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Tony Wright and Hemisphere use
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 26, 2010 03:44PM

Glad Tony is getting some media buzz...this theory dovetails with my work on sovereignty and the brain damage caused by status power-over social structures. Basically after moving out of the forest environment with its phytochemical rich MAO inhibiting food supply our brains have become increasingly focused on more aggressive modes of existence...internal and external violence combined with substances of oblivion and forgetting have thus shaped civilization building since the origins of fire use. All our current symptoms of degeneration and dysfunction result from our long fall from arboreal grace. You cannot have a sane civilization divorced from the appropriate biochemistry for which our biology was designed for in the first place. Considering that the current trend of the earth is towards greater desertification and decreased genetic diversity...the question is can we begin to turn the tide to reestablish the molecular structure of the forest environment...and recover our broken angel from its 200,000 year fall.

[] —Part 1
[] —Part 2

Tony Wright, co author of the book ‘Left in the dark’. He has a theory that our brains have become neurodegenerative since we left the tropical rainforests approximately 200,000 years ago, and that we may be starved of certain foods - flavonoids, endocrine disrupters, MAO inhibitors, certain fruits and nuts etc - which may have been responsible for making our human brains grow to the size they are today. His argument is that as a result of us severing the connection with a set of plants we may have symbiotically co evolved with, our brains have failsafed into one side dominance causing right or left handedness, left brain dominance, delusion and dysfunction. Wright first self published Left in the Dark in May 2007. It presents an outline of his theory that, due to the consequences of cerebral dominance, humans are unavoidably governed and constrained by the brain's left hemisphere, which he says requires significantly more sleep than the right.
It is Wright's theory that the left hemisphere is actually a hormonally retarded version of the right hemisphere. As evidence for this, Wright points to autism researcher Prof. S. Baron-Cohen's work implicating high levels of uterine testosterone in the development of autistic tendencies. These are tendencies which he says are merely a stronger manifestation of our species-wide neurological condition - a damaged, yet dominant, left hemisphere.
Wright claims the current classification of autism is actually just a small part of a spectrum of dysfunction that should include us all. According to his theories, everybody has a neurologically damaged left hemisphere that is more dominant (and more damaged) than it was in our more functional evolutionary past.
In the case of some autistic savants, who sometimes display genius abilities in specific areas, Wright's theory states that, due to the extent of the damage to the left hemisphere, it is less able to suppress the amazing abilities of the right. Wright asserts that the fact that these individuals frequently face social challenges is explained by understanding that the left hemisphere still retains overall dominance in many of the areas that compose the various facets of our personality.
In his self published book, Wright further questions the widespread assumption that we are indeed at the pinnacle of our evolution. Instead, Wright proposes that the shift away from our evolutionary diets, and the knock-on hormonal effects on the development of our brains, has resulted in species-wide neurological dysfunction with profound effects on the integrity of our perception. Wright points to unprecedented levels of systemic dysfunction, degenerative disease, depression, societal problems, and many other indicators of compromised human function as evidence.
Wright proposes that once we strayed from tropical fruit diets, the biochemistry was simply no longer present to support optimal neurological development. According to Wright's theories, this eventually led indirectly to increased left hemisphere dominance and damage, a compromised and deluded perception, and to us exhibiting a profoundly dysfunctional psychology. Critically, Wright proposes that the neurological degeneration took place mainly in the left hemisphere while the right hemisphere remained comparatively functional, although it was still hugely suppressed by the more dominant (and dysfunctional) left.
Wright also proposes that the ancient Ages of Man mythology accurately describes the onset and progression of a neurological condition that correlates with the end of the rapid expansion of the human brain. He also proposes that the origins of ‘religious’ techniques and practices were palliative attempts at treating the condition.
Furthermore, Wright claims that, through the use of specific techniques, it may be possible to transcend the dysfunction of the left hemisphere and access more of our superior right hemisphere function. This, he claims, would lead to a much more functional experience of life, for us as individuals and as a society. Wright's research ultimately aims to elucidate a specific protocol for accessing superior brain function, for which he believes the primarily mechanisms are reducing left hemisphere dominance, and activating right hemisphere function. Wright also claims that preventing the condition in the first place may be feasible by simply restoring the hormonal environment that prevailed during the rapid expansion of our brain during foetal development.[5]
[] Tony Wright we,ve waited 200,000 years for this! it's time to change. "right" now, don't get "left" behind. From the most complex bio-molecular ecosystem in evolutionary history. To the mindless soulless egosystem of modern civilisation.

Re: Tony Wright and Hemisphere use
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: September 27, 2010 12:24AM

interesting theory posed

esp. the thing concerning austistic savants and how the damage of left hemisphere allowed uninterfered continual experession of the right hemisphere

didn't read his book

but wondering what his proposals are as far as the solutions go

maybe i'll look at the links

Re: Tony Wright and Hemisphere use
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 27, 2010 11:44PM

I haven't read his book yet either...I will read it in another month and report.

We may never be able to go back to being fruitarians because of demineralization, compromised immunity, candida susceptibility and the fact that today’s fruit cultivars contain too much sugar. The transition diet would need to include plentiful green juices for many generations to build back our genetic and structural strength. To recover from the 200,000 years of descent we can rebuild our soils, eat raw fruit and vegetables, sprouts, forage for wild foods and herbs, use Amazon herbs and plants with MAO inhibitors.

Re: Tony Wright and Hemisphere use
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 29, 2010 03:41AM

The left brain is dopamine dominant, while the right brain is serotonin dominant...Theta and Gamma waves allow hemispheric communication through the corpus callosum and this sympathetic resonance is brought about through resting in Alpha along with the Schumann Resonance of the planet. Thus to be fully human we must enter into ecstatic relationship with Earth or Gaia herself.

Re: Tony Wright and Hemisphere use
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 29, 2010 06:17PM

Brian Clement of the Hippocrates Institute recommends the diet contain only 10-15% fruit because of the prevalence of Candida and prediabetes. Due to the pandemic of leaky gut and inflammation of the intestinal lining we may have to go on an anticandida/hypoallergenic diet for 6-9 months to recover our digestive capacity. This means no fruit, dried fruit, yeasts, sugars, cereals, diary, nuts, peanuts and cooked food, while focusing on raw greens, sprouts and fresh squeezed juices. Cabbage juice, especially red cabbage juiced with carrots and celery is particularly good for rebuilding digestive ecology and aiding the liver to process toxins. Aldehyde (Acetaldehyde) produced by the candida irritates and shrinks the cells of the epithelium of the intestines setting up an ongoing cycle of poor digestion, inflammation, allergy, fungal growth and toxemia. Acetaldehyde in the intestinal wall and liver will disrupt intestinal absorptive processes, as well as impairing the function of lymphocytes and red blood cells. Acetaldehyde is damaging to host cells by free radical and hypoxic mechanisms. Acetaldehyde may cause impaired neuro-transmission in the brain, resulting in anxiety, depression, defective memory and cloudy thinking. Acetaldehyde accumulations in tissue are responsible for muscle weakness, irritation, pain and decreased sensory acuity. You can counter brain fog by upping levels of the enzyme pantethine (vitamin B5), N-acetylcysteine and lipoic acid. Adequate levels of glutamine, selenium, niacin, folic acid, B6, B12, iron, and molybdenum, metabolize aldehydes into acetic acid, which can be excreted, or converted further into acetyl coenzyme A. Oregano extract is considered more potent and less harmful than Nystatin to eradicate yeast. The following also kill yeast/fungi: Pau D'arco, Propolis, Garlic, Tea tree oil, Grapefruit seed, Golden Seal, Neem, Echinacea, Clove and Olive leaf.

Re: Tony Wright and Hemisphere use
Posted by: newhoove ()
Date: September 30, 2010 03:42AM

I tried to shoot you a PM, but your inbox is full!

Re: Tony Wright and Hemisphere use
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 30, 2010 04:21AM

This site doesn't respond to my commands with regards to passwords resetting and such, so I haven't read my PM box...if you like you can just email me at

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