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3 ways to guarantee yourself high energy throughout the day
Posted by: Luis Medrano ()
Date: October 31, 2013 11:46PM

It does not matter what you do for a living, whether you work eight hours a day, are into sports or fitness, or are a mom or dad just trying to match your child’s energy, following these three tips will ensure you have tons of energy any day you want.

Let’s get right into it.

Tip #1 Make Sure Your Previous Night’s Dinner is Eaten 2-3 Hours Before Going to Sleep

The reason you want to follow this tip is becuase digestion takes so much energy from your body. In fact, it is the one bodily process which requires the most amount of energy out of all bodily functions!

You want your body to be free of having to digest anything before going to bed. When you do, your body will maximize its recuperative efforts and its rest while you sleep. You do not want your body to have to digest food while you sleep.
On a nice empty stomach your entire body get to rest fully and heal while you sleep.

Going to bed with a full stomach is a sure fire way to wake up groggy, sluggish, and heavy as bricks the next morning. You will not feel energized at all the next morning. I know from experience because I have done this numerous times in the past. It became a cycle of me going to bed late and becuause I was going to bed late I would eat late. Being stuck in that cycle I felt drained and had low amounts of energy. It didnt matter what time I would wake up, if I went to bed the night before with food in my belly I began my day zapped and it affected the whole day.

If you follow this tip and have a quart of fresh water with lemon first thing in the morning then you will have gotten a great start to your morning. Your body will have cleansed while you slept and with the lemon water your body will cleanse even more and hydrate every cell in your body immediately.

This tip is sure to give you a great start to your high energy day first thing in the morning.

Tip #2 Stick to Fruit and/or Juices in the Morning

Anytime before noon it is ideal for you to have exclusively fruit and/or juices if you want to secure yourself loads of energy throughout your day.

The reason you want to do this is becuase fruit takes so little effort for your body to digest. It is a clean burning fuel. The last thing you want to do first thing in the morning is overburden your body with dense heavy foods that will cost your body so much energy to process. Save these meals for later in the day.
Usually in the morning is when most people want to have the most energy which is why countless people reach for the coffee when all you really need to do is have your fruit.

With fruit in the morning not only are you minimizing the effort your body expends on digestion, but at the same time you are feeding your body the fuel and nutrition it needs to fruction at its best.

If you desire to have some cooked foods in the morning, then have something light yet satisfying like oatmeal. Make some oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon with a little bit of almond milk. Add a banana or apple and you are good to go.

Regardless of which you choose, you defintely want to keep it light yet nutritive in the morning. To hydrate and give yourself optimal nutrition and natural sugar your cells run off of, then fruit and juices are your best bet to ensure that you have energy throughout your day.

One added bonus is that by having fruit/juices in the morning you give your body the best chances at cleasing itself optimally since the period between 4am and 12pm is the time of the day when your body does the most cleasing, ridding itself of toxins and waste matter. By not overburdening your body with heavy foods you allow your body to do this function at its best. Without all those toxins and with proper cleansing your body will feel light and energized.

Following this tip is a great way to set yourself up for a high energy day first thing in the morning.

Tip #3 Eat as Much Fruit and Greens You Care for Up Until Dinner Time

Examples of this are fruit by itself, whole or in smoothies, large salads, green juices, and green smoothies. The idea behind this is you want to give yourself the best possible nutrition for your body with th least amount of effort required by your body to process the foods you swollow. Fruits and greens take so little effort for your body to process yet give you the best possible nutrition. A great tradeoff indeed!

One of the best way to get your greens in are with green smoothies. With green smoothies you get greens and fruit at the same time. An example of a great green smoothie is a head of spinach blended with some bananas and water. This is just one of countless possible combinations for green smoothies. Its a fast and simple way to eat your greens. I highly recommend having atleast one green smoothie a day, usually around lunch time is a great time to have one. Just mix leafy greens of your choice with a fruit of your choice, typically bananas are easiest, and blend to perfection. A great way to get two of the best type of foods on the planet.

By the time dinner time comes around you will probably want something a little more “filling” than fruit or greens. If you just care for a large salad with homemade dressing, than by all means go for it. However, I find that having some healthy cooked foods after I have had a nice salad gives me a nice fill.
This is the best time to have your denser heavier foods. By then you should be ready to unwind a little bit and you’ll probably find that you do not need as much energy as you require during the day. Some great dinner items are potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, beans, quinoa, steamed vegetables, steamed greens like spinach or kale, and rice.

The best thing about having a healthy filling dinner is you will be setting yourself up for loads of energy for the following day.

Bonus Tip: Exercise In the Morning

This is a big one which if you do, you secure yourself a lot of energy for the day. When you exercise first thing in the morning you get your blood pumping and oxygen going to every cell in your body. With all your cells alive and dancing naturally you are going to feel very alive as well.

All you need is 10, 15, 20 minutes to complete a nice vigorous workout. Dedicate some time in the morning to complete a workout and you will guarantee a abundance of energy throughout your day.

Another benefit you get out of this is that you give yourself motivation and enthusiasm for the day becuase you feel like you have already accomplished something big by working out. When you complete a tough rewarding workout in the morning it pretty much makes everything else during the day seem like a piece of cake.

Well I hoe you have found these tips useful. Give them a try and see how they work for you. If you want to gaurantee that you have energy throughout your day do these and you will reap the benefits right away.

Till next time, peace and love

Re: 3 ways to guarantee yourself high energy throughout the day
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: November 01, 2013 12:18AM

Nice tips Luis. Thank you!

Re: 3 ways to guarantee yourself high energy throughout the day
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: November 01, 2013 12:55AM

i like the last tip the best

exercise in the morning

starts the day well

Re: 3 ways to guarantee yourself high energy throughout the day
Posted by: GenevieveParry ()
Date: November 06, 2013 12:24AM

Thanks for these tips, I appreciate it, for sure, and absolutely agree.


~Genevieve Parry~

Visit My Blog --


Re: 3 ways to guarantee yourself high energy throughout the day
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: November 06, 2013 04:42AM

Are these tips based on your own body, or have you taken 1000 people at random and had them follow these tips and had a 90% + success rate that you are able to authoritatively say these 3 tips are guaranteed to work?

Those tips are about as scientific as Doug Grahams program where he bases the success on his own body and the ever diminishing handful of people it works for - not the numerous people who have failed.

Re: 3 ways to guarantee yourself high energy throughout the day
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: November 06, 2013 09:22AM

Certain truths are self evident. You would not need to take 1000 people at random to prove that eating too much is not healthy.

Re: 3 ways to guarantee yourself high energy throughout the day
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: November 06, 2013 09:12PM

powerlifter Wrote:
> It wouldn't work for myself personally, i need
> some protein first thing to guarentee stable
> energy. Fruit and juices digest too quickly for me
> and i find they don't balance blood sugar well
> first thing in the morning.
> I prefer fruits and juices a little later in the
> day usually afternoon or when im needing a quick
> source of energy such as pre-workout.

You are the person who provide a scientific view of issues on the forum so could you tell us why after 8 hours of sleep and rest, the body would need protein beyond what fruit and juices can provide.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2014 12:18AM by Prana.

Re: 3 ways to guarantee yourself high energy throughout the day
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: November 06, 2013 10:49PM

Good points. I guess we should make a difference between those eating raw protein and those eating cooked protein.
According to Gabriel Cousens we can eat less when eating raw because the nutrients are not damaged by heat.
For those eating high protein food in the morning, when is the time not to eat beside sleeping at night? That could not be noon or dinner time?
High protein breakfast was a warm up?

I consider my optimal eating time to be at dinner time. The body has no other mental activities and can focus on digestion.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/06/2013 10:57PM by RawPracticalist.

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