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Raw Food & Biophotons...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 29, 2013 01:14AM

<<<This talk has nothing to do with raw foods. Interesting though. He never mentions biophoton torpedos.>>>

Hey Bryan,

This talk has EVERYTHING to do with Raw Foods!!!

No, Rupert Sheldrake NEVER mentioned Raw Foods and he NEVER mentioned Biophotons specifically in this Video, but it’s not that hard to extrapolate provided you know that Cooking Destroys Biophotons by 100% and that Biophotons are what feeds our 6th Sense, which Rupert Sheldrake eluded to several times in this Video. The first time was when he talked about Dogma 7 - Memories are Stored inside your brain as Material Traces. This was the first clue for me that he might be talking about Biophotons because this Biophoton Field is where our memory is stored as Quantum Physicists are now beginning to realize. The second time Rupert Sheldrake eluded to our 6th Sense was when he said, If I look at you from behind, you don’t know I’m there, could I affect you? Could you feel my gaze? There’s a great deal of evidence that people can. The Sense of being stared at is an extremely common Experience and recent experimental research actually suggests it’s real.

And then, the real clincher for me that Rupert Sheldrake was talking about Biophotons and by Default, Raw Foods, was when I did a Ctrl F Search in my file on Biophotons for Rupert Sheldrake, which is where I came up with my second JR Insert and here’s the part that applies here - “Nonetheless few giants have founded the field including Alexander Gurvitsch, Fritz Albert Popp, Andre Mester, Peter Gariaev and Rupert Sheldrake. It has been hypothesized that DNA sequence is forming the "etheric body", but not shown experimentally.”

By the way, Fritz Albert Popp is the guy who coined this coherent sunlight energy that all Living Systems store in the nucleus of their cells a Biophoton back in 1976!

And finally, here is an old Post of mine that might help explain how Rupert Sheldrake’s Video TIES into Raw Food. Gabriel talks about our memory being stored in this Living Field around the 7 Minute Mark.

Raw is the Only Law…
Posted by: John Rose
Date: October 18, 2012 11:50AM

Indeed, there is a reason why Raw is the Only Law…

I posted this in response to another Post, but it won't get very much attention over there, so I'm posting it over here too.

Alive with Gabriel Cousens: Live Food and Consciousness
9:28 Minute Video

How does the food we eat relate to the consciousness we hold in the world? Can nutrition support spiritual life? These are the questions addressed in "Alive With Gabriel" recorded in a session live with students at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center with the teacher, Gabriel Cousens, M.D. , who is the founder of the Conscious Eating Retreats and the Spiritual Live Food and Veganic Farming Apprentices. It is our blessing to share this light with you, may the information and the Tree of Life workshops uplift you.

JR’s Notes:

0:58 MM
Let’s start with the question; Why is it that live foods help alter consciousness? What’s going on? …

1:57 MM
Another thing to understand is that Live Food has the highest amount of Biophoton Energy.

What’s that?

Biophoton Energy is the Living Field in which we are all part of even though we appear to differentiate - we’re really all part of the Living Field.

What does that mean?

It means that although we’re all part of it - we are often Unconscious that we’re all part of it. Live food has the most amount of Biophoton Energy. People who eat live foods, in some studies in Germany, it shows that a junk food eater has about 1,000 units of Biophoton Energy, a new born baby is 43,000, a kind of organic vegetarian is 23,000, a Live Food person is 83,000 and then one person that is fasting and wild herbs and they turn out to be about 114,000. There’s a very significant difference.

So what?

When we look at it, we come up with some New Piece of Information and that New Piece of Information is that a High Biophoton Energy optimizes the function of the Body. It’s how the Cell Nucleus Communicates with the Cell Wall and the Cell Wall has a tremendous amount of Communication Abilities to be able to Communicate to other Cells and also to Communicate with the rest of the Body, which it can draw into that Cell - what Nutrients it Needs and what things it needs to get rid of.

So the Biophoton Field, at one level, is giving us a tremendous amount of Communication and Synchronicity and that’s something we see in fish - they go in schools - it’s all Biophoton Field that’s going on. […see Per Audio Tape JR# 22B 128 to JR# 22B 288 made 3-25-07:]

So now you have a whole Body in Unity and one of the Principals that Gabriel Cousens talks about a lot is that Disease is Cancer in the Field. Watching Dr. Popp, whose been doing 30 years of Research in Biophoton Energy, has shown, something really interesting, is that the Healthiest people have the highest amount of Biophoton Energy and those who are least Healthy have the lowest amounts.

So that puts us in touch with Chaos versus Order again. When you have 114,000 Units of this Biophoton Energy, you’re going to have a whole lot more Order than you are if you have a 1,000, which is what a Junk Food Eater would be. And you’re going to have better Cell Communication, better DNA Function, better DNA Communication with the Cell Wall, better Communication between the Cells and you’ll be healthier and that’s what he found. 5:11 MM


6:27 MM
…shorten lifespan…epidemics…no life force to heal our systems like we used to because of the junk …

6:51 MM
So Live Foods make a difference because they are the highest in Biophoton Energy. Now, the more Biophoton Energy you have the more Conscious you become of your Connection to the Living Field and that’s really important to understand. We’re all Connected to the Living Field, but are we Conscious of that Connection?

You see, the Living Field is where all of the Information is at, it’s where the (???) are, it’s where, literally, our Memory is stored, as the Quantum Physicists are now beginning to realize. And when you are more Connected Consciously to the Field, you’re able to pull out more Information out that Field and you’re able to have a more Sense of Oneness. Think about that for a moment - a Sense of Oneness.

So, as people eat more Live Foods, they are being filled more with the understanding and wisdom of that Heighten Energy and they Feel more of a Connection to the Living Field and, therefore, are more gone to Consciousness. And it’s not unusual that, in fact, one of our students for our Master’s Program - we have a Live Foods Master’s Program … she does a survey of 525 people and essentially 87% of the people filled, out after 2 years in Live Foods, they had a stronger Connection with the Divine, they were more Alert Mentally, very significant decrease in Depression, and there was just more Spiritual, Psychological, Mental, and Emotional Health and that’s directly related to the increased amount of Biophoton Energy.

So, that’s how it works.

And there’s another level too and it’s called the Ormus Energy, which is the Monatomic. And myself and David Wolfe is doing a great deal of really great research on this and have come to the conclusion that the best way to get the Ormus Food isn’t buying some kind of product on the market, but growing your Food with high Ormus Nutrients. So, at the Tree of Life we’re starting to use Dead Sea Salt, which is the highest Ormus Nutrients on the planet. 9:28 MM

Peace and Love..........John

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Raw Food & Biophotons...
Posted by: life101 ()
Date: May 29, 2013 02:23AM

Very interesting, John.

Thanks for posting. I've heard a little about Ormus but this clarifies it more. I didn't know about biophotons. I love the part of eating wild herbs. I grow dandelions and plantain on my patio to harvest. I don't eat much of the plantain but I do eat the dandelions.


Re: Raw Food & Biophotons...
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 29, 2013 02:55PM

Hey Therese,

Yes, I too find Biophotons very interesting mainly because it's the #1 reason why we should eat Raw Food and the Lack of Biophotons explains why we have a Dark Side of our Behavior where Science is the Dogma of our time.

For some odd reason, Bryan failed to see the Connection between Biophotons, Organized Medicine and our 6th Sense in my original post so he moved it to the Other Topics (not health related) Forum instead of moving it to the Other Health Related Forum where I was going to originally post it until I saw the Connection and decided to post it here where more people would read it.

So if anyone is interested in reading my Original Post and watch the Video that was REMOVED by the TEDx YouTube Channel on the 10 Dogmas of Science, go to the Other Topics (not health related) Forum and look for The Science Delusion.

Peace and Love..........John

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