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Kiwis vs. cardboard pizza and cookies
Posted by: Lillianswan ()
Date: September 15, 2006 05:59PM

When I first started raw (how many times?) one thing I had to get used to was that there was so much water content in the food. I think I'm used to it now.

Last night, I had the relatives over for game night and we had pizza and cookies. They brought pizza, banana bread and cookies. I added melted chocolate chips to a raw brownie recipe (they liked it and asked how I made it) and I made a nearly-vegan cooked pizza (the lactose-free "cheese" had casine).

After they left, I raided the fruit store for a kiwi and as I was eating it (and it was exploding with taste) I suddenly realized that the kiwi was the best thing that I had eaten all night and how bizare supper had been.

The cooked foods seemed so dry - even the banana bread - and there had been all these glasses on the table, how bizare. Anymore, I'm not used to having to be careful not to spill liquid that's just sitting around in glasses while I'm eating.

Re: Kiwis vs. cardboard pizza and cookies
Posted by: rooneyandmuldoon ()
Date: September 16, 2006 02:09AM

Congratulations! Pizza is the one thing I really miss. But I bought some kiwis today...

Re: Kiwis vs. cardboard pizza and cookies
Posted by: greenie ()
Date: September 16, 2006 02:43AM


Thanks for reminding me of this.

I've been eating cooked, all sorts of vegetarian "junk" food, including pizza, cheese, stuff like that. Most of the stuff is organic and 99% of the world would think I'm eating healthy, but I know better, and the rest of us here know better.

I feel awful. I've gained weight. My downfall is: I hate to prepare food. I live and work alone and my social time consists of going out to eat. Guess what, there are no raw restaurants where I live. I get tired of just eating lettuce, so I end up with sandwiches, organic pizza, Indian food, Thai food, etc.

Rooneyandmuldoon, I just wanted to chime in about pizza: first bite tastes ok, but that's it. The rest is disgusting and it feels just unbelievably yucky in your body. You're not missing anything except feeling dull, bloated and poisoned.

I'm determined to reform. I'm probably not going to be 100% raw, but at least 80% raw. I've been reading Dr. Joel Fuhrman's stuff (Eat to Live), which is a vegan natural diet, mostly raw but with some cooked veggies and beans, and that appeals to me.

Re: Kiwis vs. cardboard pizza and cookies
Posted by: Arvydas ()
Date: September 16, 2006 03:32AM

After eating so well for so long, I figured I'd make a treat. So I bought one of those frozen organic whole grain spelt pizza crusts from the store and made a nice garlic onion tomatoe sauce for it, and after it was cooked I grated raw goat cheese on top (I did it after so the cheese wouldn't cook).

Man, did I feel awful, and so did my whole family. We haven't felt like napping after a feel for so long, it was really foreign. We just zonked out. I woke up feeling raunchy and tired.

It's funny, because other cooked food doesn't do that to me. I personally think it's the fact that pizza is cooked at such a high temperature that the starch denatures so much that the body rejects it. If I eat steamed or lightly simmered grain, it doesn't have that effect on me at all.

Pizza. Ugh.

Re: Kiwis vs. cardboard pizza and cookies
Posted by: greenie ()
Date: September 16, 2006 04:13AM

Yeast bread does it to me, and cheese. Put 'em together and it's a killer combo. It's full of salt, too.

Plain cooked grains (in moderation) are ok for me, and plain steamed veggies and simple cooked beans. No yeast, no animal stuff. I like the grains & beans better if they're soaked overnight first.

Years ago (early 70s) I ate mostly raw. I went to a naturopath and he had me eating mono fruit during the day and a large raw veggie salad at night. At night I could have a simple cooked starch (baked potato, grain) or cooked legumes (lentils, chick peas, etc.) No salt, none of that nama shoyu or olives. It was a really good diet. I was hungry but I didn't really eat enough - 1 or 2 apples during the day and then that salad at night. But a lot of health problems cleared up.

I'll probably stay mostly raw and have 1-2 cooked dishes per week, simple grains or beans, maybe a soup.

Re: Kiwis vs. cardboard pizza and cookies
Posted by: Arvydas ()
Date: September 16, 2006 03:49PM

greenie Wrote:
> Yeast bread does it to me, and cheese. Put 'em
> together and it's a killer combo. It's full of
> salt, too.
> Plain cooked grains (in moderation) are ok for me,
> and plain steamed veggies and simple cooked beans.
> No yeast, no animal stuff. I like the grains &
> beans better if they're soaked overnight first.
> Years ago (early 70s) I ate mostly raw. I went to
> a naturopath and he had me eating mono fruit
> during the day and a large raw veggie salad at
> night. At night I could have a simple cooked
> starch (baked potato, grain) or cooked legumes
> (lentils, chick peas, etc.) No salt, none of that
> nama shoyu or olives. It was a really good diet. I
> was hungry but I didn't really eat enough - 1 or 2
> apples during the day and then that salad at
> night. But a lot of health problems cleared up.
> I'll probably stay mostly raw and have 1-2 cooked
> dishes per week, simple grains or beans, maybe a
> soup.

Yeah, it's probably the yeast bread and salt mixed with the cheese that creates the "pizza hangover". But cheese alone, or with other things, doesn't have that effect on me, so it must be the combination.

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