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This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: rawdev ()
Date: November 12, 2006 02:13AM

I absolutely don't practice, advocate or conduce these action, but
What would you eat if you went back to the SAD way of eating?

There's so much junk food out there, it's "quite frankly" scary!!!

What I'm getting to is in the years I've been vegetarian/vegan/raw I personally believe
that something like an organic range free turkey would be better than a soy turkey or tofu turkey.
Because Tofu, Rice or Soy or other vegan foods are heavily processed and we all (at least I think you all know).

Now hear me out!

Just look back at the beginning of time, what was there to eat? hmmmmmm....lets see.....
Fruit, veggies, bugs, nuts, mushrooms, and (I apologize for this) animals.
There wasn't Tofu, Soy, rice milk, or bread (there's lots of vegan food that is
proclaimed healthy).

Again, I would never hurt or eat another animal in my lifetime but
It makes me wonder what I'd eat if was SAD again.

What would do?

What about just SAD food in general? If you went back to SAD would
you eat/drink diet pop or regular pop? Would you use fat-free or
regular dressing? I think/believe all the regular stuff is
better than the diet or fat-free stuff.

I've always had different questions or ideas than the normal everyday questions,
so I again I apologize if I seem crazy or trying to push someone's buttons,
I just like to read, hear, see and learn from others opinions.
Maybe I'll just quit posting and become a "read and not write person"
on here...

Why Vegan?
Because I have the most love and admiration for all animals of the earth!!!
a rawvegan hopeful, rawdev4life!!!

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: November 12, 2006 02:28AM

It seems to me that you have fallen prey to the soy bashers. Processed soy has pros and cons, like turkey does. Both are neither health foods nor deadly poison but something in between.

But vegans, even when they aren't trying to be ecological, generally have lower impact.

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: rawdev ()
Date: November 12, 2006 02:38AM

Yeah, maybes it's that I've haven't eaten much or know/read much on soy or tofu and
they seem more harmful than helpful...

Why Vegan?
Because I have the most love and admiration for all animals of the earth!!!
a rawvegan hopeful, rawdev4life!!!

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: sodoffsocks ()
Date: November 12, 2006 03:13AM

I've considered the what if I can't eat raw thing. I was offered the chance of a job in China, but, due to hepatitis in the soil nobody will eat raw produce, some people won't eat food unless it is served to them roasting hot. This put me off following up on the offer.

I would want to prepare most of my food from scratch, simple dishes. No sodas, no candies (unless I make them), NO CORN SYRIP!, no meat/animals/fish/birds/etc, no dairy, not sure about tofu, no artifical colorings, avoid anything that appears to have been heavily processed, etc.. But, anything that I could eat raw, I would eat raw.


Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: Funky Rob ()
Date: November 13, 2006 10:15AM

Hey Rawdev

I completly see what you are getting at and I agree! Low fat/diet equivelants are probably much worse than their regular equivenlants, especially "sugar free" stuff which has nasty chemical artificial sweetners.


Rob Hull - Funky Raw
My blog: []

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: davidzanemason ()
Date: November 13, 2006 03:07PM

My opinion / thoughts:

-I think people should always choose what THEY think are the highest foods and make a plan to eat those. I don't think there is any 'going back'...or at least there shouldn't be! Ha! ha! Not in that personal process. If their path includes Soda or Chips....or anything long as it's a conscious choice and not some unconscious compulsion....then they have my full support. 100%

-David Z. Mason

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: Yogamama ()
Date: November 13, 2006 03:40PM

I would go back to the way I was before raw.....lots of brown rice, beans, grains, nuts, raw dairy (still do that) and as much fresh/raw organic fruits and veggies. And definitely no soy. I used to eat it all the time and it really screwed me up for a while.

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: mtnkathy ()
Date: November 13, 2006 04:06PM

Chickens and Turkeys don't have kidneys so they can't filter their blood. Acids waste products from their lives build up, and we eat it! We become more acidic by eating poultry!

I DID go off a mostly raw diet during the holidays last year! It was awful. I started eating lots of fast food, chips, pizza, toast and tter, 6 - 8 cups of hot tea per day, doughnuts and other sweet and fatty pastries. That was all I wanted. Couldn't make myself eat anything fresh like salad or fruit. It all had to be cooked or processed! My urine ph was a 5 consistently!!!

I felt great for about 5 months and then slowly all my old minor health issues returned - low energy, depression, various aches and pains, inability to sleep, etc. It got so bad that I was forced to get back with this way of life. It took an awful month to detox and be able to keep down green foods!!!!! I have finally transitioned to about 80% raw alkaline foods. I feel soooooo much better.

I refuse to tell myself that I will ever be 100% raw because it is too much for me to fathom right now. I can't imagine being without some foods just yet. Keeping the door open is helping my psyche feel at ease about what I am doing. I was miserable until I came to that perception. It may not be for everyone, but it works for me for now.

Knowing the holidays are upon us, I have prepared myself mentally. I also have plans in place for each food event (and aren't they all food events?) I go to. The idea came from Victoria Boutenko's book 12 Steps to Raw Food. I have lists of where my weaknesses are and what to do about each one - ahead of time! I should never be caught unprepared this year.

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: rawdev ()
Date: November 13, 2006 10:54PM

I can see how we've evolved and everything but I still
believe Soy, Rice, Tofu are worse for us than say eating
tons of nuts.
I usually eat in a balance (I don't favor fruits/greens/fats).
I, for over a year I cut out fats all together and that caused me with a plethora of
It's like the "Honey vs. Agave",
I use to think that agave was tons better than honey but
but now if I were to eat/use one I'd probably go with honey.

I don't eat or use either, if anything I'd use dates.

Why Vegan?
Because I have the most love and admiration for all animals of the earth!!!
a rawvegan hopeful, rawdev4life!!!

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: Elphaba ()
Date: November 14, 2006 10:49AM

If I was not raw, I know exactly what I would be eating...

Barilla PLUS Rotini or Angel Hair with olive oil, garlic, and Parmesan cheese. I have tried the squash spaghetti and, in my opinion, it just does not compare to the real thing.

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: jadedshade ()
Date: November 14, 2006 10:53AM

I tend to avoid a lot of inflammitory foods like rice, soy etc. I do love my Brown Rice Miso, Shoyu and Tamari though, but moderation is the key in my opinion.
I never was fond of Tofu due to the very high fat content.

I completely avoid honey because it is an unbalanced sugar, I use organic maple syrup instead, it might be evaporated but again I use it in moderation, personally i just find it works better for me than honey, plus I make the master cleanse drink for breakfast sometimes and it feels good.

I think if I went back to a SAD diet even for one day I would throw up big time. I remember when I was a vegetarian and someone cooked me a veggie burger in the same oil as the meat, horrible stomach cramps ensued.

There is no way I could go back, because my mentallity has shifted, I regard a lot of the foods I eat in the past as poison now.

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: arugula ()
Date: November 14, 2006 03:29PM

>Chickens and Turkeys don't have kidneys

Yes, they do.

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: vegan john ()
Date: November 14, 2006 04:31PM

I guess it depends what your diet was before going raw / high raw etc.

Some people come straight from a 'junk food meat-based diet' to raw ... wow what a swift change that must be. Such a shock to the system and the mind!

Mine was far more gradual and just flowed at its own speed. I was 3 yrs vegetarian (I loved that shift and never would like to eat meat / fish again), before naturally just wanting to go vegan. Being vegan felt so right ... as if I had come home ... and I just love being vegan.

I kept improving my diet year by year until it became a very 'healthy' organic vegan diet eating quinoa and millet with cooked beans and lentils rather than vegan ready-made 'junk' food soybased products. I didn't eat soy, tofu type stuff as they are usually very heavily processed.

It was after approx 12 years cooked vegan before I went high raw at the beginning of this year.

So, in my case, if I went back ... I would eat a healthy cooked organic vegan diet without junk and try to do 50% raw at each meal. So e.g. fresh fruit at breakfast and a large green salad with main meals. I would continue with veg juices, nut and seed milks and some of the raw desserts etc. I would take the best of the raw world and keep it in my diet (as it is so lovely). In addition, I would occasionally allow myself to have some junk vegan stuff if I really, really wanted it ... a little of what you fancy does you good. As long as approx 90% of the time I was eating really healthily, my body would probably be able to handle the odd indulgence in something I wished to have.

Then I would see how I felt and how my body reacted.


Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: admin ()
Date: November 17, 2006 08:01AM

The fact is... I would never go back.

Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: alive! ()
Date: November 18, 2006 12:07AM

I don't even entertain the thought.

LIfe Is Good!


Re: This a question for the "former you"......
Posted by: ILoveJen ()
Date: November 18, 2006 01:42AM

this is a fun question..

If I were not raw, I'd probably eat a lot of bread. I'd make bread, steam rice, pita bread, veggie sandwiches with hummus and avocado, chick peas, lentils... stuff like that. I'd eat a lot of fruit, and um... I don't know, I love the food I get to eat on raw, but maybe if I wouldn't be raw I would eat things that I could eat out of convenience, you know? like if I went on a trip I would make lentils and rice and stuff..

Oh, and I'd eat burritos.

Most importantly, I looove donuts, so I would eat donuts. My favorite are the buttermilk kind and apple fritters. =)

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