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Newbie with ?'s on Dietians
Posted by: miss jules ()
Date: March 27, 2011 06:54PM

Hi everyone, I've been reading the forum for a few weeks now. Enjoyed everything I'm learning here.

I'm new to the raw foods diet and it's going well, however, I'm working on a elimination diet. What this means for me is that I keep a very mellow diet without much variety and try reintroducing new foods one at a time to see what the effects are on me.

I'm going shortly to go and visit with a dietian/nutritionist for a visit and will be looking for advice on the best ways to handle it.

Has anyone here tried working with a dietitian before? What sort of help or advice did you get?

I asked on the phone prior to going down there if she felt comfortable with a vegetarian diet plan and understood them well, she responded yes. I know when I go in with a raw food list this might throw her. (And yes, I realize vegetarian and raw are different worlds.)

I'm keeping a journal on a blog as things move along, there is just so much to remember. I can tell you the changes for me have all been positive as I go along.

The tough part for me right now is finding the right foods that work for me-I'm really suprised at how some hit bananas.

Bananas are on my no no list as they make me feel super tired, groggy, disoriented and cranky. Very powerful food reaction to them.

I just try one new food a week and add on for now.

I'm mostly juice and have been for about 3 weeks now. I blend in salads and new foods in them once a week or so and watch for reactions.

Has anyone here worked an elimination diet before? Any tips on it? Am I doing this right?

Re: Newbie with ?'s on Dietians
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: March 28, 2011 08:14AM

i find under-ripe bananas very hard to digest and get the same thing .. make sure they are very ripe (very spotty brown)

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

Re: Newbie with ?'s on Dietians
Posted by: durianrider ()
Date: March 28, 2011 11:44AM

Going to a dietician for nutrition advice is like going to a doctor for health advice...your going to get told mainstream BS!

If you want real RAW results, read 811 by Doug Graham.

Sounds like you are mega dehydrated if bananas give you that sort of 'reaction'. It can literally take a full year of constant hydration to get up to speed.

Re: Newbie with ?'s on Dietians
Posted by: ILoveJen ()
Date: March 28, 2011 02:23PM

i only get tired when i eat bananas if i don't drink enough water.

once i went to a dietitian when i was younger first starting out raw because my parents were concerned. this was like five and a half years ago, and raw foods weren't nearly as popular as they are now. she was telling me that i needed more protein in my diet, and eating 2 lb of greens a day isn't enough protein, and that greens don't have any protein.

i find it odd because you can just go on, and put in any green, and they seem to have a lot of protein. i honestly wonder where she studied nutrition.

also i noticed that she seemed a little overweight.

i went to an hmo, so maybe they have worser dietitians there? i don't know. that was just my one experience.

Re: Newbie with ?'s on Dietians
Posted by: miss jules ()
Date: March 28, 2011 04:36PM

Well thank you everyone for taking some time to help me, very nice!

I will get the book as recommended.

I need to learn now about proper hydration. I'm drinking about a gallon and a half of water a day right now. This is really a big change for me, and it isn't that it (or any of this) was intentional or thought out, it is the result of a illness I had recently. I'm past it now and much better.

The ripeness of the fruit is something I need to study. I did try fairly firm bananas without any brown flecks on them.

It makes sense to me that the nutritional components change with the age or ripeness of a food. I will learn about this.

Two very important things I've learned now.

I'm not holding a lot of hope for my discussion with the dietitian, but I will give it a shot. It may end up that she is traditionally trained and mainstream, but I won't know until we talk.

She wants me to bring in a food journal of the four days prior to my visit with her is all.

I was a bit wide-eyed at that really. The back of my mind was saying, "um, she doesn't care about activity level even or reactions?"

I don't know and really don't understand much about what happened to my body after the illness passed by, but I do know it will not tolerate anything other than fruit and vegetables in a raw state.

I've never heard a story like mine or food habits like mine before this, it probably took me a week to even figure out what I was doing was called raw foods. After I started reading about it, it had a name, somewhat comforting and I didn't feel so odd about it anymore.

It took me a while to find something to read and learn with that wasn't really edgy or militant, many of the things I read were so radical, it really turned me off. Then I found this forum and a few others that I shared similarities with.

I just read what I can, take what sounds reasonable and wise and leave the rest behind.

I am really amazed at a years hydration to reach normal levels. I would not come up with that as part of it.

Thank you so much for helping me out. I don't have anyone in my day to day life to talk to about this.

All I'm sure of is where I was before; sitting at my kitchen table ordering living will documents to file with an attorney-truly I thought I was on my way out with something major, something serious I was not going to recover from.

My naturopath is not keen on the lack of protein, she is recommending 50 grams of protein daily. On her advice I did try to add in very bland-prepared chicken.

After eating that, about twenty minutes later, I was in bed with the room spinning and stayed there for the rest of the day and part of the next. It was horrible.

I'm not sure how to get this sort of thing across to a healthcare provider without them responding to me like I'm a headcase or out of my mind.

My family is becoming nervous with this change, but I just keep telling them I feel like a million bucks (and that's the truth). They are seeing me become something different right in front of them, and I'm getting a lot of laughter and comments like, "Who are you?" "Who kidnapped my mother?" "did you eat today?".

These are things I'm hearing daily, and I'm not preaching or anything like that and honestly shy away from having any conversations about it or say things about what I'm learning about myself because it is all so radically different.

I'm going to be really honest and say that it strains my relationships, and I'm picking up vibes like, "are you going thru mid-life crisis?"-or-"why are you acting this way, looking for something different in your life?"-or-why are you all dressed up and look different?"- I think it's a bit threatening to those around me.

The truth is, I feel so amazing, and yes I am changing and look different physically and mentally I feel so much stronger, clearer and happy. I treasure my relationships, my family more than ever now.

Can anyone else relate to that strain from changing? I understand they are spooked by the changes, and I'm okay with reassuring them as things go along.

I have no idea where I'll be in a year from now, what I'll learn or what I'll look like by then. My behaviors have really changed and all for the good and in every way.

My goal with going to a dietitian is meant to be about not doing something stupid or overlooking something important as I get stronger with time. I don't know if she'll accept and support what I'm doing.

I'm not going into it wanting to convert or present a new diet to her if she is unfamiliar with it, either she's trained for this or she's not. That burden isn't on me.

Has anyone ever heard of a raw foods dietitian? Is there such a thing?

In the back of my mind I feel like I already know there isn't, and it's all going to fall into the category of self-education.

Any thoughts are again so welcome, thank you for reading.

I'm going to go find a copy of the book to order now.

Re: Newbie with ?'s on Dietians
Posted by: Corathegreen ()
Date: March 28, 2011 04:45PM

I'm sure there are probably raw food nutritionists...

Also maybe you are allergic to banana?

Re: Newbie with ?'s on Dietians
Posted by: WorkoutMan ()
Date: March 28, 2011 09:12PM

miss jules Wrote:
> My naturopath is not keen on the lack of protein,
> she is recommending 50 grams of protein daily. On
> her advice I did try to add in very bland-prepared
> chicken.

Many people who eat in the 80/10/10 style, do consume 50+ grams of protein per day

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