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Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: June 27, 2013 11:33PM

Hi Sproutarian Man,

I'm enjoying your posts and I want to read them all, but haven't yet, so I hope I don't ask you anything you already spoke about. I have random questions that I could ask you in the PM's, but it's not working....

I just bought organic carrots and was going to give the tops to the deer, but then I thought of you and thought maybe I should be eating them. Do you eat carrot tops? Do you juice them? I only have L'Equip Juicer which works great for what it is, but it's not the best, so do you think it's OK to blend them? I know blending's not the greatest either, but I can't take the taste of a lot of vegetables right now without some fruit in there - green smoothies. I'm evolving to juicing more, more wild edibles and more sprouts.

I was wondering what State you live in? How much wild edibles do you eat daily? Like how many cups full? How many cups of sprouts do you eat a day would you estimate?

Thanks for all the advice from your vast experience. You, TheStorm, Living Food, Utopian Life, RawPracticalist, fresherthanlife, rzman and others are very inspirational right now.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: June 29, 2013 02:28AM

just wondering... how hungry and scrawny do the deers look to you?

i mean, if they look like they are starving, maybe share a little ?

hope sproutman answers the rest of ur questions

yeah, i like that there is such an ocean of knowledge here too

pretty rad, if u ask me smiling smiley

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Date: June 29, 2013 11:29PM

KidRaw Wrote:
> Hi Sproutarian Man,
> I'm enjoying your posts and I want to read them
> all,
l am glad you enjoy my posts. l have spent years thinking about diet and the challenges we all face with finding a diet that is good for the current times and environmental challenges we face. l do try and present the advantages and disadvantages of various diets and try to present what l see as possible solutions to the highly tricky vegan diet. l do try to be realistic about the problems that can occur with the vegan diet (it's fill of potential pitfals) and l am really glad some people are responding positively to some l the things l talk about, it tells me l am doing the right thing.

> I just bought organic carrots and was going to
> give the tops to the deer, but then I thought of
> you and thought maybe I should be eating them. Do
> you eat carrot tops? Do you juice them? I only
> have L'Equip Juicer which works great for what it
> is, but it's not the best, so do you think it's OK
> to blend them? I know blending's not the greatest
> either, but I can't take the taste of a lot of
> vegetables right now without some fruit in there -
> green smoothies. I'm evolving to juicing more,
> more wild edibles and more sprouts.
Sprouted baby carrot tops (sprouted carrots) is excellent. l would sprout as mant carrot tops as you can and just eat them.

First l will do a short ramble

I should begin by saying that l believe we are not properly suited to a diet of greens, nuts or seeds, and l feel that we were once able to thrive on fruits or were possibly breatharian. There are lots of reasons why l feel this way, but l won’t get into it here. So why do we have a stomach? It’s because we always had options and free will…..mankind was always destined to fall from his perfect highly spiritual self, and he has indeed fallen to great depths. Our forefathers have eaten poorly in the past and now we live in a toxic environment, and with that has come a downgrading of our DNA which means we can no longer manufacture protein, many vitamins and minerals and various other nutrients (lots of things suggest we can manufacture many nutrients as hormones and possibly once lived on fruit and maybe even sound and light vibrations and air when we were in optimal condition) , AND our spirituality and ability to communicate with other spiritual beings is non existent in most people now…we think of ourselves as this physical body and identify others as a physical body, that is how sick we are…physically, mentally and spiritually sick, we don’t even know who we are anymore and because of that we are mainly Earth bound and have lost our super powers…we are on the prison planet where we belong because we have fallen so far from our true heights.

Since we are no longer even a shadow of our former selves and are unwell, we all need to eat un-natural foods with toxins in them not really designed for us to eat, in particular greens/nuts/seeds. To deal with this less than optimal diet we were still given knowledge to be able to make the most of this un-natural diet via fermented foods and sprouting. We have fallen so far that a fruit diet in most cases won’t work for people, so the best diet of the modern age is imo without doubt the sprouted and fermented diet – it’s the only diet l see that overcomes all the pitfalls of the un-natural foods we eat (natural toxins and heavy stringy fiber), + it is the most nutritious diet possible, + it is the only way everyone in the world can get fresh produce everyday. This type of diet overcomes the weaknesses of all the other diets. Even a diet of only fruit in the tropics wouldn’t be enough for most people in the 21st century, but a sprout diet is very similar to a fruit diet in that it has a similar breakdown of proteins to carbs to water – it is the diet where the sprouts serve as fruits with the medicine factor included along with a minimisation of natural toxins….it’s the perfect diet of the times. Can a person feel better living on high fruit and some greens initially? Probably….but it’s the long term plan which we need to look at. With the radiation, pollution, stress, toxic clothing,carpets and indoor living – we need a high green diet to protect us from these things, and imo eating a head or two of broccoli from the shops isn’t going to do it. We have got serious challenges so we need to do serious things. Are the RDA’s for vitamins and minerals even relevant today??? We need to be eating food with highly bio-available nutrients and food which is as nutritious as possible, that’s why we have sea vegetables (they don’t absorb pollution due to the unique cellular structure), lots of sprouted green juice, sprouted seeds, some soaked and fermented nuts or sprouted nuts, and even the occasional sprouted grain, and also sprouted legumes if you can tolerate them. It’s not a natural diet,, but it’s going to beat a natural hygene diet on every level for most people. I say again, try to keep away from the vegetables unless they are fermented first (helps break down the harsh fiber and gets rid of the natural toxins), and try not to be juicing or eating them too often.

We need to try and replicate the fruit diet as close as possible by consuming mainly sprouts grown to ideal growth periods to eliminate most of the natural toxins, so…predigested fats, predigested carbs, pre-digested proteins, highly bioavailable nutrients. But we must also throw in some insurance via sea vegetables and small amounts of algae because those water based foods have various things that the land based foods don’t have – we can’t rely on ourselves to be manufacturing or getting these undiscovered micronutrients, so eating this way is the best way to be hoping we get all the nutrition required to run our body in the 21st century. It’s not a perfect diet, but it does seem to be by far the best diet we can consume in this day and age – we just need to tailor it to our individual requirements.

I like listening to Dr Brian Clement (his ideas on diet are by far the best of anyones) . l also like to listen to Dr David Jubb (Jubsy) because he seems to have a good understanding of foods and how suitable for humans they are, but he has many holes in his theories. I also like Gabriel Coisens tailored approach to using diet to overcome disease. I try to take into account of all three contrasting ideas and keep an open mind, but most importantly l try not to follow anyone, l try to work it out for myself, none of them have perfect solutions. I guess my ideas are closest to Dr Clement, but l still say we need to be using less amount of algaes in our diet due to their high levels of tannins.
I know l have rambled, but l am glad l did because it gives basic ideas that many raw vegans never think about. I wish l could write on and on and on, but l won’t.
> I was wondering what State you live in? How much

I live in southern Australia. Very few FRESH fruits available, and even when l pick wild blue berries they till aren’t properly ripe. Getting fresh ripe fruit is also a problem when l buy them from my local farm, especially stone fruits because they need to pick them slightly unripe before the birds start eating them. That’s the whole problem with fruit today, but no-one except Dr Clement talks about that….maybe because it undoes so many theories that the raw leaders push. No-one talks about the problems with vegetables and the problems of buying local nuts all year around…maybe because it undoes all theories that the natural hygene diet is healthy and it makes it hard to sell the raw vegan message. Being a raw vegan is hard work these days because we no longer live in a natural environment…we must work very hard to get our food if we want it FRESH.

> wild edibles do you eat daily? Like how many cups
> full? How many cups of sprouts do you eat a day
> would you estimate?
I eat a LOT of greens, maybe close to a bucket a day – things like a tray (12 inch by 16.5 inch) of grass, a tray of pea shoots, a tray of fenugreek, a tray of chia greens, a tray of sunflower greens, a 3 liter bottle of clover sprouts, a bottle of broccoli sprouts etc. Some days are less and some days are more. On Sunday l try to juice a couple of buckets of weeds, but only once or twice a week because weeds are like vegetables in that they have harsh fiber (that’s a red alert signal) and contain high amounts of natural toxins like oxalic acid and probably good amounts of tannins.

For meaty meals l will have a cup of sprouted sesame seeds and often mix it with other sprouted seeds like chia (so sometimes a cup of seeds and sometimes more, but sometimes less), l don’t overload on fat because most of it is broken down into fatty acids. l also might have a 1.5 cups of lentil sprouts along with 1.5 cups of sprouted millet. That’s the two meaty meals for most days – the legume sprouts (sometimes with sprouted grains added) and always the sprouted seed meals (could be sprouted chia, sunflower and sesame). l will also have sprouted nuts during the cold season and sometimes even have 3 – 4 day old fermented nuts that are unsprouted, but this is not as good. So basically two main meals a day, one of seeds and the other of legumes and/or sprouted non gluten grains (nearly always millet), but sometimes l will substitute a sprouted seed meal for a nut meal. l always have sea vegetables before a main meal once per day (5 - 6 days per week) and also have algaes each day. Never will l have any vegetables, and l try to minimize fruit – vegetables are not real food and fruit is largely not real food either because we are not growing it ourselves. Nuts and seeds aren’t good foods either because they are concentrated, are high in fat and have natural toxins, but at least we can do something about it, that’s why l sprout them or ferment them. But be careful of nuts, they can be deceptive because the fat goes rancid quite quickly and they become hard to sprout after a few months….many shop bought nuts is a risk for this reason and also many are pasteurized.

From what l gather from a secret source, large Australian supermarket chain fruits and vegetables and sprouts are now irradiated so they have a longer shelf life. Shhh, we aren’t supposed to know that.

On this type of diet you need to do weight resistance exercises to keep the body from getting too thin. At this current time l have neglected my exercise because l am spending much time researching, taking notes and writing, but at least l know what to do to build the body back up to what it needs to be. Here is a good article on low calorie diets and the flawed calorie theory: do a diet well and a low calorie diet can be done, but most raw vegan diets are so poorly done that most people will not do well if they try low calorie diets like in the link below.

No hunger on this diet…one can coast along fine. But never take for granted that you will be this way forever, and never talk too much about how good the lifestyle is, and NEVER become an internet celebrity…because if you do these things you risk crashing and failing because you will be up against the negative dark forces, and they always win. Best to keep to yourself and share some information as ideas…don’t become the central focus!!!’s not about you, it’s about sharing ideas. I don’t even like writing about the raw diet on the internet, but l must share ideas, even if it is at my expense. So many want to become internet celebrities but l don’t think that is such an idea. Shun the limelight, don’t show your face, stay anonymous….just share ideas and let people make their own minds up and see if your ideas work for them.

I could write lots and lots more about all of this, but all l want to do is share ideas. Mankind doesn’t know enough to be an authority on anything, and certainly not diet. The main objective of writing this was to get people thinking about proper food processing (fermenting and sprouting) of un-natural foods and for people to think about FRESH potent foods – that’s what l am all about promoting. I’ve only scratched the scratch on trying to understand foods and have a long way to go, but at least l am trying to use a common sense approach to diet in an age of un-natural living. It’s a start.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2013 11:40PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Date: June 30, 2013 12:56AM

Just one little thing l mentioned about breatharianism. People may ask `where is the documented history of all this stuff'? My answer is simply this. Before the 1700's very very few people could read or write, and the majority who did learn to read and write were the rulers, and very few of the commoners had this skill. So...the rulers always recorded history from their perspective and kept the secrets of our true inner powers secret from the common man. The commoners which discovered our true powers and recorded it had their texts destroyed by book burnings etc. l know we are capable of doing so much, but there is so little information on this, and l think this is for a very good reason. The powerful people control the flow of information these days by the media and the education system (both are misinformation sources and serve to dumb the population down with nonsense), and the reading and writing system has been our downfall because it ties us into a manmade system of illusion.

We also need to be careful of raw food leaders with big names who sell lots of packaged products. They are perfect tools for the elite (for eg Monsanto) to manipulate as puppets. l can't conclude anything specific, but be careful of fashionable raw food diets with great salesmen. Good luck trying to source where all this packaged food is supposed to come from. The bottom line is, try to know where all your food is coming from.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Date: June 30, 2013 02:15AM

Another important thing to do is to buy nuts from small local farms and become friends with those people and learn all about the layout of the farm. The nut industry is a dodgy old business - lots of big secret nut farms around who have management as a barrier, and many nuts are irradiated or cooked so they don't mold so quickly, so you can never trust nuts you buy from a shop.

One of the best things to do is look out for fruit trees growing in people's yards. When you see nice ripe fruit you knock on that person's door and offer them money for a bucket of fruit. Many will say you can have it for free because they never eat all the fruit, and many don't eat any of it (most are SAD eaters). Make this a yearly event and do the rounds of a different house each week and they will get to know you. Pick a bucket of ripe fruit each week during the summer months and live on a high fruit and green diet for a short time. Also find people who grow nut trees in their back yards.

Also go to farmers markets. Avoid the fruit and vegetables because those are usually rubbish, but look out for the nuts during the cold months and do a special deal from the farmer who grew them. Buy in bulk and use for sprouting. They may be shelled or roasted nuts at the market, but get the farmer's contact and arrange to buy raw nuts. Let them clearly know you only buy raw nuts in bulk.

l like to spend three weeks during summer living on a high blue-green diet of freshly picked blue berries, blue-green algae and green juices. lt's always a fun time. 1.5 kg of blueberries a day and some seed sprouts and green sprout juices with blue green algae. It's expensive buying and travelling to get the weekly blue berry haul, but it's a real hoot. Easy times too - not many sprouts to look after because summer time dramatically eases the workload (smaller rotation and growing times), so you only spend 30 minutes a day doing them during the blue berry feast times. How many can say they live on blue foods.

To be a sproutarian or person who lives on fresh foods you need to travel and do your homework over a long period of time. Getting set up right takes years to perfect. Getting a proper sprouting set up also takes a very long time to perfect - dozens of jars to buy, hundreds of trays to buy, compost systems to buy, MANY shelves to build, special water pumps for stubborn legumes and nuts and for spraying soil greens, special outdoor filter systems, water energisers, gauze wire covers, rubber bands, sprouting trays, colinders and big bowls, a special made sprout heater etc. The biggest thing is finding all the seed sources and locating special little farms and backyards for fruit and nuts. Easy to get blown out at first, so take your time getting everything right...maybe take a few years.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2013 02:26AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: June 30, 2013 01:01PM

Wow, you like teaching! You should get one of those things that you speak into and then it types out what you say online, then you could write an ebook.

I ended up throwing away the carrot tops - over the balcony to the deer - because I remembered that they're sprayed with chlorinated/fluoridated city water, so even when we buy organic fruits and vegetables, they usually have chemicals on them.

I don't really see any nuts at farmer's markets - only local chestnuts in the grocery stores. I just went to the farmer's market yesterday and got some stuff, but I feel like the farmers probably spray their crops with chemicals, so I figure I'll get organic at the HFS instead.

What do you mean by this statement?

"Sprouted baby carrot tops (sprouted carrots) is excellent. l would sprout as many carrot tops as you can and just eat them."

Do you sprout carrot seeds and eat the sprouts?

I just couldn't bring myself to eat sprouted grains because I feel like they're not good for us. I'm gluten intolerant and sprouted quinoa makes my stomach hurt, but I'll have to try amaranth and millet again.

One of my big problems is my weight. I weigh 85 now and have gotten down to 75 on 100% raw vegan. I'm 5 feet tall - I used to be 5'1", but I shrunk sad smiley

Yes, You Are Getting Shorter


If I ate what you do, I'd weigh 75. I'll have to check out the weight resistant exercises you mentioned. How tall are you and how much do you weigh, if you don't mind my asking.

I don't want to go to my neighbors and ask them for their fruit because I don't like getting too involved with neighbors - it can lead to problems down the road, then you're stuck with them for neighbors sad smiley

I also love blueberries. Where I grew up, we called them huckleberries. Then in NJ we would go to a pick-your-own farm and now I get them at Whole Foods. I also love the yellow Rainier cherries, but they're very expensive.

Anyway, it's amazing how you've gotten yourself set up to make and eat and juice all those sprouts and 'weeds'. Since you've been on the board, I'm defintely eating more sprouts and wild edibles every day - violet leaves, clover flowers, lemon clover, plantain and dandelion.

Here's Lemon Clover - it's my favorite.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2013 01:06PM by KidRaw.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Posted by: lisa m ()
Date: June 30, 2013 08:40PM

this is fascinating info, thanks Sproutarian Man.

I have a question please! what do you think of the way some people avoid having to juice, by blending greens with a vitamix then straining through a nut milk bag? Is this just as optimal a way of getting juice?

oh, and another grinning smiley - do you ever ferment your greens using kefir or kombucha? I do this with most of my fermented drinks.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Date: June 30, 2013 10:48PM

KidRaw Wrote:
> Wow, you like teaching!

l do indeed. The thing is, much of this is not my information, it is information given to me from the higher powers and they ask me to pass it on to people. It's not about me, l am just a vessle of the higher cosmic powers - they guide me all the time. l try not to think (that's low level stuff), l just access information exactly how Viktoras Kulvinskas did when he wrote the amazing book `survival into the 21st century'. l live mainly in the spiritual and less in the physical. We don't know just how powerful we are as people, that's why l say mankind is sick...if people only knew what we are capable of they would be living very differently. Manmade information is the curse which will keep us prisoners here on Earth until we do develop cosmic consciousness, but unfortunately most of us will stay trapped for a very long time - the system has been carefully set up by the dark forces so only the most connected pass the tests and get a get-out-jail-card to explore the universe and the amazing beings in it. We probably only see 1% of what is really here on is completely different to how we see the physical illusion. Most things we see is not real, and believing what we see puts us in a false reality, that's why we are sick...the dark forces have made it this way.

We can travel faster than light and travel all throughout the universe, we have that power. l've been told l can't talk anymore about this...certainly can't talk about it when living on this world. l'd love to go on and on about it, but it would be pointless. You won't find stuff like this in books, and for a very good reason - people are not meant to know until they are ready. People need to get their house in order before the information from the `big boys' is given, until then the gates will remain shut and humans will remain completely oblivious to the real universe and goings on in this world. That's the is going to tell you stuff because it doesn't work that way.

There is lots of writings on the internet about Astral travelling, but be careful, it is a carefully planned trap top keep us from rising to our true heights. The astral world must be avoided at all costs, and going for rides in UFO's with aliens must be avoided - they are distractions from what really can be. Most fall into these traps and think they have reached to pinacle of their spiritualism, but they are in quicksand. Always avoid the Astral worlds and all it's glory...that's our hardest test, trying to resist the glitz and glamour of the higher level Astral worlds. That's where the mighty Monks and many other evolved folk fall down flat on their faces.

l will get back to the other stuff later.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2013 11:01PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Date: July 01, 2013 01:01AM

The problem with the astral world is that there are many levels where the beings in them are not so good...many are full is mischief and out to cause trouble, and many will take on another form such as an angel or loved one and make you think you are getting messages from enlightened beings, BUT there are special ways you can call their deception and vanish them. Many folks getting messages from `so called' enlightened beings and aliens but end up being wrong, this is because these beings are really low level astral entities disguised as highly enlightened beings, but we can deal with them each and everytime and put them in their place so they are no threat to slowing down our true enlightenment.

Other common deceptions are those people who claim they can channel your loved ones. They are being deceived because they are actually chanelling a low level astral entity who is playing the role of our loved one. The imposter can get to know the loved one and will make himself that loved one for that chaneller.

We see these `so called' divine things and many think they are doing good things in the Astral world, but these imposters are in the world's only slightly higher than this one, so people come across low level imposters who imitate higher level beings. It all seems like magic to us and we follow their lead, only to come to dead ends. But there are ways to sort out the tricksters from the good beings.

l am rambling again. l always get carried away with spiritual matters. l better get back to topic. Still, l am glad l brought up this important conversation, it is pure gold!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2013 01:05AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: July 01, 2013 02:05AM

The Sproutarian Man Wrote:

> We see these `so called' divine things and many
> think they are doing good things in the Astral
> world, but these imposters are in the world's only
> slightly higher than this one

Yeah, we're probably the lowest of the low on the Astral Plane sad smiley

I just saw this on the MSN homepage -

Astral Trips: Out of Body & Out of This World

Mad Science: Astral Projection on MSN Video


Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Posted by: lisa m ()
Date: July 01, 2013 08:51AM

ok, LOVING this thread!

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Posted by: adrian ()
Date: July 01, 2013 12:42PM

i am loving this thread too!

sproutain man, i wondered your thoughts on this, partly related to spiritual matters, and that is... our capacity for regeneration, to turn back time in our body, have our dna or whatever other components play a part in this, bring us back in time to a younger body, or some area of the body healed to a younger state.

i say related to spiritual matters because i think this type of thing if it can occur has to be done in attaining higher levels of being, but maybe doesn't have to be at enlightenment stage. raw diet of course is foundational. so, how much is possible to do think. i have specific interest in this, not just as anti-aging, but to heal/regenerate some bone loss that occured in my face years ago. i'd love to have the bone structure back that i had before. thanks for your insights. anyone else as well, if have info/thoughts i'd like to know too.

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: July 02, 2013 05:26PM

One person's astral entity incarnate spirits are another's 'spirit guides'. How do we or you know where the information is coming from? Maybe it's from our guardian angel or our higher self? Or are we tapping into another plane or dimension? When something 'pops into our head', is that intuition or super consciousness or the spirit world?


"With intuition we designate the instinctive and unconscious knowing without deduction or reasoning. Intuition is receiving input and ideas without knowing exactly how and where you got them from. You simply know it is not from yourself. Like creativity, intuitive inspiration often happens when someone virtually «fuses» in an activity, when one is highly focused on the respective activity in a state of joy and fulfilment. Intuition can be trained and in its highest level leads into a conscious contact with non-incarnated beings, a process usually called channelling."

Re: Questions for The Sproutarian Man
Date: July 03, 2013 11:28PM

l'll get back to this thread when l can allocate the time to give proper thought out answers.

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