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Are you an athlete thinking About Going Raw?
Date: October 17, 2006 08:58PM

Are you an athlete thinking About Going Raw?

I put this article together to help those that may get discouraged because they feel that it's not what they thought it was......the info I put together is what I believe to be the bare essentials from my own some parts may not be relevant to everybody.

Are you an athlete thinking About Going Raw?

Article by The Fruitarian One

Going raw may sound grand and all but I don't think that people really understand the true concept or consequences of going raw and how much davastation cooked food abuse has caused to their bodies! people simply don't think it through properly, they read a book written by a self proclaimed rawfood guru that's speaking from a over romantisized/idealistic prospective that's out of touch with reality or a guru that's claiming to be 100% raw but really isn't putting down cooked food and praising rawfood, but as people read and enjoy these books they don't take their own bodies or instincts into account. Fruitarianism is part of an ancient way of living which probably goes back to the dawn of time! back then we didn't need to go through a detoxification process to go raw because we were already raw. I for one count myself lucky to have a body that is still able to function considering the amount of cooked food abuse I've put it through over the years! a lot of people are not so lucky and when it comes for them making the choice to go raw their bodies struggle to make the conversion then they quit and cave in to their addictions and blame their failure on rawfoods! I think this is where a lot of our doubts about raw veganism stems from, that and the fact that there are very few 100% fruit eating longterm Fruitarians willing to stand up and lead the way. I believe that our bodies are getting weaker with each generation because of our consumption of cooked food and bad eating habits, that's why some people can get sick at the drop of a hat and some people are more sucessful at becoming fruitarians we were all built on cooked food because our parents ate cooked food and their parents ate cooked food and so on and so on eating cooked food is the least of our worries because some parents abused themselves further and took other drugs like alcohol and tobacco and hard core stimulants, etc,etc. When you start your transition you are doing two things, on one hand, your purging a generations of toxic waste and social habits and on the other hand your replacing the destructive dead food with live cleansing food and re-educating your body. It's the purging that generally causes the problems, depression, anger, negative emotions, hate, resentment, addiction, headaches to name but a few, are what you are likely to encounter in the early stages of transition, it's really hard to figure out the difference between fact or fiction at this stage due to the toxins raging around inside you, because of this expect to slip up now and again, so it is vitally important that you write down your goals and reason for doing this on a piece of paper as a reference this will help you develope your own airtight belief system before you start, if you slip up, simply go back to what you believe in and start over, you'll learn more from slipping up than you will from giving up all together, although this transition/detox can take years to get through it does get easier as time goes by and as your knowledge of self grows, as your knowledge of self grows so does your knowledge of how to keep your channels of elimination open and what fruits work for you so you can achieve this. Keeping your channels of elimination open means that your toxins will always have an opportunity to be released from the body promptly instead of being trapped and re-absorbed. Fruitarianism is a huge step away from just eating raw food, fruits very light foods and are powerful cleansers so if you are starting from scratch it's important to have a long transition period, Having a long transition period helps a great deal, it's much easier on the mind and body! but don't get caught up in the addiction, back in the days I would get caught up in my addiction and forget about reducing the cooked food and increasing my fruit intake!!! those addictions are lethal it really is like being a crack addict!!! make sure your constantly focused on gradually reducing your cooked food intake and increasing your fruit intake over the course of a year! have a lot of meals with raw items in them to, Grab a pad and pen, write down how you feel on cooked food then write down why you want to be a Fruitarian!!! it 's good to do this because when the detox/cravings get you your going to need some thing to believe in!! I tired a bunch of different cleanses and got some great results from a couple of them but I reached a point where it didn't feel right in my spirit so I stopped, I've since found out that my body can do just as good a job with the right food, it takes experience to be able to listen to your body but in time it will come! do what feels right! right once you start you need as little stress as possible so don't tell anyone what you are doing! wait until you are more experienced and confident at what you are doing because people can sense your uncertainty and will attack your weakest points!!! this is YOUR time to go into your cacoon to emerge as a beautiful butterfly later on! People are going to try to tell you that Fruitarianism doesn't work but don't listen! listen to what feels right inside! listen to your body, it's much closer to nature than your mind or anyone elses mind! Enjoy what your doing!

wieght loss and self esteem.

In the early stages of my Fruitarian journey I went through an awful time mentally and physically trying to make sence of my wieght loss. I had just finished playing pro Rugby, which is like your American football, after six+ years of playing among the top guns and building muscle up so I could hit and take hits it was time for me to quit due to a neck injury, shortly afterwards I discovered Fruitarianism, I thought it was the best thing that happened to me, I took to it 100%, a couple of months later I was noticing that I was losing alot of wieght and strength, I didn't stress about it in the begining then after another couple of months people that knew me when I was playing rugby were telling me that I was looking way too skinny, I ended up losing the few friends I had because was no longer socially accepted I wasn't the athletic hunk that they had percieved me to be! my self esteem went through the floor and I had great trouble dealing with the wieght loss, I was used to being big and athletic and a lot of my self esteem was tied up in looking and feeling good, after a while I got sick of people telling me I was looking like death and I quit the Fruitarian thing a few times because of this, fortunatly for me my body had already made up it's mind that quitting wasn't an option and as time went on my awareness of health issues grew and I decided that I wasn't going to stop the Fruitarian thing and that I will learn to love the new me and maybe some day I could be what I wanted to be! it was at that point that I learnt that the reason why I was losing so much wieght was that my body was getting rid of all my toxins and the more toxins that it got rid of the more wieght I lost, I didn't really lose that much WIEGHT either, what I lost was water and that made me look as though I was losing wieght. THE MORE TOXINS YOU HAVE INSIDE YOU, THE MORE WATER YOU NEED TO NEUTRALIZE THEM so in actual fact I was walking around swollen, I also learnt that when you detox, the body breaks itself down in order to rebuild itself with new tissues, it wasn't until I learnt this that I became really comfortable with my wieght loss, now when people tell me I need to gain wieght I laugh with pride!

Wieght loss occurs when you go through your personal detoxification process, basically as we speak people are walking around SWOLLEN, swollen from the effects of toxic waste due to the vast amounts of acidic cooked food that is consumed, the more toxins you get out of your system the less water your body needs to neutralize the acidic/toxic effects of the cooked food you eat, as you continue to detoxify, your body is also breaking itself down to it's raw essence so it can build itself back up with clean healthy tissue. The whole wieght loss thing can seem very alarming if you are not prepared for it and it's a reason why a lot of people give up their journey to health. The health benefits of a Fruitarian/Raw lifestyle are plentyful and catered to your own personal needs, clear glowing skin, increased energy, greatly improved immune system, are the basic improvements to expect. As you stay dedicated to this lifestyle LIFE DOES GET BETTER!!! IT GETS BETTER THAN BETTER!!!! People say that Fruitarians are on a higher plane of conciousness, well that really depends on how you really want to live your lifestyle the lighter your food the more sensitive you become, if you include nuts, seeds, heavy veggies,etc, you probably won't be as sensitive as someone that eat strictly fruit, also the lighter your food the faster/harder your detoxification process is, having said all that, Fruit is the food we are designed to eat and going raw is one of the most important decisions you can possibly make sticking with it is another story! but it's all on you at the end of the day and how badly you want to live. It's my personal opinion that going Fruitarian/Raw doesn't change who you are, it changes what you are, your true personality will always be there, it just won't be surpressed/blocked. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that this lifestyle will solve all of your problems because it won't, the world/society will still be the same. you will still lose your temper, make bad decisions, not like certain people, etc, the buzz around Fruitarianism is that the few chosen ones will be able to walk on water, unfortunatly that's not entirely true, but your interests will change for sure, wherever it's a more spiritual at one with nature type change or simply a change in philosophy, what ever your true personality is, that's what will come out. Don't hesitate to get the best out of life with your new self, Don't let people put you down for choosing life. Now you have a new body it may feel a little difficult to adjust to your initial strength/flexibility levels, DON'T WORRY your just starting over from scatch it may take a while to get to where you want to get to but it will happen.

Get prepared before you start

It's vital that you prepare yourself before you start your detoxification process because if you don't you will get confused and tormented later on when the cravings start messing with you addicted mind, in my opinion THIS IS THE WORST STAGE OF THE DETOXIFICATION PROCESS the cravings can the extremely relentless and what I've learnt is that there is no solution to this but yourself and how much you want this, it doesn't matter where you try to escape to it all boils down to you!! it's a stage that some how you must get through, this is why I suggest that you get a note pad and write down your goals! so that when you are going through these times you have a solid reference point to go back to when your addicted mind is trying to tell you other wise! also to make time or take time by yourself concerntrate on inspiring fruitarian information that you like so you can marinate your mind on it, the more positive Fruitarian info that you can marinate your mind in the easier it will be to re-educate your addicted mind!!! IT"S ALL ON YOU. I can guarentee you that you will have many stages like this and when they come your mind will try to convince you that it's all a waste of time!!!!!!!!! your gonna feel like crap for a while no matter what but these steps may make things easier depending on your efforts! you need to gather as much positive info as you can, start figuring out what you want and how your going to do it! write down why your making this choice! How you feel when you eat cooked food! how you feel when you don't! How you feel on fruits! etc. This stage is no joke and can be a very confusing time! but you will get through it!

Pain and Confusion

When I first started on my journey I really wasn't prepared for my emotional floodgates to open up the way they did, I tried to research but there wasn't enough information to prepare me, I didn't wean myself off of cooked food gradually, I made the big mistake of thinking I could go cold turkey and after having a great week or two the detoxification symptoms crept up on me and took me by surprise and before I could get a grip on myself I was foul, aggressive mentally and physically, resentful towards things that I normally would not bother with! I also had a lot of anxiety too, my thoughts were very negative, I was lashing out at people that meant alot to me and I was even worse to the one's that didn't mean anything to me at all! and a couple of relationships were fractured in the process, on top of this I was usually mentally and physicaly exhausted 24-7, every body thought I was crazy, nobody supported me at all, I was totally overwhelmed I didn't have the chance or the skills to detach myself from what was going on inside me like I had planned, I believed every bad thing that was going on in my head to be true, it was impossible for me to tell the difference between fact or fiction at this time, I went from a happy go lucky guy that every body wanted to be around to the exact opposite! but it really wasn't anyones fault. What was really going on was that I was detoxing! my body was using every thing it had to clean itself! my detox was very uncomfortable because I was eating to many heavy fruits and not enough juicy fruits and my body wasn't flushing out the toxins, so my toxins were just being re-absorbed, it was also the first time I had done anything like this ever! so I didn't know what was going on or how to deal with this, my liver/gallbladder was being cleaned and I was releasing my anger/resentment from the past/present and I had a lot of that!! pretty soon I built up a healthy resentment towards this Fruitarian diet, it was the cause of so much pain and confusion for me! I decided that I wasn't happy doing it!!!!!!! I didn't like the change that went on in me, it stopped me from being social and pleasent, it made me lose so much wieght and besides I wanted to eat pizza and fried chicken and fries,ice cream, etc, sooooo bad, so I would quit! I'd be happy for a week or two then I'd start feeling blocked up and bloated again then I would go back to getting sick and feeling like an old man, this would go on for years but the more I cleansed the worse I felt when I went back to cooked food and the more of an opportunity I had to look at how my emotions were controling my progress.

Detach yourself.

I've learnt that I had to detach myself completely from the get go and also research and learn exactly what my body was going through in the detox process, and I began to see what was really going on and help my body instead of make things worse, My main problem was getting over my cooked food addiction, I found that condiments and salt were the hardest of all to give up, for example I used to eat 6-9 avocados a day with some type of condiment, then after a while I started to notice that I'd get mad if we had run out of dressing so I began to question if it really was the avocado I was wanting? so I stopped using the condiments and now I found that naturally I can barely eat one avocado a day. what I found really helped me was writing down my goals and how I felt when I was on cooked food and it also helped to stay from stressful situations/people, I always say that if you have an issue, going fruitarian will bring it to the the surface wherever you like it or not! so be prepared for a fight, a fight that may last years but it's a fight that WILL get easier!!!!! but please let me tell you this, YOUR NOT GOING TO BE A NICE PERSON OR HAVE A NICE TIME in the begining, you may have cut down on on your social activities for a while, stick fast to your goals/dreams and don't let this society tell you any different!!! When I first started every body including the guru's told me that I couldn't survive on just fruit and that I was "doing it all wrong" but it was the way my body wanted it and to be honest with you I feel like I'm not of this world, I often feel as though I can blend in with the air I breath. Breaking away from societies addictions was the best choice I ever made and I will never go back, my skin from head to toe has transformed from rough and tough to soft and silky, I don't get colds or flu's anymore, I don't feel the aches and pains I used to have, my body has gone to it's natural shape and I'm no longer bloated and constipated, I'm more at one with my body and my biggest victory of all is that I'm no longer a slave to my /societies addictions and my thoughts are clearer and more positive, don't get me wrong it's not all paradise, the world is still what it is, but at times it can get pretty close!

The Zone

It's my opinion that going raw is a life time committment to stay clean just like it would be for a recovering alcoholic! My experience is that my cravings just got further apart and less intense, but it's also my experience that just a mouthful of cooked food will set you back on the path to ruin! yeah sure, maybe you can survive a mouthful of cooked food here and there but when the addictition catches up with you'll be taken to a dark place! I call that place "the zone" I think the best way I can explain it is that's it's like getting stuck in quick sand, no matter how hard you try to get out, the more you move, the more you end up sinking deeper and deeper! the thoughts that go through your head are negative you don't think your going to make! then you see an outstretched hand! Well for me that hand is vitality my vitality is what gets me out of "the zone" of addiction my vitality means too much to me to throw away! When I'm in the zone I feel like a hard core alcoholic! I feel great when I'm eating cooked food but as soon as I stop I feel like I've smashed into a brick wall! my body feels pain and discomfort I'm acidic from head to toe and I swell up like a balloon! how do you get out of the zone?... by any means necessery! cold turkey work does not for me, when the addiction gets control of my mind my will power is non-existant! in order for me to get out of the zone I have to be sick of being sick to get out and back on raw! it's a tug of war for a while but that's what works for me!

Success via Cleansing

As for my health and athletic performance now that I have come through my transition it's now through the roof and then some, my skin is so much clearer, smoother and less aged, my stomach/body no longer feels bloated and swollen, I'm much more motivated to get out and be active, my movements are faster and I no longer feel constant pain or aches all over my body.

When you first go 100% fruits from eating heavier raw foods you must realise that fruits are extremely cleansing and the tiredness you feel is the body using it's energy to clean itself and is not a sign that fruits are causing you problems which is what most people assume. Going 100% fruits makes all the difference to your health.

If you think your pretty clean because your raw then think would not believe the amount of junk we are carrying around in our bodies and I see so many Raw Vegans suspended in animation and suffering from various health issues because they don't make giving their body time to cleanse their first priority and they end up holding back their own progress or causing their own health issues and blaming it on raw foods.

Yes cleansing will cramp your lifestyle a bit and it may mess up your fitness regime for a while but if you've set your body a task why would you stop it from doing it's job. Going all fruits is hard initially but gets better as you persevere with the's hard work but cleansing is something we gotta do if we wanna see positive results.

Here's results of my first gallbladder flush

1st gallbladder flush

2nd gallbladder flush

you can do any athletic activity you wanna do while raw if you have the dedication to do it...yes along the way there's gonna be a period where your gonna feel drained and exhausted but it's a sure sign that your body is concentrating and using it's energies to cleanse itself.....and that you have a body in good working order...this may take some time so be patient with yourself because there's not much you can do to escape this. Be prepared for a fight myfriend...for many, getting off of cooked food is like quitting alcohol or cigarettes....

I found that as a Fruitarian I have much more vitality and I'm more motivated to get out and get active I've actually achieved muscle growth on a Fruitarian diet but I think the mistake a lot of people make is that they panic when they start losing weight and they try to take control of their bodies work/cleansing...yes it's not nice to go from being what everyone thinks is healthy to going to what everyone thinks is skinny and unpleasant to the eye and yes it's not nice being in a weakened state...believe me I've been through it...but this is where the dedication comes in....

It takes a lot of faith in your body to go against the grain and all forms of vanity that we carry with us...

My experience has been that your body has to do what it needs to do....PERIOD....there's no escaping it!!!!....if you get skinny and end up looking like a bean pole then that's what needs to be done to totally cleanse you of all traces of cooked food's all part of the cleansing's what happened to me and many others before me....

I also learned that it takes a great deal of dedication and sacrifice to get through the initial stages of going raw...

All these guru methods of force feeding yourself is just a way to put off the inevitable and make them some money in the process....if your doing things right then your gonna lose weight because your losing what the body does not need...

The simple answer is to build yourself up by getting active and enjoying life change your view on the weight loss thing....stop living the raw lifestyle in fear/by cooked food standards because you won't last long otherwise...

You will only be able to build up when you have cleansed the more you stuff yourself with cooked foods the longer you will be caught in a catch 22 situation...

Hope it helps someone.

Re: Are you an athlete thinking About Going Raw?
Posted by: shep252 ()
Date: October 17, 2006 10:27PM

It helped me out when I read that on your raw fitness boot camp site. I realized what I was going through with terrible detoxing with the aid of drinking lemon juice in the mornings then eating melon later in the morning. I detoxed pretty fast, but I feel like I am done with the major detoxing and am finding that my health is peaking. I did lose a lot of weight, but I am gaining raw weight now, which makes my husband happy because he was concerned before. I still eat a few greens and sprouts, but I find that mainly fruit is very beneficial. Thanks for sharing that article you wrote.

Re: Are you an athlete thinking About Going Raw?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: October 18, 2006 07:24AM

hey ,

fruitarianone espouses the truth
this is evident
especially when you say that the world will still be the same
and you won't be "walking on water" but (sometimes one feels as if one were, actually)
but those times were earned

through persistent dedication and devotion
but the sacrifice is a sacrifice of love
so its all worth it

if one loves oneself enough
and is curious about seeing ones true self emerge
from the cocoon of illusions

nothing is too much of a sacrifice

when I hear the small still voice within me say " do this for me"

i say "sure Veronique, ANYTHING for you, baby" (ha ha)

La Veronique

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