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I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: pippynostockings ()
Date: February 09, 2012 04:27AM

I was part of this community several years ago perplexed as to why I could not withstand a vegan diet. Stubborn as i am I did it for almost nine years but suffered very much. I did see positive changes in many ways but could not breathe and had a horrible "crash" of sorts, my body just gave up. Fast forward to today, I found out I most likely have both Graves and Hashimotos which means I have hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. After nine years I quit to a standard diet but was very angry as to why a vegan diet didn't heal me. I was very pissed as to why so many people could just live the lifestyle and detox some and then heal. I still am disillusioned but don't want to do what the Dr's want to do to my thyroid but don't see a way out.In my heart I know a natural lifestyle is my only hope but nothing is easy here as I know there are even natural foods that one has to avoid with thyroid issues and my body is fighting itself. I started drinking Alkaline water thinking I could try a milder approach to cleansing as opposed to raw diet. It took almost a year of good results and then a huge setback. I am now fighting a very high heart rate so I quit the water. If anybody here has overcome these obstacles PLEASE encourage me. I have tried every which way I know how but have come up dry. Thank you!

Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: WheatgrassYogi ()
Date: February 09, 2012 04:52AM

pippynostockings Wrote:
> ......... If anybody here has overcome these obstacles PLEASE encourage me. I have tried every which way I know how but have come up dry.

That's it!!! Dry I mean. You must allow your Body to heal itself by Dry Fasting. Even taking just Water applies pressure, and slows healing.
Eating the Best Foods on the Planet won't heal you, unless you severely limit your intake.
Do the can get well......WY

Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: February 09, 2012 03:16PM


I'm afriad I disagree with my dear Wheatgrass Yogi on this one: though dry fasting can be healing, it is very stressful for a compromised endocrine system. You are already experiencing heart irregularities from the Graves' flareups, and further imbalancing your electrolyte ratios is not advisable, IMO.

Am curious as to what sort of raw diet you were eating; I remember your username from posts I read a few years back, but I don't recall specifics. An overactive thyroid benefits from the cruciferous vegetables people like me--with a tendency to underactivity of the thyroid--avoid in huge amounts, like cabbages, kales, sulferous greens, pears, soy products, flax products, etc. They suppress the hormone producing action of the thyroid gland, and in your case, where overstimulation is the problem, this could be beneficial.

Apart from this, I assume your doctors haven't found any anomalous growths on your thyroid gland or pituitary that could be causing this to occur. Also, am wondering whether you have had immune problems in the past, such as weird infections, or whether you've been screened for immune inconsistencies since your diagnosis; as with some other disorders, it is an immune insult that causes the body to produce anitbodies to the thyroid gland and cause it to behave erratically. The immune system must be ruled out as a contributing factor if you go the clinical route--otherwise, they aren't treating the root cause.

I am sorry this is happening to you, and can only imagine how at sea it must feel to have a healthy regimen fail you and to not know how to fix the problem. I hope that you find some answers soon, and in the meantime, please try to rest and to be hopeful as this will help to relieve stress. Good luck to you.

Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: February 09, 2012 04:27PM

That's funny (synchronicity) how in Tamukha's post above she metions "can only imagine how at sea it must feel" when the first thing I thought of when I read your post is for you to live near an ocean, one that has a healthy amount of iodine (a large kelp bed off the shoreline) in it.

Have you read any of the info. from the "Iodine Dr.s?) like Drs. Brownstein, Abraham, and Flechas.

Did you go back to a typical SAD or just added some other foods you felt helps you?

And what are your Dr.'s recommending? Don't feel you need answer that question or any other questions.


Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: powerlifer ()
Date: February 09, 2012 04:54PM

Good post Tamukha and i agree fully. Being that adrenal gland dysfunction is involved in auto-immune diseases, causing more stress via fasting wouldn't be recommended in my opinion.

A diet supportive of the adrenal glands will help somewhat, individual herbs can be used to slow down thyroid function but you would be best contacting a professional.

Iodine can cause flare ups in those with hashimoto's disease so tread with caution when consuming high iodine foods.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2012 04:56PM by powerlifer.

Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: rzman10001 ()
Date: February 09, 2012 06:37PM

I also agree that fasting should not be done in this instance and yes good food will heal you, and to fast with no water goes against everyting I have learned. I think most people don't know how to properly implement a raw food diet and could be much harder if you are needing some specific nutrients and or therapy. I have been put down for saying this before but what people don't understand is a large part of the community suffer systemic infections that are not detectable by doctors. I have seen and spoke with hundreds of people that have Yeast and Parasites in their blood detected by Darkfield Mircoscopy and their doctors don't even come close to knowing this. These types of hidden infections can and will eventually reek havoc on wich ever organ is the weakest as soon as your immune system is just a little weak. You should also understand that most people have weak immune systems and a doctor will never see that or tell you about it. Again

Leaky gut could be an issue here also, I see that the alkalized water is bothering you. This is one sign of leaky gut, other things like alcohal, sugar, ozone water, salt etc. could be a sign of this and a reason why pathogens from your gut are getting into your bloodstream. The Kangen Water is very strong, maybe you could tell us wich water you are using? IMO you shold not be so concerned with detoxing and much more about the immune system and weather you have Leaky Gut or not. You ever here the quote "Life starts and ends in the gut" When people get sick they often don't think of this and is most often at least part of the problem. Don't take this on yourself get some guidence. I always say to call and get a phone consultation with Brian Clement at Hippocrates Health Institute, he deals with these challenges all the time. Their # is 561-471-8876 Wish you success, Chris

Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: pippynostockings ()
Date: February 10, 2012 12:29AM

Thank you so much for your support. I ate a 50/50 vegan diet with no particular plan. The more juices or green that I would try to consume, the more sick I got. I figured it was detox but know now that is not what it was. I was persistent and in 9 years would try and try again giving weeks or months in between before trying to green juice fast or just eating greens. It did feel to me like I was being poisoned or like toxic shock even though I had never experienced that.
I have been drinking kangen for almost a year. The first six weeks was rough but did it so very slowly and I was able to achieve some big results.My feet were chronically swollen and the blood would just sit making them red. That went away and has never returned. I was grossed out and amazed but I passed worms and worm eggs for two months. No joke. I though that was the end of my troubles and had found the source to my breathing issues until I started trying to juice again and do yoga. Fail. I did play with mercury twice as a child and opften wonder if I am doomed. They 5took blood today to test the antibodies and will have an ultrusound to check for cysts on the thyroid. I want so deperately to find out the source so I know how to go about it. I don't want to be another person having their parts cut out. It won't solve anything. I'm done crying and feeling sorry because I can't do what you all do. I'm going to fight it tooth and nail but hopefully won't die trying. smiling smiley I'm going to investigate all the books and info you all so graciously gave me. I appreciate it all. I did read up on dry fasting and came to the same conclusion. I appreciate you taking the time to answer me but my body right now is running 130 pulse without meds. I have to start carefully.

Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: pippynostockings ()
Date: February 10, 2012 12:32AM

And the Dr's haven't recommended other than beat blockers as I would stroke out without them. They have thrown around the terms ablation and surgery for removal. I take it that is standard. God gave me my thyroid and I'd like to keep it, thank you. Hopefully haven't ruined it though. Its been MANY years. I felt I had this as a child which makes me wonder what part vaccinations might have played in this. So sad. I just want to live my life.

Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: February 10, 2012 04:43PM


Here's a women that cured her Graves, Dr. Janet Hull. I've not read much yet about her. Just wanted to get this out to you you could have something more to research..things lead you to other things that may then be helpful.


Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: February 10, 2012 07:13PM

I've been reading Dr. Janet Starr Hull's website and you just can't find exactly what her detox is without buying her program. I really dislike it when someone states they cured whatever with this or that but won't tell you unless you buy their kit. I think that they should list what they are going to give you if you do buy it and even if you go out and buy the stuff someplace else, many people would still want to purchase it from the source since it is convenient for many people.

I don't recommend her at all now..but she does have a point about Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners.


Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: pippynostockings ()
Date: February 11, 2012 02:33AM

Thank you for your effort, Prism. I dislike those sights as well.

Re: I figured out why raw foods didn't work for me
Posted by: pippynostockings ()
Date: February 11, 2012 02:40AM

Hmmm. I read a bit about Janet Hull. Mine is definitely not aspartame related. My parents never gave me artificial sweetners. I have never even drunk a diet soda before. I'd still be interested in her ingo though. Thanks for the tip.

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