How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 29, 2012 11:13AM Something to provoke and hopefully to inspire too:
How to exercise your most important body part Regards, Gosia ![]() RawGosia channel RawGosia streams Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
Posted by:
Date: March 29, 2012 12:04PM That was a really good article and sums up what i have thought for a long time.
If we are not up to adaptation and growth then we may aswell give up or just believe anything. Science changes all the time, i loved bruce lee's way of thinking he took what worked verified by science and discarded the rigours of tradition that didn't. He had a very fluid and adaptable way of thinking and learning, if something he believed in ended up incorrect he advanced by learning the correct way. I truly do believe that 99% of these raw food gurus are not qualified for the amount of money they charge, which sometimes is a ridiculous amount for people who come away with statements like - you can get vitamin B12 by breathing in the air or even worse get angry and weird at you when you challenge their thoughts and belief system. [www.vegankingdom.co.uk] Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2012 12:06PM by powerlifer. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 29, 2012 12:18PM Another worrying point is the sheep followers of these gurus, some of these people become infatuated with these gurus to the point that they would harm their own health to keep following there protocols.
Blindly following anyone's beliefs without thinking for yourself and doing your own research is a bad idea. [www.vegankingdom.co.uk] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2012 12:19PM by powerlifer. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
Posted by:
Date: March 29, 2012 01:12PM A well written and much needed article. Thank you for providing it. I agree with much of what you say, though knowing that Minger is a Weston Pricer causes me to question many of her assertions particularly in light of Campbell's rebuttal. That said, I agree with the general tenor of the article.
I do think we are fortunate on this forum that the "censorship" so to speak doesn't censor analyzing raw vegan issues such as food combining, enzymes, B-12 and so on. Prana himself has questions Howell's work on enzymes. Others have questioned assumptions on B-12, whether raw veganism is a natural diet, is food combining valid, etc. For this forum, asking these kinds of questions are tolerated and even encouraged. And I take heart in that. Where censorship has been needed and questioned is when we get a troll or in particular a paleotroll who comes in with the specific purpose of disrupting our journey in raw veganism. CK comes to mind. As Prana has reminded us, this is not a debate forum but rather a place to support each other in our raw vegan journey. I've done my share of debating and in the beginning I could have even been accused of trolling, though that was never my intent. In any case, Gosia, thank you for the article. It is eye opening. Paul Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 29, 2012 03:11PM Beautifully written, rawgosia. To me, the single most important point(with the link to Duncan) is the admonishment against superficially accepting information that may satisfy preconceptions. We must be vigilant in all things to critically analyze data, regardless of what we wish it to show.
Thanks so much for posting this! ![]() Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
Posted by:
Date: March 29, 2012 07:45PM Aquatic Ape theory completely accepts the theory of raw vegan early humans who either evolved from or were similar to other apes. Only, Aquatic Ape theory adds a waterside phase of evolution that probably came later, most likely because of the change in the environment that forced humans to walk in the water in search for food...for a long time. That is why we are bipedal.
So, this diet agrees with raw vegan for the most part, adding raw see food to it. To me, that is a perfect explanation. The remaining question is if Aquatic Apes ate, along with fruits and veggies, mostly algae or they also consumed shells and crustaceans, which is more likely. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2012 07:46PM by rab. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
Posted by:
Date: March 30, 2012 09:59AM Thanks everyone for your comments. I think that the fact that this post has been commented on and not ignored or deleted, and that I am still a member here is a nice testimony to this forum. ![]() This topic has been on my mind for a while and it was good to get it off. ![]() RawGosia channel RawGosia streams Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
Posted by:
Date: March 30, 2012 01:43PM Great article. Loved it. Needs to be said. Insufficient referencing has turned the alt health canon into nothing more than a collection of kitschy artifacts. The relentless press-gang to toe the line renders the dialogue similar to trying to reason with a petulant teenager who thinks that he/she has it all figured out. Forum admins, blog owners, people with youtube channels, so many of them use multiple aliases to make comments. They pretend to be "fans" and create the illusion of there being a gang of people who are there to shut down anyone who even slightly questions their protocol. It's a joke. Yeah, it's nice that people will comment positively on your article here and that it's allowed to stay, but there's no raw forum where the "you're a bad person if you question my reality with reality" ethic isn't alive and well. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
Posted by:
Date: March 30, 2012 07:53PM Sorry Gosia...The article was too long and too vague for me. I like the kind that 'cut-to-the-chase'......WY
P.S. I'm still not sure what is our most important body part....our Mind?? No mention was directly made. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 30, 2012 08:01PM In one sentence you say that it was "too long and too vague." LOL. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 30, 2012 08:56PM HeavenHands Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > In one sentence you say that it was "too long and too vague." I love Gosia, but yes, the article seemed to run on forever without saying anything. Of course, her writing is way above me. I'm functioning on about an 8th Grade level......WY Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 30, 2012 09:09PM I agree, I was looking for a summary
But Gosia we love you Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
Posted by:
Date: March 30, 2012 09:52PM Liferegenerator? Is that you?
WheatgrassYogi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > HeavenHands Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > In one sentence you say that it was "too long > and too vague." > > I love Gosia, but yes, the article seemed to run > on forever without saying anything. Of course, her > writing is way above me. I'm functioning on about > an 8th Grade level......WY Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 30, 2012 09:56PM Unfortunately, short attention span is an epidemic product of our sound-bite culture. Too bad people can't focus on the content of what they were able to read. "War and Peace" is a long read. This is something you read over breakfast one morning. But hey, I guess this is why it's not necessary to reference sources. Too much work for the mind to go and check the validity of what we read! Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 30, 2012 10:16PM Me not giving a summary or identifying the most important body part was my pre-meditated decision. It's easier when we are told what to think, but giving the reader the freedom of drawing their own conclusions is my preferred option. ![]() RawGosia channel RawGosia streams Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 30, 2012 10:27PM This thread embodies why I still love this forum and the people here. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 31, 2012 11:40AM as more practical aspects of science are found (more students, more scientists, etc), it becomes less and less rational to think not using sciece. Therefore, it becomes irrational to not justify things with science. Eventually, any explanation not using science is made to look stupid. But it is all a product of a trend in society. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 31, 2012 01:58PM A good balance between the anecdotal and the scientific would be nice. Some of us are looking for the diet that's optimal for our own health and that of the earth. To eliminate inquiry because an ego needs to sells books, juicers, and hits to his web-site is contrary to that. The egos can serve a function as personalities, but designating them as authorities lacks a real interest in helping people and every other life-form. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2012 01:59PM by HeavenHands. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 31, 2012 05:29PM I agree HH a good balance is needed. Personally i don't find it all that hard to spot what guru's know what there talking about and which ones don't. Most of these guru's are very vague when you ask them any specific health question and often answer a question with another question. I will say 99% of the guru's don't really know what they are talking about. These vegan dr's that have been popping up recently have some great factual and scientific based videos on youtube, well worth a watch such as Dr.Greger.
I would say i have a very very basic understanding of how the body works and even with that low level of knowledge it is easy to spot those who create their own science when it comes to human physiology and don't understand more than a few buzzwords. Again some of these people have it easier than others when it comes to bullsh*tting because they can just default any question by recommending water fasting. One guru in particular i regularly see recommending water fasting for adrenal insufficiency, fasting is one of the most dangerous things you can do if you are suffering from AI. Fasting places a tremendous stress on the body alone before you factor in that the majority with adrenal fatigue/insufficiency have some degree of hypoglycemia and/or other blood sugar regulation issues. [www.vegankingdom.co.uk] Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2012 05:34PM by powerlifer. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Date: March 31, 2012 07:23PM Yeah that whole fasting thing, albeit something I've done, is certainly misused as a comprehensive, default cure. And what about detox? If you are actually (chronically) detoxing, aren't you going to lose some good stuff with the bad? Then they recommend going in with a diuretic/laxative like dandelion. Chronic diuretic use is not good for keeping up the magnesium stores. Big troubles ahead for people who follow that protocol. Re: How to exercise your most important body part - with the China Study example
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Anonymous User
Date: April 03, 2012 01:24PM Hi Gosia
I read most of your article, and loved it. Actually, all scientific evidence/studies are mostly, if not all, have only suggested outcomes. Furthermore, it's very frustrating when you ask someone where they obtained their information, and they throw up some internet sites like Dr Mercola etc. I even wonder what kind of doctor he is, if at all. Also, like you have indicated, many people use and recommend 'wikipedia'. At my uni, some of the lecturers tell the students outright, that if they use wikipedia as a reference, they'll fail that particular assignment. It seems to be a human trait to be initially trusting of what people claim etc. Don't get me wrong, as it's a good one to have, and I also like to give people the benefit of the doubt. However, we live in a capitalist individualistic culture, where the general worldview is one of the accumulation of wealth, power and economic growth. And while I don't immediately question a persons assumptions on a subject, unless I know different from my own research, I usually keep the convo in mind to check out at a later date. Anyway, keep them coming Gosia, great stuff ![]() Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.