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Third-eye opening?
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: January 03, 2014 08:53PM

The other day I was in the middle of getting my dog's food ready for her to eat and all of the sudden I started feeling a tingling, pleasurable feeling around the center of my forehead/top of my nose. This lasted for a few hours and the next day it was on and off but not as strong as the previous day. I also notice that when I close my eyes and focus on the center of my forehead, the feeling comes back. When I'm feeling this, I feel really happy. It kind of tickles a little and if I rub my forehead/top of my nose, the feeling seems to fade for a few seconds but comes back shortly after. Anyone else experience something similar to this?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2014 08:53PM by jtprindl.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: January 03, 2014 08:58PM

maybe its cuz u don't drink flouridated water anymore

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 04, 2014 01:30AM

Sounds good, keep that cleansing going and detox that pineal gland. Many report distilled waters are the key.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: January 04, 2014 01:54AM

The Sproutarian Man Wrote:
> Sounds good, keep that cleansing going and detox
> that pineal gland. Many report distilled waters
> are the key.

Well what's interesting is that my diet hasn't really changed and it's nowhere near what I anticipate it being in a month or two. The only differences are that I'm taking chlorella on a daily basis now as opposed to a few times per week (or less) and I've started juicing. But I don't really think the juice is too high-quality, it's usually just orange-carrot juice with organic oranges and local organic carrots. I'll have my distiller by Monday at the latest smiling smiley

How long/how much per day did it take for you to start feeling more spiritual from distilled water? What was your experience?

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 04, 2014 03:42AM

I already had an opened 3rd eye and felt highly spiritual before beginning the distilled water and U.T, but other people report it is highly effective. I will say that since beginning the distilled water/U.T my third eye and spirituality has increased.

Some people report use of the 3rd eye after only 3 months doing 1 gallon of distilled waters for three months. Others report 6 months. Others haven't had 3rd eye use after 18 months. Everyone is different, but the point is that these distilled waters do dissolve the rocks etc inside the body and will clean out the pineal gland so it works properly.

When the pineal gland works well you are well on your way to your original state as a powerful being. The third eye is the key to getting out of the prison of illusion.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: January 04, 2014 04:05AM

What are the key components from your knowledge? Chlorella, AFA, distilled water, sprout/wheatgrass juice, meditation? What type of illusion are you referring to, cause for instance I feel like I'm already well aware of what's going on in the world, although I know for sure there's lots I don't know. Our food is poison, governments are corrupt/elections are fixed, fluoride and pharmaceuticals in the water, revolutionary technologies and discoveries suppressed, cures suppressed, mainstream media brainwashing, etc. What is your take on reptilians? I've also read that ayuhuasca has taken people to levels of consciousness where they could communicate with plants and because of this were able to find out which plants could cure and which ones were harmful, although with an active third-eye I'd imagine you wouldn't need outside factors.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2014 04:07AM by jtprindl.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: January 05, 2014 03:15AM

Haha well I wouldn't be shocked that they exist, I fully believe that there are plenty of other beings who live on other planes and dimensions, but I'd be shocked if one personally visited my house... like what the hell are you doing here? But how would you react if one tried to get violent with you, or are they automatically drawn away from people who are emitting a certain energetic frequency? Do they only pry on people who are vulnerable?

One of the main things I want to learn about and visit is the hollow earth. I wish everyone wasn't so brainwashed and didn't believe the earth's center was iron or whatever it is they believe. This is something that could likely very easily be located and entered if we were dedicated to it, but then again the inhabitants would probably dislike that and I'm guessing that's part of why it isn't happening. One of the things that disturbs me the most is that a lot of this hidden information is going to take a long time to be fully revealed because not only are the 'powers that be' intentionally suppressing it, but most people when they hear of these things think they are conspiracies or myths or that you're insane if you believe it. It's sad, really. The masses are so close-minded and dumbed down, but I do believe there's a huge awakening taking place. Also, everyone is divided instead of being united.. by religion, politics, even sports. People kill/fight/insult each other because they cheer for different sports teams... I mean come on. And religion I believe is a control mechanism used to divide, limit beliefs, and induce fear into the masses.

What foods other than dulse are considered purple foods?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2014 03:17AM by jtprindl.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 05, 2014 03:16AM

Us humans always fail our tests because we see many bankers,politicans etc as bad people and we may even dislike or hate them. It tells us we are not much different from the `so called' bad folks running the world because we still have `hate' and `dislike' in our minds.

The `so called' "bad people" running the world are only a reflection of the condition of the human race.

When bankers start wars and kill millions, you certainly don't like what they are doing, but you don't hate them for it. They are just playing an assigned role so the almighty cosmic power can see what humans are doing well and who aren't doing well.

If the world had no problems and had only love and there were no soul memories of hate, then how would we grow and be humbled??? If we don't have the tests we won't become better, stop hating the people who start wars...realise them as spiritually unwell and that they will pay the price.

The reptillians/bankers etc are in a bad position, they were assigned a role to help us grow by making our lives so tough.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: January 05, 2014 03:19AM

The Sproutarian Man Wrote:
> Us humans always fail our tests because we see
> many bankers,politicans etc as bad people and we
> may even dislike or hate them. It tells us we are
> not much different from the `so called' bad folks
> running the world because we still have `hate' and
> `dislike' in our minds.
> The `so called' "bad people" running the world are
> only a reflection of the condition of the human
> race.
> When bankers start wars and kill millions, you
> certainly don't like what they are doing, but you
> don't hate them for it. They are just playing an
> assigned role so the almighty cosmic power can see
> what humans are doing well and who aren't doing
> well.
> If the world had no problems and had only love and
> there were no soul memories of hate, then how
> would we grow and be humbled??? If we don't have
> the tests we won't become better, stop
> hating the people who start wars...realise them as
> spiritually unwell and that they will pay the
> price.
> The reptillians/bankers etc are in a bad position,
> they were assigned a role to help us grow by
> making our lives so tough.

So would this be a never-ending process or is there a point where all souls are enlightened and in harmony with one another?

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 05, 2014 03:23AM

jtprindl Wrote:
> Haha well I wouldn't be shocked that they exist, I
> fully believe that there are plenty of other
> beings who live on other planes and dimensions,
> but I'd be shocked one personally visited my
> house.

Exactly. We all think we are ready and wouldn't be shocked, but it is not usually the case. We think we are much higher level than we are because we are low level, so we get shocked when we see an alien. It tells us that we aren't ready for much of any truth. It's like...we have this big universe and we get shocked when we see someone else lives there's like, who do you think you are sir???..,get over yourself.

No wonder the aliens etc don't want to talk to us. We are so un-enlightened that we get a shock when an alien enters our house. The shocks will happen at first, but as a person grows it becomes natural. Seeing aliens should be just like seeing your neighbour...shouldn't be a big deal.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 05, 2014 04:14AM

jtprindl Wrote:

> One of the main things I want to learn about and
> visit is the hollow earth.
> This is something that could likely very easily be
> located and entered if we were dedicated to it,
> but then again the inhabitants would probably
> dislike that and I'm guessing that's part of why
> it isn't happening.

Exactly. There is no way many people living on Earth are going to be able to enter the hollow earth, it would be like demi-Gods inviting a bunch of corrupted egotystical deluded money-hungry criminals down there. They don't want people like us hanging around or trying to dig holes in the Earth to find them, but they give awakened people enough clue that there is more going on than meets the eye and it should tell us to be good people.

Besides, the entrences to the hollow Earth are well guarded, and l would imagine that they would have the power to make entrences invisible. Besides...there is no way the Army/Navy etc is going to let anyone near those entrances at the Nth and Sth poles, they would be well guarded. There are no fly zones above the nth and sth poles also [apparently].

> One of the things that
> disturbs me the most is that a lot of this hidden
> information is going to take a long time to be
> fully revealed because not only are the 'powers
> that be' intentionally suppressing it, but most
> people when they hear of these things think they
> are conspiracies or myths or that you're insane if
> you believe it. It's sad, really. The masses are
> so close-minded and dumbed down,

It's not sad, it needs to be that way. Waking up takes a long time. This is the `prison planet' for a very good is a training ground for people who show potential, but you can't tell prisoners too much. Most of us are babies in nappies, and you need to let babies go at their own pace. This is my last time here on Earth so it doesn't bother me if people are dumbed down and a sleep...let people do their own thing and i'll do my thing because that's is how it is meant to be.

> but I do believe
> there's a huge awakening taking place.

Oh yes, big time. Just look at how the courts are now handling things. But even bigger is the recent activity of a certain head of the Church. It looks like the satanic curse has been broken 3 years ago and now the effects are trickling through the legal system (this is highly significant). I can't talk too much because l wan't to avoid trouble, but l have seen the evidence and links of certain highly regarded spiritual organisations to human slavery, law, mass murder and banking. For over 1000 years nobody living on Earth was able to defeat the curse of the legal system which holds us in the illusion, but one man DID beat the system for the first time ever and completely exposed the legal system and the spiritual organisation and put them on legel notice. Since then there has been great changes in awakening and how the authorities deal with things (not allowed to say too much).

Mankind will be more awakened as the effects of abolishing the curse trickles down through the system.

You think that is over the top? Nope. It is easy to believe the conspiracy people and get sucked in, BUT as soon as you see the documentation linking certain groups and start filing legel papers on governments (after hefty law research) as see how various ruling bodies react, it is THEN that you KNOW much of the conspiracy stuff is true. I devoted lots of time to finding the PROOF of this stuff, and l found it and used it against them.

> everyone is divided instead of being united.. by
> religion, politics, even sports. People
> kill/fight/insult each other because they cheer
> for different sports teams... I mean come on.

Religion plays a very important role in a low level world like ours because it gives people the idea of something's basically training wheels for babies in nappies so they can learn to walk. When you are sick of walking you become enlightened and ditch all religions because you are now learning how to fly.

All religions are satanic that will keep people from rising up too much. Remember, these religious leaders didn't start religions after themselves, it was corrupted man who gave his versions of stories that were to become our religions. I understand that Jesus despised religion, yet his followers insulted him by putting him in illusionary stories, making him a religious leader and even had the cheek to call him a killer (fisherman). Talk about insulting.

> And
> religion I believe is a control mechanism used to
> divide, limit beliefs, and induce fear into the
> masses.

It's part of satanism because mankind altered what was. Read the book called "the book the church doesn't want you to read"....talks about all the contraditions in the book.

See...God's gift was religion to us to give us some idea that there is a spiritual element. But part of God also realises that we are low level prisoners, so they allowed the religions to be interpreted by man (part of the dark side of God who's role is to give us the illusions so we may work it out and grow).

I could go on and on and smash the church wide open, but l will not do so here. It's a darker history than many probably think. Check out the work of Frank O'Collins if you are game, that man has spent 30 years of his life unravelling the system and would know more about the law than most Judges because he has had the time to do the study, where-as most Judges are only on the bench for 20 years and only have about 20 hours training per week on the law, that's why many judges don't know the law very well. We are not talking the rubbish law they teach at Universities (illusionary law), l am talking about the real law. See, they don't want millions of lawyers knowing the real law because it would be power, that's why they teach them the they can serve the rulers. Some of the stuff l have come across would blow your mind, if people were only aware of the true extent of the illusion.

> What foods other than dulse are considered purple
> foods?

There are various vegetables, but the highly nutritious foods high in electrical frequency are best. No point buying shop vegetables.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 05, 2014 04:19AM

jtprindl Wrote:
> So would this be a never-ending process or is
> there a point where all souls are enlightened and
> in harmony with one another?

There is a point where many of us will be in harmony with each other and will have full memories of all our lives and be fully enlightened, but there is always younger souls coming through, that's why there are so many planets and life forms.

But you need to be careful because highly evolved people can suffer a downfall through temptations. Ego and distractions are death to the soul. One fellow a friend knows was extremely high level, then various women found out he was a demi-God and started luring him, but then he loved the sex sooo much and the distraction that he lost his focus and crashed to a lower level. As soon as one habit comes, another will follow and it all goes down like a house of cards.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2014 04:24AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: January 05, 2014 04:22AM

The Sproutarian Man Wrote:
> jtprindl Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > So would this be a never-ending process or is
> > there a point where all souls are enlightened
> and
> > in harmony with one another?
> There is a point where many of us will be in
> harmony with each other and will have full
> memories of all our lives and be fully
> enlightened, but there is always younger souls
> coming through, that's why there are so many
> planets and life forms.

How are souls created?

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 05, 2014 04:40AM

jtprindl Wrote:
> The Sproutarian Man Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > jtprindl Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >
> > >
> > > So would this be a never-ending process or is
> > > there a point where all souls are enlightened
> > and
> > > in harmony with one another?
> >
> > There is a point where many of us will be in
> > harmony with each other and will have full
> > memories of all our lives and be fully
> > enlightened, but there is always younger souls
> > coming through, that's why there are so many
> > planets and life forms.
> How are souls created?

Don't know...that is one of the biggest questions and l don't think many highly enlightened people would even know that. Even demi-Gods (living 4th level saints) probably wouldn't know that. I reckon even 5th level spiritual masters would have trouble with that one. it really our business?..l think not, and l wouldn't dare ask because it would be way out of line (it would show my ignorance and low level). Do l really think l am going to be smart enough to understand their explanation of how souls are created?

Here is an even bigger question that most spiritual masters probably don't even know. Who appoints the planets and star bodies to their electromagnetic role? It's none of our business, and l am not even going to ask them because l know my place.

Here is another big thing to think about. The stars are not the ultimate truth to explain a person because the stars are only a partial truth relative to our situation. Who appoints the stars? A person may be influenced by the stars in the solar system, but what about the soul?? Is astro theology only a partial truth therefore a deception and satanic?

The souls are said to be created. Some souls show no potential for development (weak souls) so it is said they need to go through a special technology process where the actual soul has a painful lazer treatment to give them some chance of growing properly.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 05, 2014 05:09AM

From what l understand, this is how the universe is set up....

* there are level 1 beings like most humans
* there are level 2, 3 beings
* there are living saints (Demi-Gods) who are 4th level
* there are some high level spiritual masters (perfect people) who are 5th level and have the answers to many of the universes key mysteries.
* there are also many high level beings in different forms who are there to help the human race, but there are also beings that go against the human race (but it helps us evolve long term).

Now, being at 5th level (l call them levels so people understand better) means you know many things and can travel to many places at will, know all previous lives and who know what's going on. BUT...there are also higher levels than the so called "perfection" that aren't neccessary to reach. The roles of 7th, 8th, 9th levels etc are only reserved for those 5th levels who have the ability to take on the role and completely sacrifise bliss for a hard and torturous never ending role of serving the universe. These higher level roles involve talking to the stars, suns and planets to organise their roles in the universe. There is also another special role for organising the creation of souls. And there are roles for organising all the universal roles for all the worlds and alien civilisations etc. None of this 6th,7th level stuff and higher is none of our business because it is reserved for management who have the abilities and sacrifise to do the work. The higher level roles are not what one desires because a 5th level role is blissful and much more satisfying...the higher roles are for the true rare beings who will serve working for almost eternity and also have the ability to understand level 1 thinking...basically it is for rare beings who are prepared to know almost everything. And one particular beiung (l will not name) says that being 9th level and higher still doesn't mean you know everything because it takes forever to know everything, but forever has never arrived and never will.

These 9th levels (very rare) have trillions and zillions of more power than we do (probably an infinite power) and can split into billions or infinite parts at one time.

I have learned to say, "that is none of my business" because it is not my place to go asking divine beings these questions. People need to know their place, but humans rarely do so they are slow to grow.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Date: January 05, 2014 05:51AM

Some fun conspiracy talk

I believe l might have seen a reptillian shapeshifter once while at someone's home. My intuition said to walk over to the t.v and check out a certain man because he is not what he makes out to be.

Then l see this man blinking his eyes alot, and reptillian slit eyes appear. So l take a photo. Here it is:

Here is a photo l took straight after to prove the camera and t.v isn't playing tricks.

Fox girl with normal eyes - from my camera

B.G with reptilian eyes - from my camera (typical politician/finance types)

Reptilian eyes v's normal eyes - from my camera

A closer look at B.G's reptilian alien eyes - shapeshifter

Lizard slit eyes

l always thought the online photos and videos were altered, but l am not so sure now.

BUT...what really made me think l was right was all the trouble the reptillians gave me later that night. They were full of rage and very very scarey at the time, but I can handle them well now. I wonder if they will visit me tonight for mentioning this, but if they do l won't care because they are all silly and small minded nobodies and l will overpower them each and every time.

Where do you think Satanic Hollywood got all their ideas for scarey movie monsters from? From being enlightened by the dark forces of course. The cosmos is just like the movies, but better! smiling smiley

Then there is Daddy Bush (the Monsanto and NWO man who loves his public very very much): smiling smiley

If l see Bush's reptillian tonight l will tell him to get lost and find something better to do. I am sure they will be angry me (yet again *yawn*) for exposing them, but l don't care because l am not afraid of these scallywags.

Imagine telling most people about this stuff LOL.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2014 05:55AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: January 05, 2014 02:37PM

Yeah that's one of the main things I've read about on how to identify reptilians, by looking at the shape of their eyes. Another thing is that their faces shape shift and their teeth are noticeably different than humans.

Most people will think this stuff is a joke or huge conspiracy by crazies, but "those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music". What do you mean they gave you trouble later that night?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2014 02:48PM by jtprindl.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: coconutcream ()
Date: March 07, 2014 12:02PM

If I raise my arms to wash myself like in the shower, I see these squiggly light things in front of me. I can see each one visibly. Sometimes. Very rare. Once I laid down and I saw them dance in front of me.

Re: Third-eye opening?
Posted by: sintro ()
Date: March 13, 2014 07:20AM

That's probably because the blood is rushing to your eyeballs or pressure in the blood vessels of the eyeball ;p

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