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Making & Growing My Own Organic Garden..
Posted by: confuzed ()
Date: September 28, 2006 06:10PM

i have been interested in this for awhile but i have no idea where to start! im sick of wondering whether my organic fruits really are organic and just worrying about everything. i love the idea of creating my own organic fruit garden. i have available space, lots of space, and the space i have is in direct sunlight all the time, but of course for each type of fruit tree i'd research into what conditions it grows best under.

does anyone know of any websites or anything at all that gives some help in starting your own organic fruit garden?

i have some simple questions like how long would it take for the tree to grow and produce seeds, is this like a lifetime thing or only a few years? also, how can i make sure the soil i use is organic and free from chemicals.

im hoping theres some type of book or website that totally explains everything because im no botanist and i want everything to be perfect.

lastly, i think its a wonderful idea, this way we all know we are for sure eating 100% raw chemical free organic fruit, it'd be fun to watch the progress and "take care" of my babies lol, and wouldn't it just be plain awesome to wake up in the morning, walk outside to your fruit garden and actually reach your hand up and pick off the fruits you want to eat. lol it sounds so exciting i cant wait to get started learning about how to go about this.

i have to research which fruits i can even grow in my climate and area, and lots of other things, but does anyone know where i can get started? thank you all

Re: Making & Growing My Own Organic Garden..
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: September 28, 2006 11:09PM

Hmmm...there are many books available. I'll do some research. Gardening is always done best with intensive care....and less plants. Depending on your can start with small berries, or small fruit trees. Veggies are easy....of course. You might want to place a call to your local Extension Office for the list of varieties of fruit that are known to do well in your region.

-Picking out individual trees from a good dealer that are already grown will yield you good results.

-Even so...most mature fruit trees will take a year or two to produce consistently...and many do well with a companion pollenator tree...though this is not always necessary.

-David Mason

Re: Making & Growing My Own Organic Garden..
Posted by: rawgosia ()
Date: September 29, 2006 03:13AM

Some useful links:

(there are heaps more out there)


RawGosia channel
RawGosia streams

Re: Making & Growing My Own Organic Garden..
Posted by: summer ()
Date: September 29, 2006 03:53AM

The easiest research might just be to take a look around and see what is growing in your neighbourhood, and if possible, talk to any local gardeners, especially old folks.

what one can do, all can do...


Re: Making & Growing My Own Organic Garden..
Posted by: uma ()
Date: September 29, 2006 04:25AM

I have gotten involved in organic gardening and become obsessed over the past few years! Here are a few resources I use a lot:

[] many different topics to choose from, you can post questions and people with more experience offer advice!

Rodale's Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening

Don Weaver is a raw foodist organic gardener and a big proponent of rock dust. His forum/site is is Jon Jeavon's website. He teaches biointensive gardening and has lots of great info and sells seeds. sells heirloom bareroot fruit trees!!!

Have fun... I sure am!

Re: Making & Growing My Own Organic Garden..
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: September 30, 2006 12:31AM

You can contact your local county extension office to find suggestions for what will grow best in your area and when to plant. If you can get a real live person to talk to be sure to express your concerns with growing organically, because they tend to emphasize pest control and fertilizer with chemicals, at least in my area.

Re: Making & Growing My Own Organic Garden..
Posted by: Holly ()
Date: October 04, 2006 07:45AM

Research on compost is a growing field. Scientists are taking a closer look into different combinations and amounts of certain plant and animal waste to create different kinds of composts for different plants. Normally when we have our own composts, we just throw any peels, rinds, or cores into it. Nothing is wrong with that in the least. However, if you wanted to take your gardening further, you could try to find the right "recipes" for certain plants to see if they grow more fruitfully. smiling smiley

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