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What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: clank72 ()
Date: June 03, 2013 03:14AM

Hey guys,

I need some help badly. I'm a 40yo guy going through some financial troubles this last 5 months. We pay the bills but a lot of it is worry.

I'm about 85% raw only because I eat some soy and corn tortillas. I'm a naturalist and I am very aginst western medicin and only seek out natural supplements and herbs.

I have tried:

- Lavender Oil
- High doses of V-12
- Exercising regularly
- Positive Self Talk.
- Writing out my thoughts.
- Meditation

Is there ANYTHING else I can do or take? I can't work or anything. I've also seen a counselor but it's very expensive.

Thanks in advance.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 03, 2013 05:04AM

don't have any ideas
but i do sincerely hope that you feel a LOT better
good luck to you!! smiling smiley

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: clank72 ()
Date: June 03, 2013 05:28AM

Thank you!

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: June 03, 2013 05:53AM

Check out The Work by Byron Katie.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: June 03, 2013 12:11PM

Is your anxiety because of financial troubles, or can't you work because of your anxiety?

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: June 03, 2013 01:12PM

Your anxiety could have a physiological explanation. Is your diet too low on fat? Adding omega 3s may help there. You could also try a product called Azomite. You would mix 1/4 tea spoon in a bottle of water.


Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: June 03, 2013 01:31PM

Hey Mark,

Here is my File Preview for my file on Anxiety-Panic Attacks…

…File Preview…
• "God did not make us to be eaten by anxiety, but to walk erect, free, unafraid in a world where there is work to do, truth to seek, love to give and win." -Joseph Fort Newton
• I have gotten great results with my students who suffered from anxiety attacks by having them learn how to breathe diaphragmically. Most people are shallow breathers. Most people either lift their collar bones or they expand their upper rib-cage which in turn lowers the air pressure so that air enters in by suction. This type of breathing not only occurs during an anxiety attack, but it also leads to the attack itself.
• Many people with depression and anxiety have low fatty acids DHA and EPA in their brains. Egg yolks have those plus other important brain nutrients like choline, lecithin, and B vitamins. 2 egg yolks per day definitely caused a fog to clear and gave me a brighter mood that makes socializing easier. High DHA eggs are comparable to fish in fatty acid content, so you really don't need both.
• A niacinamide deficiency can cause anxiety. Niacinamide, a B 3 vitamin (not niacin), does wonders for anxiety. Take 500 mg 2 times per day. I had anxiety problems bad until I started taking this. At first it made me feel high just because it released all kinds of anxiety. It works better the more you take it. It’s the best kept secret for social phobia and anxiety. It is also supposed to make DNA repair itself and prolong life.
• Also hypoglycemia can cause these problems as the brain does not function well with low blood sugar.
• Gallbladder and Liver Cleanses helped me...
• I used to get really nervous and panicky when my blood sugar was low. Then I started carrying dried mangoes and figs with me when I couldn't eat fresh fruit (like in the car).
• ...anxiety belongs to an acid condition and therefore I recommend high alkaline diet, lots of greens, raw vegetables etc, alkaline fruits.
• ...being raw vegan has helped me 100%. ...i used to eat a lot of sweets before i was raw.
• What I learned over time is I was dehydrated. ...anxiety is one of the first signs of a dehydrated body. I used the formula of 1/4 tsp. celtic sea salt in 32 oz. distilled water, and in a few weeks, bye bye went anxiety. Not only did my anxiety go away, every fascet of my life improved.
• …in the meantime i came across information on rawfoods on the internet. ...i felt relief from my panic almost immediately. it did not 'take away' my panic, but afforded me the clarity of mind i needed to 'work' through the roots of my problems. ...after 10 months of raw i had made so much progress with my panic that i decided to call this therapist again and see if she felt she would work with me.
• There are specific foods that are high in potassium and calcium which are very calming. So much so that I have had to be careful of some of them while at work because I get too calm if I have them for lunch. I have expereimented and found what works best for me. I suggest you go to Sapoty Brook's website.
• Treat Phobias with Hypnosis and the Rewind Technique
• Phobias are fairly common. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that approximately 8-18% of the American population suffers from a phobia. They are the most common form of an anxiety disorder. Among women of all ages, phobias are the most common form of mental disorder and among men older than 25, phobias are the second most common form of mental disorder. Hypnosis is an effective form of treatment of phobias (Kessler et al., 2005). Recently, a new technique, called the Rewind Technique, has been found to be highly effective in helping people get rid of their fears.
• Being afraid is a survival mechanism that was a very important part of survival in ancient times. It is instilled in all humans and now phobias are directed in an irrational way. The goal of hypnotherapy is to remove the subconscious pattern of the phobia. A common technique used with hypnotherapy is called the Rewind Technique. This technique is similar to a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique.
• The Rewind Technique is used after a hypnotherapist induces the state of hypnosis on the phobia sufferer. Then, the hypnotherapist guides the patient through images and steps that act to "rewind" the phobia. The hypnotherapist does not need to know how the phobia first started and does not need to know any of the symptoms the patient is suffering from. All the hypnotherapist must know is how to guide patients through the Rewind Technique to help them overcome their fear (Sherred).
• Use Natural Healing for Anxiety and Panic Disorders
• Anxiety disorders are characterized by an overwhelming sense of apprehension. Sometimes such apprehension may become constant. Numerous physical symptoms may accompany anxiety with over 100 physical anxiety symptoms reported, including muscle tightness, heart palpitations, chest tightness/pain, dizziness, numbness, tingling, and electric shock feelings. Anxiety disorders often tend to progress to what is called a panic disorder and panic attacks. The Mayo Clinic definition of a panic attack is: "A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that develops for no apparent reason and that triggers severe physical reactions. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you`re losing control, having a heart attack or even dying." That is why it is common for a person experiencing a panic attack to feel that death is imminent. Fortunately, there are some good natural solutions to combat anxiety and panic symptoms.
• Anxiety and panic disorders are very common, having reached epidemic proportions. They affect an estimated 2.4 million Americans. That means that one in 113 Americans lives with this condition.
• The causes for this disorder are varied. Sometimes it simply has a physical source. However, many times the disorder is due to emotional issues. Contributing to this disorder are environmental factors, one of the most important of which is poor nutrition. Sugar, processed foods, junk foods, fast foods, etc., all contribute to its devastating effects.
• Natural alternatives are a safer and more effective way of dealing with anxiety and panic. There are supplements that will not only help to relieve those feelings of anxiety and panic but aid in total healing.
• Colloidal Gold improves neural communication in the brain. It is believed to be responsible for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
• Oleander Extract has demonstrated effectiveness against many conditions, including anxiety.
• 5-HTP turns into serotonin. Serotonin is important in regulating anxiety.
• I-Theanine is a natural relaxant which supports the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.
• GABA - Low levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid may be responsible for a person not being able to handle day-to-day stress. GABA decreases anxiety, induces relaxation and increases alertness.
• KAVA elevates mood, wellbeing and contentment.
• Omega 3`s - Among their many benefits, Omega 3`s relieve depression and maintain emotional balance.
• Hawthorne Berry Syrup, besides supporting the cardiovascular system, has been reported to be beneficial for heart symptoms suffered during anxiety and panic attacks.
• Iodine Supplementation. Oftentimes, anxiety is the result of an iodine deficiency. It is recommended that anyone suffering from anxiety and panic symptoms have their thyroid checked.
• Bach Flower Remedies aid in relieving a variety of emotional disorders.
• Diet cannot be overlooked. Proper nourishment will result in less anxiety. The ideal diet consists of as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible with a little chicken, turkey, and fresh water fish. Foods containing L-Tryptophan, such as turkey, help the body to relax. [JR BS regarding tryptophan and protein sources…see JR Insert below...]
• Foods rich in protein actually send very little tryptophan to the brain. That’s because tryptophan competes with other amino acids, like phenylalanine, that are also found in protein foods--and often in larger numbers than tryptophan.”
…End of File Preview…

If any of this is of any interest to you, I’ll be more than happy to email my file to you - just send me an email and I’ll send you my file.

Peace and Love..........John

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 03, 2013 02:08PM

clank72 Wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I need some help badly. I'm a 40yo guy going
> through some financial troubles this last 5
> months. We pay the bills but a lot of it is
> worry.

The way you describe this is that it is situational anxiety rather than generalized anxiety. In other words it is a result of current conditions so I am taking that to mean that this is new for you? If so, it is not the result of a physical condition but rather what you are telling yourself about the situation. You are paying the bills and the focus should (theoretically, I am not commanding youwinking smiley) to have gratitude for that ability rather than obsess about the future. A book on the Law of Attraction would be totally helpful. I found Jerry and Ester Hicks' books to be a bit obtuse. Try "The Sculptor in the Sky" by Teal Scott--amazing. Actually, you can start watching her videos on money. When I figure out how to cut and paste on my Chromebook, I will post a link.

The first chakra is our sense of security on the most basic level. Any perceived threat to that security can certainly lead to anxiety if one is not mindful. Finding ways to ground yourself is helpful. Perhaps make it a point to spend a part of every day in Nature, walking barefoot for a bit and taking in the energy of the Earth...smiling smiley

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 03, 2013 03:27PM

Here is the video I mentioned: []

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: June 03, 2013 05:19PM

That reminds me of a quote -

"Money goes where it’s wanted, and stays where it’s well treated"

"The Secret" was all about the Law of Attraction.

If I had a serious problem physically or emotionally or mentally, I would definitely be 100% raw all the time. Also, maybe you're allergic to corn - I think it's the number one allergy - or maybe soy is messing with your hormones making you hormonally imbalanced. Also, I wouldn't eat anything sweet except fresh fruit (fruit is a pick-me-up food) and cut out the salt - it can affect depression:


Also, I would get out in the sun as much as possible because the sun makes you feel happy.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 04, 2013 12:17AM

If you are the type who always is busy, sometimes feelings get suppressed and not addressed. And it builds up and remains underneath the surface, causing generalized anxiety (which cannot be pinpointed).

However, you describe a certain situation occurring and it is giving you anxiety. And I would ask you what are you telling yourself about this current state of affairs? Are you afraid of what other people will think about you if you have lost your job, make less money, etc.? I find that a lot of the discomfort arises from wanting to "save face." And this is due to keeping up a certain image of success. The truth is that you never have to justify your worth to anyone. And if you feel the need to do so, perhaps this will be a freeing time in your life to become more genuine and less concerned about what others think of you.

Another thing I wanted to share with you is that it may be that you need to look at your life and see if you need to release some things from it. Perhaps you have been living someone else's life or trying to be someone you are not. If you need to let go of certain things (a house that is too expensive and big or a second car that is not necessary), be open to that. Sometimes the anxiety is a refusal to purge what no longer serves you.

On the other hand, it may be that you are thinking too small and need to enlarge your vision of what is possible. Perhaps you need to have greater expectations of your divine right to the blessings of the Universe.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: RAWLION ()
Date: June 04, 2013 05:56PM

i was horribly depressed and had horrible anxiety, until..................................... I went 100 % raw vegan. You need to detox REAL BAD!!!!

and you are SUPER NUTRIENT DEFICIENT!!! we all are!

so, I was 440 pounds back in 2009, now I am 210. I had such horrible anxiety I was not being the best dad I could be, etc etc. Thing is I am noticing almost everybody at my age has some form of "anxiety" these days. Well, everybody is walking around in the world blah blah blah about making money and this suffering or that suffering, and we are all literally becoming more and more nutrient deficient with each meal.

LOW FAT RAW VEGAN cuisine will jump start your body into a detox mode. In this mode you will make more gains in health than any other time in your life.
What you will find is that as your body gets to where it wants to be after a year or so. the anxiety I had I truly feel was pressure from inside to get me to do something. thats why everybody is walking around worried, hungry, pale, etc. NUTRIENT DEFICIENT, TOXIC !!!!!!

take the plunge my friend, you will never ever look back after 2 weeks of 100%.

The Raw Lion 440 pounds to 225 pounds!

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 04, 2013 06:24PM

Um...he said he's been having anxiety recently and mentioned money issues. I am certainly not saying that nutrition isn't always helpful but it must be no coincidence that he's experiencing it at the same time as his other issue.

Understand that you are always safe. Always. There is no such thing as blind faith. Faith is also not passive. It's a knowing that you are never alone on this journey and that your needs will always be met, even in the 11th hour.

One of the things that anxiety does is turn your consciousness haywire so that you cannot think straight. I was reading about this neuroscientist who had a near-death experience and he discovered that the brain is a filtering device for all our sense impressions. Most people think it is this machine that allows us to think but that is coming from a higher place than the brain.

When you meditate, you allow the filter (brain) to do its job more effectively. When you are freaked out, thoughts are coming in and overwhelming you and it can cause the release of adrenaline, which then causes other physical symptoms that are very distressing.

By slowing down the thoughts, you can find solutions to what is bothering you more efficiently.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: life101 ()
Date: June 05, 2013 02:24AM

clank, Sorry to hear about your financial stress. When I get super nervous/anxious/shakey, I drink St. John's Wort tea. I heat water and take about 1/4 teaspoon or whatever muscle-tests and I make an infusion. It stops the shaking and calms the nerves.

You could also do hypnosis audios. I love Steve G Jones's work. You can go to his website and sign up for his updates. Sometimes his audios are on sale for $5 or less. They help the brain re-balance and put positive energy back into focus. He has audios on many topics including wealth.

Hope you get better. Therese

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 05, 2013 04:02PM

I second the recommendation to check out Byron Katie's "The Work". The book Loving What Is is a great place to start.
There's also an article on the parasympathetic system here []
I just posted that on another thread but it seems like the answer to a lot of questions today. Best of luck smiling smiley.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: littlemermaid ()
Date: June 05, 2013 07:32PM

I know it's best to deal with the cause, but kava kava(powder), passion flower (tincture), valerian root (tincture) really worked very well to remove the flying anxiety for me . The most potent of them being kava kava in my experience.
Also meditation and different breath control techniques.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: June 09, 2013 03:31PM


Lots of really great suggestions; it's a veritable smorgasbord of advice! Hope you find the answers you need--I myself have found some answers in this thread I wasn't even looking for!--and get into a better frame of mind soon. All best wishes to you, and gratitude to all who posted here smiling smiley

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: June 10, 2013 04:41PM


For periodic anxiety attacks or situations you know will be anxiety causing ahead of time, two supplements - kava and theanine - have been shown to be as effective as prescription drugs without the side effects. This article by Dr. Lake will provide better context.


Dr. Lake also mentions yoga, mindfulness and meditation training also.

I have used both kava and theanine periodically with solid success. Theanine in particular reduces anxiety without causing drowsiness. Kava is excellent. There is a small risk of liver damage most of which has been attributed to poor quality control (vendors used leaf and stem instead of just root like native populations who use kava). Look for 'root only' preparations and use it periodically, and the risk is very low. Best of luck to you.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: RAWLION ()
Date: June 10, 2013 06:39PM

if you are medicating, then you are missing the higher point. something is imbalanced, you need to detox serious style or else otherwise why would anything change within yourself. Money is meaningless, this and that drama are temporary. It would seem that everyone has missed my important 1 point. to cure the anxiety, one must go to the very root.....which is not drama in life, but within our own body where the initial inability to cope with said drama. been there, and doing that......I have come SO far that it is mind blowing. taking kava or other random drugs or extracts or whatever are temporary stepping stones that may keep you sane long enough until you can get your nutrition in tune.

Try the 100% raw, high green, very low fat detox.......through this you will find your light!

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: June 10, 2013 09:23PM

It's not all or nothing. The whole point of the integrative management of anxiety article I attached is that the author. Dr. James Lake, is that he looked at both medicinal, herbal and other therapeutic approaches, e.g. yoga. Fwiw, kava is not a drug but an herb, one used by South Pacific islanders for a long time without reports of adverse effect. Theanine is a non-essential amino acid naturally found in tea. I'm not arguing with you, Raw Lion. To the contrary, I admire your example and accomplishment. Rather, just trying to provide context and options. If you are going into a stressful meeting in the next three days, going 100 percent raw may or may not provide relief in time. Many solutions... all with tradeoffs. Also, not the only herbs capable of treating anxiety.... valerian, lemonbalm, skullcap, and passion flower all have been used for anxiety albeit without the evidence that kava and theanine have.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Date: June 10, 2013 10:38PM

clank72 Wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I need some help badly. I'm a 40yo guy going
> through some financial troubles this last 5
> months. We pay the bills but a lot of it is
> worry.
> I'm about 85% raw only because I eat some soy and
> corn tortillas. I'm a naturalist and I am very
> aginst western medicin and only seek out natural
> supplements and herbs.
> I have tried:
> - Lavender Oil
> - High doses of V-12
> - Exercising regularly
> - Positive Self Talk.
> - Writing out my thoughts.
> - Meditation
> Is there ANYTHING else I can do or take? I can't
> work or anything. I've also seen a counselor but
> it's very expensive.
> Thanks in advance.
> Mark

There is often things that can be done to restore one to proper balance, and l once had lots of anxiety like yourself. l would like you to be much more specific on lots of things so people can get a better picture of your lifestyle.

Can you please outline you diet in good detail.
- how much fruit do you have?
- how much green do you get in your diet?
- how much nut/seed do you eat daily?
- do you have a blender?
- do youy have a juicer, or can you buy a cheap manual vegetable/grass juicer?
- what packaged foods do you consume?
- what type of meditation, and for how long? (describe what you do)
- do you have a car?

Has the councelor and writing out your thoughts been of any benefit?

Are you prepared to change your lifestyle and prepared to do whatever it takes to help the problem?

l wouldn't necessarily rely on supplements to do all the work in the diet, l would be looking at improving the diet overall. In my experience fresh potent foods is definitely medicine and can change lives, it helped make me a different person and l feel it might help you too.

Diet, quality meditation, and exercise are keys...and when you do those for a while your outlook on life will also change, and when your outlook begins to change you know that it is working. The outlook on life is the key, but many like myself needed to work up to a level to be able to have a good outlook on hopefully will come in time when all the pieces of the puzzle are put togeather.

Hang in there...lots of good things can be done to potentially help the situation for minimal cost.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: June 11, 2013 01:24AM


I think you have to make up your mind about your situation. I'm not pushing supplements. The article I attached discusses yoga, and some other things you have tried. The question you have to ask is whether or not just eating healthy in and of itself it going to treat anxiety? Eating healthy is essential. But you have indicated you have already tried meditation, and exercise which is good and necessary but apparently not sufficient. Look at all of your options on this thread. There are many, and decide what you would like to try.

I know for myself, meditation works well... mindfulness exercises, radical acceptance. And I also know that when I am under a lot of stress sometimes supplements have been helpful. If a 10 minute walks works just as well, great. I do both. I like kava, relora and theanine for periodic treatment either to prevent or treat a stressful situation. They are adjunctive treatment... just something extra when the situation is more stressful than normal.


Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: RAWLION ()
Date: June 11, 2013 04:01PM

Let me clarify my stance even more. I agree with everyone about trying all the methods. My stance with nutrition is based on food for sure, but as in my situation as well I needed to use medicines while I was on my path towards health balance. I would use powerful herbs to reduce my anxiety, and mood elevators. Marijuana is definitely my favorite mood elevator. I live in california and have a prescription for Ganja from my actual doctor, not a 2 bit random weed doctor but from my actual dr. for anxiety depression. What is so awesome about that is now that I have been 100% raw for nearly 4 years, I rarely ever get depressed about fact life is amazing to me now!!!
I would use marijuana to help me through the rough phases where i would be living on wheatgrass and smoothies. I felt at times like I was on chemo therapy as I lost weight and detoxed, but wow was it worth it.
Truly 100% raw vegan lifestyle will change YOU. Genetics are truly amazing, as in WE truly become a different being when we change our diets. DNA has phenotypic responses to environment, food definitely being one of those. change your diet, you LITERALLY become a different person.

100% detox foods will cure your depression, and enable you to cope with day to day stresses without feeling like they are negative. Money is meaningless, stress is temporary. Step away from the mundane bulls&#t, and remember that one day we all die and none of that day to day actually ever matters in the end.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 11, 2013 04:06PM

Raw Lion, now that you have achieved your goals are you still on the ganga? If so, how come? If you can see that that shite is mundane, where is the anxiety?

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: June 11, 2013 11:13PM

I support pot legalization. That said, if you are working at a job or driving after toking, that puts you at risk. I agree with Raw Lion and other commenters that a holistic approach is the best way to address anxiety.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Date: June 12, 2013 01:43AM

l would only support use of Marijuana as a seed for sprouting so a green sprout juice is made from it. Lots of benefits from such a plant, but only as an immature green sprout. lt is also the second highest known source of omega 3's.

Funny enough...when l talk anout weeds and grasses l sometimes get pot smokers write to me asking me where l got my stash LOL. They are always disappointed when l tell them l am talking about garden weeds and cereal grasses.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2013 01:45AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 12, 2013 03:44PM

Raw Lion, upon reading your post again it appears that you were mainly using it during your detox phase. I read into it that you have a 'script and life is great! LOL...

The issue here as I see it is that with detox it makes sense to use herbs to assist in cleansing. So if anxiety is the by-product of massive detox, then I understand why someone would utilize an herb like mj for that purpose (although if the THC lodges in fat cells, then I suppose you'd have to detox from that, right?).

When someone is upset due to a current situation that has no physical origin, then I am more inclined to suggest self-examination of attitudes. If there is some tension, perhaps something mild like chamomile or peppermint would be enough to take the edge off.

Just because something is an herb doesn't mean it's going to be of relief to anxious people. Not everyone responds well to pot, especially the super strong hybridized strains around these days. Even kava and valerian and passion flower might not agree with some people. I remember taking a "relaxing" tea that contained such herbs and feeling foggy and I never took it again.

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: June 12, 2013 04:27PM

Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures
Monday, January 09, 2012 by: PF Louis


Marijuana cannabinoids - oral and transdermal methods
Saturday, December 17, 2011 by: Mark Sircus., AC, OMD

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 12, 2013 04:33PM

Clank, where are you?

Re: What can I do about my Anxiety?
Date: June 12, 2013 10:46PM

Some powerful foods which can help anxiety are:

* hops sprouts
* poppy seed sprouts
* sunflower green sprouts (spouted for roughly 10 days)
* chia green sprouts (sprouted for 12 - 14 days)

Those seeds above are just some of the helpers that can be added in when other changes are made. And yes, vitamin D3 could well be very very important too.

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