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water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: February 21, 2012 07:46PM


I think that going raw has made me more sensitive to water intoxication


In the link above they mention that marathon runners are more sensitive. This is counter intuitive problem to be aware of. I get stomach aches if I drink too fast.

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: Mislu ()
Date: February 26, 2012 03:59PM

Thats a possibility, especially if one doesn't use salt. Although I suppose eating celery could help keep the sodium levels up, and maybe a few other vegetables.

But if one is naturally consuming water rich sources of food, don't you think that would limit someone from drinking too much water? its more like eating water most of the time, and thats probably going to keep mineral contents where they should be. I don't know...

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: February 26, 2012 07:16PM

Thanks. I drink about 6 bottles of water during the morning (17 fl oz each). Then the rest of the day I drink but little. Is that any good?

Water is filling and it is like munching something. Another thing that I have discovered is a new stomach alergy towards mangos (painful). I've never had it before or knew about it. But then I was told that the mango was not ripe. So I've put another mango in a paper bag with an apple and next week I'll try again. Same with bananas. Now the bananas NEED to be fully ripe or they'll give me pain. I was never this sensitive.

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: rzman10001 ()
Date: February 26, 2012 08:03PM

Are we talking Organic? and something that amaze's me is that people ALL think they have no digestive issues, WRONG! I have been paying close attention to this for quite a few years maybe my whole life and I find that most people have digestive issues, imo we are just simply not in tune with our bodies, and if we were we have nothing to compare it too anyway. I have also not found many Holistic Doctors/Practitioners that even address this. And digestive enzymes? while they are helpful, two little pills are hardly sufficient if you have issues. I thought I did not have any digestive issues myself? I considered myself a bit of an athlete, I rode mountain-bikes constantly, winter sports, rock cllimbing, whitewater canoeing, hiking etc. I could eat while I was riding, racing or running and it never bothered me at all, but little did I know my digestine was getting worse and eventually caught up with me. Un-ripe fruit is certianly an issue Panchite but use herbs and enzymes if possible to rejuvinate your GI tract. It really bothers me that it is so hard to get some ripe veggies, we all have to take responsibility for this and demand a change, buy local as much as possible.

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: rzman10001 ()
Date: February 26, 2012 08:05PM

Opps did not address the water question, that is because I don't have an answer, at least not a definate one. I would say you have some GI issues, but I don't expect you to believe that lol. good luck.

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: flipperjan ()
Date: February 26, 2012 08:14PM

That seems like a huge amount of water - i couldn't possibly drink all that.

''Water is filling and it is like munching something.''

You seem to be saying that you are drinking to prevent yourself eating - that doesn't sound particularly healthy to me.

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: rzman10001 ()
Date: February 26, 2012 08:30PM

Yeah like Flipperjan said, that is alot of water, not need to drink all that at one time!

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: February 26, 2012 08:36PM

17fl.oz x 6 is 102 fl.oz = 3.01 litres = .80 gallons

that is far too much water in one short sitting .. your body will just rush to urinate most of it why throwing your electrolytes out of balance, out you should try to stretch it out over the day.

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: February 26, 2012 08:57PM

THanks. It is not all at one time. It is over a 9 hour period and very slowly (after learning my lesson). I would say I drink about 8 bottles a day.

I was used to buy bananas and eat them. Now I have to buy a box and wait till they ripen. So I need to buy a box a week in advance. I've never seen organic bananas. The ones I buy are:

Dole Bananas
Product of Honduras
rainforest alliance Certified

I'll learn my GI issues as I go along. Thanks.

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: February 26, 2012 09:15PM

oh ok sorry i was going on what you said here ... 6 bottles during the morning ,, the rest of the day very little

Panchito Wrote:
> Thanks. I drink about 6 bottles of water during
> the morning (17 fl oz each). Then the rest of the
> day I drink but little. Is that any good?

a gallon over a day long period would not be so bad , but even the are you sweating alot ? 8 x 8oz was always the golden rule drummed into us in the 70's and 80's ..maybe its more now .. i dotn really see any reason to drink that much more tho if you are eating lots of juicy fruits and greens as well. unless you are sweating lots smiling smiley

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2012 09:18PM by Jgunn.

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: rzman10001 ()
Date: February 26, 2012 09:27PM

Panchito Wrote:
> THanks. It is not all at one time. It is over a 9
> hour period and very slowly (after learning my
> lesson). I would say I drink about 8 bottles a
> day.
> I was used to buy bananas and eat them. Now I have
> to buy a box and wait till they ripen. So I need
> to buy a box a week in advance. I've never seen
> organic bananas. The ones I buy are:
> Dole Bananas
> Product of Honduras
> rainforest alliance Certified
> I'll learn my GI issues as I go along. Thanks.

I feel so bad for you, really, no organic bananas! were do you live? Also I don't buy fruit unless it is ripe. Maybe not the best advice but it seems to be closer to ripe when picked if it is ripe when I buy it! It really needs to be ripe, although bananas are supposed to be one of the fruits that can ripen off the vine. Personally I don't have good luck with ripening fruit at home somtimes it works sometimes it does'nt, and it's way to expensive to gamble for me!

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: February 27, 2012 12:34PM

Panchito Wrote:
> Another thing that I have discovered is
> a new stomach alergy towards mangos

I just had 2 bites of ripen mango. The skin was soft and it can be pulled out. When I tried then 'green' they were immediately painful but now they seem to hold. I did noticed a sensation that goes all the way to the throat but it is as if it is safe to eat now in moderation. I'll try more bites later on. So my earlier perceived reaction was more a reaction towards unripe fruit rather than mango. But I'll wait and see. When I ate unripe bananas, they took 20 minutes to bomb (as opposed to unripe mango that exploded right away). The mango is organic Earthbound Farm from Peru

Re: water intoxication risk factor for raw fooders?
Posted by: rzman10001 ()
Date: February 27, 2012 09:38PM

My mother is allergic to mangos! She also says that when eating commercial bananas they repeat on her. I would only eat organic and if your grocer does not carry it ask them to. I feel this is the only thing I can do right now for the enviroment is to boycott commercial produce. If everyone did we would be in much better shape.

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