Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
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Date: July 23, 2013 10:02PM Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: July 23, 2013 11:45PM Just yesterday I heard about how the human gut in general contains the highest amount of microbial life anywhere on the planet. If that is so, could a person get carnosine from this naturally occuring source of microbial fermentation? I suppose the answer is no? given that a supplement is recommended? Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: July 23, 2013 11:59PM The good news is that if we have lactic acid in the diet we can should be able to get carnosine from fermented plant foods. It is rerived from the microbial fermentation process. As i've been saying, if we don't get lactic acid, citric acid and malic we are in big trouble - most raw vegans aren't getting this.
There are also other possible tricks to get Carnosine. I am of the understanding that Carnosine from animal foods is not usable by the human body. Sprouting is good, but it is when those foods are fermented that the vegan diet really comes to it's full power for mere mortals. Good bacteria is the key to many many things, and there is good science to back it up. Keep the fiber levels to the low side of medium, ferment the living sprouted foods to get the good bacteria and to remove anti nutrients to maximum levels, and have the fermented sprouted nuts/seeds for a main meal with sea weeds and things will go smoother. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2013 12:03AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: July 24, 2013 12:31AM Carnosine is in sprouts? How would one safely ferment something? It seems like there is always something. I did a search for carnosine, and already there are critical posts by omnis about how there is yet another concern about plant based diets. How real is this? is this substance really not available to vegans? Is it really proven to be essential? or extremely beneficial? Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: July 24, 2013 02:22AM Mislu Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Carnosine is in sprouts? Unlikely. But sprouting is an important part of food processing to get the best results from fermentation for many many reasons. How would one safely > ferment something? Need to soak the grains/nuts/seeds at a temperiture between 60 - 90 degrees F (best is supposed to be 70 F) for two days. But we can do even better things than that. Eg, soak nuts for a week with daily water changing, then break the nuts up on a final day and soak in fermented wheat sprout water (Brilliant). Even try to sprout the nuts first before you do the before mentioned step. Sprout seeds for a day or two, then soak in water for two days, and then soak in fermented grain sprout water for half a day before eating. I think other great things can be done too. It seems like there is always > something. There is. The vegan diet is full of pitfalls, so great care needs to be taken. I did a search for carnosine, and > already there are critical posts by omnis about > how there is yet another concern about plant based > diets. How real is this? is this substance really > not available to vegans? It does seem available to vegans, but l still need to do much more research on this. Is it really proven to be > essential? or extremely beneficial? l think we are supposed to make it, but it declines with age. But it seems like various things can be done to overcome the problem. Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: July 24, 2013 10:33AM he also said fruit is a myth at Best of Raw and that to eating 50% oil was important. then he proceeded to charge people 500$ to do a lazy slow writhing chanting low energy dance . that doesn't seem fair and to target a demographic of people who might believe what they get told , he is well know to saying stuff both ways one time to heal and the other to make money of teaching students or selling product.
again an integrity issue yes? and when i quesioned if he know what Gycemic load was he stayed silent shocked and moved on with out agknowledgement.. acting kinda shady. life vs lifelessness Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: August 04, 2013 10:06PM This source says that the body produces carnosine on its own using carnosine synthetase. I seems like supplemental use is for special needs, or for people with a problem with this enzyme.
[] this source seems to indicate that its particular amino acids thats a limiting factor, and that boosting protein intake is probably the best way to improve carnosine levels. Is histidine and alanine really something difficult to find in vegan foods? [] Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: August 04, 2013 10:12PM what a puzzle...this article says that perhaps meat eaters don't get enough carnosine either. That 1,000 mg a day is needed to provide protection against age's... weird...
[] Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: August 07, 2013 03:05AM So in conclusion Carnosine is critical but there is no natural way to get it.
Things are naturally simpler than that. Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: August 07, 2013 09:29PM Hello again.
Here are a couple of 2008 posts on Dr. McDougal's website from Jeff Novick MS RD: "There is no evidence what so ever that l caronsine will help with anti-aging or longevity. Unfortunately, many people make statements without the evidence to support their statements. No supplement has been shown to have any proven anti-aging or longevity benefit. The only known supplement a vegan needs is B12. If you want to reduce your risk for disease, and live as long and as healthy as possible then focus your diet on unrefined unprocessed high fiber plant foods that are low in calorie density and high in nutrient density, get adequate rest, relaxation, sleep sunshine and fresh air, be active, keep your caloric intake at a range to keep your weight to the lower end of the acceptable range, have a supportive social network/family and most of all, enjoy life. In Health Jeff Novick, MS, RD" ------------------------------------------------- Also: "A few more comments... Carnosine is not considered an "essential" nutrient, or one that we must consume. The reason is, the body manufactures all the carnosine it needs from other common dietary proteins, and for this reason there is no daily requirement of this substance. While it is widely promoted and marketed as an anti-aging nutrient, there is really little if any evidence to support this. The few studies that are often referenced are of very poor quality and not reliable evidence. In Health Jeff Novick, MS, RD" Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: August 14, 2013 03:42PM Carnosine is not considered an "essential" nutrient ??
I was worried for nothing then. Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: August 14, 2013 09:37PM That is curious, as there are so many claims made about various supplements, foods, herbs or practices that are promoted as having longevity or anti-aging claims. Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: February 05, 2024 10:05PM Many years later, Dr. Mercola is on the you-must-eat-beef-or-suffer-thinnng-muscles campaign. "Eat beef for carnosine or you will be sorry!"
Mind you, I notice that he does say you can take beta alanine instead of his carnosine supplement: Another alternative is to supplement with beta-alanine, which is the rate limiting amino acid in the formation of carnosine. According to a 2021 paper,13 daily intake of beta-alanine can raise the carnosine content of skeletal muscle by as much as 80%. [] However, his articles are not available for long. Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
doghouse reilly
Date: February 07, 2024 05:16AM I've never given a single thought to carnosine in my entire life, and I've been eating a vegan diet for 30 years now. Gabriel Cousens has always seemed to fixate on some weird thing or another, I suppose either in order to make people feel dependent on his esoteric arcane knowledge, or out of a desire to resolve his own confusion. Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: February 14, 2024 04:42AM Every "old" person I have ever seen (say, over 70) and have known since they were younger, has thin legs, thinner than previously. So this is supposed to indicate loss of muscle. They have all been meat eaters all their lives. Some of them have been physically active, too.
So, what gives, if meat is supposed to keep your muscles nice and big and youthful... Re: Attention Vegetarians and Vegans: Why Dr. Cousens Believes You Need Carnosine
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2024 05:03PM I've never given a single thought to carnosine in my entire life, and I've been eating a vegan diet for 30 years now. Gabriel Cousens has always seemed to fixate on some weird thing or another, I suppose either in order to make people feel dependent on his esoteric arcane knowledge, or out of a desire to resolve his own confusion.
He is one "teacher" I don't trust. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.