night for the first time, very reliably. One night they turned it back on while he was asleep so they could buy something and he woke up with night terrors very soon after it was on. They turned it back off and he slept well after that.

Some people feel it in specific places in their bodies. I have a Ph.D. in physics and although this came as a huge surprise to me, there is no reason why it violates any laws of science. Even the argument often given that a microwave photon can't break chemical bonds is irrelevant because with these exposures cells are getting multiple photons simultaneously. Furthermore it's known that collagen, found in every cell, is piezoelectric, and that means it can rectify microwaves. Because the signals are pulsed, once rectified you have a pulsed DC signal that resembles a neuron's spike train.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: BackAgain ()
Date: January 08, 2011 10:29PM

We switched to Verizon last month. It's much faster and better than the ISP we had before. Unfortunatley, Verizon makes you use their modem/router and unfortunatley for me, it's 2 inches away from my bed and I'm stuck sleeping next to it. The way everything is set up.. I can't move it or get rid of it.

I can't shut the wifi off since other people are using it.

Sucks to be me. Honestly though, I don't notice any side effects from it and I'm one of those weird people that can sometimes tell when a TV is on in another room even if I don't hear/see it. I hate that my cat sleeps under the thing it's on.. cats are supposed to be super sensitive to things like that and he chooses to sleep near it. I find that odd.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: merry ()
Date: January 09, 2011 05:13PM

Hi - I am a bit confused by exactly what is WIFI as I'm not very well educated about this type of thing.
I have a broad band internet connection with a modem but it is wireless. is that the same thing as WiFI? Should I then be better using it with a cable and only using wireless in case of any special need?
If I use it with the cable but the Wireless capability is still there will it still be potentially harmful?

Many thanks if anyone could give me a little more information!!

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: Curator ()
Date: January 09, 2011 05:18PM

If its not giving you any headaches then your probably fine, it seems to only affect a fairly small percentage of people, me, im not really bothered by it although I used to be, I am bothered by cell phones now however...

Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: January 09, 2011 07:57PM


Thanks for explaining this.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 10, 2011 03:24AM

I can't go to the library anymore, I couldn't figure out the intense nausea I was getting when we visited there until I realized that the whole building is wired for wifi. The signal must be very strong, I was sick with vertigo. I took the train this weekend too, 4.5 hours each way, also wired for wifi. Not pleasant. I am strangely sensitive to this, it's disturbing.

Re: WIFI headache?
Posted by: veganreikiangel ()
Date: January 11, 2011 06:36PM

yup happens to me too...especially with cell phones and bluetooth! yuck.

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