Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: February 05, 2013 08:36PM I want to suggest if you don't already have one or two that you consider buying a cut-resistant glove. When you do knife work or use a mandoline in the kitchen, wearing a cut-resistant glove may reduce your risk of injury in the event of a slip.
What is a cut-resistant glove? It's a glove that is made of a mesh material, usually a synthetic that is tightly woven (think chain mail) together and is designed to resist being cut by a knife edge. You usually wear one (not two since you don't need one for your knife hand) on your guide hand when using a knife or on your hand holding the produce when you use a mandoline. What situations would you wear one? For me, my greatest risk is opening young thai coconuts when I'm wacking the top of the hulled coconut with the butt or bolster of a cleaver or knife to crack the top of the coconut. Also, when you are holding produce on a mandoline but not using the guide protector (i.e. just holding the produce with your hand). When you get down to the last part and your hand gets closer to the blade, one of these is very helpful. ![]() ![]() Who makes the best one? It's a matter of debate. Generally the one made by Microplane is considered the best due to its more tightly woven mesh. Many of the other cut resistant gloves are poorly fitting and loose weave. If the Microplane cut resistant glove fits your hand, it's the best choice. They carry them at Williams-Sonoma. And also amazon. Sell for between $11 and $18. They are also Cooks Illustrated's top choice. There is one thing regarding fitting. The Microplane glove is good for medium sized hands and small hands. It's not good for large hands. And unfortunately, though I know, there are cut resistant gloves made for larger hands, they are not of the same quality, at least the ones I have bought. I am about 6' and have average size hands for my size. And the Microplane gloves fit well but are snug. Any smaller and I couldn't wear them. Just something to keep in mind. Note: Microplane says if you wear an XL glove you shouldn't buy these as they won't fit. After my mandoline accident on the Oxo V blade, I decided it was worth going back to the drawing board and relearning blade safety. And this glove is definitely part of that. May be the best $20 you spend if you use a mandoline or knife a lot. Paul Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2013 08:45PM by pborst. Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: February 05, 2013 11:54PM Anyone who is careless enough to cut themselves, would be too impatient to wear one (or two) of these gloves......WY Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: February 06, 2013 12:28AM you keep asking why we keep disagreeing on things. I would put to you Henry at this particular time that you are baiting me, and I'm not taking the bait. Best.
Paul p.s. most skilled chefs and foodies don't need this glove for regular board work. when the board work changes... then that's a different matter. Everyone who picks up a knife assumes the risk. Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: February 06, 2013 01:34AM I just re-read what I wrote. I took the bait hook, line and sinker. Last time Henry. Won't keep me from posting to help all raw foodies. My goal is to share and learn. that said, last time Henry. Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: February 06, 2013 03:12AM pborst Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > you keep asking why we keep disagreeing on things. I tried two of those gloves, but they weren't for me. Besides, disagreement is a good thing, as it cements where you stand, or allows you to change your position. Sorry I disagreed in such a disageeable way. I have no social skills, and am always saying the wrong things. Hope you can forgive me......WY Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: February 06, 2013 02:24PM That's just Yogi being Yogi, Paul!
Alas, I agree with him, in that carelessness is maybe 90% of the cause of kitchen accidents, IMO. However, I think it was a good idea to post this. One should work as safely as possible in the kitchen, with safety being determined by an accurate assessment of one's skills; if you think you are going to need one of these gloves for a task, you will use it, for sure. Your example of a mandoline is apt, as these are almost designed to be unsafe ![]() ![]() Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: February 06, 2013 07:38PM I have these gloves! I bought them to use for crafting though. After cutting a chunk out of my right index finger with a mandoline I got rid of that thing. Too traumatized. Really, my poor finger, it took me forever to get over that. It didn't even hurt, at first anyhow, it was just horrible to see a big part of myself ... missing. Eep! Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: February 06, 2013 08:41PM Tam,
I don't use the gloves all the time. If I'm using a guide on a mandoline for instance. But I use it for all high risk situations. The original examples of a mandoline without a guide or a cleaver to wack a young thai coconut can be high risk and the glove brings that down. I agree that carelessness is a major cause of accidents. But even so, you can still get cut if you are careful. Coco, I feel for you. I have found mandolines to be very useful with either a guide or glove but not barehanded. I agree with Tam. Paul Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: December 17, 2013 09:05AM pborst Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I want to suggest if you don't already have one or > two that you consider buying a cut-resistant > glove. When you do knife work or use a mandoline > in the kitchen, wearing a cut-resistant glove may > reduce your risk of injury in the event of a slip. > > > What is a cut-resistant glove? It's a glove that > is made of a mesh material, usually a synthetic > that is tightly woven (think chain mail) together > and is designed to resist being cut by a knife > edge. You usually wear one (not two since you > don't need one for your knife hand) on your guide > hand when using a knife or on your hand holding > the produce when you use a mandoline. > > What situations would you wear one? For me, my > greatest risk is opening young thai coconuts when > I'm wacking the top of the hulled coconut with the > butt or bolster of a cleaver or knife to crack the > top of the coconut. Also, when you are holding > produce on a mandoline but not using the guide > protector (i.e. just holding the produce with your > hand). When you get down to the last part and > your hand gets closer to the blade, one of these > is very helpful. > > [us.microplane.com] > 4007u_380.jpghttp://us.microplane.com/images/produ > cts/detail/34007_600.jpg > > > Who makes the best one? It's a matter of debate. > Generally the one made by Microplane is > considered the best due to its more tightly woven > mesh. Many of the other cut resistant gloves are > poorly fitting and loose weave. If the Microplane > cut resistant glove fits your hand, it's the best > choice. They carry them at Williams-Sonoma. And > also amazon. Sell for between $11 and $18. They > are also Cooks Illustrated's top choice. There is > one thing regarding fitting. The Microplane glove > is good for medium sized hands and small hands. > It's not good for large hands. And unfortunately, > though I know, there are cut resistant gloves made > for larger hands, they are not of the same > quality, at least the ones I have bought. I am > about 6' and have average size hands for my size. > And the Microplane gloves fit well but are snug. > Any smaller and I couldn't wear them. Just > something to keep in mind. Note: Microplane says > if you wear an XL glove you shouldn't buy these as > they won't fit. > > After my mandoline accident on the Oxo V blade, I > decided it was worth going back to the drawing > board and relearning blade safety. And this glove > is definitely part of that. May be the best $20 > you spend if you use a mandoline or knife a lot. > > > Paul Do they really work these gloves Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: December 17, 2013 04:02PM They work. They aren't cut proof but are cut resistent. They will keep you out of the emergency room or urgent care if you have a slip. I still use mine daily as I do my mandoline and cutting board. Most chefs don't use them on cutting boards, but I do and I'm not a chef. Why? If I'm distracted I only have one set of fingers and unlike sharks teeth, they don't grow back.
Paul Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2013 04:05PM by pborst. Re: Protect your hands - Cut Resistant Gloves
Posted by:
Date: December 17, 2013 04:08PM The microplane gloves don't interfere with dexterity. They fit tight. If you don't make a mistake, you are golden. If you make a mistake, they will keep you from getting cut. I use them for all knife work and all mandoline work. It's a great precaution and contrary to the opinions above, is strongly recommended. I do not see a down side unless you are so confident in your knife skills and floor that you believe you will never slip be distracted or lose focus. I don't believe that for me personally and so I wear, every time. It's a no brainer.
Paul Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2013 04:10PM by pborst. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.