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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: December 16, 2013 05:28PM

HH Wrote:
> I don't fast anymore unless my body insists that I
> do so, i.e. if and when I get sick. I used to fast
> quite a bit. In retrospect, it seemed to strain my
> body and my mind in unnecessary ways.
> Paying 11 grand plus airfare, etc. to fast in
> Costa Rica doesn't make sense to me. If I'm going
> to go to Costa Rica to spend $11K, I'm definitely
> going to enjoy the fruit. I won't be sitting in
> some room suffering through starvation. There are
> plenty of fasting clinics in the US if I ever get
> so sick that I need to do an extended, supervised
> fast.

Made me chuckle. I totally agree. smiling smiley

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: December 16, 2013 05:29PM

How did the number of views go up so dramatically? 80-10-10ers must have gotten whiff of this...winking smiley

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 16, 2013 06:11PM


As I have mentioned to you before, there is a difference between an Honest Skeptic and a Dis-Honest Skeptic and YOU have Proven over and over and over that YOU are a Dis-Honest Skeptic.

Remember, there are two kinds of Skeptics in the world…

Honest Skeptics are genuinely interested in knowing the Truth and stay cautious until they are clear about what is True.

In contrast, Dis-Honest Skeptics are NOT interested in the Truth. They are spoilers. They just like to destroy for the fun of it.

Once again, Chris, YOU are a Dis-Honest Skeptic and you have NO interest in the Truth!!!

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: powerlifter ()
Date: December 16, 2013 06:19PM

You're unbelievable John.

Dishonest you say. How much do you charge for juice fasting coaching, to dispense unqualified medical advice to patients ?. What are your qualifications to do so ?

The only person with dishonest intentions is yourself, your another who would quite happily hide the negative aspects of strict raw vegan diets. Which is what makes you as dangerous as any other quack doctor like Doug Graham, especially considering that you charge people to dispense this often pseudo-science advice.

Your quick to point out how stupid i am in nearly every post, so if someone as stupid and ignorant as myself can debunk half the tripe you post, then i wonder where you get the ego to charge people for such service.

Last im going to say on the matter, you cannot accept hearing an opinion that may be different without getting personal. I spend most of my time getting locked into petty arguements with fanatics like yourself rather than actually discussing health these days, its wasted energy and time.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2013 06:28PM by powerlifter.

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 16, 2013 06:37PM


Since Lies and Straw Man Arguments are signs of defeat, I accept your surrender. I have NEVER called you stupid and apparently, you are unfamiliar with the Socratic Irony. Why do you think I asked you whether or not you’ve heard of Einstein’s Circle of Known? I’m willing to bet that you never looked it up, which Proves, once again, that YOU are a Dis-Honest Skeptic.

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: December 16, 2013 07:09PM

Chris is nothing but. Not that the man needs any validation from me, just that he is the real deal. Healthy skepticism is an important part of a forum John. Noone need accept your sorry and manufactured characterization of facts or assertions as yet unproven.


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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 17, 2013 01:45AM

<<<Healthy skepticism is an important part of a forum John.>>>

Yes Paul, Healthy Skepticism is an important part of a forum, but Chris is a Dis-Honest Skeptic and I can Prove it to you and everyone else. I will list a series of Posts from me where I was trying to have an HONEST Discussion with Chris, but Chris REFUSED to address any of my Main Points that I actually enumerated to make it simple. I will once again challenge Chris to address these Points and he will once again, REFUSE to engage in an HONEST Debate!!!

Re: Herbert Shelton's way of FASTING
Posted by: John Rose
Date: March 17, 2013 11:27AM

Hey Chris,

To keep this simple for everyone, I’m going to Assign Numbers to my key Points.

<<<We shouldn't need to take supplements as standard though unless there is some metabolic reason that one would need too. Isn't this exactly the opposite what the raw food diet is meant to achieve by supplementation being mandatory in order to achieve a nutritionally complete diet?>>>


How many times do I have to tell you that there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and you cannot use our Needs based on the Ripple Effect to DISCOUNT our Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect and our Anatomy?

Here’s my 1st Point - there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy. For some odd reason you just cannot accept this simple fact. I challenge you do address this Point because you NEVER have and we’ve had this conversation plenty of times for you to have had the opportunity to do so and yet, you keep ignoring it!!!

Our Anatomy is that of a PLANT EATER and NOT A MEAT EATER. The fact that we have made Mistakes and created Additional Needs based on those Mistakes does NOT take away from the FACT that our Anatomy has NOT CHANGED to a point where we can Digest, Absorb and Eliminate Animal Products without further Damaging our Body and having a myriad of Warning Signs to prove it.

Here’s my 2nd Point - our Anatomy is that of a PLANT EATER. There are about a dozen Anatomical Characteristics that clearly put all animals in a specific class of eaters and we do NOT have the Anatomy, teeth, enzymes, intestinal tract, etc. to eat Animals! The whole issue is not any more complicated than that, except that we’ve Damaged our Bodies by Eating the Wrong Foods and now, we’ve created Additional Temporary Needs based on the Ripple Effect where Effects become Causes, as in the Causal Loop.

I’ve only had this conversation with you about a dozen times and it boggles my mind how someone who appears to be fairly intelligent cannot understand something as simple as Cause & Effect and the Ripple Effect. I’ve given this example to you before, but since you keep spewing the same old nonsense, it looks like I have to use it again, if not for you, at least for others who might be confused partly because of you. To make this easy on myself, I’ll just cut and paste what I have already written to you before and add my 3rd Point and my 4th Point to it in order to Pile Drive it.

<<<I already addressed your flaws in the thread>>>


You have NEVER addressed any Flaws in my Logic. NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!

All that you have done is use 1 Piece from 1 Puzzle to discount 1 Piece from another Puzzle. Don’t you understand that there are 2 Groups of Needs and you are using a Subsequent Need from the Group based on the Ripple Effect to Negate an Essential Need from the Group based on the Law of Cause & Effect?

Here’s my 3rd Point, which is the same as my 1st Point because you have NEVER addressed the fact that there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and you can’t use one Group of Needs to Negate the other Group of Needs.

Let me illustrate my point one more time…

Let’s go back to the Law of Cause & Effect and look at the first 3 of our 12 Essential Needs - Air, Water & Food.

Now let’s say that we don’t Satisfy our Need for Clean Air and as I’ve mentioned, if we don’t Satisfy any of our Essential Needs, we create an Additional Temporary Need. For example, if we Smoke Cigarettes, we may Damage our Lungs and may have an Additional Temporary Need for Pure Oxygen. Based on your Logic or Lack of Logic, this person will no longer have a Need for Clean Air because he now has this Additional Temporary Need for Pure Oxygen. This example using Clean Air and Smoking Cigarettes is exactly the same thing as Natural Food and Eating Foods we’re Not Biologically Adapted to Eat. Smoking Cigarettes and Eating Foods we’re Not Biologically Adapted to Eat can DAMAGE OUR BODY and now, we might have an Additional Temporary Need for Pure Oxygen or B12 or DHA. Our Need for Pure Oxygen or B12 or DHA does NOT mean we should Ignore the Laws of Nature and Not Breathe Clean Air or Eat Natural Food.

Here’s my 4th Point - you have NEVER acknowledged the simple Logic that once we Damage our Body with the Wrong Food or the Wrong Air, we create an Additional Temporary Need based on the Ripple Effect or the Causal Loop, in addition to our Original Essential Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect and our Anatomy, which means that we have 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy.

Once again, the Key here is if we had NEVER made any Mistakes and Satisfied all of our Essential Needs, we would Never have these 2 Additional Temporary Needs based on the Ripple Effect, just like those Norwegians who made Mistakes and ate Unnatural Food for millennia and now can no longer make any DHA or just like anyone who Smokes Cigarettes and now has a Need for Pure Oxygen.


<<<Nutrients such as Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 fatty acids are very easy to get from dietary sources, just not vegan ones unfortunately.>>>


But those Dietary Sources are coming from Foods we’re Not Biologically Adapted to Eat. Once again, 1 Group of Needs are based on our Anatomy and the other Group of Needs are based on our Mistakes and the Damage we’ve done to our Anatomy and our Environment. If we make a Mistake and are no longer able to make a Level 2 Nutrient, like DHA, we can’t keep making the same Mistake without having more Negative Feedback.

<<<Many individuals have poor conversion issues of ALA to DHA also so it is wise to intake the full form of these nutrients.>>>

Indeed, this is where the True Art of Healing comes into play because if we keep giving our body a Level 2 Nutrient that Healthy people are supposed to be able to make, our body will atrophy and we’ll NEVER be able to make it.

<<<John is very right that if following a vegan diet then B12, D and Omega 3 supplementation is essential, but its only essential because the diet doesn't provide these nutrients from food sources.>>>

Wrong, I have never said this. All 3 of these Nutrients are supposed to come from Satisfying our 1st Group of Needs. B12 is supposed to come from our Environment, but thanks to the Chemical Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, B12 has become one of those Subsequent Needs that belong to the 2nd Group of Needs we must Satisfy. Likewise, Vitamin D is also supposed to come from our Environment - the Sun, but man has moved away from his Natural Habitant and now, Vitamin D for some people has become another one of those Subsequent Needs that belong to the 2nd Group of Needs we must Satisfy. And then, DHA is a classic example where Dietary Mistakes create a Subsequent Need that belongs to the 2nd Group of Needs we must Satisfy.

As I’ve mentioned countless times in the past, the fact that we have to Supplement our Ideal Diet does NOT mean a Raw Vegan Diet is NOT our Ideal Diet - it just means that some of us might have to Modify what we are Biologically Adapted to Eat because of the Ripple Effect.

Once again, Smoking Cigarettes and Eating Foods we’re Not Biologically Adapted to Eat can DAMAGE OUR BODY and now, we might have an Additional Temporary Need for Pure Oxygen or B12 or DHA. Our Need for Pure Oxygen or B12 or DHA does NOT mean we should Ignore the Laws of Nature and Not Breathe Clean Air or Eat Natural Food.

Here’s my 5th Point - whenever we DAMAGE OUR BODY and/or OUR ENVIRONMENT we create Additional Temporary Needs that in NO way Negate our Essential Needs for Clean Air, Pure Water, Natural Foods that we are Biologically Adapted to Eat, etc. etc.

The argument that if you have to Supplement, then the Diet is Not Ideal is Not a Logical argument. That would be a Logical argument if we had Not changed the Conditions, but the Conditions have changed and now, we have 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy. The 1st Group of Needs is based on the Law of Cause & Effect, which has to do with our Anatomy and our Environment and the 2nd Group of Needs is based on the Ripple Effect, which has to do with the Damage we’ve done to our Body and our Environment.

Now let’s recap my Main Points and let’s see if you can address those Points.

Point #1 - there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and I challenge you do address this Point because you NEVER have!!!

Point #2 - our Anatomy is that of a PLANT EATER and NOT A MEAT EATER.

Point #3 - there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and you can’t use one Group of Needs to Negate the other Group of Needs.

Point #4 - you have NEVER acknowledged the simple Logic that once we Damage our Body with the Wrong Food or the Wrong Air, we create an Additional Temporary Need based on the Ripple Effect or the Causal Loop, in addition to our Original Essential Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect and our Anatomy, which means that we have 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy.

Point #5 - whenever we DAMAGE OUR BODY and/or OUR ENVIRONMENT we create Additional Temporary Needs that in NO way Negate our Essential Needs for Clean Air, Pure Water, Natural Foods that we are Biologically Adapted to Eat, etc. etc.

"If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time--a tremendous whack.” -Winston Churchill

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Herbert Shelton's way of FASTING
Posted by: John Rose
Date: March 17, 2013 02:08PM


We have 2 Groups of Needs and we are NOT Biologically Adapted to Eat Animals.


In one sentence you say that “a physiological or metabolic need for supplementation is a different story” and then, in the very next sentence you include those very physiological or metabolic needs (based on a Damaged Body and a Damaged Environment) as a reason why a Raw Food Diet is lacking. You keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again and since you don’t live a Raw Food Lifestyle and since you don’t encourage others to live this way, which is the whole purpose of this Website, you’re beginning to make me think that you might even be an Internet Shill - [] .

In many ways Chris, you remind me of something Francois De La Rochefoucauld once said, “No man is clever enough to know all the evil he does.”

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Herbert Shelton's way of FASTING
Posted by: John Rose
Date: March 17, 2013 03:51PM

Hey Chris,


<<<Shill lol you make me laugh John. Ill add that to the list of names you have called me and others on this forum, who simply disagree with your views.>>>

No wonder I can’t get through to you. Your comprehension skills leave much to be desired. I NEVER called you a Shill - I only said and I’ll quote exactly what I said, “you’re beginning to make me think that you might even be an Internet Shill.” The fact that you can extrapolate what I said into calling you a Shill explains why you can’t seem to add 2 + 2 and actually reinforces my belief that you may indeed have an ulterior motive for being on a Website that Promotes a Way of Life that you do NOT follow or believe in.

As far as that list of names you claimed I called you, I’d love to see it. The only time I’ve actually called you a name is where I wrote, “Chris, you are either monumentally naïve or extremely Evil and I’m still not sure which one it is, although, I too was extremely naïve when I was your age.”

Once again, you don’t live a Raw Food Lifestyle and you don’t encourage others to live this way, which is the whole purpose of this Website.

Indeed, it seems that you are afraid to have an honest discussion because I have gone out of my way to make this simple.

Once again, I challenge you do ADDRESS ANY OF MY POINTS!!!

Peace and Love..........John

Re: Herbert Shelton's way of FASTING
Posted by: John Rose
Date: March 17, 2013 08:08PM


As soon as you address the Points I made above, which are the exact same Points that I’ve been making ever since we start discussing this a long time ago, I’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions. In fact, I have always answered all of your questions in the past, but since you have NEVER addressed the Logic behind the Points I have made, I will treat your questions in the same way that you have been treating my questions and that’s by ignoring them. However, I will not stoop to your level by twisting what you say and claim that you’re calling me names and then start whining because I’m not making any sense.

So if you want to proceed from here, I do have one stipulation and that is that your answers have to make sense. Please don’t do what you did above where in one sentence you say that “a physiological or metabolic need for supplementation is a different story” and then, in the very next sentence you include those very physiological or metabolic needs as a reason why a Raw Food Diet is lacking and then, you turn around and act like as if you’ve addressed my Point. This shows a complete Lack of Logic and if you are genuine and sincere and truly want to have an honest discussion, Logic must dictate, otherwise, it’s a waste of my time.

Once again, here is a recap of my Main Points - the same Points I’ve made since Day 1 and let’s see if you can address those Points, but this time you have to make sense.

Point #1 - there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and I challenge you do address this Point because you NEVER have!!!

Point #2 - our Anatomy is that of a PLANT EATER and NOT A MEAT EATER.

Point #3 - there are 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy and you can’t use one Group of Needs to Negate the other Group of Needs.

Point #4 - you have NEVER acknowledged the simple Logic that once we Damage our Body with the Wrong Food or the Wrong Air, we create an Additional Temporary Need based on the Ripple Effect or the Causal Loop, in addition to our Original Essential Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect and our Anatomy, which means that we have 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy.

Point #5 - whenever we DAMAGE OUR BODY and/or OUR ENVIRONMENT we create Additional Temporary Needs that in NO way Negate our Essential Needs for Clean Air, Pure Water, Natural Foods that we are Biologically Adapted to Eat, etc. etc.

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 17, 2013 03:10AM

Hey Mado, thanks for stroking my ego - right back at ya!

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: anon101 ()
Date: December 17, 2013 10:00AM

I think John Rose makes a lot of sense. I'm very inclined to agree with his views.

Of course that doesn't mean I'm against anyone else personally.

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 17, 2013 01:21PM

<<<All of these points have been debated hundreds of times on the forum between us, anyone can check the links you've quoted and you'll see my and others responses to your frankly often weak arguements.>>>


You have NEVER responded to the POINTS I have brought up - NEVER!!! You claim you have - SHOW ME!!!

<<<Ripple effects, law of cause and effect, temporary needs, level 2 nutrients, the science and art of healing(which looks to just be stolen from herbert sheltons book on fasting with a minor word change). Do you just make this stuff up as your going along because you think it sounds good ?>>>

Yes, Herbert Shelton used the terms Science and Art, but so do a lot of people. As far as the Law of Cause & Effect and the Ripple Effect, this is the Piece of the Puzzle that you and Natural Hygienists are missing. As far as a lot of the other terms I use, YES, I coined them based on my Version of doing a comparative analysis on everyone I have studied for the last 23 years. Yes, it’s my Version and I think it’s the best one out there since it’s partially based on everyone else.

Once again, YOU DID NOT ADDRESS ANY OF MY POINTS, except to say that you have and once again, SHOW ME!!!

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: December 17, 2013 04:16PM

The burden of proof isn't on him, sport, it's on you. He who asserts must prove. You asserted, so you prove.


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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: December 17, 2013 04:33PM


Provide peer reviewed scientific prospective cohort trials or randomized clinical trials showing the value and human need for biophotons. Studies done on humans with or without loadings. Also please provide food stuff and life style factors the produce these and link them to disease states or anti-aging benefits. Be specific on outcomes which should be final outcomes (mordibity and mortality). This should be interesting. It's akin to what Gary Fraser or Michael Greger do daily. And I am looking forward to your next report.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2013 04:36PM by pborst.

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 17, 2013 06:17PM

<<<Provide peer reviewed scientific prospective cohort trials or randomized clinical trials showing the value and human need for biophotons.>>>

Hey Paul,

I do NOT put any faith in “Peer Reviewed Articles” and nor should you are anyone else.

"Trust Us We're Experts!"
by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber

“The idea that all scientific experiments are replicated to keep the process honest is also something of a myth. In reality, the number of findings from one scientist that get checked by others is quite small. Most scientists are too busy, research funds are too limited, and the pressure to produce new work is too great for this type of review to occur very often. What occurs instead is a system of “peer review,” in which panels of experts are convened to pass judgment on the work of other researchers. Peer review is used mainly in two situations: during the grant approval process to decide which research should get funding, and after the research has been completed to determine whether the results should be accepted for publication in a scientific journal.

Like the myth of the scientific method, peer review is also a fairly new phenomenon. ...As government support for science increased, it became necessary to develop a formal system for deciding which projects should receive funding.

In some ways, the system of peer review functions like the antithesis of the scientific method described above. Whereas the scientific method assumes that “experiment is supreme” and purports to eliminate bias, peer review deliberately imposes the bias of peer reviewers on the scientific process, both before and after experiments are conducted. ...peer review can also institutionalize conflicts of interest and a certain amount of dogmatism.” "Trust Us We're Experts!" p. 198

“’The problem with peer review is that we have good evidence on its deficiencies and poor evidence on its benefits,’ the British Medical Journal observed in 1997. ‘We know that it is expensive, slow, prone to bias, open to abuse, possibly anti-innovatory, and unable to detect fraud. We also know that the published papers that emerge from the process are often grossly deficient.’

In theory, the process of peer review offers protection against scientific errors and bias. In reality, it has proven incapable of filtering out the influence of government and corporate funders, whose biases often affect research outcomes.” "Trust Us We're Experts!" p. 199

<<<Also please provide food stuff and life style factors the produce these and link them to disease states or anti-aging benefits. Be specific on outcomes which should be final outcomes (mordibity and mortality) . This should be interesting.>>>

Here are a couple of links for you and there are many links within those…

Sources and functions of ultra-weak photon emission

Albert Einstein
This work aims to elucidate if UPE has been used as a way to communicate between organisms. To understand this and create an appropriate model, UPE have been studied in various ways. The different possible sources of UPE are ROS and DNA; both were investigated in different manners. Since ROS can be created by the respiratory chain, human subjects were studied during sport activities. To analyse the relationship between mitosis, gene activity and UPE, the model organism E.coli was measured with different genes activated. Finally to see if bio-communication between cells is possible, we reduced the cell mitosis rate of an inducer colony and observed a diminishing effect on a detector culture growing under normal conditions. The conclusions of this work lead to the fact that UPE-based communication is exists and a theoretical model was proposed to explain the phenomena.
Keywords: Ultra-weak photon emission, biocommunication, ROS, DNA, E.coli, respiratory chain.
Student number: 2006-23649
1. Introduction 10
1.1 Ultra-weak photon emission in the last 80 years 10
1.2 Light and life: an amazing relationship 14
1.3 ROS and DNA: the two sources of ultra-weak photon emission 17
1.4 Aim of the research 19
1.5 Experiments 20
1.5.1 Sport activities and ultra-weak photon emission 20
1.5.2 Genes and ultra-weak photon emission 20
1.5.3 Biocommunication via ultra-weak photon emission 21
2. Material and Methods 26
2.1 Sport activities and ultra-weak photon emission 26
2.2 Genes and ultra-weak photon emission 26
2.3 Biocommunication via ultra-weak photon emission 28
3. Results 32
3.1 Sport activities and ultra-weak photon emission 32
3.2 Genes and ultra-weak photon emission 34
3.3 Biocommunication via ultra-weak photon emission 37
4. Discussion 44
4.1 Discussion about the sports activities and the ultra-weak photon emission 44
4.2 Discussion about the genes and ultra-weak photon emission 45
4.3 Discussion about the biocommunication via ultra-weak photon emission 45
4.4 Discussion about the sources of ultra-weak photon emission 46
4.5 A new model for optical biocommunication: Metabolic photo-communication 47
4.5.1 The emitters 48
4.5.2 The photo-information 49
4.5.3 The receivers 51
4.5.4 Theoretical outcomes about the metabolic photo- communication 53
4.6 Biocommunication and evolution 64
5. Summary and conclusions 66
6. References 67


Recent Advances in Biophoton Research and Its Applications
By Fritz Albert Popp

Recent Advances in Biophoton Research and its Applications
Ed: F.A.Popp, K.H.Li and Q.Gu

Preface v
Authors' Addresses viii

1. Some Essential Questions of Biophoton Research and
Probable Answers
Fritz-Albert Popp 1
2. Hyperbolic Relaxation as a Sufficient Condition of a
Fully Coherent Ergodic Field
F.A.Popp and K.H.Li 47
3. Quantum Theory-of Biophoton Emission
Q.Gu . 59
4. Coherence in Physics and Biology
K.H.Li 113
5. Coherent Radiation from DNA Molecules
K.H.Li 157
6. Technical Notes to Biophoton Emission
C.Mieg, W.P.Mei and F.A.Popp 197
7. Spontaneous and Light-induced Photon Emission
By Rat Hepatocytes and by Hepatoma Cells
R.Van Wijk and H.Van Aken 207
8 Biophoton Re-emission Studies in Carcinogenic Mouse Melanoma Cells
H.J.Niggli 231
8 Ultraweak Photon Emission from Synchronized Yeast
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a Function of the Cell Division Cycle
Wei-ping Mei 243
10 Ultraweak Luminescence Studies of Microsporogenesis in Larch
B.W.Chwirot 259
11 Light Emission and Rescattering in Synchronously Developing
Populations of Early Drosophila Embryos
M.W.Ho, X.Xu, S.Ross and P.T.Saunders 287
12 Experimental Evidence on Ultraweak Photon Emission from
Normal and Tumour Human Tissues
F.Musumeci, A.Triglia and F.Grasso 307
13 Time Behaviour of Delayed Luminescence in
Acetabularia acetabulum
F.Musumeci, M.Godlewski, F.A.Popp and M.W.Ho 327
14 Population Density-dependence of Biophoton Emission f
From Daphnia
M.Galle 345
15 Some Remarks on Biological Consequences of a Coherent
Biophoton Field
F.A.Popp 357
16 Non-linear Optical Properties of Delayed Luminescence from Cress Seeds
R.Neurohr 375
17 Biophoton Measurements as a Supplement to the Conventional
Consideration of Food Quality
K.Lambing 393
18 Biophoton Emission as an Indicator of "Biological Quality"
F.Rohner 415
19 Coherence and Some Quantum Paradoxes
K.H.Li and F.A.Popp 421
20 Bioluminescence as a Signature for Dark Matter Reactions
K.Zioutas 439
21 Evolution as the Expansion of Coherent States
F.A.Popp 445
22 Mitogenetic Radiation as an Evidence of Nonequilibrium
Propertiies of Living Matter
A.A.Gurvich 457
23 Can the Vitalistic Entelechia Principle be a Working Instrument?
M.Lipkind 469

Remember, Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp has been researching this for almost 40 years and he claims that the healthiest people have the highest amount of bio-photon emission, while the people who are the sickest have the lowest amount.

I’ve posted this before, but it is worth posting it again…

“Dr. Popp, in a 1984 paper called, “Bio-Photon Emissions: New Evidence for Coherence in DNA,” points out the existence of bio-photons and the energetic phenomena of ultra-weak photon emissions from living systems. Because of the principle of coherence, these bio-photon emissions are very, very weak. With cancer cells it is just the opposite because the cancer cells are no longer in coherent communication with all the other cells - the result being that the bio-photon emission of a cancer cell is greatly enhanced, and therefore pathological. Dr. Popp was able to measure this bio-photon emission with a device he created and called a “bio-photon meter.” He found that 97 percent of the DNA was associated with bio-photon transmission, and only 3 percent was associated with genetic information. These ultra-weak photon emissions from living cells are different than the phenomena of bio-illuminescence, which has to do with aura. It also fits into the model of the importance of the spiritual food, or manna (the manna given to the people in the Exodus in Genesis is linked with the monatomic element iridium [see Chapter 22]) which seems to increase the electron energy of the superconductor ability of a great deal of the “junk DNA,” meaning the DNA which is not used for genetic information. What Dr. Popp found was that the healthiest people have the highest amount of bio-photon emission, while the people who are the sickest have the lowest amount. In other words, as we give off light we are in a sense communicating with each other and within and between all of our cells. When people are sick, the light fades and the amount of coherent communication diminishes. Dr. Popp and his research seem to support this finding.” pp. 163-164

Another thing to understand is that live food has the highest amount of biophoton energy. …Live food has the most amount of biophoton energy. People who eat live foods, in some studies in Germany, it shows that a junk food eater has about 1,000 units of biophoton energy, a new born baby is 43,000, a kind of organic vegetarian is 23,000, a live food person is 83,000 and then one person that is fasting and wild herbs and they turn out to be about 114,000. …

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 17, 2013 07:34PM

anon101 wrote:

<<<I think John Rose makes a lot of sense. I'm very inclined to agree with his views.>>>

Zhil wrote:

<<<John, I really like your views and I enjoy reading your analysis. Please do not pay attention to disharmony in other people's views. You cannot teach everyone everything, only those ready to learn will accept.

Thanks a lot!>>>

Thanks for the support and all of your kind words. This means a lot to me.

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: December 17, 2013 08:10PM

ok... you don't believe in a right left paradigm when it shuts down the government for two weeks and you don't believe in peer reviewed trials? Have I got it right?? All right. Umm... since you are the center of truth. go forth and shine John.

I'm done pissing in the wind .


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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: pborst ()
Date: December 17, 2013 08:27PM

Lots of well meaning folks support a whole food plant based diet. John Rose, I challenge you to clearly explain in plain english what a "biophoton"diet is???? with references. why is this diet different than 80-10-10 or McDougall or a basic raw food vegan diet? Put up what the hell are you talking about??? What is the comparative advantage? Where are your data? Please provide transparent data with human populations and baseline and post out come data Looking forward to reading it!

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: December 17, 2013 09:28PM

Doug has his own forum right? I cant find it on food and sport. I loved his reaction to the back up plan approach. I say instead of fast, because no fruit is around, why not eat raw vegan restaurant food or dehydrated fruits?

I love biophotons. That says we are light beings and we should eat food that have light so we can be brighter>>?? Is that right?

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: December 17, 2013 10:05PM

pborst Wrote:
> clearly explain in plain english what a
> "biophoton"diet is???? with references.

there are many on Google. I haven't read it but the following link looks like it tells what a biophoton diet is about


and another one:


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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: luvmangos ()
Date: December 18, 2013 03:00AM

This Dr Graham's support board:


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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 18, 2013 08:50PM

<<<Id be very interested in this German study if it even does truly exist, which you are claiming shows the various biophoton levels of different individuals on different diets.

I won't hold my breathe however. Ill be pretty dissapointed if i find out all those numbers such as 114,000 are made up by you John.>>>


As I mentioned in my Post, “I’ve posted this before, but it is worth posting it again…” and at the same time, I bumped up the Post that I posted before and here’s that Post…

Raw is the Only Law…
Posted by: John Rose
Date: October 18, 2012 11:50AM

Indeed, there is a reason why Raw is the Only Law…

I posted this in response to another Post, but it won't get very much attention over there, so I'm posting it over here too.

Alive with Gabriel Cousens: Live Food and Consciousness
9:28 Minute Video

How does the food we eat relate to the consciousness we hold in the world? Can nutrition support spiritual life? These are the questions addressed in "Alive With Gabriel" recorded in a session live with students at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center with the teacher, Gabriel Cousens, M.D. , who is the founder of the Conscious Eating Retreats and the Spiritual Live Food and Veganic Farming Apprentices. It is our blessing to share this light with you, may the information and the Tree of Life workshops uplift you.

JR’s Notes:

0:58 MM
Let’s start with the question; Why is it that live foods help alter consciousness? What’s going on? …

1:57 MM
Another thing to understand is that Live Food has the highest amount of Biophoton Energy.

What’s that?

Biophoton Energy is the Living Field in which we are all part of even though we appear to differentiate - we’re really all part of the Living Field.

What does that mean?

It means that although we’re all part of it - we are often Unconscious that we’re all part of it. Live food has the most amount of Biophoton Energy. People who eat live foods, in some studies in Germany, it shows that a junk food eater has about 1,000 units of Biophoton Energy, a new born baby is 43,000, a kind of organic vegetarian is 23,000, a Live Food person is 83,000 and then one person that is fasting and wild herbs and they turn out to be about 114,000. There’s a very significant difference.

So what?

When we look at it, we come up with some New Piece of Information and that New Piece of Information is that a High Biophoton Energy optimizes the function of the Body. It’s how the Cell Nucleus Communicates with the Cell Wall and the Cell Wall has a tremendous amount of Communication Abilities to be able to Communicate to other Cells and also to Communicate with the rest of the Body, which it can draw into that Cell - what Nutrients it Needs and what things it needs to get rid of.

So the Biophoton Field, at one level, is giving us a tremendous amount of Communication and Synchronicity and that’s something we see in fish - they go in schools - it’s all Biophoton Field that’s going on. […see Per Audio Tape JR# 22B 128 to JR# 22B 288 made 3-25-07:]

So now you have a whole Body in Unity and one of the Principals that Gabriel Cousens talks about a lot is that Disease is Cancer in the Field. Watching Dr. Popp, whose been doing 30 years of Research in Biophoton Energy, has shown, something really interesting, is that the Healthiest people have the highest amount of Biophoton Energy and those who are least Healthy have the lowest amounts.

So that puts us in touch with Chaos versus Order again. When you have 114,000 Units of this Biophoton Energy, you’re going to have a whole lot more Order than you are if you have a 1,000, which is what a Junk Food Eater would be. And you’re going to have better Cell Communication, better DNA Function, better DNA Communication with the Cell Wall, better Communication between the Cells and you’ll be healthier and that’s what he found. 5:11 MM


6:27 MM
…shorten lifespan…epidemics…no life force to heal our systems like we used to because of the junk …

6:51 MM
So Live Foods make a difference because they are the highest in Biophoton Energy. Now, the more Biophoton Energy you have the more Conscious you become of your Connection to the Living Field and that’s really important to understand. We’re all Connected to the Living Field, but are we Conscious of that Connection?

You see, the Living Field is where all of the Information is at, it’s where the (???) are, it’s where, literally, our Memory is stored, as the Quantum Physicists are now beginning to realize. And when you are more Connected Consciously to the Field, you’re able to pull out more Information out that Field and you’re able to have a more Sense of Oneness. Think about that for a moment - a Sense of Oneness.

So, as people eat more Live Foods, they are being filled more with the understanding and wisdom of that Heighten Energy and they Feel more of a Connection to the Living Field and, therefore, are more gone to Consciousness. And it’s not unusual that, in fact, one of our students for our Master’s Program - we have a Live Foods Master’s Program … she does a survey of 525 people and essentially 87% of the people filled, out after 2 years in Live Foods, they had a stronger Connection with the Divine, they were more Alert Mentally, very significant decrease in Depression, and there was just more Spiritual, Psychological, Mental, and Emotional Health and that’s directly related to the increased amount of Biophoton Energy.

So, that’s how it works.

And there’s another level too and it’s called the Ormus Energy, which is the Monatomic. And myself and David Wolfe is doing a great deal of really great research on this and have come to the conclusion that the best way to get the Ormus Food isn’t buying some kind of product on the market, but growing your Food with high Ormus Nutrients. So, at the Tree of Life we’re starting to use Dead Sea Salt, which is the highest Ormus Nutrients on the planet. 9:28 MM


So as you can see, I never said any of this and I too would like to read those studies that Gabriel Cousens makes reference to, but I haven’t been able to find them either. If I find them, I’ll be sure to share them with everyone.

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: powerlifter ()
Date: December 18, 2013 08:53PM

So no study then as i suspected ?

Boring same old pasted thing ive read about 3 million times for you. Im beginning to think you made up all those numbers yourself with your unwillingness to post this study if it even exists at this point.

Where is this so called germany study you keep on quoting John, if your so familiar with the numbers of different biophotons you must be quoting it from somewhere.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2013 08:55PM by powerlifter.

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 19, 2013 02:02PM

<<<Boring same old pasted thing ive read about 3 million times for you.>>>


Yes, I’ve shared this very EXCITING information 8 times, which includes the Post above that you are responding to and only once did I paraphrase what Dr. Gabriel Cousens said based on the Studies that he has read.

<<<Where is this so called germany study you keep on quoting John, if your so familiar with the numbers of different biophotons you must be quoting it from somewhere.>>>

Yes, I am quoting those numbers from somewhere and for your convenience, as well as others, I’ll repeat this particular section for you once again. Notice that I have always included the Minute Mark (MM) so you can actually go to the Video and hear it for yourself.

Alive with Gabriel Cousens: Live Food and Consciousness
9:28 Minute Video

1:57 MM
Another thing to understand is that Live Food has the highest amount of Biophoton Energy.

What’s that?

Biophoton Energy is the Living Field in which we are all part of even though we appear to differentiate - we’re really all part of the Living Field.

What does that mean?

It means that although we’re all part of it - we are often Unconscious that we’re all part of it. Live food has the most amount of Biophoton Energy. People who eat live foods, in some studies in Germany, it shows that a junk food eater has about 1,000 units of Biophoton Energy, a new born baby is 43,000, a kind of organic vegetarian is 23,000, a Live Food person is 83,000 and then one person that is fasting and wild herbs and they turn out to be about 114,000. There’s a very significant difference.


Now I’ve shared this very EXCITING information 9 times and now you’ve had 8 opportunities to see where I am quoting those numbers from. You’re Inability or Unwillingness to accept or comprehend what I write on this subject reminds me that many people say that you have to See it to Believe it, but Wayne Dyer says, "You have to Believe it to See it." Obviously, you don’t want to Believe it and that’s why you can’t See it!

Since I have to repeat myself so many times with you, I’ll ask you these questions once more:

What would happen if you found out the TRUTH that Cooking DESTROYS Biophotons and the Lack of Biophotons IS the Fall of Mankind?!?!?!

What would you do?

Would you stop eating Cooked Food or would you Run to Denial to Protect your Pleasures?

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 19, 2013 02:20PM

<<<I never seen the last line of your post John, absolutely unbelievable cop out in the end, the old blame Gabriel Cousens card. John you must take responsibility for what you promote and quote, not just blaming it on other people.>>>

How in the world can you equate me quoting Gabriel Cousens as a cop out? That doesn’t even make any sense!!!

<<<If you weren't so obnoxious and rude about this whole biophoton topic to the point of claiming people were dishonest skeptics, i wouldn't take such satisifaction with pointing all of this out to others and yourself. >>>

Yes Chris, you are a Dis-Honest Skeptic because you have still to this day REFUSED to have an Honest Debate with me where we use the Analytical Method of Reasoning and take One Issue at a time to its resolution. As far as pointing anything out to people, what you said above does NOT make any sense. It’s NOT a cop out to quote Gabriel Cousens.

<<< In future if your going to try make someone look stupid to the point of calling them dishonest and ignorant then be sure you actually have source studies and understand what your claiming to talk about.>>>

I’m NOT trying to make anyone look stupid by calling them Ignorant, once again, you must not understand the Socratic Irony, and you are the only one person I’ve ever called a Dis-Honest Skeptic and that’s because you REFUSE to have an Honest Debate with me and you keep spewing the same old nonsense about Eating Cooked Food and Animal Products.

So why is it Chris that you REFUSE to have an Honest Debate with me where we use the Analytical Method of Reasoning and take One Issue at a time to its resolution?

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 19, 2013 02:53PM

<<<Classic smoke screen division as always, take the eyes away from my last post by posting another massive wall of the same text that has been posted at least 3 times already in this thread from you.>>>

I posted my Post before I read your Post - hasn’t this ever happened to you?

Yes, I posted it again because you wrote, “John, if your so familiar with the numbers of different biophotons you must be quoting it from somewhere.” Since you didn’t know where the quote was coming from, I posted it once more for your convenience.

<<<You are paraphrasing something… …paraphrasing other so called raw gurus like Gabriel Cousens…>>>

I only paraphrased him once and quoted him 8 times and now, you’re twisting everything around to take the focus off of your Unwillingness to have an Honest Debate with me where we use the Analytical Method of Reasoning and take One Issue at a time to its resolution.

Once again, why are you REFUSING to have an Honest Debate with me where we use the Analytical Method of Reasoning and take One Issue at a time to its resolution?

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: December 19, 2013 03:44PM

oh, my god. i can't believe i agree with powerlifer.

he asked you for reputable study - a real source - of your number of biophotons.

a video of gabriel cousins is NOT sufficient.

other than that, keep on rockin the raw message john.
by the way, we don't need to know anything about biophotons to know that
raw rules.

have a great day.

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 19, 2013 06:45PM

<<<oh, my god. i can't believe i agree with powerlifer.

he asked you for reputable study - a real source - of your number of biophotons.

a video of gabriel cousins is NOT sufficient.>>>

Hey Gary,

I think you have the sequence reversed.

Chris did NOT ask me for a “reputable study - a real source - of your number of biophotons” and I did NOT respond with “a video of gabriel cousins”!

I quoted Gabriel Cousens and then, Chris asked me for the Study and as I mentioned, I’d like to see the Study too and I’ve looked all over for it, but I couldn’t find it.

However, if Chris asked me for a Study and all I gave him was “a video of gabriel cousins,” then I agree - it would NOT be sufficient. But for Chris to criticize me for simply quoting someone and designating it as such is ABSURD!!!

By the way, I noticed they deleted some of your Posts over on Doug’s website and I agree with you and even Chris to some degree, Doug has some serious Flaws in his Protocol and it really bothers me because he does NOT understand the Ripple Effect and is harming people because of it. What’s really amazing is that he can’t even understand what happened to his right hand man or woman that worked for him for 10 years. Now that’s what I call Denial!

Thanks for the encouragement and I hope we see more of you.

Peace and Love..........John

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2013 06:59PM by John Rose.

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: December 19, 2013 07:27PM

i don't know what exactly happened to lennie of course - could have been stress plus dietary errors - my problem was dg failure to address things because the posts in question do not "support the purpose of the board" - a major cop out that serves to diminish his honesty openness and credibility.

and the point is that people like GC make up numbers like that to sound superior (just like brian clement does), and should not be quoted in the first place.

peace and health to all.

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: December 21, 2013 02:32AM

welcome back Fresh smiling smiley

John as you keep an extensive recorded history of what everyone has ever posted in the history of this board .. please look up in 2002 when I called you an idiot comment from back then .. it still stands !

ok Bryan i fully expect my 30 day ban for breaking the rules smiling smiley

thank you all and happy holidays !

(id use peace and love but john the megalomaniac already has that!)

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: December 21, 2013 02:57AM


holy buddhas bananas, you just made me laugh hysterically for a full 2 minutes.

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Re: Doug Graham's Back up PLAN
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: December 21, 2013 06:00PM

powerlifter aka Chris wrote…

<<<Don't shift the blame to Gabriel Cousens lack of referencing, if you were as serious about this stuff as you claim to be, you would have searched for this study long before i asked you for it. >>>

What makes you think that I haven’t searched for this study long before you asked me for it?

<<<You claimed i was ignorant because i didn't research biophotons, yet your the biggest hypocrite going considering you hadn't bothered to research it yourself lol.>>>

That’s NOT True because I’ve been searching for this particular Study for over 6 years and I’ve been researching Biophotons for over 10 years. Unfortunately, most of Popp’s research is still in German and has not been translated yet, so I’m frequently searching for updated Information. In fact, I update, on average, 10 files a day and create 300 new files a year and a have amassed over 5,000 files.

<I find it amusing that you think Doug is indenial about the diet failures around him yet you won't let anybody have an alternative word on diet ?. You wont even let people recommend cooked cruciferous vegetables without branding them psychopaths. Rationale normal behaviour ?>>>

2 of my 9 Programs include “cooked cruciferous vegetables,” so NONE of what you just wrote is True, especially the part about “branding them psychopaths”! So far, I’ve only identified 1 person as a Psychopath and that’s because she repeatedly displayed NO Empathy by calling people names, like stupid and idiot. Indeed, it’s real easy to spot a Psychopath once you know what to look for because they are very PREDICATABLE!!! I’ve gotten a lot of criticism for identifying this 1 person because most people are indeed Ignorant and couldn’t spot a Psychopath ( [] ) or an Internet Shill to save their life and this website is frequently visited by Internet Shills ( [] ). Unfortunately, I’m reminded over and over that no good deed goes unpunished, but I’m not complaining because I understand that it comes with the territory.

Once again, I’ve been searching for this particular Study for over 6 years and I have NEVER branded anyone as a Psychopath just because they “recommend cooked cruciferous vegetables”! The fact that you have resorted to these tactics means that you are incapable of having an Honest Debate, but if you ever choose to have an Honest Debate with me, I promise that I will NOT Lie, I will NOT Twist what you say and I will NOT Change the Subject as you have done and continue to do almost every time I try to have an Honest Debate with you. I also promise that I will NOT criticize you based on what I do NOT know about you as you have done TWICE to me in your last Post.

Peace and Love..........John

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