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Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 19, 2014 03:09PM

I was thinking of creating a homemade garlic avocado salad dressing but I really have no experience in making recipes, was wondering if anyone has tried anything similar to this or knows what would be a good ratio of ingredients. The ingredients would be avocado, garlic, red bell pepper or tomato, black pepper, and curcumin ( Just looking to add a dressing to the repertoire for sprout salads, all I have now is sprouted tahini or sprouted walnut butter.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: April 19, 2014 03:22PM

I haven't made this before, but this is what I'd do...

1 tomato
1 red bell pepper
2 ribs celery
1/8th tsp (or less, like 1/16th) finely chopped garlic
Dash of black pepper
Dash of curcumin, or 1/8th tsp finely chopped fresh turmeric


Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: April 19, 2014 04:05PM

throw in some greens
and i'll eat that as a savory soup lolsmiling smiley

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: CommonSenseRaw ()
Date: April 19, 2014 06:24PM

Why garlic?
It burns

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 19, 2014 06:52PM

CommonSenseRaw Wrote:
> Why garlic?
> It burns

I love the smell and taste of garlic and I don't really like avocados alone. My garlic chive sprouts smell amazing lol. I've refrained from eating it for a while because there are sources that claim it's toxic, but there's never any scientific evidence, just words written on a website basically repeating what other websites say. Guess I'll have to experiment.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: April 19, 2014 07:22PM

" there are sources that claim it's toxic, but there's never any scientific evidence"

Here is the scientific evidence:

Try to chew it by itself as you would chew an apple and you will know it is toxic.

A little child can perform that scientific experiment.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 19, 2014 07:43PM

RawPracticalist Wrote:
> " there are sources that claim it's toxic, but
> there's never any scientific evidence"
> Here is the scientific evidence:
> Try to chew it by itself as you would chew an
> apple and you will know it is toxic.
> A little child can perform that scientific
> experiment.

I know what you're trying to say, but it doesn't make sense. Strong flavors do not mean something is toxic. You could say the same thing about lemons, which are obviously good for you.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: April 19, 2014 07:58PM

You got a point about lemon. I love lemons.
But garlic will continue to hurt in the stomach not just the strong flavor in the mouth.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: CommonSenseRaw ()
Date: April 19, 2014 08:15PM

Maybe garlic is good for health. Here is a quote
""No one is neutral about garlic, just as no one is neutral about skunks. Some people love the look of a skunk's soft, furry body, its quizzical face, its seemingly gentle demeanor. Others bluntly say that a skunk stinks, and they want nothing to do with it.

And then there's garlic. Some cuisines seem to start with garlic, the other ingredients, like tomatoes, herbs, and shellfish, serving as mere afterthoughts. There are gourmets, bon vivants, and, if truth be told, gluttons who all speak of garlic the way wine connoisseurs speak of their favorite vintage and cheese lovers talk of the subtle distinctions in flavor of one variety over another.

The garlic haters, on the other hand, say it smells terrible. They can't stand the way it comes out on the breath, the way the odor seems to ooze through the pores of the eater. They even joke that garlic is an excellent method of birth control; if one lover eats garlic, the other will maintain a distance of at least ten feet. For some people, garlic is even mildly toxic, upsetting their stomachs.

Garlic and alcohol are substances that are not metabolized. They are absorbed through the stomach lining, which is why they leave the telltale odor. And it's why some people are sick to the stomach after ingesting them.

Fortunately, there is an aged garlic product that is detoxified and thus deodorized. Just as deodorized skunks make great house pets, so the more sociable garlic, with slightly altered chemistry and sold under the name Kyolic, can be used by people who can't eat ordinary garlic. In fact, a number of studies indicate that Kyolic may be more effective than raw garlic when it comes to boosting the body's immune system.
Why Is Garlic Good For You?

Why is garlic, in its original form or as the extract of the aged vegetable, good for you? Garlic contains germanium and selenium, which are sulfur-containing antioxidants that boost the immune system. In the study mentioned, conducted by Dr. Tariq Abdullah, Kyolic killed 20 percent more of the tumor cells in laboratory cultures than did raw garlic. And raw garlic is by itself one of the most potent boosters of your natural killer cells.

Kyolic has also been found more beneficial for hypoglycemics -- people with low blood sugar levels -- than raw garlic. The latter lowers the blood sugar level, unfortunately, but Kyolic stabilizes it. The aging process that creates Kyolic produces a supplement whose benefits I find stronger than those of raw garlic.

As enthusiastic as I am about barley grass, if someone were to ask me which single supplement he or she should use, I would recommend Kyolic garlic. It is among the oldest and most versatile of the documented natural remedies. When Hippocrates, the father of diagnostic medicine, was busy noting which treatments worked for the Greek people he treated, he listed garlic. A total of twenty-two ancient Egyptian remedies were found to use garlic, as noted in the Ebers Papyrus dating from the sixteenth century B.C.E.

Garlic was a tool against the plague when it struck Marseilles in the 1770s. Albert Schweitzer found that, when he ran out of pharmaceutical supplies in his African mission, garlic successfully stopped dysentery. Louis Pasteur discovered that garlic had antibacterial properties. The Vikings would not go on long sea voyages without garlic. And, of course, as we know from fiction, garlic is an excellent defense against vampires.
Garlic for the Heart and Cholesterol

Garlic's value for your heart is well known. First, it contains properties for fighting "bad" cholesterol. We know now that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is not dangerous, but low-density lipoprotein (LDL) certainly is, because it can be oxidized by dangerous free radicals. Oxidized LDL is an enemy of the white blood cells, which become enlarged as "foam cells," and ultimately are deposited on the arterial walls in the form of plaque. The lumen, the open space of the artery, becomes more and more narrow until it is completely clogged.

HDL works in a more positive fashion. It is thicker than LDL and acts a little like an older sibling assigned to keep the younger one out of trouble. HDL, in a way, takes the LDL by the scruff of the neck and escorts it to the liver, where it is broken down and removed from the body. LDL behaves itself only if it has not been oxidized. And it is the antioxidant quality of garlic that so diminishes the free radical damage to the cholesterol that LDL doesn't need its sibling HDL to hang around. It can be safely removed by itself. The result is that the garlic reduces the start and the progression of arteriosclerosis.

Heart patients, therefore, are especially blessed by garlic, but it is important to check with your doctor before adding garlic to your regimen, because there are pharmaceuticals that match its chemical properties. This is especially the case with popular blood thinners. In fact, Germany licenses garlic supplements as drugs for the treatment of arteriosclerosis.

In the 1920s, the world was introduced to one of the most valuable yet dangerous drugs ever created. This was aspirin, and 25 percent of all people will, at some point, have a serious, perhaps life-threatening reaction to it. Even more important, some children may develop Reye's syndrome from aspirin because their body chemistry is not sufficiently stable. Yet despite the risks, most emergency medical physicians and heart experts say that at the first sign of heart attack, you should take an aspirin and then call 911, because aspirin thins the blood, and this can delay or prevent a heart attack.

Garlic is natural aspirin, not because it contains salicylic acid, which was first identified in willow bark tea as a substance to ease headaches and reduce joint inflammation, but because it can help to prevent red blood cells from clumping together. Other qualities of garlic, so different from aspirin that they present no risk, dissolve clots and lengthen clotting time. This natural thinning of the blood helps every aspect of blood flow within your body. It is the safest source of prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Keeping that aspirin bottle tucked in with emergency medical supplies is still a good idea, but the regular consumption of Kyolic will almost certainly preclude the need for more drastic measures.
Garlic for the Cardiovascular System

We know that garlic provides a benefit for the cardiovascular system. Perhaps you or someone you know has a little difficulty in walking. It doesn't seem serious, but maybe it's reached the point where you just don't want to walk any more than you have to. You find that your legs feel weak, or you have a certain amount of leg pain. And when you stop walking to pause for a rest or sit down, the discomfort goes away.

That discomfort is caused by poor blood circulation in your legs. The technical term for the problem is intermittent claudication. Since it is known that garlic improves circulation to the body's peripheries, studies were conducted with patients experiencing this problem. The regular use of garlic lengthened the distance they could walk without weakness or discomfort. And as a side benefit, their cholesterol levels were lowered, and their blood pressure dropped to a healthy level.

This is what happens when garlic becomes part of the diet and supplement program of those with heart problems. In these cases, we know that individuals who, by all rights of family history, should be experiencing problems with their hearts are not having problems. They are doing better than their ancestors. In longer-term studies, they have outlived everyone simply by adding garlic in one form or another.

Are these individuals genetically unique? Possibly, but it is doubtful. Instead, it is safe to assume that the garlic made the difference. Yet this is not scientific methodology. It is just common sense, which, when it comes to the use of garlic to counter genetics, makes for good medicine.

Where scientific methods can be applied, as with antibacterial factors, garlic has been repeatedly proven safe and effective. Probably every woman and most men have heard of "yeast infection" (a.k.a. yeast syndrome or chronic candidiasis), a term defined mostly through symptoms. Blood tests or stool cultures can reveal the infection. But usually it is determined through a careful, complete physical history that reveals such problems as depression, irritability, vaginal yeast infections, frequent bladder infections, chronic fatigue, lack of energy, reduced sex drive, inability to concentrate, and other distresses. Any one of these is a concern; several in combination generally indicate the presence of chronic candidiasis.

Because yeast infections, along with fungus problems and viral infections, are not usually life-threatening, double-blind studies have been carried out on garlic as a treatment. The findings from these studies have repeatedly shown the value of garlic, in some cases used alone, and in others administered in combination with other natural therapeutics.

Note: Be certain not to self-medicate with garlic in response to the problems mentioned above. With candidiasis, for example, there may be several other concerns. You must eliminate from your diet alcohol, high-sugar foods, and other substances with a high-yeast or mold content. Your digestion must be improved. Detoxification of the liver must be pursued and the immune system strengthened. Then you must coordinate your efforts with your doctor's for continued treatment, because yeast infections can lie dormant and suddenly return if you fail to continue your care after the immediate flare-up.
Garlic & Weight Loss

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 19, 2014 08:23PM

RawPracticalist Wrote:
> You got a point about lemon. I love lemons.
> But garlic will continue to hurt in the stomach
> not just the strong flavor in the mouth.

Many people eat garlic without any ill effects. It's a potent food, could very well just be temporary detox symptoms. Much like an SAD eater going on a juice fast or raw food diet.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 19, 2014 08:32PM

Nice info, CommonSenseRaw. Yes, garlic has quite a long list of proven health benefits. In moderation, of course.


Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: CommonSenseRaw ()
Date: April 19, 2014 09:30PM

Thank for the info.
What these studies prove is that garlic is more of a medicine than a food.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: la_veronique ()
Date: April 19, 2014 10:36PM

well i can't think of a single food ( from spinach to coconut to watermelon )

that doesn't have some "side effect"

all foods do

that's their job

to do something good

then to cause some little skirmish and controversy so you can be on your toes


just enjoy your medicine in your salad dressing

and rotate you foods

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: April 20, 2014 12:49AM

Recipes create dependency.

They rely on salts and pepper.

They make you eat more than you need.

You do not regain the natural taste.

Garlic cannot be eaten mono.

Therefore ...

Case closed.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 20, 2014 01:04AM

"Garlic cannot be eaten mono"

Yes it can.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: April 20, 2014 02:47AM

Until you are NOT full.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: dvdai ()
Date: April 20, 2014 05:00AM

eat whatever makes you happy jtprindl


Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: Utopian Life ()
Date: April 20, 2014 01:45PM

Agreed. If garlic gets too harsh for you, then try chives (or no garlic), but if you want some garlic, I don't see a problem with it.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: April 20, 2014 02:42PM

the garlic controversy is only conceptual

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: April 20, 2014 03:34PM

Here's a snippet from my file on Garlic that might be of some help to some...

If you love garlic but it gives you problems
GoRaw (
Date: 11-09-02 08:28

I just posted this within a different thread in a different forum, and thought more people might like to know about this. It's been a wonderful thing for me to learn!

I learned something very important about garlic ingestion: that the little sprout that grows up in the center of the garlic cloves (each little clove, not speaking of the "head" of garlic) is what causes people all the problems -- gas, indigestion, etc. Juliano is the one who told our class about this, and to me that knowledge was worth the entire $80 of the class, haha! I was just at that time feeling I had to eliminate garlic from my diet because it was making me feel so badly. But then after he said that, I decided to try garlic again (because I really love garlic) and began religiously de-centering every garlic clove before pressing or chopping into a recipe. Guess what? I have no more problems with garlic! It is a very rare day that I don't have at least one clove of garlic, and more often have 2-4 cloves of garlic over the course of a day.

I love to add it to my raw soups, to my salad dressings, and to many if not most of my non-sweet dishes. Often I like to add an equal amount of fresh ginger, which by the way creates an entirely different -- and very wonderful -- flavor of its own that is not as intense as garlic and often used in Asian recipes.


GoRaw (Michele)

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: April 20, 2014 04:26PM

I purposely sprout my garlic cloves. The green sprout part is their most medicinal area. Don't discard it unless you are so toxic from eating SAD, etc., for a long time and can't handle the really good for you medicinal foods yet.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 20, 2014 05:30PM

SueZ Wrote:
> I purposely sprout my garlic cloves. The green
> sprout part is their most medicinal area. Don't
> discard it unless you are so toxic from eating
> SAD, etc., for a long time and can't handle the
> really good for you medicinal foods yet.

How are those garlic chive sprouts? Do they taste just like garlic?

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 20, 2014 05:33PM

Interesting post, John. I've never had any problems with garlic but if I do, that's good info to know.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: April 20, 2014 07:51PM

jtprindl Wrote:
> SueZ Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I purposely sprout my garlic cloves. The green
> > sprout part is their most medicinal area. Don't
> > discard it unless you are so toxic from eating
> > SAD, etc., for a long time and can't handle the
> > really good for you medicinal foods yet.
> How are those garlic chive sprouts? Do they taste
> just like garlic?

Tasted more like chives than garlic, IMO. In the future I'll use the baby blanket to sprout them rather than the jar method which was a pain as the sprouts are very flimsy and they collapsed into a thin matted layer every time I rinsed them. To me they are more of a garnishing sprout than a staple. They have a surprisingly great flavor but more than a few pinches is overkill.

Besides garlic cloves I like to always have onions sprouting, too. I prefer the yellow onion sprouts to the reds. They taste way better than store bought scallions and need zero attention. They just sit there on the counter and grow.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2014 07:53PM by SueZ.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: April 21, 2014 06:58PM

Nothing can make garlic delicious.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: April 21, 2014 07:18PM

Maybe you forgot you did not want to post.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 21, 2014 08:00PM

"expect anytime you mention garlic, onions, herbs, spices, superfoods to be questioned why you are eating these, because there not "real foods"."

Definitely, it's the stereotypical Natural Hygiene mentality. I think it's time for a lot of people to start waking up when it comes the realizing and harnessing the true power of things like medicinal herbs, superfoods, sprouts, algae's, and various other foods such as garlic. Where are all the centenarian Natural Hygienists? Why aren't they living significant longer than SAD eaters? In my opinion, it's because of this strict, cult-like/close-minded mindset where they blindly refuse to consume certain foods that are crucial & beneficial, which is ultimately directly contributing to many of their problems. A mindset where they repeat information that was released decades ago, without even having the slightest bit of evidence. Now, I'm not one who needs scientific evidence behind every single thing I believe, but I'm certainly not going to believe something from a random source just because they believe it, especially when they have no credibility.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2014 08:00PM by jtprindl.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: fresh ()
Date: April 21, 2014 08:21PM

has nothing to do with "natural hygiene"

natural hygiene is simply a description of how to pay attention to bodily responses and needs in relation to food intake, just like any other animal, without the unnecessary focus on "studies" . it's not blind to extreme
measures if necessary.

but you go ahead and make it out as extreme if you wish.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: April 21, 2014 08:34PM

"Where are all the centenarian Natural Hygienists? Why aren't they living significant longer than SAD eaters?"

Just because the early practitioners of Natural Hygiene failed to follow the fundamental principle of good health does not invalidate N H.

They are modern Natural Hygienist that are thriving and very health.

TC Fry and H Shelton were living on un-sprouted seeds and many other violations of healthy living.


Chet Day and others cite reports saying that TC would frequently eat nothing in the day then 'binge-eat' in the evening, often continuing to eat late into the night, on very large meals that mixed all sorts of fruits, vegetables and nuts. An acquaintance of Day's said that 'the next day he [TC] would have gastric distress and blame it on the nuts.'

Natural Hygiene warns us to be careful not to combine foods that are 'digestively incompatible', and eating vast amounts late at night, especially if stressed

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2014 08:46PM by RawPracticalist.

Re: Garlic avocado salad dressing
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: April 21, 2014 08:47PM

"They are modern Natural Hygienist that are thriving and very health"

Seems to be because it takes DECADES until they start to run into drastic health problems. I think when you're younger, you may be able to get away with it, but as the years go by, certain deficiencies and habits start to take their toll. Same concept with smoking cigarettes, many people can go 20-30 years without getting lung cancer, but the vast majority will eventually end up with this disease if they smoke long enough.

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